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Magistrate grants Sony access to visitor personal data on Youtube/Twitter re: GeoHot


This thread needs


Btw, wasn't the YouTube subpoena already denied?


DarkUSS said:
This is getting scary. What's even worse is that a lot of GAF will stand behind Sony on this again.

If Sony is going to use those ips as a range of reference to locate and lock hacked PS3's out of PSN, I say fucking do it. Couldn't have done it better myself.


hide your water-based mammals
RobertM said:
I wana see those guys that were rooting for Sony in other PS3 law suit threads come and cheer them on their illegal activities.
Which was approved by a Judge. Surely we can digest this more before going to that extent. Always the first replies with the knee jerk, shoot from the hip responses.

jim-jam bongs said:
The American judicial system is based around the idea that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Giving a corporation access to private information without evidence that a crime has been committed is a massive violation of that principle. This has fuck all to do with Geohot or the case in question.
Read the documentation first. I know as little as you do without reading all the manuscripts.


richisawesome said:
Heh. I brought the PSP, and guess how many games I brought for it? Zero. Did I pirate any games? No.

I ripped all my PS1 discs and shoved them on a memory stick to play on it. Worth the money, for sure. But that was before all this bullshit from Sony. Never, ever buying a product of theirs again.
I bought Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, but then I realized how horrible UMDs were and never bought a game again and now that I've gone back to OFW for the few games I've missed out on, the funny thing is that if VP:L was on PSN I'd buy it again, but it's not. The only way I can play it off a memory stick is to put CFW back on.


Fucking hell America/Sony. I would love to hear what justification Sony gave to the magistrate for this; 'it causes piracy' just doesn't seem to be a proper cause for this action.


freddy said:
The judge. I think Sony dropped some money and she found it. I could be wrong though.

Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero
United States District Court
Northern District of California
Courtroom A, 15th Floor
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

I dunno any girls named Joseph...

It might interest people to read Sony's actual request that was approved by the judge:


ViolentP said:
If Sony is going to use those ips as a range of reference to locate and lock hacked PS3's out of PSN, I say fucking do it. Couldn't have done it better myself.

I see that long tongue in your avatar is being put to good use on Sonys' dirty, sneaky butt.


y'all should be ashamed
-PXG- said:
But they're naive if they think this escapade with George Hotz is going to put a dent in the modding/ hacking community or stop Johnny from downloading 20 PS3 game torrents.
I don't think Sony is under that impression at all. Like others have said, it's a company move to protect their property. I doubt shareholders would be happy if Hotz was flailing about online with PS3 hacks while Sony shrugged their shoulders.


StevieP said:
Cheering this on is so wrong. So very wrong.
I'm honestly convinced some of those people work for Sony. Not all of them, but some people have had almost no good reasons to be backing Sony and just keep yelling "Go, Sony!" in every thread.


ViolentP said:
If Sony is going to use those ips as a range of reference to locate and lock hacked PS3's out of PSN, I say fucking do it. Couldn't have done it better myself.

Locate and do what? Ban them from PSN? Sure, why not. Anything else is absurd.

chubigans said:
I don't think Sony is under that impression at all. Like others have said, it's a company move to protect their property. I doubt shareholders would be happy if Hotz was flailing about online with PS3 hacks while Sony shrugged their shoulders.

True. It's merely a gesture for shareholders saying, "Yo, we got this shit under control" When in reality, they've already lost.
I only watched his rap :(

Billychu said:
I'm honestly convinced some of those people work for Sony. Not all of them, but some people have had almost no good reasons to be backing Sony and just keep yelling "Go, Sony!" in every thread.

If only the answer was that sane.
Also, this is totally unnecessary. A third-party forensic investigator could analyse the logs from Geohot's server and create a report from the aggregate data which contained NO private information about where the file was downloaded, and it would still serve the purpose argued by Sony. Same goes for the logs from YouTube and from Twitter.


bish gets all the credit :)
Air Zombie Meat said:
I hope thats a joke.

Sorry if it's been covered but why do they even want this information? What are they going to do with it?

read the op
The other involves a jurisdictional argument over whether Sony must sue Hotz in his home state of New Jersey rather than San Francisco, which Sony would prefer. Sony said the server logs would demonstrate that many of those whom downloaded Hotz’ hack reside in Northern California — thus making San Francisco a proper venue for the case.


jim-jam bongs said:
Also, this is totally unnecessary. A third-party forensic investigator could analyse the logs from Geohot's server and create a report from the aggregate data which contained NO private information about where the file was downloaded, and it would still serve the purpose argued by Sony. Same goes for the logs from YouTube and from Twitter.

They'd still need subpoenas to do that.


Mama Robotnik said:
What part of this are you cheering on?
I don't know why you're so surprised to see this.

Sony could be granted carte blanche to detain, arrest and prosecute hackers without oversight and I guarantee that quite a few gaffers will defend them.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
ISPs don't turn over the name and address associated with an IP unless they get a court order. Without that, the only thing you can discern from an IP is where the person using it was located at that time. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Is this still a shitty thing? Yeah, but not quite as bad as some are imagining.


Afrikan said:
I think it is more for their investors and 3rd Party Publishing companies....they have to do something. Also this aggressive approach might be to try to scare away hackers with bad intentions here in the States....as well as the good ones too, unfortunately.
Nah! Scare tactics will scare wannabe hackers, self proclaimed hackers that think that following a tutorial and downloading something to an USB makes them hackers; or the ones that put stores (on and offline) promoting their "hacking services".

Actual hackers, will continue doing their (awesome) things. Then again, great hackers don't go around doing publicity stunts, CNN interviews and plastering their faces all over the net; like geohotz, which was one of the reasons the got him in the spotlight in the first place.


ViolentP said:
And the shovel in yours to pile your fears? ;)[/QUOTE]
They wont do much with my IP unless they want to catch a plane down to Australia for nothing. I don't own a Sony product and I doubt I ever will again if this is their MO.


Sony has threatened to sue anybody who has posted the hacking tools or the encryption key.
Have Sony sued Kevin Butler yet?


richisawesome said:
I'm considering trading in my PS3 against 3DS games.

You're considering doing that now that the PS3 has just turned amazing thanks to CFW and homebrews !??


Wait a minute...i did the logo for the Homebrew wiki page.
Guys, I think i'm screwed.
Stuff like this was bound to happen.

The more video games get played online, the more console holders like Sony's & Microsoft's businesses rely on online software services the more damage hacking their console can potential cause.

As a corporation they're well within their rights to do everything they can to protect their business. If as an individual you are doing something that threatens their business then you're gonna get pursued. If you're not doing anything that threatens their business then you're ok.

Geohotz (unfortunately for him) didn't understand this distinction and thus got his comeuppance. Now any others who try to follow in his footsteps will have something to fear.

The courts had to do something, otherwise GHotz' idiocy could potentially sink Sony's business altogether, and that certainly wouldn't be ok.

To be honest i could see something like this from a mile away...

And i don't really see this as terrifying at all. If you're not pissing around hacking stuff and then posting security codes online trying to boast about the size of your e-peen then this is irrelevant to you.


freddy said:
They wont do much with my IP unless they want to catch a plane down to Australia for nothing. I don't own a Sony product and I doubt I ever will again if this is their MO.

I can certainly agree with that. Really though, this whole thing means so little to me and not just because I'm not one on their radar, but because it's games and the internet. 2 things that are way below women on my list of priorities.


what is the difference between the "Go Sony!" posts...and "FUCK YOU SONY!" posts? Sure I don't like either one of those types of posts.

but I feel they are both around to just balance each other out. *shrugs*
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