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MGSV Alternate E3 Gameplay Demo

I don't want to sound rude by saying this but I don't think this game is for you. MGSV is as Greg Miller puts it "Peace Walker 2" and this game expands on that big time. If you don't like those features then you won't like how V works at the core gameplay.

RIP in peace EatChildren


I love Pokken!


I don't want to sound rude by saying this but I don't think this game is for you. MGSV is as Greg Miller puts it "Peace Walker 2" and this game expands on that big time. If you don't like those features then you won't like how V works at the core gameplay.

Also no, Freeroam likely won't make your progress bar go up at all since you're not actively in a mission. You can find resources and guards, but story or content completion won't go up.

I said in an earlier post that I'm looking forward to giving that system another chance in MGSV. Part of what I disliked about Peace Walker was that there was only a picture of the base you were building, so all the 'base building' was really just spreadsheet management, and grinding out those Extra Ops meant seeing all those tiny levels you'd already backtracked through twice in the main campaign over and over and over. MGSV obviously doesn't have those problems, so I'm optimistic.

However, I would hope that 'expanding' on those features doesn't just mean doing the same thing all over again. PW's system needs some work, and I would hope they iterate on it and improve things the way they would with any other gameplay mechanic. Not having 'time passed' mean 'missions beaten' would be a good place to start, because that'd really discourage me from ever Free Roaming.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
So it says "TRETIJ REBENOK" on Kid Mantis figure.

Anyone from russia can translate what that means?

I hear people saying "The third child", is that correct?

Can't believe this is coming out in less than 2 months. I also can't believe how gigantic this game will be with the amount of content they put in.
So I have not been following it closely and I liked the vid but I'm confused how the game works . Is it like ground zeroes where you keep going back to the same bases / random missions in order to build up your mother base ?


It's not like it breaks the game at all fixing it. They just load the suit asset file in that fashion designer they mentioned at GDC, adjust the issue, save it, and call it a day.

I wish it was that easy :)

I used the program, and do 3D art
So I have not been following it closely and I liked the vid but I'm confused how the game works . Is it like ground zeroes where you keep going back to the same bases / random missions in order to build up your mother base ?

Mother Base is your home, basically, and you have a gigantic Afghanistan map full of all kinds of enemy outposts. Later on there's an equally huge map in Africa, and we're all assuming there'll be more stuff they haven't shown yet. There are main story missions and side missions, and apparently the actual game has a non-linear, episodic structure, so the story will change depending on the order in which you complete missions. It's kind of a hard game to pin down in just a few sentences :p

The fact that they're playing the same mission so many times in this demo is just to show how open the gameplay is; you can complete the same objective any way you like. You won't actually have to replay the same missions over and over in the game (though I imagine you can if you want to, to get S-Ranks or Fulton dudes).
Can't imagine what for. Maybe to protect their eyes from the sand in the desert?

I think it's actually part of their Combat outfits. D.Horse didn't have it in the earlier Afghanistan demos, but now that he has a gigantic, horse-sized bulletproof vest, he gets a nice little face mask to go with it :p


What's wrong with exploring a Russian research bureau and finding a sweet case of cigarettes that fires sleep gas into people's faces, then running around sending everyone to sleep and enjoying your fun video game? Why is it more rewarding game design if they make you first find a blueprint, then wait through five missions while that blueprint's being developed, then let you use it a an hour later when all the progress bars have filled up? To me that's wasting my time, not rewarding me.

And who said you wouldn't be able to do that in TPP still? I'm sure there are still some very cool stuff hidden in the world.

All I'm saying is that it's not too bad to be a little optimistic about things.
And who said you wouldn't be able to do that in TPP still? I'm sure there are still some very cool stuff hidden in the world.

All I'm saying is that it's not too bad to be a little optimistic about things.

I actually did say I was optimistic. Twice in this thread :p

All I meant was that you couldn't find things and have fun with them in Peace Walker; you only found blueprints that had to be developed, and all the cool stuff was locked away behind high R&D requirements. I have no idea whether that's still the case in MGSV. I'd love it if there was stuff out there waiting to be played with. And just for the record since people keep quoting me and I guess I'm coming off like a big sourpuss, I'm enormously excited to play this game and I can't wait to get my hands on it. I don't really like the way Peace Walker works, and I'm hoping they change and tweak a few things here and there, but even if it's exactly the same thing again I'm ready and willing to give it another go.


I said in an earlier post that I'm looking forward to giving that system another chance in MGSV. Part of what I disliked about Peace Walker was that there was only a picture of the base you were building, so all the 'base building' was really just spreadsheet management, and grinding out those Extra Ops meant seeing all those tiny levels you'd already backtracked through twice in the main campaign over and over and over. MGSV obviously doesn't have those problems, so I'm optimistic.

However, I would hope that 'expanding' on those features doesn't just mean doing the same thing all over again. PW's system needs some work, and I would hope they iterate on it and improve things the way they would with any other gameplay mechanic. Not having 'time passed' mean 'missions beaten' would be a good place to start, because that'd really discourage me from ever Free Roaming.

I'm concerned a little about the 'time' aspect, too. Is it confirmed that you can put more people in R&D to reduce the time it will take to develop new gear?

However, I disagree with the other GAFfer that free-roam won't count towards R&D time. I'm pretty sure all in-game time will count towards your R&D. You can do very substantial gameplay while in free-roam – completing side ops, finding buddies, finding resources, finding new gear. There is no reason free-roam won't be counted towards R&D time. Unless KojiPro have directly stated otherwise, in which case fuck.

And as that person said, chances are the non-optional gear you'll need to complete the game will be totally OSP or given to you to begin with. I really doubt any of the significant R&D stuff will be obligatory. And the moment-to-moment gameplay is looking so utterly phenomenal that all of this will probably just be deep, metagame backdrop to give your actions more weight, rather than being necessary micromanagement. I'm optimistic, too, but I'm very optimistic.

It was blue in the e3 demo. But I think you're not really flying about anywhere in what's basically the start screen so it doesn't matter so much. Each of the segments starts with a big round number of GMP and the time set to 11:00, which means that at least the ASAP thing is faked for the demo.

Grey here

[edit for others' benefit: we were discussing why the world is grey through the Chopper's windows a couple of pages back. I'm arguing that it's because, when you're on the mobile base between missions, the Chopper is in the blank grey-zone in this screenshot. So when you change gear, Snake and buddies appear outside of the chopper and we edit stuff, etc.]


That's not helpful at all. If you want to move at top speed you obviously have to keep shouting "Hyah!" every three seconds, and "Just don't go at top speed" doesn't really fix the issue. That's like saying "If you don't like Quiet constantly humming, just never use Quiet".

Other video game horses either don't need constant prompting to stay at galloping speed (Witcher 3) or the devs programmed it so the player character didn't shout the exact same soundbyte every single time (Red Dead Redemption).

People are hugely blowing this out of proportion. I'm pretty sure in Shadow of the Colossus and OoT it was the same soundbite every time.

And more importantly, have you ever ridden a horse? You do have to make the same noise/say the same thing every time you command a horse. You have to train horses to know a small, specific vocabulary. They have to have a very specific and limited set of commands which are the same every time, or you can't ride them efficiently.

I once rode a horse whose "go fast" command was the Arabic word 'Zeet'. If I said 'Zit' or 'Zet', or 'Work, ya damn nag', or 'yah!', or 'faster', he wouldn't do anything. If I said 'Zeet' he'd be off at a 30 mile per hour gallop. (Well, if I squeezed him, too. If we were at standstill 'Zeet' would just mean 'trot/go'.

Snake is using a horse properly when he does this. It's classic Kojima attention to detail.


Wished the game was nest gen only, every MGS was cutting edge technically and this one... well just compare it to Horizon visually, looks almost a gen apart :/

Gameplay seems awesome but in the demo when he put the C4 on that soldier the explosion and animations were not satisfying and convincing, felt a little cheap, really wished this game could be next gen only and 30 fps if needed in order to bring the polish and spectacle I expect out of any MGS game.
I imagine many will disagree here, but having heard Sutherland in GZ, I think I'm okay if he barely says anything in TPP. Hopefully they can find ways of replacing his speech, but it sounds genuinely bad to me. I expected it to be a case of me thinking I'd prefer Hayter, but satisfied with Sutherland, but its not what I want Big Boss to sound like in the slightest.
The humming from Quiet is anice idea, but its's far too repetitive and frequent.

Hum hum huum, huhuhuhuum
Hum hum huum, huhuhuhuum
Hum hum huum, huhuhuhuum
Hum hum huum, huhuhuhuum
Hum hum huum, huhuhuhuum
Hum hum huum, huhuhuhuum

God !


I imagine many will disagree here, but having heard Sutherland in GZ, I think I'm okay if he barely says anything in TPP. Hopefully they can find ways of replacing his speech, but it sounds genuinely bad to me. I expected it to be a case of me thinking I'd prefer Hayter, but satisfied with Sutherland, but its not what I want Big Boss to sound like in the slightest.

I love Sutherland's voice whenever he's barking things or being aggressive, but the instant he's in a more dramatic/emotional context, it doesn't work at all. The key example being when he speaks to Chico in Ground Zeroes. It's like Big Boss is just some normal guy who's worried and slightly concerned about his friend – which is never what Big Boss should sound like, even about the ones he cares about. Sutherland's intonation is just wrong and too 'light' in these contexts, where Hayter would have stayed harsh, pragmatic, results-focused.

I look forward to hearing more of it in the whole game, though.
I once rode a horse whose "go fast" command was the Arabic word 'Zeet'. If I said 'Zit' or 'Zet', or 'Work, ya damn nag', or 'yah!', or 'faster', he wouldn't do anything. If I said 'Zeet' he'd be off at a 30 mile per hour gallop. (Well, if I squeezed him, too. If we were at standstill 'Zeet' would just mean 'trot/go'.

Snake is using a horse properly when he does this. It's classic Kojima attention to detail.

Did you have to keep saying it every three seconds to keep him galloping, though? Honest question; I don't know the first thing about horses. I'd be fine with a little lapse in realism in this case.


Did you have to keep saying it every three seconds to keep him galloping, though? Honest question; I don't know the first thing about horses. I'd be fine with a little lapse in realism in this case.

It's complicated - different in each context.

If I was getting him moving, yes. I'd say 'zeet' quite a few times, maybe up to 4-5 to get him to the speed I want. This would be over 10 seconds. But once galloping on a beach, say, a long straight, there'd be no need to say anything. He'd happily truck along. But if something bothers the horse, they may start slowing, in which case you have to command them to go again. This could in theory happen every few seconds. They're terrifyingly intelligent creatures, communicating with them is really difficult, and it's pretty unsettling when you're riding one and don't know how to communicate.

It's also worth noting that your main way of communicating with them is to squeeze their belly with your feet. In Shadow of the Colossus this is a really obvious movement. I don't know exactly what it looks like in MGSV or how significant it is. Presumably in a lot of this video they will be holding the horse's Run button, Snake's feet will be squeezing its flank, and keeping it going steady. If it needs a boost of speed, he'll tap the button and Snake will shout.

In many games with horseriding - like in Shadow of the Colossus - the horse will gallop for a bit but gradually slow down, and you'll have to hit X again (with Wander shouting a phrase) to speed it up. The horse in SotC also has 4 speed settings, so you need to press X 3-4 times to get him up to speed, which sounds repetitive but when you're playing the game you don't notice (hence why I don't think it'll be an issue in MGSV. You notice it in a video but you won't notice while playing.) In some games, like RDR and The Witcher and (it appears) MGSV, the horse can hold a steady speed, so you won't need to hit the button repeatedly.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
For people worried about dem graphixxx.

This guy is a PC gamer and can't stop praising how good the game looks on PS4. He knows what he's talking about since he was at the preview event and got to play the game for 16 or so hours.

From my point of view this makes MGSV the best looking game on the system, maybe even the best looking console game ever made.

I can't get over how good the animation for DD is. Just look at that fucking gif above, that's a real damn dog, not some static videogame fascimile of one.
The only reason I might not have DD with me 100% of the time is that buddies can apparently die in the field, and they're just gone for the rest of the game. Under no circumstances could I handle that.

(Though I wonder if that hasn't been changed in development at some point, because in the last demo D.Walker blew up and it seemed to automatically Fulton itself back to base.)
Is there any reason to choose the horse as a buddy over the others? If you need to travel long distances you can just use the mech or even a jeep.

I guess you're quieter on the horse and can go into 'stealth' mode, plus it can strategic poop. There might be other aspects we haven't seen yet.


The only reason I might not have DD with me 100% of the time is that buddies can apparently die in the field, and they're just gone for the rest of the game. Under no circumstances could I handle that.

(Though I wonder if that hasn't been changed in development at some point, because in the last demo D.Walker blew up and it seemed to automatically Fulton itself back to base.)

I can dig that though. Imagine undertaking some "They killed my dog" vengeance. I'd start murdering soldiers in their sleep.
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