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Microsoft on hardcore gamers: "Sweaty 30 Year Olds In Metallica T-shirts"


Blimblim said:
It will be interesting to see how this pans out in 1 or 2 years. Unless MS has some big exclusives coming I simply can't see how the hardcore gamers are not going to a greener (or should I say bluer?) PS3 land.
They lost Bungie, Bizarre, Rare is now nothing but a casual studio, Lionhead may or may not be doing gamer stuff, Gears of War is supposed (iirc) to be done with the 3rd one, and Forza while being a good racing series is hardly a system seller. The Halo franchise is now in the hands of a new team who has everything to prove, even though they have big names in their ranks.
Seriously though, what the hell are they going to release after Gears 3 next year? Forza 4 is the only game from an existing IP that MS could have in store for Q3/4 2011, no Halo, no Gears, no Fable, no PGR. Unless they have a new huge IP in store (and with their current management it's highly doubtful they'd go and launch a new IP this late in this generation), MS has basically no big releases after Gears 3.
This is my biggest fear. Phil Spencer is new in his position, but dunno how he will handle his new job. We will see how they handle next year, then we will prolly see what the future holds.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Lagspike_exe said:
MS gaming division undergoing an identity crisis.

It's like hanging with losers your entire life and after getting invited to hang out with the cool kids you become the biggest basher of the group you hanged out with just yesterday. Hilarious. :lol

And those "losers" are the people that propped you up for most of your school life. Suddenly, you don't get cash from them and can't eat lunch. :(

Thank god I can't give a shit about any MS game past Reach anymore. :D


I usually go for "Pony tail and death metal t-shirt" when I try to describe these creatures.

Singling out Metallica is not fair.


GAF's Bob Woodward
TheOddOne said:
So this comment is the point that everybody just lost it, because of a joke? This seems like connecting dots and then coming up with a opinion and then taking it as fact.

I'm saying I think there's a context of disgruntlement among some 'hardcore', at least, wrt MS at the moment, so stuff like this is just fuel for the PR fire MS has had of late. Any little thing will touch off a thread like this.
flyinpiranha said:
Heh, but it's true! Who gives a shit if the guy made a joke. Didn't Butler say something along the same lines in his speech in E3? "Gaming is having a ridiculously large TV in a tiny one room apartment" ...

Where were the pitchforks?
There is a difference between poking fun and talking shit
Interfectum said:
What do you get so butthurt over threads like these?

I'm not butthurt :lol :lol :lol I just see a buncha dudes making a lot of drama over being called things they are not. It's not even talking about them =B
beast786 said:
And thats OK?

So my racist friend thinks all blacks are criminals. Hence, When I talk to him I refer to all black as criminals.

Yep .. sounds ok to me. :lol

Yes, good idea, let's equate this to racism.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Where is the butthurt? He was addressing that audience's cliched view of gaming, not his. If you are a sweaty nerd in a Metallica t-shirt, then he nailed you. If you're not then he's not talking about you.


Blimblim said:
It will be interesting to see how this pans out in 1 or 2 years. Unless MS has some big exclusives coming I simply can't see how the hardcore gamers are not going to a greener (or should I say bluer?) PS3 land.
They lost Bungie, Bizarre, Rare is now nothing but a casual studio, Lionhead may or may not be doing gamer stuff, Gears of War is supposed (iirc) to be done with the 3rd one, and Forza while being a good racing series is hardly a system seller. The Halo franchise is now in the hands of a new team who has everything to prove, even though they have big names in their ranks.
Seriously though, what the hell are they going to release after Gears 3 next year? Forza 4 is the only game from an existing IP that MS could have in store for Q3/4 2011, no Halo, no Gears, no Fable, no PGR. Unless they have a new huge IP in store (and with their current management it's highly doubtful they'd go and launch a new IP this late in this generation), MS has basically no big releases after Gears 3.
Rare has to release 2 games(Banjo and PD2 or something) next year for MS to have some sort of a line-up.


gofreak said:
I'm saying I think there's a context of disgruntlement among some 'hardcore', at least, wrt MS at the moment, so stuff like this is just fuel for the PR fire MS has had of late. Any little thing will touch off a thread like this.
And there should be threads about stupid stuff MS does, but for this? Really?


OuterWorldVoice said:
Where is the butthurt? He was addressing that audience's cliched view of gaming, not his. If you are a sweaty nerd in a Metallica t-shirt, then he nailed you. If you're not then he's not talking about you.

And it didn't end there - the presentation featured constant allusions to basement dwelling nerds and impenetrable control schemes. Which is fine if Microsoft's courting vacuous fashionistas now, but does the company have to do it at our expense?

The Metallica one-liner sticks out yeah, but it didn't stop at that comment. MS is going the Nintendo route talking about how awful controllers are and how their audience consists of basement dwelling nerds (although Nintendo was far less insulting).

Worth a boycott? No.
Worth getting butthurt over? No.

It's definitely worth a discussion though seeing as how MS is slowly turning against the people who made the Xbox division what it is today, isn't it?

The only butthurt people I see in this thread are the usual 360 defenders who can't stand people discussing their favorite company in a negative light.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Where is the butthurt? He was addressing that audience's cliched view of gaming, not his. If you are a sweaty nerd in a Metallica t-shirt, then he nailed you. If you're not then he's not talking about you.

I don't particularly care what he said, as I'm not part of MS's original audience, but... you don't think they could have communicated the value of Kinect to people without dipping into the cliche pool?

Interfectum said:
The Metallica one-liner sticks out yeah, but it didn't stop at that comment. MS is going the Nintendo route talking about how awful controllers are and how their audience consists of basement dwelling nerds.

It's basically what Nintendo was saying years ago only MS is being far more insulting.

Refresh my memory: When did Nintendo say anything like this?
Threi said:
don't worry guys Kevin Butler still cares about you

The fact that some of you think Kevin butler is a hero or something kind of proves Microsoft's point.

Just to clarify: I understand that your being sarcastic Threi, this isn't aimed at you.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
They're right. Real alpha males don't wear Metallica t-shirts:

Str0ngStyle said:
There is a difference between poking fun and talking shit
:lol and they both were poking fun. My god, the reactions to anything MS does is hilarious on GAF ... it's gotten to be pure comedy gold.

"MS makes a joke"
"Live rises $10"
"New controller with the same pricing as a wireless and PnC kit"

You know who I hate!? Rock Bands! How they can fucking say Cleveland is the rockin'est city then have the balls to show up in Portland. Fuck them. I mean, what are they trying to do? Just please the crowd they are talking to?


Vinci said:
Refresh my memory: When did Nintendo say anything like this?

They didn't... at least not in the way MS is doing it. Nintendo talked about going beyond their hardcore crowd and how the controller was a barrier to entry. But they said it in a way that didn't piss all over their current fanbase.


flyinpiranha said:
:lol and they both were poking fun. My god, the reactions to anything MS does is hilarious on GAF ... it's gotten to be pure comedy gold.

"MS makes a joke"
"Live rises $10"
"New controller with the same pricing as a wireless and PnC kit"

It's interesting that you are against consumers pushing back against corporate greed. Would you rather everyone just bend over and take it as you are so seemingly eager to?


EviLore said:
They're right. Real alpha males don't wear Metallica t-shirts:


Is that Al Gore?

It's interesting that you are against consumers pushing back against corporate greed. Would you rather everyone just bend over and take it as you are so seemingly eager to?

He didn't say he was against it, just that it was humorous.


Interfectum said:
They didn't... at least not in the way MS is doing it. Nintendo talked about going beyond their hardcore crowd and how the controller was a barrier to entry. But they said it in a way that didn't piss all over their current fanbase.
Its funny that your calling people butthurt, but seems to me your the one butthurt :lol


flyinpiranha said:
You mean the guy who said gaming is "having a huge TV and living in a tiny one room apartment"?

Come on ... Jesus, I understand the common mentality here is to hate on MS but at least be consistent on what we hate and not just blindly ignore one and demonize the other.

He said that right after talking about how he loves God of War III. If you'd actually listen to the entire speech, you'd know that it was all about selling a combined 'hardcore + casual' gaming message, to a room of hardcore gamers. An even more important difference, though, was the audience. E3 is made up of hardcore gamers, so any light jabs at hardcore gaming culture have a much different message than ones to 'fashion editors and lifestyle doyens'. At E3, the chuckles were 'yes, I do that!', while at the Kinect event, the chuckles were 'heh NERDS'.

Not that I even attacked the metallica t-shirt comment in my initial post, though. I seriously don't know what you were responding to. I only clarified what perception of Kevin Butler is.


Interfectum said:
MS is going the Nintendo route talking about how awful controllers are...

For that crowd, they are. Hell, even hardcore gamers have complained about convoluted control schemes at times so what chance do casual gamers have to learn them? There's a reason EA added 'casual' modes like one button play to their football franchises.
Interfectum said:
It's interesting that you are against consumers pushing back against corporate greed. Would you rather everyone just bend over and take it as you are so seemingly eager to?

And here comes the principle train. ALL ABOARD!

$10 and a jab at gamers doesn't equate to MS (sorry, forgot the $ sign) M$ being the only company that is equating to greed.

Or ... are you one of those people that think Kevin Butler is real. It's hard to tell these days as I can't see beyond the torches and pitchforks.


FYI, Microsoft and Sony are not gaming companies. They don't care about games, this is just one of their money making "divisions". They only want your money. Nothing these clowns say surprise me.

Nintendo, being a gaming company, they give slightly more of a shit about you. They still only want your money though. Oh, and your soul.


thanks for the laugh
while i'm all for sticking in knife into douche chilling pr tardups, i'd want to have something resembling a transcript before i really go to town- rather than a single (context?) quote and then a vague, angled interpretation.

honour among thieves.


Hail to the KING baby
thcsquad said:
What are you talking about? Do you really think people don't recognize the actor from Geico commercials? When people say stuff like 'Kevin Butler GETS IT', they're talking about the person/people responsible for the Kevin Butler ad campaign. Its generally accepted that Jerry Lambert's delivery matches it perfectly and makes it that much more memorable, but the message is from the writers.

edit: Also, on topic, I don't see how this is in any way surprising for Microsoft. Marketing is their forte, and that means they have to go all-in with Kinect marketing and their target demographic. This is a perfect way to do that.
Exactly -- if he ever was an actor or not shouldn't matter one iota. Ronald Reagan was an actor and all he did was end the Cold War.

You know KB is owning people left and right because if they actually had legitimate criticisms of what he was saying, they'd focus a lot less on his background. Instead all you hear is "bu bu bu ACTOR!" I woulda loved to see Gorbachev try to say that to Reagan :lol.
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