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New Destiny Gameplay


Looks good but whats up with the music. It's trying too hard to be epic.

Okay the gameplay looks alright. Just alright, nothing new.


That's not even close to true.

How do you figure? It's like Guild Wars one in that their are hubs where you can see players and by joining a party/fireteam, you're able to go out on missions/adventure with others. Bungie added in public events which pulls people in the area together to complete something. You have to be online in order to play the game even if you're going to solo the missions.

It's pretty much a heavily instanced MMO.


What i'm finding hilarious is the two sides of this thing.

On one hand are diablo players who are upset it doesn't skew more towards that game with more loot.

And halo players dont want that crap in our shooter (unless its borderlands and somehow they accomplished this)
Looks alright I guess.

Visuals were pretty but gameplay looked very uninspired. Sorry, but it did. Compared to the variety of enemies in something like Borderlands 2, this appeared to lack from the small amount of footage shown here. Hopefully it's not representative of what we can expect in general.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Looks like a classic Bungie title, I would imagine if people think this game is boring they must of thought Reach and Halo 3 were boring as well.

What part of Reach and Halo 3? I played the shit out of the Single player because of the stories. These were the titles that I starting cutting back on the MP because I feel as if this is when Bungie started to muck up MP just for sake of change. I never thought that anything of Reach or Halo 3 were boring though.


relies on auto-aim
Yes, it's a "shared world" game. It's more or less an MMO.
It's not. It's an instanced online game with some overlap in certain areas that can allow you to group up. (I'd also hesitate to call PSO, Vindictus, etc 'real' MMOs)
Bungie needs to work on their messaging because this is really getting out of hand. Unless I'm mistaken.
The hunt for better and better loot will keep me going for months, but Destiny's emergent massively multiplayer gameplay is what will keep me playing for years. Take on a random public quest, for example, and perhaps you quickly realise you're in over your head. Then, over the hill comes another Guardian, a white knight to save you from certain death. You're saved. You wave. You group up, summon your Sparrow then speed off towards some loot-packed adventure over the next hill, the sun setting on the ruins of the Cosmodrome. Or the Moon. Or Venus. Or maybe Mars. Destiny's greatness will lie in how well it sows the best of World of Warcraft and the best of Halo into a seamless virtual fabric. I'm still waiting to find out if Bungie has successfully threaded the best of Blizzard's MMO, but I'm certain it's successfully threaded the best of Halo.


That didn't look very fun to me :( also Peter Dinklages voice is really out of place. Doesn't fit in the slightest.


Video was pretty boring. But these loot based games are more fun to play than to watch. Still like someone mentioned earlier on that loot based games are better to show numbers pop up so you can see if your better loot is giving you better numbers instead of mob health bars.

Boring video, but still anticipating a great game.


I know what the problem is!! Its the walking and running animation. It looks like something pre motion capture and it look absolutely terrible and robotic. Why Bungie?


I'm a bit disappointed in the HUD coming from Bungie (their UI is always top notch) I was expecting something that'd look... I don't know cleaner/better. Game looks great other than that, can't wait.

Often one of the last things to change... :)

Nori Chan

I don't understand the hype for the game. I'm not really excited for it as many people are. It looks like borderlands in space...deep space. I mean, I'll definitely will buy it and surely enjoy it but it's not looking as good as GAF portrays it to be.


Its not that bad;

change the music, pace, sound effects, enemy health meter, weapons, tone down the flashiness, have more interesting mission design, more enemies, better co-op integration, reward system and many more things

and im in.
I will be honest here. This looks like more serious borderlands or Mass effect 3 co-op campaign in first person.

I love Bungie halo but never enjoyed any co-op games(borderland 2, l4d or payday series ) so my hype has currently deflated


I really don't see why there is so much hype for this except that its coming from Bungie. But yea, like other people have said, it looks like Borderlands and ME3s MP mixed together.

and yea, that music was TERRIBLE.


I know what the problem is!! Its the walking and running animation. It looks like something pre motion capture and it look absolutely terrible and robotic. Why Bungie?

Because why not just recycle them from last generation Halo games, am I right?
This looks really nice and I imagine the gunplay will be fine but it seems kinda flat and lifeless. The enemies or allies around you don't make any yelps or sounds to signify they're even alive. Grunts and Elites had character, these folks are just...eerily silent as they charge at you.

And some of the reads of those lines were so unenthused and overly robotic, I'm not sure if thats what they're going for though? 'The fallen have a better hold on this place than I thought.' Really? Because it sure as hell didn't sound like it.


Also, what's the point in the "cinematic" gameplay they keep trying to do. Its a gameplay trailer, play the game. I don't want to see someone on 1 sensitivity and playing in a way no one actually does.


I keep hoping that this game will be amazing, but what they shown so far has seemed kind of boring. Whenever a halo video was released, I would watch it a hundred times and look for analysis of it. With this video, I got bored half way through and kind of stopped paying attention. I love Bungie's prior work so I am still giving it a chance, but I really that the gameplay turns out to be something more exciting than what this preview has shown.


semen stains the mountaintops
So according to this thread Destiny is just Halo, Borderlands, killzone, CoD and Half-Life 2.

This game is "just" like a lot of different type of games, odd.
Just finished watching it. Thoughts:

  • Combat looks good, maybe not great. That section where they have to defend against waves of enemies wasn't very exciting; if they're trying to show the game off go for a more exciting sequence involving amazing vistas and dropships bringing in reinforcements, and so on.
  • The music makes me think a lot of Halo. Has that same blend of grand orchestras and guitar rock.
  • I don't like shooting health bars. Maybe it's just the presence of them I dislike, but it takes away the 'organic' feel of the scenario for me. Hopefully that's just a perk they had activated, or something you can switch off in the options.
  • Visuals are lovely, as were those little hints of the skybox. I do love the feeling of vast scale in FPSs, and this is something the Halo games in particular did brilliantly.
  • Level design does not look especially interesting, although again I hope that's just due to a poor area they chose to show rather than a general representation of the game itself.

Uh, not an especially exciting video; they just can't seem to find their feet with the marketing for this in my opinion. I think the concept of the game is great and I'm sure it will be good, but they're not making it look as amazing as it sounds.
Peter Dinklage is your Ghost companion. Did anyone else think that his voice seemed a little out of place? It's just not the voice that I feel a robot companion would have.

Thanks for the info. I like the way he sounds; very cool and calculating, much like a artificial life form should.

All hail The Station Agent!


Love every time it goes third person. Then I see the shooting and it's...eh.

Maybe there are some pretty interesting weapons later on or something, but I wish a shooter would break out of using the traditional firearms. Halo kind of did it with weapons like the Needler, so maybe I was hopeful this would be more different.

Still looks fun, though.


Doesn't look like there's enough loot. I like the idea of private loot for all the players compared to the opposite in Borderlands but there are guns in Borderlands everywhere. That doesn't seem to be the case here.
Also, from what we've seen, it looks like when loot drops its just a floating orb and you go pick it up. It doesn't show the stats of the weapons like in Borderlands which i think is key. It's important to know that bc of inventory and what not.

Ploid 3.0

The narrator sounds like the guy from The Wire and Fringe.'


This game looks like a FPS Diablo.


Every time I think about this game or hear about it I get excited. The concept and art is soo cool.
Then the gameplay comes in and they start FPS-ing and my excitement dies down...


If I was judging purely on that video I probably wouldn't be picking it up too quickly, looked pretty boring. Looking forward to seeing more of it and trying out the beta though.
I'm really not a fan of the sudden 3rd person animations. These things can be done just fine in a first person view. No need for that. It's awkward.


Sad to see bungie go from having balanced weapons to take down enemies to having the loot determine the weapon strength. Everything just looks so boring.

Not good for a game where 99% of the time you're shooting at enemies.


The one thing that has me worried most in all the videos and such, I am yet to see an encounter that looks fun or challenging. Whether it be because the players are over levelled, or it is on easy I don't know. The enemies don't really seem to do much besides run around a little and wait to die, they don't seem to do that much damage regardless of type.

I hope it's just an issue with bad representation.
For the titans, there's the Fist of Havoc, a massively powerful melee attack that sends nearby enemies flying; or you can go for the Void option, which creates a protective bubble shield for any member of the fire team to hide out in. Then hunters get the ridiculously accurate and deadly Golden Gun, which fires three powerful, thermally charged shots from a hand-canon ("It's like, I need to make that thing dead right now," explains investment lead designer Tyson Green); or you can opt for the Arc Blade, which lets you pinball between enemies, electrocuting each one on your way. Warlocks, meanwhile, produce the Nova Bomb, an area-of-effect mega-blast that scatters groups of aliens like bowling pins; or there's Radiance, a sort of buff power that enhances the stats of the entire fire team for a limited period.

Players also start with a handful of other abilities for each class, most of them augmenting the special attacks or key weapons. “If you look at each Force specification, you'll see there are a lot of abilities that synergise with the special powers,” says Green, who looks over the game’s progression systems. “There are things that make you take less damage in melee range, things that make your sprint better, things that make your melee attacks feed into your grenades and your grenades feed into your supers. It would be fair to say that the superpowers define each spec - but the abilities themselves are more of a holistic thing.”

But we trek on. Each class has a different jump ability to add some verticality – all accessed by hitting the “X” button. Hunters have a double jump, Titans get a jet-pack while warlocks have a glide move, which Bakken describes as, “a more parabolic jet pack”. All of these can be upgraded to add more manoeuvrability and height. The melee options are all different too, with titans getting a running shoulder charge, hunters a throwing knife and warlocks a siphon which drains energy. It's fun to experiment with these, even though this is all super familiar from years of FPS experience.
From the Guardian preview. Also mentioned is how you select missions, weapons (no class limits, three at a time - primary, secondary and heavy), switching between powers, and they have a vault system where you can trade items between characters. Also you can buy armor directly, not sure if that was confirmed before or not.


Gameplay looks okay, but it didnt do anything to me.

Sometimes it looks like Halo x Borderlands without the Halo licence


Sadly, doesn't do anything for me :(
I like its look and colors but the gameplay just looks so uninspired - if you told me I was watching a trailer for a new Borderlands or Bulletstorm I would've believed it.
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