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Moore's Law Is Dead Claims To Have Received Insider Information About the PlayStation 5 That is Amazing If It's True

Moore's Law Is Dead is a YouTuber who talks about video-game technology and purports to receive exclusive information about impending products from industry insiders. In his latest video, which is embedded below, he claims to have received a scoop about the PlayStation 5 and the most recent Xbox game show (July 23rd) months ago but has kept it to himself since then because it was initially unbelievable. He says that the reason that he is revealing it now is that it has recently been proven partially true; supposedly, the scoop revealed - months ago - that the most recent Xbox game show would announce Fable 4 and that it wouldn't reveal the price and release date of the Xbox Series X, both of which are accurate. Hence, he claims that the information in the scoop pertaining to the PlayStation 5 must be true; it is as follows:

1. The PlayStation 5's Geometry Engine will be included in the micro-architecture that will be RDNA3 and that it implements a variant of Variable Rate Shading that runs circles around the Xbox Series X. Its ability to draw polygons will be difficult for the Xbox Series X to compete with.

2. The polygonal rendering of the Geometry Engine will take about a year for third-party developers to master but that Sony's first-party developers have already mastered it, which is why Horizon Forbidden West will actually look as good during gameplay as it does in the in-engine trailer that was revealed during the PlayStation 5 game show last month.

3. The PlayStation 5's ray tracing capabilities are much more customized and subsequently better than they have been revealed to be.

4. The yields of the PlayStation 5's APU at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company have been better than expected, which has resulted in a sufficient percentage of them having 38 functional CUs on the GPU. Hence, Sony may bump up the official specs of the PlayStation 5 to include 38 active CUs on the GPU rather than the previously announced 36.

5. The PlayStation 5's memory chips may be upgraded from 16 gigabits per second to 18 gigabits per second.

6. The PlayStation 5's CPU frequency may be bumped up by 100Mhz.

7. Sony will be announcing God of War 2 (or 5, depending on how you look at it) in August via a very graphically impressive gameplay demonstration ("jaw dropping graphics that approach photo realism").

8. A reboot of a mystery franchise: "a mainstay of PlayStation, one that used to be a bigger, tent-pole franchise and Mark Cerny is working on it."

Am I the only who doesn't give an F of technical details, and pass on them every single time? Lol

I want GAMES, not nerd blah blah blah I can see how many hair has on his ass blah blah

So call me excited for GOW2, I can't f--in wait to see... ⚡

and... please God, if you exist and hear me, pick one between Dino Crisis ( I know, not a Sony franchise but a legendary symbol of ps1 ) Tomba or Syphon Filter and make the mistery project be one of them ❤
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Snake Oil Salesman
For what it's worth, I think Moore's Law is Dead said he's going to quit his job and do YouTube/Podcasts full time.

If he's proven a fake in a month, probably not a great start to his new full time gig.


This is not even hype, it is a false rumor.
And no, I won't blindly believe anyone's hype. I may feel the hype, follow the hype, hype others, but I am always ready for disappointment.
Sony has made great games, Ms has made great games and nintendo and sega also made great games.
Most games are multiplatform by the way, so a company does not guarantee quality in all cases.

After the xbox disastrous event, think about why sony also didn't show gameplay for its games except for ratchet (wich already was nothing like the cinematic gameplay pretend from the beginning of crazy world swapping)

We have seen close to 0 real gameplay on both consoles. They are not ready for launch, they may launch regardless. Expect some disapointments at launch.
Also expect great games and better games later on.

Nonsense, numerous games had gameplay just tht Ratchet had tons of it. Agathia had gameplay, Sackboy gameplay, Horizon Zero Dawn also had snippets of gameplay although ppl don't want to admit it lol thy can't believe it as well as Spiderman, Gran Turismo lots of gameplay and others. Comparing both and saying neither had gameplay is fanboy propaganda and disgenous. Idc about where you put your faith but I go by quantifiable shit and there is no denying Sony rarely talks but shows and proves while Microsoft talks alot and falters, this isn't 360 days but about to be two generations past of mediocrity and I won't make excuses for them we are far from it.

Your creating a fictional situation to fit a narrative tht doesn't exist. 0 game play because you say so? 🤔 Gran Turismo wasnt real? All tht Ratchet Gameplay neither and just because you cant discern cutscene from game play in Horizon.

Your argument is frivolous and I won't entertain it anymore, there clearly is an agenda at hand. Enjoy your day though ❤😊

This reminds me of when ppl and professionals couodnt tell tht Uncharted 2 presentation was gameplay thy even had DF fooled until thy did a live demo and everyone was floored. Sony setting those graphical benchmarks again, fooling ppl.
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I see a lot of dismissal of very plausible rumors, which may be due to a lack of technical understanding of emerging technologies, who is developing them, and how some of these rumors actually reinforce each other. To be perfectly clear, I have no inside information, and everything I write here is speculation informed by my modest technical background.

1) Higher yields for PS5 APU

Reasons Sony may be seeing higher yields could be due to: TSMC's mature process, a competent COVID-19 response in Asia, and the APU using chiplets.

Chiplets are really important because the main chip can be divided into little lego blocks that are then connected together with something like Infinitiy Fabric. By producing smaller chips on a wafer, fewer chips need to be discarded due to defects, and this is far more important for yields than disabling redundant chip circuitry. Higher yields lower costs and increase production, and chiplets are said to be game changing in this regard. The APU and memory chips are critical components in consoles, and apparently Sony is not having a problem with the supply chain as they have raised their year-end production target to 10 million, which is insane BTW. Peak PS4 sales topped out at about 20 million per year.

2) Specs changing from Cerny's presentation

Cerny probably put his presentation together before a variety of production details were finalized, and so it is not remotely surprising that we could see various upgrades. Console manufacturers can work with an architecture that allows some flexibility, so that they may take advantage of changing market conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic made this a particularly unpredictable year, so flexibility is a real advantage.

3) Significant innovations to RTRT

Realtime ray tracing hardware is pretty new, and developers are only beginning to make use of the technology. Many basic improvements are possible, but including enhancements becomes a matter of cost/performance, especially if a manufacturer sticks their neck out to commit significant die resources to a capability that developers fail to use. For instance, if one manufacturer doubles or quadruples the cache available to the BVH cores, it comes at great cost and only provides an advantage if developers size their data structures to take advantage of it. Comparative benchmarks could destroy their product as not being competitive, even though the new feature, if properly used, offers a major improvement by enabling more intersection calculations. Software developers have little incentive to make use it if the market penetration is really low, so it does not make much sense outside of a mass produced console. Also, improvements to parallelism with AMD's dual compute units might yield better performance for disparate computational tasks that minimize contention over shared resources. With PS4, we have already seen the huge advantage offered by superior asynchronous compute, allowing for a far more efficient use of the GPU. The copious animated foliage of TLOU2 & GoT would seem to provide testament to this.

The issue of slow access to memory or storage limiting computational performance goes back to the very first computers. In the 1940s, Harvard's Mark series of computers calculated at the rate of seconds per instruction, largely limited by the rate the electromechanical perforated paper tape readers could feed data to the adders and multipliers. By 1945, ENIAC demonstrated thousands of instructions per second by using wire plugs and switches to serve as instructions and data, eliminating the need for the tape readers, and no longer stalling the computational components. Today, as processors have increased in speed, memory has been left far behind because of how many clock cycles it takes for the electrons to make the round trip to the memory modules (or other storage system) and back. This disparity is termed 'the memory wall', and it is usually addressed with a cache hierarchy. The PS5's improvements in this area look to be a major technological advancement, and we have already heard some experts qualify this as 'revolutionary'. I do not think it is hyperbole.

4) RDNA 3 features

As was mentioned in Cerny's The Road to PS5, Sony had been working with AMD to develop key gaming related features. We now know that these include enhancements to I/O management, and the geometry engine, a key component that affects the geometric complexity of game visuals. In the PS3 era, SPUs (SIMD/vector processors) were utilized to cull geometry. On PS4, CUs were used. Now there is a dedicated piece of hardware specialized with plenty of improvements for efficiency, some of which have already been suggested in patents. Why is it unbelievable that AMD would not wish to incorporate some of this in future products under the moniker RDNA3? The same may be true for the I/O improvements as well. None of this changes the claim that the underlying technology is based upon RDNA 2.

Sony's studios have some of the most talented game developers in the world, and is entirely plausible that their institutional knowledge can serve as an effective complement to AMD, helping them to envision new features and successfully bring them to market.

Regardless, more reveals are rumored to be coming next month, and a lot of the 'rubber speculation' will finally meet the 'road of reality'.


My money is on SOCOM or Resistance. Both would be huge.
Resistance, please! One of my all time favorite console shooter. I just love the settings, the enemies and those weapons. Please, bring back story coop (R:FOM), the amazing coop specifice cenarios (R2) and the art + main campaign of the last entry.


Sounds like bs to me. Fable 4 being your predication for believing your source is about as low hanging fruit as you can get. I’d love to see the reactions to a spec bump though. I don’t believe that or rdna 3 though.


Are we still talking about this? People still gobble these pointless talks? Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Helping this fake insider to collect views $. Smh :messenger_downcast_sweat:

This YTer has zero hits for his insider news, even more full of shit than cboat


As a PC guy, but Xbox console lover its hard to say but Sony could take off since CUs, drop some MHz off of the CPU and lower bandwidth slightly thus market the ps5 even cheaper and still run around circles after yesterday show.. Sadly...


Every time I enter this thread:

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
I watched this video and have watched several of his videos before, he doesn't have insider info, he just has good/believable speculation.
Sony won't use 18GBps GDDR6, they are currently using 14GBps and if we are lucky they would go to 16GBps, but this late in the game means that while possible, it is unlikely.
Using 38 compute units; again, this late in the game it's very unlikely, would it be great? You bet! But better yields will just translate into less dies being thrown away, meaning they can save some cash.


I watched this video and have watched several of his videos before, he doesn't have insider info, he just has good/believable speculation.
Sony won't use 18GBps GDDR6, they are currently using 14GBps and if we are lucky they would go to 16GBps, but this late in the game means that while possible, it is unlikely.
Using 38 compute units; again, this late in the game it's very unlikely, would it be great? You bet! But better yields will just translate into less dies being thrown away, meaning they can save some cash.
You should consider that he claims to have gotten this information months ago. So, it may not have been too late then for changes to be made to the hardware.


"The polygonal rendering of the Geometry Engine will take about a year for third-party developers to master but that Sony's first-party developers have already mastered it"

I stopped reading here.
That could be a thing tho’
Sonys ICE team would have had quite some time now to adjust the api’s to take adv. of the GE compared to 3rd parties. Sony would share their code with 3rd parties as well, but if it requires a little different approach to get the most of it, 3rd parties wouldnt have time to utilize it before the next wave of games. (i.e. after the lauch window games)
For what it's worth, I think Moore's Law is Dead said he's going to quit his job and do YouTube/Podcasts full time.

If he's proven a fake in a month, probably not a great start to his new full time gig.
Can you even make a living with 60K subscribers and videos that average in the 45K range of views?
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It would be cool if true but it sounds so outlandish. Like something a diehard fan boy would come up with. We'll find out soon enough eh?
Why can’t us gamers just be happy with the console of our choice and play the games you enjoy without having to shit on other consoles I own all consoles every generation and try to play as many games as I can. This bullshit with trying to make the make the weaker hardware the stronger one through all kinds of bullshit ways is kinda dumb from last gen on Xbox and this gen on PlayStation. Just enjoy the games you like and systems you want to play on Jesus.


If 1 is true, then so is 2:

1. Game that most people knew was coming will be announced; pricing, which no one expected, won't be.

2. Fucking laundry list of technical details re: PS5


(Not knocking the OP, just this Moore's Law guy.)


Moore's Law Is Dead is a YouTuber who talks about video-game technology and purports to receive exclusive information about impending products from industry insiders. In his latest video, which is embedded below, he claims to have received a scoop about the PlayStation 5 and the most recent Xbox game show (July 23rd) months ago but has kept it to himself since then because it was initially unbelievable. He says that the reason that he is revealing it now is that it has recently been proven partially true; supposedly, the scoop revealed - months ago - that the most recent Xbox game show would announce Fable 4 and that it wouldn't reveal the price and release date of the Xbox Series X, both of which are accurate. Hence, he claims that the information in the scoop pertaining to the PlayStation 5 must be true; it is as follows:

1. The PlayStation 5's Geometry Engine will be included in the micro-architecture that will be RDNA3 and that it implements a variant of Variable Rate Shading that runs circles around the Xbox Series X. Its ability to draw polygons will be difficult for the Xbox Series X to compete with.

2. The polygonal rendering of the Geometry Engine will take about a year for third-party developers to master but that Sony's first-party developers have already mastered it, which is why Horizon Forbidden West will actually look as good during gameplay as it does in the in-engine trailer that was revealed during the PlayStation 5 game show last month.

3. The PlayStation 5's ray tracing capabilities are much more customized and subsequently better than they have been revealed to be.

4. The yields of the PlayStation 5's APU at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company have been better than expected, which has resulted in a sufficient percentage of them having 38 functional CUs on the GPU. Hence, Sony may bump up the official specs of the PlayStation 5 to include 38 active CUs on the GPU rather than the previously announced 36.

5. The PlayStation 5's memory chips may be upgraded from 16 gigabits per second to 18 gigabits per second.

6. The PlayStation 5's CPU frequency may be bumped up by 100Mhz.

7. Sony will be announcing God of War 2 (or 5, depending on how you look at it) in August via a very graphically impressive gameplay demonstration ("jaw dropping graphics that approach photo realism").

8. A reboot of a mystery franchise: "a mainstay of PlayStation, one that used to be a bigger, tent-pole franchise and Mark Cerny is working on it."

Have been following him for a while now and he is very credible on the GPU/CPU side of things. Not sure how reliable he is on console stuff but considering his track record, I'd take it seriously.


Not hard to guess another GOW, FABLE or no price. A mystery game could be any first party game Sony announces between and now and forever.

I doubt any of the tech stuff, Sony would of talked about it. What you see is what you get. Maybe they bump the specks a little bit before final production but I doubt any huge secrets get launched.

4K and RT are very expensive so you will need sacrifices elsewhere if you want to shoot for either of those.


Who knows, but interesting Tweaktown agreed with him

I am not agreeing, just interested

I watched the video. Ive actually been waiting and expecting something dealing with a HW bump. It would have to be timed so there couldnt be a counter reaction. So maybe during price announcements, pre order, OS being showed, etc..

It very much fits their style. Remember the 4GB to 8GB jump that no one knew about? Not even developers.

MS also knows this though and could be doing the same.
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I watched the video. Ive actually been waiting and expecting something dealing with a HW bump. It would have to be timed so there couldnt be a counter reaction. So maybe during price announcements, pre order, OS being showed, etc..

It very much fits their style. Remember the 4GB to 8GB jump that no one knew about? Not even developers.

MS also knows this though and could be doing the same.

I can see MS doing something if it costs them nothing (clocks or increased CU yields) but With the HW edge I doubt they would be willing to invest any more money in the HW at this point.

During the Cerney talk he explained the variable clock on the GPU mainly because of how power hungry it was . I found it strange that they did not have an option to increase the clocks of the CPU at all. Not all games need to be visual masterpieces needing 10TF and they may choose to develop more CPU intensive games , it would be nice to see the devs have the option to clock it higher if they need to.


I can see MS doing something if it costs them nothing (clocks or increased CU yields) but With the HW edge I doubt they would be willing to invest any more money in the HW at this point.

During the Cerney talk he explained the variable clock on the GPU mainly because of how power hungry it was . I found it strange that they did not have an option to increase the clocks of the CPU at all. Not all games need to be visual masterpieces needing 10TF and they may choose to develop more CPU intensive games , it would be nice to see the devs have the option to clock it higher if they need to.

Even if there are no tricks, which I kind of think there will be, the PS5 is a monster of a console and in good shape as it sits.


Have been following him for a while now and he is very credible on the GPU/CPU side of things. Not sure how reliable he is on console stuff but considering his track record, I'd take it seriously.

nonsense, he has not a single hit on whatever GPU/CPU leaks in all his vids. i browsed. i know.


nonsense, he has not a single hit on whatever GPU/CPU leaks in all his vids. i browsed. i know.

I disagree. He has some great stuff on Ampere as well as great stuff on the XT AMD chips and that's only the recent stuff. When did you browse? Quite a lot of videos.


So I guess Sony went back and recycled all those PS5's they already manufactured.
So that they can bump the clocks even higher, add faster Ram and add RDNA1's Geometry engine.


I personally just watch his videos on 1.5x speed. You're right he does take his damn time but I've always found the content itself to be good.
Thank you! That is actually a decent idea. I want to like all of us stuff but I can only ever get like 7 or 8 minutes in before I’m like “plz just get to it.”


I disagree. He has some great stuff on Ampere as well as great stuff on the XT AMD chips and that's only the recent stuff. When did you browse? Quite a lot of videos.

public information.
i would rather believe leaks from chinese sites than this YT'er. chinese leaks had more hits than this zero YT'er

stop giving him click$
I thought he stated that signal degradation was the reason they didn't go even higher.
on the GPU only not the CPU. the rumor here is for the CPU being upclocked

And I believe it was only 100MHz anyway so it is more reasonable then the other predictions
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