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Some new Jump Covers

Haikyu!! Vol. 24


The Promised Neverland Vol. 1

Corpse Party - Another Child 16
In this chapter, characters don't think their cunning plans through properly. Except for the 'kill Tamaki's soulmate in front of her' plan, that one still looks pretty appealing. Also plz no bully Saki. If her tormentors had just read Screaming Lessons then they would've known better.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Don't bother dude, I'm done arguing against comparing everything to Naruto.

It's a wasted effort and just results in bullying or whatever.

Onibarubary I'm calling you out.

We all need to take a moment and just acknowledge that in the grand scheme of things, Naruto wasn't that bad. Not great, not going to break any reasonable top 10 lists, but not the worst thing ever written. And it's extra confusing to me how much you hate it because I see you're reading list and it seems pretty good and then every month or so you post something that's utter trash like Because She Is a Little Girl, I Am Excited Sexually. Like come on, are you really saying Naruto is the bottom of the barrel when stuff like that exists?

PK Gaming

Sasuke and his "rivalry" with Naruto is complete trash compared to Bakugou and his rivalry with Deku. Not even a fraction of as good.

EDIT: I actually sort of like Naruto.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
X thinks he's better than Y
Y gets recognized by Z
X fights Y to see what's so special Z picked Y over X

I forgot where was the last time I saw this, I just know it feels familiar.

PK Gaming

X thinks he's better than Y
Y gets recognized by Z
X fights Y to see what's so special Z picked Y over X

I forgot where was the last time I saw this, I just know it feels familiar.

It's absolutely cliched, but that doesn't preclude it from being good. Bakugou and Deku are very strong characters in their own right, and their relationship is one of the emotional cores of the manga.


Almost went full DTL there
Hey cmon, pre timeskip Naruto was pretty good. It's not the manga's fault if the only way the author knows how to increase the scope of the fights is by turning what was relatively tame and grounded into shitty ninja Dragonball Z.


Hey cmon, pre timeskip Naruto was pretty good. It's not the manga's fault if the only way the author knows how to increase the scope of the fights is by turning what was relatively tame and grounded into shitty ninja Dragonball Z.

What do you mean, did the manga write itself before Kishimoto showed up and ruined it?
What do you mean, did the manga write itself before Kishimoto showed up and ruined it?
Yes. It grew like a mould at Kishimoto's house.
I only compare it to Sasuke because i can see a defection happening.
But they already played the defection angle and Bakugou wasn't having any of it.

If it does indeed happen then I'd be really pissed because of that. Having that kind of fake out then having it happen anyways would be terrible writing.


Early Naruto is good stuff. The story is bog standard, but the tone felt mature compared to its contemporaries and the worldbuilding was high level. Think about how many time the series explains how chakra works, for example.

The problem with Naruto is that by the end it had undermined everything that made it interesting in the first place. The story went from mediocre to nonsensical, the worldbuilding gets thrown out the window, the tone shifts for the worse, the pacing deteriorates and the worst characters assume the spotlight. When you establish world rules as firmly as early Naruto does, late Naruto throwing those rules out the window stings all the harder.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
Quick interjection because we're talking about rivalries, but I think my favorite rivalry is hands down Black haired guy v. Black haired guy with glasses in Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. To steal a phrase from a podcast, I think it's one of the least overratted manga there is. I come back to it like every year and upon my third read through I really came to appreciate that rivalry because... well

X thinks he's better than Y
Y gets recognized by Z
X fights Y to see what's so special Z picked Y over X

I forgot where was the last time I saw this, I just know it feels familiar.

In that rivalry, X isn't fighting Y because of Z. he's fighting him because he just really like fighting. And is good at it. And likes to see his own personal growth in terms of fighting. God, there are so many little factors and fold that made that rivalry so god damn good but my favorite bit is the fact that they really weren't allowed to fight that really sells it to me.
Early Naruto is good stuff. The story is bog standard, but the tone felt mature compared to its contemporaries and the worldbuilding was high level. Think about how many time the series explains how chakra works, for example.

The problem with Naruto is that by the end it had undermined everything that made it interesting in the first place. The story went from mediocre to nonsensical, the worldbuilding gets thrown out the window, the tone shifts for the worse, the pacing deteriorates and the worst characters assume the spotlight. When you establish world rules as firmly as early Naruto does, late Naruto throwing those rules out the window stings all the harder.
Don't forget the part where the series builds up a villain for most of its first half and then completely sidelines him in favor of nonsensical filler-movie-level villains that just appeared out of nowhere.

I still don't know where the fuck Kaguya came from or what was even her purpose.


Don't forget the part where the series builds up a villain for most of its first half and then completely sidelines him in favor of nonsensical filler-movie-level villains that just appeared out of nowhere.

I still don't know where the fuck Kaguya came from or what was even her purpose.
If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now: Kishimoto created an interesting world and decided to tell the most boring story possible in it.
Nanashi no Asterism 9

Unless Asakura's an A-list actor then lil' bro is genuinely unrelated to the origins of his crush. And unless Subaru's an A-list actor then he's not going to be able to trick his classmate by cross-dressing. Whatever he's planning, he has my support.


But they already played the defection angle and Bakugou wasn't having any of it.

If it does indeed happen then I'd be really pissed because of that. Having that kind of fake out then having it happen anyways would be terrible writing.
I see that as planting the seed of the idea of him changing sides, if something i expect a defection because of what already happened.
Early Naruto is good stuff. The story is bog standard, but the tone felt mature compared to its contemporaries and the worldbuilding was high level. Think about how many time the series explains how chakra works, for example.

The lack of worldbuilding since the time skip is the only real thing that bothers me about Naruto.
Bakugou is not the one Id put as being Sasuke~esque, SasuNaru made several attempts to save each other even when their bodies automatically moved to protect each other. Ive yet to see Bakugou doing something this noble to Midoriya. Now if this were about KiriBaku, KamiBaku, or Bakucrew then thered be something to discuss.
Bakugou is not the one Id put as being Sasuke~esque, SasuNaru made several attempts to save each other even when their bodies automatically moved to protect each other. Ive yet to see Bakugou doing something this noble to Midoriya. Now if this were about KiriBaku, KamiBaku, or Bakucrew then thered be something to discuss.

To be fair Bakugou's power is build around his swear glands and nobody makes him sweat like Deku so they really are perfect for each other they just don't know it yet.


Deku doesn't run after or obsess about Bakugou. The closest we came to that was when Bakugou was going to be literally kidnapped and then was actually kidnapped. The rest of the time, Deku avoids talking to the guy. That's the most annoying Naruto comparison, "Deku obsesses over Bakugou like Naruto over Sasuke", when it's not true

and Deku and Bakugou are better written than Sasuke and Naruto ever were post-timeskip
To be fair Bakugou's power is build around his swear glands and nobody makes him sweat like Deku so they really are perfect for each other they just don't know it yet.
hIs palms are sweaty, knees weak, his arms are heavy


Huge Nickleback Fan
I doubt Bakugou going to pull Sasuke. He's going to get his ass kicked by deku and go 'fuck you shitty nerd, just wait till i get stronger and beat the shit out of you!' He might parted with Deku and become a vigilante, but i doubt he's going to become a villain...
I doubt Bakugou going to pull Sasuke. He's going to get his ass kicked by deku and go 'fuck you shitty nerd, just wait till i get stronger and beat the shit out of you!' He might parted with Deku and become a vigilante, but i doubt he's going to become a villain...

Laughably impossible. Horikoshi may have some bad writing at times but hes not that bad!

PK Gaming

Deku doesn't run after or obsess about Bakugou. The closest we came to that was when Bakugou was going to be literally kidnapped and then was actually kidnapped. The rest of the time, Deku avoids talking to the guy. That's the most annoying Naruto comparison, "Deku obsesses over Bakugou like Naruto over Sasuke", when it's not true

and Deku and Bakugou are better written than Sasuke and Naruto ever were post-timeskip
hIs palms are sweaty, knees weak, his arms are heavy


Naruto is obsessed with Sasuke because of incredibly basic writing, whereas Deku's relationship with Bakugou is more nuanced. I'm not sure people remember, but Deku actually has some contempt towards Bakugou.


I mean why wouldn't he? Considering the abuse he took from his "childhood friend" for years it's a given he'd feel that way about him. Sure, he tries his hardest to rescue him because that's what a hero does, but a part of him genuinely still hates him for the shit he's done (in addition to other things) and it's a genuinely interesting aspect of his character.


The impression I get is that (early) Deku wanted to be as confident as Bakugou was, but hated the actual guy. Deku's less bothered now, but I don't think he actually likes Bakugou or wants to be around him.
Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains 44

I never asked for this.

For some reason Kaguya's twitter profile made me really, really sad.
Kaguya-sama 44
What a rollercoaster of a chapter and damnnnn Hayasaka, the balls on her to say that.

Grand Blue 17
A chapter of Aina and good jokes as always. Always like the diving parts, since the art is especially nice during those panels.
Kaguya Wants To Be Confessed To 44

Jesus Christ, this chapter hit really hard. It kinda solidifies my belief that "tonal whiplash" as a lot of people say, where a manga/anime does not have a consistent tone, is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, if written well, I often find this to be something Japan is incredibly good at that makes their emotional impacts hit harder. After all, characters you legitimately enjoy or laugh with/at you are much more invested in and as such when bad stuff happens to them it effects you much stronger than if you had them consistently shat on.

So it works for Kaguya because we've learned to like these characters a lot and they have made sure to have hints of Kaguya's shitty family situation riding along in the background for a while (in a smart way as it was oftentimes used to explain a comedic event as to why she would be so obtuse or ignorant of normal things/react in the ways she does). So you know that there have been hints of dark stuff behind the scenes and this doesn't come out of nowhere or seem directly out of place. The same reason a manga like Helck can turn emotional or the reason I like Sora No Otoshimono so much.

So yeah. This chapter was brutal. You get some really good paneling of white text on a black background to stand out even harsher, Hayasaka's visceral "Fuck him" while Kaguya sits there holding back her emotions, the rising excitement of everyone putting it off a day to go with her, the specific words the head maid used (that of all people, Kaguya, would act unacceptable) and...Jesus that Twitter page. That was somehow sadder than everything else.

Luckily we get the amazing shot of the President at the end. Fuck yeah President.

Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! 12

I think the reason the ecchi in this works a lot is because both of the main characters are pretty cute when they interact and mix up the archetypes they're based on a little; Amano is the dopey THICC airhead but has shown that she likes Ma-kun and has done very subtle things that show she likes him (and isn't lying to herself about it either) and Ma-kun is the super studious takes learning seriously no friends type but he'll still go out of his way to help her or stop other people from looking at her because he's actually a bit of a closet perv and kinda doesn't want anyone else to see those things.

The last couple pages were some 100% pure grade vanilla extract.


Purgatory Dead Roll 5

The twists, they are too much captain. We're going doooooowwwwnnnnn. Smart strategy by the MC tho, he adapted real quick to knowing that surviving isn't the way to win the game.

Not sure why she's so broken up about losing the game, that just means she can continue to kill in the next game.

You Will Hear the Voice of the Dead 5

Jesus that was creepy. But on a positive note nobody died? I sorta felt the mom friend would but instead she's just searching em out. Funny enough. But man, this manga is really good at evoking an atmosphere you'd see in Ito or Drifting Classroom or something. Just...has a really old fashioned type of horror, even if it is gory at times like newer ones. Just disturbing.

Read some other shit but I can't remember off the top of my head and this Pokemon isn't playing itself.


maaan theres no new baseball mangas

i really disliek daiya no a's pacing. You name your pitcher after the probably greatest pitcher who has ever lived and hes still not ace quality on the second fucking season of a manga.


In any case Hero Academia 117 chapters in still has to show what real big name heroes can do... up until now we've only been able to see what extremely weakened and heroes at the end of their lifespan can do...

Wanna see some Endeavor action.
Kaguya-sama 44
The man of the hour indeed.

Hazuki Kanon wa Amakunai Overall Thoughts
I never want this to end. Feels bad man.
I would recommend this if you are looking for a nice 4-koma.

Tomo-chan 473
what is this? Plot progression?
And also lewd hand holding? Jesus!


I wonder why tonal whiplashes seem more prevalent in Japanese media than Western media. I have read manga and played Japanese games that have easily switched between mature themes and comedy at a drop of a hat, but the only times stuff like that happens in the West are non-canon side stories or satirical works. Is it due to the face-saving culture of Japan that makes it easier to hide deeper themes under a guise?


Nah, doesn't have anything to do with culture. Probably an early writer like Tezuka or similar invented the technique, and it became a convention in the medium. If it really was cultural, foreign audiences would have more issues with the whiplash, but it's not a common complaint.
I wonder why tonal whiplashes seem more prevalent in Japanese media than Western media. I have read manga and played Japanese games that have easily switched between mature themes and comedy at a drop of a hat, but the only times stuff like that happens in the West are non-canon side stories or satirical works. Is it due to the face-saving culture of Japan that makes it easier to hide deeper themes under a guise?

Honestly? I'm not sure. It's something I've only noticed happens with more frequency in Asian media in general (a lot of Chinese and Korean movies also utilize it effectively. Just look at The Host). If you look at it, it's not even like a variation on a Dark Comedy because I would hardly call things like Helck or Gintama or Kaguya a Dark Comedy. They are most assuredly gag series that occasionally "get real". It's a completely different feeling and tone. You don't laugh AT dark things, you laugh at light things, and then something dark comes along without comedy attached to it.

So yeah, I got not clue why culturally it seems to be a thing Asian media does a bunch and Western media does not.

Nah, doesn't have anything to do with culture. Probably an early writer like Tezuka or similar invented the technique, and it became a convention in the medium. If it really was cultural, foreign audiences would have more issues with the whiplash, but it's not a common complaint.

Really? I see it complained about all the time on here, or I remember seeing it when people talked about anime.

You might be right though in that it's more a convention that has simply continued after a standard-bearer popularized it until it became a thing, much like Western comics and movies and whatever have their own idiosyncrasies that they've incorporated over time.
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