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Legendary Shipping Meltdowns (SPOILERS)


The Naruto meltdown was such a joyous time for me, the tears will sustain my life for centuries to come. Only way it could've been better is if Sakura really did get cucked by Karin.

That entire arc was worth it just for the suspicion that it did happen. I got entertainment to the led up but the reactions if it were true would've been amazing.


The Naruto meltdown was such a joyous time for me, the tears will sustain my life for centuries to come. Only way it could've been better is if Sakura really did get cucked by Karin.
I wish Kishi had the balls to make Sasuke/Karin canon.

It would have been a powerful moment if Sarada made peace with having a different biological mother, yet still opting to consider Sakura as her parent in all but blood.


Mashima Hiro who writes Fairy Tail has basically sunk every pairing that he hasn't already implied before with his recent chapters but there weren't any meltdowns on that end so far from what I've seen.

He has? I completely dropped FT after a while but I remember a lot of shipping going on when I quit, what's the last been in that series?

Ray Down

He has? I completely dropped FT after a while but I remember a lot of shipping going on when I quit, what's the last been in that series?

A color page basically confirmed:

Nastu X Lucy (Shit)
Gray X Juvia
Elfman X Evergreen (irrelevant)
Mirajane X Laxus
Erza X Sasuke wannabe.
I loved that last arc.

Considering Rin's personality and life in general up till that point, her ending up with Daikichi made sense.

I called it though, specifically during the first few chapters when she refuses to become his adopted daughter, lol
Man you must have had some good perception cause I did not see that pairing coming at all!

That one was indeed bullshit.
I'm going with Fj on this one. I did not like it all. I was angry. I'm still bitter about it to this day.

It's funny cause we discussed the same thing about Thundercats in the Samurai Jack thread on Saturday due to the new pairing that happened!
Also, anyone that ships Kylo Ren and Rey gets eternal side eye. That shit is just fucked up.
THANK YOU!!! Finally someone else agrees.

But I'm trash too since I like Finn/Rey. They're such a pair together! Even outside the movies!
Watch as it turns out they're brother and sister...
We need a PSA about shipping.
Yep. True that.
(I totally think they will be in canon) until such time as it happens in real time the true meltdown will not happen and I need to be there for it.
If it does happen I'm buying everyone popcorn just to watch the explosions of the fandom.
It's not like Ron and Ginny could get together.

Well, not officially, at least.
Don't give em ideas!
I wish Kishi had the balls to make Sasuke/Karin canon.

It would have been a powerful moment if Sarada made peace with having a different biological mother, yet still opting to consider Sakura as her parent in all but blood.

Nah man... that would have been painful even if it was sakura. Sasuke had already done enough before, but if that was confirmed true.. wew boy.


- Buffy's Willow x Tara. Buffy had a triangle with Angel and Spike, but nothing will compare to the magnitude of Tara's death in terms of shipping and LGBT tropes on TV.
- MCU Captain America x Bucky Barnes. Meltdowns when Steve shared a kiss with the female Agent 13. Understandably, because poor Agent 13 has gotten no character development and the amount of muscles on Steve/Bucky is too much to ignore. Oh, and the fact that the MCU movies will probably not have a major gay male superhero for another decade or until those China box office receipts start to plateau stings too.
- Community's Jeff/Britta/Annie triangle was another hole that sunk the show for me.
- Arrow's Olicity. I think the ship will finally sink soon. All it took was FOUR people under the Black Canary name to sink it.
- Attack on Titan's Reiner x Bertolt. Manga Spoilers: I have no idea anymore if this ship is secretly intended or not,
but fanart panic ensued regardless when one of them met their end.
- LOST's Jack/Kate/Sawyer/Juliet quadrangle. Although I'm happy with the Jate and Suliet outcome, I pity Evangelline Lilly getting asked "Who will Kate end up with?" by fans and the press until the very end.
- The 100's Clarke and Lexa. The amount of articles it generated was astounding.
- True Blood's Sookie/Bill/Eric/Alcide quadrangle. Team Eric was very passionate but Eric turned out to be a non-factor by the end. Alcide would've been a nice happy medium until he got killed to make room for Team Bill to win (and die) in the end. Spoiler Alert: Sookie ends up with a non-credited actor. Fuck... I would've happily settled for Alcide...


A color page basically confirmed:

Nastu X Lucy (Shit)
Gray X Juvia
Elfman X Evergreen (irrelevant)
Mirajane X Laxus
Erza X Sasuke wannabe.
Mirajane and Laxus? What? Goddmam.

Aren't these all the obvious ones, besides Laxus and Mirajane, well I stopped reading FT ages ago.
Well Gray and Juvia is...kind of surprising I guess since Gray, as I last remembered him, didn't care about Juvia at all.
Rowling should have stuck Ron with Lavender. Why in the hell did she not give Ron any talents at all? The guy was useless and had 4 fucking years to make a move on Hermione but never did anything and was practically handed Hermione over by doing the most asinine things in the series

4th Year: Yule Ball: epic failure and cucked by Victor. Apparently the jealousy was the start of Ron x Hermione which is like wtf, what a great emotion to base a relationship off of.

5th Year: Summer house alone with Hermione for 2 weeks before Harry arrived, did shit. Became Prefect because Dumbles was a douchebag and somehow Ron was a better student than Neville or the other Griffindor boys and still did not take advantage of the time alone with Hermione on patrols.

6th Year: Goes out with Lavender and then is poisoned and calls out Hermione's name which is apparently enough for something to happen, somehow still not official? ?___? Oh and still a Prefect by some miracle and still alone with Herminone and does nothing.

7th Year: Quits on the group and leaves, comes crawling back for forgiveness and Harry the stupidly kind guy takes him back. Does nothing meaningful for the final battle and Neville steals the best part by killing Nagini. Rowling threw him a bone by opening the chambers because hey you don't really need to be a parseltongue and that was his biggest and only accomplishment since the Chess match in 1st Year.

You need a Yamcha equivalent in Harry Potter? Ronald Weasly is it. He is just there on the side lines as the extra body.

Knocked out in book 1, cave-in in book 2 and a broken wand, book 3 he was non-existent for Sirius escape moment, book 4 he was a huge dick to Harry and did nothing, book 5 he got attacked by a "brain", not even a Death Eater and was out, book 6 he didn't do anything at all except get poisoned and not believe in Harry about Malfoy and finally in book 7 he did like 3 things and nothing meaningful like taking out a well known Death Eater or helping bring down Voldie.

So imagine how I felt that a brilliant person like Hermione Granger ended up with a sack of sad shit like that for a husband. Like damn Hermione with Neville would have been an easier pill to swallow over Ron and Hermione. The only thing worse than Ron and Hermione would be Draco and Hermione which there is a shockingly huge fanbase that I was surprised by. A lot of it was based on Emma Watson's own crush on Tom Felton from way back and people love the bad boy and good girl trope wayyyy too much.

Disclaimer: Ron probably did do things but honestly, he was such an awful character that I have trouble remembering the good things he did in all the 7 books while Harry's and Hermione's actions are easy to bring to mind and Neville for that matter.


Not sure if it's been brought up earlier but the crazy fans of Supernatural have taken this to a whole new level. They are convinced that the actors playing the Winchester brothers are secretly in love. And any argument as to otherwise, like pictures of them looking happy with their wives and kids are considered to be pretty pictures with their fake spouses to hide the truth. Appearently they can see how unhappy they are in those pictures.....
Y'all just don't learn, do you

Though I don't do that, I do genuinely think it's neat when they do get together, and are together in the show as well. (See Americans, Once Upon a Time)
Thinking of Kat, I remember some people shipping Kat with that guy from Starhawk because of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

There was some weird fan art out there.


The classic, the OG, the ship that created the term "shipping":

Scully & Mulder in the early X-Files seasons.

Although really most fanfiction terms come from '70s era Spock/Kirk slashfic, "shipping" comes from X-Files fans (X-Philes) who vehemently insisted the two leads should be in a relationship, coming into bitter USENET conflict with the opposing "noromos." Good times.
Ships are good and bad but the outrage some fans get are just crazy , just relax

I think Jack x Ashi is a cute ⛵️


People called Romanes they go the house?
- Buffy's Willow x Tara. Buffy had a triangle with Angel and Spike, but nothing will compare to the magnitude of Tara's death in terms of shipping and LGBT tropes on TV.

- The 100's Clarke and Lexa. The amount of articles it generated was astounding.

Part of the latter is due directly to the former, and the non-change in the 'lesbian always dies' trope of action movies over the span of ~15 (20?) years....

but the main thing that blew Clexa up is that the director and the writing cast started aggressively (relatively, at least) promoting the ship (as well as other writers stoking the Bellamy/Clarke flames) on social media to incite more viewers. This social media campaign also included some semblance of saying they wouldn't do the exact thing they ended up doing to Lexa.

Yeah. Fictional shipping is one thing. Shipping the actors behind the characters.....ugh.

Real people shipping is definitely a weird beast.
I love how Digimon Tri is trying to level the playing field between Tai and Matt when it comes to Sora. Obviously I want Tai but then it would make the ending to Adevnture 2 not canon.

Also, there was that thing about Tai and Kari originally having more than just a brother/sister relationship. Then it was changed for fear of a backlash.
If Luffy doesn't end up with Boa I'm going to riot.
I'm going to be very upset. She needs a guy who she can trust. Luffy is so far the closest thing possible.
The Naruto meltdown was such a joyous time for me, the tears will sustain my life for centuries to come. Only way it could've been better is if Sakura really did get cucked by Karin.

I wanted Sarada to be Karin's daughter so bad for the monumental salt it would have caused Sasuke/Sakura fans and the ultimate L that Sakura would have to hold for the rest of her natural life.

I wanted to be a Sakura fan so bad and hope she'd have actual development and realize the crazy murder man who didn't give a shit about her was not exactly a good idea for a boyfriend. She then proceeded to prove every Sakura hater 100% correct and I couldn't defend her stupidity any longer. She deserves every L she gets.


If Luffy doesn't end up with Boa I'm going to riot.
If there's a pairing for Luffy, Hancock is the only realistic one I can really see.

I can make arguments for maybe Robin too but I think that's honestly due to personal bias (it's mostly because Robin has Luffy's antics figured out way better than anyone else).
If there's a pairing for Luffy, Hancock is the only realistic one I can really see.

I can make arguments for maybe Robin too but I think that's honestly due to personal bias (it's mostly because Robin has Luffy's antics figured out way better than anyone else).
Honestly I really wanted Luffy and Robin too. But that seems extremely unlikely so I might as well have Hancock and Luffy be the real ship and Luffy/Robin be the backup.


If there's a pairing for Luffy, Hancock is the only realistic one I can really see.

I can make arguments for maybe Robin too but I think that's honestly due to personal bias (it's mostly because Robin has Luffy's antics figured out way better than anyone else).

I can't picture any of the Straw Hats in a relationship. Oda just doesn't do romance. I only say jest and say Luffy and Hancock have the slimmest of chances because it reminds me of Goku and Chi Chi.


Honestly I really wanted Luffy and Robin too. But that seems extremely unlikely so I might as well have Hancock and Luffy be the real ship and Luffy/Robin be the backup.

Yeah I get you, I'm personally split between LuffyxHancock and LuffyxRobin. For an immature guy like Luffy I feel you would need a mature woman who has him figured out like she does. As well she seems to genuinely enjoy his antics.

But Hancock man...it's hard to deny Hancock...

The only one that matters is me x tashigi from one piece anyway
Sure I'll go for that.

I say all this but I'm really really not that invested. Luffy could end up with Big Mom or Alvida and I might find it weird but I'm not having a meltdown over it.


True blood was basically HBO's take on harems.

Community definitely had its shipping wars.

The only time shipping actual ruined a show imo was Arrow. It is bouncing back but mane what a dark time after season 2.

Mister Wolf

If there's a pairing for Luffy, Hancock is the only realistic one I can really see.

I can make arguments for maybe Robin too but I think that's honestly due to personal bias (it's mostly because Robin has Luffy's antics figured out way better than anyone else).

Gotta marry Sanji's sister to strengthen blood ties.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Yeah I get you, I'm personally split between LuffyxHancock and LuffyxRobin. For an immature guy like Luffy I feel you would need a mature woman who has him figured out like she does. As well she seems to genuinely enjoy his antics.

But Hancock man...it's hard to deny Hancock...

Sure I'll go for that.

I say all this but I'm really really not that invested. Luffy could end up with Big Mom or Alvida and I might find it weird but I'm not having a meltdown over it.
Always been luffyxhancock granted it would be gokuxchichi part 2 but hey I like that decision aswell


Yall really think odas gonna give luffy an so, there's gonna be another dumb life taking ability or cure that takes like 30 years from him, first it was all that gear usage, then the poison shit, now it's prolly gonna be you know who from the latest arc lol

Also he can fall on luffy x meat


Also, how does Sakura take an L? She is happily married to a man she loved all her life and has a Daughter who they have foreshadowed possibly become a Hokage. What made the ending of Naruto great was every had a great conclusion with a happy ending. I mean not like she is Ino who ended up with replacement Sasuke.

No one should really be rioting about OP ships, series is barely about romance as it is.

Didn't stop Naruto fans from going crazy.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
That entire arc was worth it just for the suspicion that it did happen. I got entertainment to the led up but the reactions if it were true would've been amazing.
I think what we realized from that story was that kishi was blatantly aware of the shipping culture that spawned around his fandom


How does she take an L? she's married to a murderer that fucked with her physically, mentally and all around detrimental to the growth of everyone around her

She lost out to being with the true MC and stuck with him just to be denied by what was basically her number 2 because the quiet girl finally spoke up after like a decade


Yall really think odas gonna give luffy an so, there's gonna be another dumb life taking ability or cure that takes like 30 years from him, first it was all that gear usage, then the poison shit, now it's prolly gonna be you know who from the latest arc lol

Also he can fall on luffy x meat

I don't think the majority of One Piece fans actually think Luffy will get an SO. At least, I hope so...

Also, how does Sakura take an L? She is happily married to a man she loved all her life and has a Daughter who they have foreshadowed possibly become a Hokage. What made the ending of Naruto great was every had a great conclusion with a happy ending. I mean not like she is Ino who ended up with replacement Sasuke.

Because it's Sasuke. Like anyone that's familiar with the character should know why that relationship is... something quite awful, to put it mildly.

Ino won by the way, one of her best moments in the manga was realizing that Sasuke ain't shit.


Honest prediction. Luffy dies some time after reaching Raftel and Finding the One Piece. Timeskip and Hancock is revealed to have off-screen development that happened prior to Luffy's death and is carrying his child. That's probably what Oda will do and it'll just side-step all the romantic plotlines completely.
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