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My little brother beats me up what should I do?

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Atilac said:

This is a short-term solution that won't do anything to fix the underlying problem. I would advocate this route only if the OP sincerely reasoned his life to be in danger.


LegendofJoe said:
This is a short-term solution that won't do anything to fix the underlying problem. Personally, I would advocate this route only if the OP sincerely reasoned his life to be in danger.

Ya cops is not the best idea at all. Cops will probably not take it seriously either as it is a weird situation.

If parents don't care, then you at least found the source of you and your brother's problems.

Also, you're 21. Time to move the eff out of your parents place anyway. Hey, take your bro's issues as motivation. It could work I guess.
Big-E said:
Ya cops is not the best idea at all. Cops will probably not take it seriously either as it is a weird situation.


Mr. B Natural said:

If parents don't care, then you at least found the source of you and your brother's problems.

The OP already acknowledged his father was the source of the problems. His mother is a victim of abuse, just as he is. If the OP really cares about his brother (he seems to) he needs to at least attempt to correct his brother's behavior.
Norml said:
The fighting is most likely caused by the arguing,so just never get in that situation.If they don't argue there is no reason for him to get angered.

Just ignore and wait to he leaves or you can.Putting little bro in jail is more shameful in my eyes.

His brother is taking after his abusive father. Ignoring this behavior surely must be the right thing to do. Tattling will be shameful, I'm sure his future battered wife will agree. Calling the cops on him might get him the psychological help he needs.


Monocle said:
That exact same logic can be used to blame victims of criminals. "If you hadn't shook your pretty ass while you were walking your dog, you wouldn't have been assaulted!" The person who acts wrongly is the problem, not the person who is the target of their wrong behavior.

For me anyway-
Unless you can stand and bang, just stfu and learn you will never be right in arguing, so don't bother.


Kick his ass, i have a younger brother who is a year and a half younger than me and he rages about the stupidest shit all the time.

He's tried to beat the shit out of me for little shit, and i'm always coming back to kick his ass.

Learn to fight, that's it, if you dont defend yourself youre fucked.

It's not even that much fighting, i literally just punch him in the stomach and when he's down just get him in the head, it sounds dumb and sound like a movie cliche, but seriously, head body works.

Or watch the fighter.


get out of the goddamn basement and beat his ass. can't make it any more simple really. you're getting punked by your little brother, seriously bruh. use this thread as motivation.
I hate threads where the op obviously plans to do nothing like this one. You should have just put this in the venting thread because you know you're too much of a pussy to do anything about your brother kicking your ass.


Norml said:
The fighting is most likely caused by the arguing,so just never get in that situation.If they don't argue there is no reason for him to get angered.

Just ignore and wait to he leaves or you can.Putting little bro in jail is more shameful in my eyes.
It's already pretty bad. Sure, it'll be shamefull but it might just be the right thing to do. Hopefully your Mom will understand.


not tag worthy
next time he starts tell him to back off and stop being a dick,if that dont work kick him in the nuts.. headbutt him... he gave you a black eye you need to assert your domminance over him big bro style (I know as I am the oldest brother) ohh and before you assume i never gave my brothers a black eye, broken nose etc, just when younger we used to argue fight a lot...since w got older we argue fight less...

so what if he is stronger and taller, you know his weaknesses (ohh that knee he had surgery for) attack it with fury... mercy is for the weak!!

on a more serious note..

talk to him and make him realise he has anger issues..he may be acting out from frustration, over deep seated issues.


Someone being taller than you doesn't mean that you can't beat them in a fight. Also who cares if he works out? Improvise , kick him in the balls that will shut him down.


I laughed at this, your little brother beats you up? know why? its not because you're smaller its because he has NO respect for you.

all little brothers respect their older bro, so you done fucked up somewhere along the line. learn how to get respect back and your problem is gone.

weaseled dick your way out by calling for help and he will never respect you, never...because you can't face him like a man...like an older brother.
alphaNoid said:
I laughed at this, your little brother beats you up? know why? its not because you're smaller its because he has NO respect for you.

all little brothers respect their older bro, so you done fucked up somewhere along the line. learn how to get respect back and your problem is gone.

weaseled dick your way out by calling for help and he will never respect you, never...because you can't face him like a man...like an older brother.

Oh I can do this too.

Your husband beats you? You know why? [Insert reason that places blame on the victim].

All husbands love their wives, so you done fucked up somewhere along the line. Learn how to [solve reason given before] and your problem is gone.

How about we not blame the victim of domestic abuse? Did you even read any of his other posts? His father was abusive, the brother is taking after the father. The brother seems to have anger issues that have never been dealt with. It sounds like the problem runs deeper than "OP be a weak biyatch and aint gonna get no repekt from yer bro!"


I'm not sure I see the dilemma here.

I wouldn't have any interest in a relationship with my brother if I were in his situation - I don't have an interest in a relationship with my own brother, and we aren't nearly as openly acrimonious as these two sound, even taking into account my brother's bigotry - and that makes calling the police next time he assaults him the logical choice. If my brother were to assault me, it wouldn't matter to me that I could probably defend myself, I'd call the cops and press charges.


or next time he comes at you kick him in the knee as hard as you can


not tag worthy
maybe younger brother was more present during what the your dad did to your mother, has some issues that are manifesting themselves that way, get your brother sit him down tell him you dont want family history repeating itself, he needs therapy..in all seriousness try and get him the help he needs.


Obsessed said:
Oh I can do this too.

Your husband beats you? You know why? [Insert reason that places blame on the victim].

All husbands love their wives, so you done fucked up somewhere along the line. Learn how to [solve reason given before] and your problem is gone.

How about we not blame the victim of domestic abuse? Did you even read any of his other posts? His father was abusive, the brother is taking after the father. The brother seems to have anger issues that have never been dealt with. It sounds like the problem runs deeper than "OP be a weak biyatch and aint gonna get no repekt from yer bro!"

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.


God, most of the people in this thread are assholes.
OP, call the police or speak with your parents.
More violence isn't going to do much but make it worse. And even if you do try to hurt him, its likely his height and strength will let him hurt you really badly.

I hate the logic that men should toughen up. The fact is it is a problem and he needs help. People shouldn't have a different view because he is male.


Big-E said:
Ya cops is not the best idea at all. Cops will probably not take it seriously either as it is a weird situation.

Horrid advice. If the cops don't take it seriously, then it's on them for shitty cops. However, if he doesn't even try to get it on record, then it's his fault because he's afraid his feelings will be hurt.


alphaNoid said:

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.
I grew up with brothers. I'm the oldest actually. I was terrible though. I terrified my younger brother and cousins--sitcom family style though, but at their ages something is definitely wrong here. Beyond basic respect.

In normal psychological development you usually grow out of horsing around at their ages. The type of violence the OP talks about is definitely troubling and beyond mere family sibling dynamics.


alphaNoid said:

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.

Simply not true. My brother had no respect for me when we were younger and I used to beat him up, no respect for me when we were older and I stopped and had to drive him around everywhere, and if anything he now has contempt for me after I came out.

Of course, I've got a running theory that my brother's a sociopath, so maybe he's the exceptions.
alphaNoid said:

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.

No, I don't think this is normal family interaction. I dont see how a brother physically beating his sibling is any different than a husband physically beating his wife if you want to argue it comes down to primal instincts. They both would be cases of a male demonstrating his dominance.

Also getting no respect does not equal, and should not equal getting physically assaulted by them.

We dont live in the fucking jungle. We live in a civilized society. If you want to be a part of civilization you should never physically assault someone -just because-
alphaNoid said:
I laughed at this, your little brother beats you up? know why? its not because you're smaller its because he has NO respect for you.

all little brothers respect their older bro, so you done fucked up somewhere along the line. learn how to get respect back and your problem is gone.

weaseled dick your way out by calling for help and he will never respect you, never...because you can't face him like a man...like an older brother.
Getting into an endless cycle of violence with a abusive meathead who thinks might = right because his dad probably beat the shit out of him too isn't going to stop him down the line when he decides to start smacking around his own gf, wife, kids or even his own mother.

He needs a punching bag because he has fucking emotional problems. He needs a shrink, not a baseball bat to the knee, before he brings his cheery disposition into his unsuspecting college dorm. Abusers are coddled too often because the victims they choose are forgiving by design, and they will keep pushing boundaries until they go too far.

Call the police.

Edit: all siblings fight. But they fight when they are children and adolescents. These two are grown men, it isn't some sibling rivalry.


most of this thread is made up of internet tough guys
fighting back will escalate the problem, and from the sound of things, op will probably be in the hospital next time

not sure if calling the cops will help because u still live together, your bro will just have more beef with u and make things worse
if i were u, i'd just straight up tell him to stop talking to me since it gets him angry, and if it happens again, i'd call the cops

age, sex, strength etc is irrelevant when it comes to abuse


alphaNoid said:

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.

Nope, it's you that don't get it. When there are abusive parents involved, it becomes more than a matter of respect or sibling rivalry. His brother is probably severely damaged from watching his dad beat the shit out of his own mother, and possibly him (for all we know). He has learned that behavior from the primary male rolemodel in his life.
Obsessed said:
No, I don't think this is normal family interaction. I dont see how a brother physically beating his sibling is any different than a husband physically beating his wife if you want to argue it comes down to primal instincts. They both would be cases of a male demonstrating his dominance.

Also getting no respect does not equal, and should not equal getting physically assaulted by them.

We dont live in the fucking jungle. We live in a civilized society. If you want to be a part of civilization you should never physically assault someone -just because-
Anony said:
most of this thread is made up of internet tough guys

Yeah, not being afraid of ones little fucking brother requires one to be a tough guy. Hes a fucking adult who chooses to live with his family. He is too big of a fucking pussy to defend himself or smart enough to avoid his brother. I am the eldest of 6 siblings, I was stronger and bigger than all of them, not fucking one of them feared to attack me.

Maybe some beating will do this puss some good. Call the cops on your brother for a casual ass kicking? This is a cry for a tag yeah?

No, I don't think this is normal family interaction.

Sibling violence not normal family interaction HURRR DURRRR.


Jesus. If you get a weapon it won't end well at all. Just call the cops if this gets too ridiculous. You can tell your parents. Only if you think they'll do something though.


alphaNoid said:

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.

You do realize that the OP and his brother are BOTH legal age adults? It isn't common family interaction at all for grown brothers to be fighting each other like this. When they're younger then yeah sure.
Kusagari said:
You do realize that the OP and his brother are BOTH legal age adults? It isn't common family interaction at all for grown brothers to be fighting each other like this. When they're younger then yeah sure.

If they are constantly around each-other....yes. How fucking pussed up is the next generation?
The responses in this thread are making me feel misanthropic. People acting like the OP deserves it or that he's not tough/manly enough and actually implying that he should be ashamed of himself for admitting that his brother is an asshole. Fuck, it makes me so mad that I'm using sentence fragments. People are terrible.


HeadlessRoland said:
Yeah, not being afraid of ones little fucking brother requires one to be a tough guy. Hes a fucking adult who chooses to live with his family. He is too big of a fucking pussy to defend himself or smart enough to avoid his brother.

Maybe some beating will do this puss some good. Call the cops on your brother for a casual ass kicking? This is a cry for a tag yeah?

Screw you. The minor age difference has no influence on his physical stature, as it has been demonstrated.
Its his brother, he obviously loves him, and as most people who are victims of domestic violence, are afraid to take action against them.
Casual ass kicking? What the hell is wrong with you? He regularly beats the OP, like a husband beating his spouse. He deserves just as much sympathy and not the callous assholes in this thread.
HeadlessRoland said:
Sibling violence not normal family interaction HURRR DURRRR.

They are 18 and 21. At this age it is not normal. His father abused his wife physically. His brother is abusing him physically and has anger issues.

Continue to defend domestic abuse. Keep calling people pussies for not wanting a violent jungle society where males need to assert dominance.
Obsessed said:
They are 18 and 21. At this age it is not normal. His father abused his wife physically. His brother is abusing him physically and has anger issues.

Sounds like its time for him to move out and be a fucking man then? Or stay at home and become a fucking man. Oh noes ones little brother who he tormented his entire life can now kick his ass and does so. Quick lets call CPS!

Stellares said:
He deserves just as much sympathy and not the callous assholes in this thread.

Hes a fucking 21 year old adult who chooses to live in that environment.


HeadlessRoland said:
If they are constantly around each-other....yes. How fucking pussed up is the next generation?

So, you think it's common for grown adults to constantly fight with each other until they get bruises? Maybe you should look into getting some help.


HeadlessRoland said:
Sounds like its time for him to move out and be a fucking man then? Or stay at home and become a fucking man. Oh noes ones little brother who he tormented his entire life can now kick his ass and does so. Quick lets call CPS!

What should a woman who is abused by her husband do? Why does the OP need to take it and "Act like a man" and a woman who is abused get sympathy and help?
HeadlessRoland said:
Sounds like its time for him to move out and be a fucking man then? Or stay at home and become a fucking man. Oh noes ones little brother who he tormented his entire life can now kick his ass and does so. Quick lets call CPS!

Yeah he can move out. Though you don't think that -maybe- his brother might have the same problems as his father that led the father to abuse his wife physically? You don't think maybe his actions towards the OP demonstrate some aggressive tendencies? Unprovoked beatings aren't normal.

And he claims he was never mean to his brother. Nice try.

Stellares said:
What should a woman who is abused by her husband do? Why does the OP need to take it and "Act like a man" and a woman who is abused get sympathy and help?

No but it is different because she is physically weaker! Oh wait... so is the OP.

BUT the OP doesnt need to be physically as strong he can fight dirty! Aim for the Adams apple/Kick HIM IN THE BALLS. For some reason women can't do this though.
Stellares said:
What should a woman who is abused by her husband do? Why does the OP need to take it and "Act like a man" and a woman who is abused get sympathy and help?

I dunno what should a Angel do if a snowman is beating him up! No fucking clue why dont you go make a thread about that topic if you are so inclined to discuss it. For that is not the issue at hand.
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