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LOST 06.17/18/18.5: "The End" (Everything Else Was Just Progress)

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I'm just imagining a show where Sawyer crashes at Miles' place all the time and Richard and Lapidus are their neighbors. All the other characters treat Kate like everyone treats Dee on Sunny. All while raising Aaron because Claire's in a mental hospital.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Costanza said:
do you think jack tasted good or vincent is just a dog so he didnt care?
Vincent is colorblind so I don't know whether he can taste Jacob. :)


pringles said:
You did NOT just compare Lost S4-6 to the Star Wars prequels...

Yes i did.

Both were disappointing for me and I had really high expectations. Not sure why that's hard to get?
Some more from the Bad Robot writer:

But the writer's took it even further this season by contrasting this Sideways "purgatory" with the Island itself. Remember when Michael appeared to Hurley, he said he was not allowed to leave the Island. Just like the MIB. He wasn't allowed into this sideways world and thus, was not afforded the opportunity to move on. Why? Because he had proven himself to be unworthy with his actions on the Island. He failed the test. The others, passed. They made it into Sideways world when they died -- some before Jack, some years later. In Hurley's case, maybe centuries later. They exist in this sideways world until they are "awakened" and they can only move on TOGETHER because they are linked. They are destined to be together for eternity. That was their destiny.

They were NOT linked to Anna Lucia, Daniel, Roussou, Alex, Miles, Lupidis, (and all the rest who weren't in the chuch -- basically everyone who wasn't in season 1). Yet those people exist in Sideways world. Why? Well again, here's where they leave it up to you to decide. The way I like to think about it, is that those people who were left behind in Sideways world have to find their own soulmates before they can wake up. It's possible that those links aren't people from the island but from their other life (Anna's parnter, the guy she shot --- Roussou's husband, etc etc).

A lot of people have been talking about Ben and why he didn't go into the Church. And if you think of Sideways world in this way, then it gives you the answer to that very question. Ben can't move on yet because he hasn't connected with the people he needs to. It's going to be his job to awaken Roussou, Alex, Anna Lucia (maybe), Ethan, Goodspeed, his father and the rest. He has to attone for his sins more than he did by being Hurley's number two. He has to do what Hurley and Desmond did for our Lostaways with his own people. He has to help them connect. And he can only move on when all the links in his chain are ready to. Same can be said for Faraday, Charlotte, Whidmore, Hawkins etc. It's really a neat, and cool concept. At least to me.

But, from a more "behind the scenes" note: the reason Ben's not in the church, and the reason no one is in the church but for Season 1 people is because they wrote the ending to the show after writing the pilot. And never changed it. The writers always said (and many didn't believe them) that they knew their ending from the very first episode. I applaud them for that. It's pretty fantastic. Originally Ben was supposed to have a 3 episode arc and be done. But he became a big part of the show. They could have easily changed their ending and put him in the church -- but instead they problem solved it. Gave him a BRILLIANT moment with Locke outside the church ... and then that was it. I loved that. For those that wonder -- the original ending started the moment Jack walked into the church and touches the casket to Jack closing his eyes as the other plane flies away. That was always JJ's ending. And they kept it.


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Costanza said:
i feel like the island would have given him the ability to see colors dont u think
The island is Kate :)
she's also colorblind


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Costanza said:
but who is phone
Penny is phone. They share the same alphabet as a starting letter. :)

i think this is enough of my crazy rambling :lol

Lost made me crazy :(


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Mr. Snrub said:

Some random guy on a forum claimed to be from the production company and posted that. It's riddled with spelling errors and he even gets names wrong. I'm calling BS on that post.
JGS said:
I'm sounding like a broken record, but there were Others that survived as well from the Temple. They stopped following Locke and ran off into the jungle when the mortar rounds hit according to Sayid in The Candidate.
I sort of remember that. For the last few episodes all we've seen on the island are the main cast, and it's hard to remember who got blown up, killed by smoke, or just ran away. Did anyone memorable survive? What happened to the flight attendant?

In any case, I can totally picture Hurley making sure everyone left on the island gets along, and organizing a golf tournament or something. :lol


well desmond and penny arent season 1 characters so that write up got some splaining to do

explanation = desmond is special :lol


Dante said:
Yes i did.

Both were disappointing for me and I had really high expectations. Not sure why that's hard to get?
Star Wars prequels are some of the biggest trainwrecks in cinematic history.

Lost S4-6 may be uneven but come on.
FlyinJ said:
Some random guy on a forum claimed to be from the production company and posted that. It's riddled with spelling errors and he even gets names wrong. I'm calling BS on that post.

Damn! Even so, it's a pretty solid post.


First tragedy, then farce.
shagg_187 said:

Reads like someone who got high after their first intro to metaphysics class and wrote something 'deep and meaningful'.

"Like, what if like umm.. god created the like um devil but gave us the freewill to like become the new god and kill the devil.. because um there were like rules that said god couldn't kill the devil himself. Also, their mom was a press secretary"

I really wish they had just stopped peeling back layers after dharma and Ben vs Widmore and left it at that. It took an unfortunate turn for the stupid somewhere in there.


yacobod said:
well desmond and penny arent season 1 characters so that write up got some splaining to do

explanation = desmond is special :lol


Mr. Snrub said:
Some more from the Bad Robot writer:
The stuff he says makes sense. It kind of tells me that when Christian saiys they created it, it meant that all humanity created the sucker which is kind of mindboggling. If you die in Sideways and you don't have a soulmate, what happens next though?

The ending would seem to be planned all along considering how long they were working on the runway (Since Season 2).

I just realized how much of a miracle of LOST proportions it is that this series saw an actual series finale considering the failures of other shows before and after it.:lol


yacobod said:
well desmond and penny arent season 1 characters so that write up got some splaining to do

explanation = desmond is special :lol

Desmond was simply too awesome to be introduced in S1.


First tragedy, then farce.
JGS said:
I just realized how much of a miracle of LOST proportions it is that this series saw an actual series finale considering the failures of other shows before and after it.:lol

I know my father refused to watch it before this season began because of past shows he has been hooked on that left him guessing as to what the fuck they were going to do.

I wish more good failed shows would do what Firefly did and keep telling us stuff via comic.. or just release a fucking planned timeline of what was going to happen on the internets.

I'm looking at you Journeyman.

I think Lost survived because they played it so close to the vest during S1 and to an extent S2. Some of their more "out there" machinations didn't show up until S3 and didn't really take off until the contract for 3 more seasons was already inked. It's also part of the reason a lot of people didn't care for the later seasons.. it's like they waited until the contract was signed and said "alright, we got the money.. now we bring on time travel, ancient gods, and parrallel lost-heaven.

big ander

Jocchan said:
Before the episode aired, I read a spoiler that was luckily entirely fake.
"Desmond will lock them all at the concert to kill them!"
I thought it was too weird (but with Lost you never know), and you have no idea how pissed I was.
And how relieved I was when Jack got to the concert, it was over and most of the people had already left.

Mr. Cluck's.
Do you think they have a version of the double down? I mean, hurley was in charge so they might have something like a triple down, or maybe a menu item that's just mayo and bacon.

can't wait for Caesars attempt to overtake hurley as #1 next week


well not really...yet
jett said:
The ancient Egyptian civilzation still exited then, and so did the cult of their Gods. The board game could've come from the people that were already there...who knows dude, I don't think that's enough evidence. It is pretty clear that no temples or edifications existed during Across the Sea.
You dont see those structures in Across the Sea, however there is no direct evidence that they aren't there, as the story takes place in a very specific part of the Island/Jungle, essentially where the Losties crashed. Plus, Jacob and MIB are playing Senet, an ancient Egyptian game dating back to 3500 BC.

The fact that the Heart of the Chamber Island had egyptian markings all over it, is enough to figure out that they were some of the first to colonize the Island.


Parallax Scroll said:
I sort of remember that. For the last few episodes all we've seen on the island are the main cast, and it's hard to remember who got blown up, killed by smoke, or just ran away. Did anyone memorable survive? What happened to the flight attendant?

In any case, I can totally picture Hurley making sure everyone left on the island gets along, and organizing a golf tournament or something. :lol
I assume the attendant made it since they didn't mention she didn't and the guys that died were the soldiers in Locke's camp.

I think the same thing about Hurley. I don't think it will be possible for Rose and Bernard to stay away from the others on the Island. It's in their nature to help when they can. If they really just cared about themselves, they would have talked Desmond into going with UnLocke!

It would have to be a peaceful place.

As an aside, we also don't know if the guardians actually have immoratlity do we? This could have been something given toJacob and MiB by crazymom, so Hurley may have died a normal death. If not for Smkey, there would have been some viable candidtaes for protecting the Island.


pringles said:
Star Wars prequels are some of the biggest trainwrecks in cinematic history.

Lost S4-6 may be uneven but come on.

It's more about expectations than comparing final products. Again after season 3 finale which was for me the pinnacle, It was a big let down. For me it feels kinda like how I felt after seeing the prequels, Each season after 3 I kept saying "well, they'll get it right next season", and it just kept getting progressively worse. I did the same thing with the SW prequels. That was the reason for even bringing that up. Not to directly compare Star Wars to Lost
Hmm can someone remind me.

When people were leaving the island did they use a device to get the correct bearing? If so did Lapidus just remeber it or... did they fly around warping until thier fuel ran out, crashed and die :eek:


RipTheJacker said:
Hmm can someone remind me.

When people were leaving the island did they use a device to get the correct bearing? If so did Lapidus just remeber it or... did they fly around warping until thier fuel ran out, crashed and die :eek:

Lapidus could have remebered it considering how many time he flew the copter there. But also the rules may have been Jacob's, per Hurley & Ben's conversation, so it may be easy to leave the Island now.


The one thing I don't like about that DarkUFO piece is the idea that Jacob brought Dharma to the island, that The Purge happened at the command of the MIB, that the Others were trying to "kill" the Losties for the same reason. Okay that's three things.

The thing that bugs me is that the Others really did a piss-poor job of killing Jack and the gang. I always liked the idea that we as the audience thought they were a murderous bunch but really they just wanted new members for their group and to study the rest. And of course, kill whoever tried to stop them. Was the MIB keeping people alive because he was searching for his patsy, i.e. Locke?

I don't know, I guess I always subscribed to the notion that Jacob ordered the purge because the Dharma peeps were drilling too close to the heart of the island. A wrathful god and all that. This new revelation makes things a little more clear-cut good and evil.


Dead said:
The fact that the Heart of the Chamber Island had egyptian markings all over it, is enough to figure out that they were some of the first to colonize the Island.

but it doesn't.
JGS said:
Lapidus could have remebered it considering how many time he flew the copter there. But also the rules may have been Jacob's, per Hurley & Ben's conversation, so it may be easy to leave the Island now.

Hurley is so awesome.


I just remembered that in a lot of LOST threads this year, I "spoiled" that Jack was going to die the next episode, just because I wanted to get the spoiler-Nazis going, and not because I actually read spoilers.

Turns out, I was right :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
Dead said:
You dont see those structures in Across the Sea, however there is no direct evidence that they aren't there, as the story takes place in a very specific part of the Island/Jungle, essentially where the Losties crashed. Plus, Jacob and MIB are playing Senet, an ancient Egyptian game dating back to 3500 BC.

The fact that the Heart of the Chamber Island had egyptian markings all over it, is enough to figure out that they were some of the first to colonize the Island.

Which would mean smokey isn't the first smoke monster since it was clear the Egyptians were worshiping him.. and the islands portal came out within the borders of ancient egypt.. so it's possible that they "built" or at least were the first to make it to the island.

Although, it's equally possible Jacob brought the Egyptians to the island at some point, and smokey corrupted them into worshipping him the same way he fucked over Ben. He could have taken some of them down to the butt plug with him to try and sink the island back then and those are the bodies we saw down there.

I think Across the Sea was a mistake. They were better off leaving the islands ancient history completely unexplained. Just wave the fiat stick over it. Have it be like the force in Star Wars. Just something that is assumed.


Gold Member
I know someone answered it a few hundred pages back, but how did Christian appear on the freighter and in Jacks flash forward in the hospital? If the smoke monster couldnt leave the island? Or are we to assume that wasnt the smoke monster.


Unconfirmed Member
This thread is almost over 9000 posts so forgive me for being lazy but can somebody explain this shit?

The end scene with Jack closing his eye and the plane crash on the island leads me to believe he died and everything that happened was him in purgatory or something.

(I'm very sure this has been asked a million times, a link would suffice)


dorkimoe said:
I know someone answered it a few hundred pages back, but how did Christian appear on the freighter and in Jacks flash forward in the hospital? If the smoke monster couldnt leave the island? Or are we to assume that wasnt the smoke monster.

The smoke monster is a clustefuck kind of like the cabin. Hate to say it, but you have to fanwank what it was in that scene, and in other scenes where people have had visions too.


dorkimoe said:
I know someone answered it a few hundred pages back, but how did Christian appear on the freighter and in Jacks flash forward in the hospital? If the smoke monster couldnt leave the island? Or are we to assume that wasnt the smoke monster.

It's a plot hole.


Gold Member
gdt5016 said:
It's a plot hole.

Ill just assume it wasnt the smoke monster. Im gonna assume the producers technically only said the smoke monster showed up as Christian in the first couple seasons. Im gonna assume it was the actual "shephard" :)


D4Danger said:
This thread is almost over 9000 posts so forgive me for being lazy but can somebody explain this shit?

The end scene with Jack closing his eye and the plane crash on the island leads me to believe he died and everything that happened was him in purgatory or something.

(I'm very sure this has been asked a million times, a link would suffice)

Everything thats ever happened on the show is real.

The flashsideways were purgatory. That might or might not be "real" depending on your interpretation.


FlyinJ said:
Some random guy on a forum claimed to be from the production company and posted that. It's riddled with spelling errors and he even gets names wrong. I'm calling BS on that post.

Its a forum post. I'm not saying its legit but typos are hardly grounds to immediately call BS. Especially when something is a wall of text.
D4Danger said:
This thread is almost over 9000 posts so forgive me for being lazy but can somebody explain this shit?

The end scene with Jack closing his eye and the plane crash on the island leads me to believe he died and everything that happened was him in purgatory or something.

(I'm very sure this has been asked a million times, a link would suffice)

That couldn't have been true, as his pops told him some of the people there died before him, some way after. Neither of those could have been true if he died in the plane crash.


Gold Member
D4Danger said:
This thread is almost over 9000 posts so forgive me for being lazy but can somebody explain this shit?

The end scene with Jack closing his eye and the plane crash on the island leads me to believe he died and everything that happened was him in purgatory or something.

(I'm very sure this has been asked a million times, a link would suffice)

Just go back and listen to that last 15 minutes. Listen to what Hurley and Ben say. Listen to what Christian says and listen to what Kate says to jack.

or just read this.

Solo said:
The smoke monster is a clustefuck kind of like the cabin. Hate to say it, but you have to fanwank what it was in that scene, and in other scenes where people have had visions too.

Is the cabin really inconsistent? What happened there that couldn't be explained by Christian being MiB? I honestly can't really remember. It sounds like he was just continuing his quest to mess with the candidates.


First tragedy, then farce.
dorkimoe said:
I know someone answered it a few hundred pages back, but how did Christian appear on the freighter and in Jacks flash forward in the hospital? If the smoke monster couldnt leave the island? Or are we to assume that wasnt the smoke monster.

They were making it up as they went along to some extent and those scenes were clearly a mistake given their final answer. I think the nature of the smoke monster probably changed a good deal as it went along.


D4Danger said:
This thread is almost over 9000 posts so forgive me for being lazy but can somebody explain this shit?

The end scene with Jack closing his eye and the plane crash on the island leads me to believe he died and everything that happened was him in purgatory or something.

(I'm very sure this has been asked a million times, a link would suffice)

What plane crash?

And yeah, guys, stop posting that crappy post from a random dude trying to say that he knows stuff because he worked on the show.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Is the cabin really inconsistent?

Yes. Ill defer to Blader on the matter though, as he cares about it more than I do, and as such, can spell it out better than I.


Gold Member
StoOgE said:
They were making it up as they went along to some extent and those scenes were clearly a mistake given their final answer. I think the nature of the smoke monster probably changed a good deal as it went along.

Ill chalk it up as jack was hallucinating because he was so stressed/tired/drugged up. :) Oh well im satisfied with what i got in my 6 seasons. Now to rewatch the church scene and cry myself to sleep


Solo said:
The smoke monster is a clustefuck kind of like the cabin. Hate to say it, but you have to fanwank what it was in that scene, and in other scenes where people have had visions too.

They explained the ghosts to my dissatisfaction which could explain all of the visions. Christian was a ghost who was not bound by water or the Island like Smokey.

Only Smokey claimed to represent Christian and the assumption was this was everytime we saw Christian. That never sat well with me and now we know it's not necessarily the case. Unless the writers said otherwise, I'm of the opinion that Christian was around too and Smokey just didn't know it.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Mr. Snrub said:
Some more from the Bad Robot writer:

That doesn't make sense? Didn't Jack die instead of the pilot in the... pilot? How could he be in The End if he was dead in the original draft? Also, wasn't Libby at the church too? I think I saw her next to Hurley. And she's from S2 and not S1.


D4Danger said:
This thread is almost over 9000 posts so forgive me for being lazy but can somebody explain this shit?

The end scene with Jack closing his eye and the plane crash on the island leads me to believe he died and everything that happened was him in purgatory or something.

(I'm very sure this has been asked a million times, a link would suffice)

I think the thing you're messing up here is the plane. It's not a plane CRASH. It's the plane with Kate, Sawyer, Richard, Lapidus, Claire, and Miles leaving the island forever.


First tragedy, then farce.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Is the cabin really inconsistent? What happened there that couldn't be explained by Christian being MiB? I honestly can't really remember. It sounds like he was just continuing his quest to mess with the candidates.

Christian was in there while the ash ring was still unbroken. If smokey can't cross ash rings it means he couldn't have been both in the cabin unless someone trapped him there at some point during S3.

Or Christian was also there as ghost Christian at the same time. I guess only Hurley saw him.. so maybe that is true.

I think anything that anyone comes up with to explain those problems away is going to be too convoluted (and not even hinted at in the show itself) for their own goods.

Just accept them as issues with an ever evolving plot and move on.
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