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My little brother beats me up what should I do?

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SabinFigaro said:
- history of aggression?
- family history of aggression?
- family history of psychiatric disorders?
- any developmental delays?
- diagnosis of oppositional defiant disorder or ADHD?
- current medications?
- using/abusing substances?
- new onset stressor?
Sabin's questions here are good, but maybe you could focus on YOUR strengths. He's the meathead, and you're obviously the smarter one, seeing as you post on GAF...

invent an AutoCrossbow
HeadlessRoland said:
If they are constantly around each-other....yes. How fucking pussed up is the next generation?
I haven't had a genuine knuckleduster with my brothers since I was like...14. If we got in a fight now, someone would end up in the hospital. Of course, neither of my brothers is a complete piece of shit, so I usually just have some drinks and a few laughs if end up sharing a roof, not a god damned boxing match like a couple of children.


HeadlessRoland said:
Yeah, not being afraid of ones little fucking brother requires one to be a tough guy. Hes a fucking adult who chooses to live with his family. He is too big of a fucking pussy to defend himself or smart enough to avoid his brother. I am the eldest of 6 siblings, I was stronger and bigger than all of them, not fucking one of them feared to attack me.

Maybe some beating will do this puss some good. Call the cops on your brother for a casual ass kicking? This is a cry for a tag yeah?

Sibling violence not normal family interaction HURRR DURRRR.
welcome to the 21st century where we have a simple concept such as law and order
not everyone wants to fight it out like you


Stellares said:
What should a woman who is abused by her husband do? Why does the OP need to take it and "Act like a man" and a woman who is abused get sympathy and help?

OP either has to get help or do something to make his brother fear him. Simple as that.


HeadlessRoland said:
Sounds like its time for him to move out and be a fucking man then? Or stay at home and become a fucking man. Oh noes ones little brother who he tormented his entire life can now kick his ass and does so. Quick lets call CPS!

Hes a fucking 21 year old adult who chooses to live in that environment.
Do you have anger problems? Does every sentence you post need to have a slur in it?

Calm down before you're another data point on the heart disease list.
HeadlessRoland said:
I dunno what should a Angel do if a snowman is beating him up! No fucking clue why dont you go make a thread about that topic if you are so inclined to discuss it. For that is not the issue at hand.

Nice job dodging the question. Maybe you should take the question like a man.

Wads said:
OP either has to get help or do something to make his brother fear him. Simple as that.

Yeah and people are suggesting that the only way to solve this is physically. Because somehow being siblings gives his younger brother the right to violate the law and physically assault another human being. Because this is just sibling rivalry despite the two being adults, and the older brother doing nothing to provoke this kind of behavior.


HeadlessRoland said:
I dunno what should a Angel do if a snowman is beating him up! No fucking clue why dont you go make a thread about that topic if you are so inclined to discuss it. For that is not the issue at hand.

You are implying that violence against men and women should be treated differently.
That a man should man up, and a woman should get help. No?

Ah, because women are defenseless and men are just lazy if they are weak.
For fuck sakes, he was covered in brusies and got a black eye! this is not an issue of casual punching, this is straight on domestic assault. And you are implying its the OPs fault.

You need to reevaluate everything about yourself.
Anony said:
welcome to the 21st century where we have a simple concept such as law and order
not everyone wants to fight it out like you

Excellent, so then whats the problem?

You are implying that violence against men and women should be treated differently.

Yeah, thats what I was implying by pointing out your inane response. Good call!


not tag worthy
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I haven't had a genuine knuckleduster with my brothers since I was like...14. If we got in a fight now, someone would end up in the hospital. Of course, neither of my brothers is a complete piece of shit, so I usually just have some drinks and a few laughs if end up sharing a roof, not a god damned boxing match like a couple of children.

Bolded pretty much this for me..


fuck him in any way, be it physically, mentally, or financially. let him learn that size isn't everything and that respect is fucking earned
after thinking about it trying to fight him will only make shit worse cause he already sounds like a retarded douche. call the cops after he does it again and lets see how tough he is when hes in county


ColonelColon said:
What the hell? When did the OP ever say that he was the aggressor?
No I know. Just the family needs a kick in the ass regardless. I was sympathizing with the OP. He should probably call the cops.
HeadlessRoland said:
Nope thankfully I am gifted with the ability to move out my home before my mid 20's and either avoid or beat those who wish me harm. HOORAY FOR NOT BEING A HELPLESS MANGINA!

You act like ignoring this behavior is the best thing to do when his family has a history of domestic abuse.
Obsessed said:
You act like ignoring this behavior is the best thing to do when his family has a history of domestic abuse.

No the best thing would be for the 20 something victim to move the fuck out. Apparently this isnt a good option because it puts the onus on the guy living with his family who is beaten daily by his little brother...
HeadlessRoland said:
Excellent, so then whats the problem?

Yeah, thats what I was implying by pointing out your inane response. Good call!
So if his brother walked in tomorrow, unprovoked, grabbed the OP, and banged his head against a wall until he got a concussion, your advice would still be "man up, he's just messing with you cuz you're a punk"?

You're either trolling or completely oblivious to domestic abuse.

In your opinion, can a man ever be domestically abused?

Edit: So you'd move out and leave your mom with an abusive guy? Real manly choice, that one.


He kicked your ass and you cant bare to hit him? You need to step up and prove that he cant pick on you or if its too big a mismatch stay away till August.


HeadlessRoland said:
Nope thankfully I am gifted with the ability to move out my home before my mid 20's and either avoid or beat those who wish me harm. HOORAY FOR NOT BEING A HELPLESS MANGINA!

Whats going to happen to the brother? He is just going to hurt others. You can not ignore someone who has these anger issues who takes it out on those who are smaller then him.
I guarantee you he will end up hurting his girlfriends/wife. Its such a poor solution to just ignore it.


alphaNoid said:

You don't get it, but thanks for playing. its primal human, family interaction....and has Nothing to do with abusing women.

Brother commands Zero respect from younger siblings, gets no respect. 101.

You must either have sisters or get breat up by your brothers.
You think beating up people when you're an adult is acceptable behavior. It is just like beating up a WIFE, GIRLFRIEND, or CHILD. They beat these people up because they CAN. They know they won't fight back or they are stronger. Fighting does not MAKE you a man. Fighting is for children and licensed sporting events. The only respect you can garner from getting into physical altercations is the type of respect that only lowlifes wish to receive.

Blaming abuse on the victim is a joke. Beating on someone who doesn't, can't or won't fight back makes you a piece of human scum.


If you don't wanna call the cops, start taking a self-defense class or something. Don't just take it. Fight back. Kick him in the dick while yelling "that's my purse" if you have to. But you should really just get the police involved.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
So if his brother walked in tomorrow, unprovoked, grabbed the OP, and banged his head against a wall until he got a concussion, your advice would still be "man up, he's just messing with you cuz you're a punk"?

You're either trolling or completely oblivious to domestic abuse.

In your opinion, can a man ever be domestically abused?
hes trolling lol... its fucking obvious
Sho_Nuff82 said:
So if his brother walked in tomorrow, unprovoked, grabbed the OP, and banged his head against a wall until he got a concussion, your advice would still be "man up, he's just messing with you cuz you're a punk"?

No my advice would be "Move the fuck out you giant mangina pussy." You are unable to defend yourself, are not smart enough to avoid it using your wits. Obviously the next logical step is to call the fucking police to protect you from your little brother...

Or you grow up and move out into the world. Sadly you are probably going to be victimized out there as well, but that is another issue.

Whats going to happen to the brother?

Who gives a fuck? The police are going to fucking laugh at him unless he is seriously damaged. His problem is his safety, not saving the world from his tyrannical 18 year old brother who as far as we know has no criminal record nor violence towards others.

Its the OP's safety that is the prime issue yeah? Why are you trying to endanger the OP by getting the police involved? They will do nothing and hes gonna get one MONSTER of an asskicked the 12hrs later his little brother gets released.

No. Such an action would solve the problem for the OP,

Well lucky for my argument the issue at hand is the OP's problem! WOOHOO for making sense!
HeadlessRoland said:
No the best thing would be for the 20 something victim to move the fuck out. Apparently this isnt a good option because it puts the onus on the guy living with his family who is beaten daily by his little brother...

No. Such an action would solve the problem for the OP, but it would not solve the root of the issue. The root of the issue is that his family has a history of domestic abuse, and his brother is modeling himself after his abusive father.

But yeah, let the OP move out and let the brother's future girlfriends make the phone call to the police. Although technically they should just fight dirty. Calling the police in a civilized society is a pussy thing to do .

HeadlessRoland said:
No my advice would be "Move the fuck out you giant mangina pussy." You are unable to defend yourself, are not smart enough to avoid it using your wits. Obviously the next logical step is to call the fucking police to protect you from your little brother...

The brother being younger is really meaningless. They are fucking three years apart, and the brother is stronger physically. At this point genetics/workout time means more than age when you are talking about their physical abilities.

Also a "mangina pussy?" You're such a meathead lol.

HeadlessRoland said:
Who gives a fuck? The police are going to fucking laugh at him unless he is seriously damaged.

Well lucky for my argument the issue at hand is the OP's problem! WOOHOO for making sense!

I get it. You came from the slums. You grew up on the streets! YOU'RE SO TOUGH MR TOUGH GUY!!!!

Not all police are meatheads like you that take domestic abuse lightly just because it happens to be man on man.

Also your issue does solve the OP's problem, but passing the problem on to someone else is hardly the manly thing to do. Nor is it the logical, sensible thing to do.
HeadlessRoland said:
No my advice would be "Move the fuck out you giant mangina pussy." You are unable to defend yourself, are not smart enough to avoid it using your wits. Obviously the next logical step is to call the fucking police to protect you from your little brother...

Or you grow up and move out into the world. Sadly you are probably going to be victimized out there as well, but that is another issue.
So, please answer the question, when, if ever, do you think it's appropriate to call the cops on an abusive family member? Or do you believe it's something the authorities should never be involved in?


HeadlessRoland said:
I dunno what should a Angel do if a snowman is beating him up! No fucking clue why dont you go make a thread about that topic if you are so inclined to discuss it. For that is not the issue at hand.
Using your logic, it's okay for a person to attack their wife because they don't pay the bills. Go out and be financially independent if you want respect. That is what an animal would say not a compassionate human being who knows how to live in a civilized society.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
So, please answer the question?

I did answer the question. I will not be drawn into inane scenarios that are not pertinent to the OP or issue at hand just because you dislike how I handily resolved all issues the OP faces.

Yeah bro, all victims of domestic abuse need to up and leave!
There is no flaw in that plan.


Yeah bro, the collective spirit of the beaten in fact made this thread and asked for advice. Good point!

You cant solve the worlds ills then your resolution for this individual is invalid! Hahaha, you caught me in a clever web of words!


HeadlessRoland said:
Nope thankfully I am gifted with the ability to move out my home before my mid 20's and either avoid or beat those who wish me harm. HOORAY FOR NOT BEING A HELPLESS MANGINA!

Avoiding those who wish you harm can involve things other than your fists. You are trying to bully the man into your retarded ideas of mindless masculinity when there are other options available. If everybody thought like you, we'd still be living in caves and throwing sharp sticks at each other.
HeadlessRoland said:
I did answer the question. I will not be drawn into inane scenarios that are not pertinent to the OP or issue at hand just because you dislike how I handily resolved all issues the OP faces.

So in other words, you're a giant troll? Thanks for confirming that.
Lesath said:
Avoiding those who wish you harm can involve things other than your fists.

Yeah, thats my point...derp derp

You are trying to bully the man into your retarded ideas of mindless masculinity when there are other options available. If everybody thought like you, we'd still be living in caves and throwing sharp sticks at each other.

Doesn't seem too mindless since hes kicking his ass kicked and obviously cant figure out a solution. Calling the police isnt going to resolve ANYTHING. But its certainly going to place him in greater danger.

So in other words, you're a giant troll? Thanks for confirming that.

So in other words I offered a viable solution that resolves the OP's situation. I am sorry this solution offends your ever so delicate sensibilities. I fear for you in the real world.

I cant even imagine how an adult could be so helpless. Dear god its downright pathetic.


HeadlessRoland said:
No the best thing would be for the 20 something victim to move the fuck out. Apparently this isnt a good option because it puts the onus on the guy living with his family who is beaten daily by his little brother...
So run away from the problem and let his brother beat the crap out of his future wife and kids. Acting like a 21 year old living with his Mom deserves physical abuse in order to make him leave the house is outrageous. You seem to be okay with the "he/she has it coming" argument.
HeadlessRoland said:
Doesn't seem too mindless since hes kicking his ass kicked and obviously cant figure out a solution. Calling the police isnt going to resolve ANYTHING.

And you know calling the police won't solve anything, how exactly?

Are all cops clones of you?

HeadlessRoland said:
So in other words I offered a viable solution that resolves the OP's situation. I am sorry this solution offends your ever so delicate sensibilities. I fear for you in the real world.

Thanks for taking the bait. You just responded to something not pertinent to the OP's dilemma which was your justification for not answering the hypothetical posited by others in this thread. You're a hypocrite.

You offered a solution that would resolve the OP's problem. However, more sensible people can see that the real problem is that the brother has all the makings of an abusive husband.

This is a discussion forum, not Yahoo Answers. We are currently discussing why simply moving out would not be the best solution overall. You refuse to take part in this discussion because "it isn't relevant to the OP's problem." Why do you even post on GAF then if you are unwilling to partake in discussion? Just make a Yahoo Answers account if all you want to do is answer random questions.
JABEE said:
So run away from the problem and let his brother beat the crap out of his future wife and kids.

So true! A viable alternative is to "SAVE YOUR BROTHERS TROUBLED SOUL!" Let me recap the issue is a specific individual getting the shit kicked out of him. I am sure his pain towards the greater good of all humanity will soften is daily ass kicking.

And you know calling the police won't solve anything, how exactly?

an 18 and 21 year old fighting with no significant injuries sustained? What exactly do you think the police are going to do beyond MAYBE arresting the brother (if hes raging out as they arrive) for a misdemeanor?

Your understanding of the criminal justice system is apparently as comprehensive as your basic grasp of problem solving.


Doesn't seem too mindless since hes kicking his ass kicked and obviously cant figure out a solution. Calling the police isnt going to resolve ANYTHING. But its certainly going to place him in greater danger.

There are solutions that both
A.) Get the younger brother help to stop his abusive behavior
B.) Save future victims of the brothers assault
C.) Help the OP as well

Calling the police or talking it out with his parents.

What will hurt the OP is:
Trying to fight back.
Seriously, if he manages to harm his brother, his brother will get pissed and hurt him twice as much the next time.
If he fights him and fails at hurting his brother, he will have his ass kicked once again and the cycle will repeat.
JABEE said:
So run away from the problem and let his brother beat the crap out of his future wife and kids. Acting like a 21 year old living with his Mom deserves physical abuse in order to make him leave the house is outrageous. You seem to be okay with the "he/she has it coming" argument.

Either grow a pair (of roided up arms) or run away like a pussy. Seems like the only viable options to me. In addition, herp derp.
Stellares said:
There are solutions that both
A.) Get the younger brother help to stop his abusive behavior
B.) Save future victims of the brothers assault
C.) Help the OP as well

Wow so if it was an abused wife you would recommend she stick with the abusive man in an attempt to save his future potential victims harm? What a heartless monster you are.


Obsessed said:
And you know calling the police won't solve anything, how exactly?

Are all cops clones of you?
No he doesn't want his own ideas of how the world works to come crashing down. He knows that his imaginary self would get locked up in jail where he wouldn't be able to physically abuse those who are weaker than him anymore. His avoidance of the question of wives being abused proves his sexist idea that women shorter and weaker than the OP's brother are all delicate flowers while men should be able to handle their problems with fisticuffs.
JABEE said:
Using your logic, it's okay for a person to attack their wife because they don't pay the bills. Go out and be financially independent if you want respect. That is what an animal would say not a compassionate human being who knows how to live in a civilized society.

hahahahaha exactly, that shit is fuckin stupid lol.

"she deserves it cause i don't respect her." GTFO of here with that bullshit lol


HeadlessRoland said:
Wow so if it was an abused wife you would recommend she stick with the abusive man in an attempt to save his future potential victims harm? What a heartless monster you are.
You save the future wives from harm by locking the brother's ass up in jail and trying to get him help.
JABEE said:
No he doesn't want his own ideas of how the world works to come crashing down.

Totally moving out is such an absurd solution to being beaten by ones little brother when the victim is in his 20's with the parents laughing at him when he cries himself to sleep at night.

Im not certain what crime you believe the little brother would potentially be charged with. But its a FAR cry from a felony. He will be back in that home beating his brothers ass within 24hrs.

Its shameful how helpless and weak most of you sound.

You save the future wives from harm by locking the brother's ass up in jail and trying to get him help.

So you really are a pre-teen with no understanding of the severity of said actions are in a legal sense? thanks for the confirmation.
HeadlessRoland said:
Wow so if it was an abused wife you would recommend she stick with the abusive man in an attempt to save his future potential victims harm? What a heartless monster you are.

No. We would recommend she call the fucking police.

HeadlessRoland said:
Its shameful how helpless and weak most of you sound.

ITT wanting to tackle the root of the problem makes you weak and helpless.


HeadlessRoland said:
Wow so if it was an abused wife you would recommend she stick with the abusive man in an attempt to save his future potential victims harm? What a heartless monster you are.

You can't read either?

I said talking to the police or talking with another authority figure were his options.
It would get the abuser counseling and/or a prison stay. It would help to avoid the future abuses and separate him and his brother.


TOM f'N CRUISE said:
hahahahaha exactly, that shit is fuckin stupid lol.

"she deserves it cause i don't respect her." GTFO of here with that bullshit lol
Are you talking to me? I don't condone that. I was saying that is basically his argument when he is telling OP to move out and be independent or get abused.
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