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New Destiny Gameplay


Looks really boring. So far everything they've put out for Destiny just makes it seem like a Borderlands clone but I was expecting more by the way they were hyping it before the reveal.
Didn't look all that Halo to me. Enemies were just fodder that mostly stood there and took it. The dynamic nature of Halo firefights have been replaced with flashy Borderlands style special abilities.

The Fallen Knights/Elite Knights/Hive Wizards looked pretty dynamic to me. The Grunts in Halo had a lot of "stand there and take it" personalities too them.


Unconfirmed Member
It looked boring. Like, really really boring. The only thing keeping this on my radar is Bungie.
I agree sadly, this looks... meh. Nothing ground breaking just Halo meets an early version of Borderlands. AI didn't look the smartest either.
Still yet to see the supposed "open-world". Looks like a corridor shooter with some open-ish areas like Halo.

So it's a borderlands style Halo game without an open-world? That's still day 1 for me, but I must admit was hoping for something impressive in a next-gen sense.
I will still hold out hope for destiny, really want it to be good and agree this does not look 'next-gen' impressive, unless they are keeping all the open-world stuff under wraps for now?
Yeah I dunno. Its hard to tell, but that didn't look very engaging. Halo demanded more than just ADS + shoot until dead. Hope there's depth to this.


aka andydumi
Reminds me of a Warframe and Borderlands cross. The streams of identical weak enemy groups, the locations, and powers and weapons combo.

Looks good mind you, but it's missing something. It looked better in the reveal with the social implications, but I am not seeing that here at all.
From the Kotaku article:

...I'm taken aback by how empty the game feels—the landscape looks vast, exudes a silent sadness. It's hard to tell if the game's emptiness will feel alienating or not when actually playing—especially if areas might be populated by way more people than what we saw in the demo—but I do find it amusing to be so contemplative when looking at the world through the barrel of a gun.

The focus shifts away from missions and Bungie starts talking about Guardians and their builds. The character we're shown is level 20—we're told that he's approaching an end game state and can start thinking about attempting raids with a team of players.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Looks really boring. So far everything they've put out for Destiny just makes it seem like a Borderlands clone but I was expecting more by the way they were hyping it before the reveal.

This is what I am worried about, the Borderlands formula got tiresome after the first few hours. Maybe the actual gunplay will be good in this though and the story will keep me interested.
I still don't know what this game is about beyond it playing like Borderlands with Mass Effect aliens and out of place Halo music in the background.


Neo Member
It's so hard for me to get hyped during these videos where they move so slow. It always looks like they are playing on the easiest mode possible just eating bullets and saying "ooh look at that enemy!" Like they care more about us seeing the details and graphics as opposed to actually making the game look fun and fast-paced.


This vid isn't going to lure in my 'we don't like sci-fi that much' friends, and tbh I'm still not feeling it either.

It looks good overall, but not great, yet.
Terrible quality, but it's the best I've got. Taken from the video in the Kotaku article.



First gameplay footage I see about this, didn't really care when it was revealed. Gunplay reminds me of Borderlands and Gameplay-wise... it's a shooter.

Why is everybody so excited about this? Bungie? Any exciting promises that have been made?


I've never seen previews for a game ever being this "meh" before. Usually journalists try to stay positive for a game.

Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
Ahem taken from Eurogamer 21 mins ago

Surely it wouldn't take much time or effort for Bungie to release a PC version, then?

"The truth is it's not that simple," design lead Lars Bakken told Eurogamer during a recent studio tour.

"I wish it was that simple. It's pretty complicated. That doesn't mean it can't happen in the future, it just means it won't happen right now."

Wasn't it confirmed that xbox one is running Windows 8 right now. So if this is developed for xbox one, one would think that if is pretty close to being able to run on a PC. Right?


I really hope ADS is handled like in Bioshock, where you can use it if you want, but it doesn't make your aim less accurate if you don't use it. And is that bloom I detected when the character was in the air? They better don't introduce any penalties for accuracy when jumping, because that would totally suck.

Also, I hope they bring Bumper Jumper back, or at least a control scheme that is similar enough, because I'm not going back to jumping with the face buttons. Bumper Jumper is perfection, anything else is not acceptable.


Can't believe they chose the same location...again.

And can the music be turned off or is Bungie gonna Halo us again and force it to be on? The music during the gameplay was terrible. Let me turn that crap off.

I'm still excited for the game but it looks so small scale and... what's the word I'm looking for... boring? Not exciting? Not epic? It's time to show some action packed gameplay. If it has it.
First gameplay footage I see about this, didn't really care when it was revealed. Gunplay reminds me of Borderlands and Gameplay-wise... it's a shooter.

Why is everybody so excited about this? Bungie? Any exciting promises that have been made?

From this thread alone, yah Bungie.

I enjoy Borderlands, but a great deal of that enjoyment comes from the ridiculous comical crap, the gunplay, and the graphical style. This just comes across as Halo and Borderlands had a baby, one that I'm not sure if I want to be quite honest.
Not bad, but not outstanding either.

My miff with Destiny is that Bungie is still only showing the parts of the game that we know they do very well, which is the action-FPS moments in a well-crafted stage.

I want to see the open-spaces, the large patrol areas, the city hub... basically the reason why this game had to be always online.


This morning I was being called out for saying it still looks like Borderlands.
Then today everyone says so.
Once again, there is nothing new in this video. They're still showing the same old stuff. Dissapointed.

Show us vehicles! Show us the City!

Edit: the PS4 interview corresponds to what I'm asking. We can see snippets of the City.


With every next trailer for that game my hype is falling down, lol :) The fact that it's not coming to PC is starting to bother me less with every time they show it off :p
Yeah I don't think they've done a great job of showing off all the stuff that makes this game special. The two demos that we have now seen have just been linear shooting stuff and that all looks fine, but the huge world and how to get around it all, that stuff seems most interesting, but they just don't seem to be showing it.

Oh and the map screen looks really awesome.


This game looks amazing. Both this and Evolve... I want to see more creative first person games like these!

That said though... I know Destiny comes out in September but this game, along with many of games shown off at prior E3, were already supposed to be released. I REALLY hope this years E3 won't be a repeat of the same freaking games we've already seen from last years E3. =/


Looks alright I guess but I wasn't particularly blown away by anything shown. Got a bit bored after a few minutes if I'm honest.
Would have liked to have seen more from the 6:10 mark (the outside area looked damn sweet) and less of the bits before really. Still interested though.


Little is the new Big
I'm a bit disappointed in the HUD coming from Bungie (their UI is always top notch) I was expecting something that'd look... I don't know cleaner/better. Game looks great other than that, can't wait.
Can't believe they chose the same location...again.

And can the music be turned off or is Bungie gonna Halo us again and force it to be on? The music during the gameplay was terrible. Let me turn that crap off.

The gameplay video in the Kotaku article is better, imo. The music isn't there.



Are you serious? A link to a Korean drama website that doesn't even have a source?


Here's an actual reputable source with confirmation from the developers that there isn't a PC version.

Anyways, the game looks really fun and I'm pretty stoked to play it. I've beaten Infamous Second Son twice and between now and September 9th, my PS4 is going to get real dusty.


More i see of this, more i think its a generic ME3 multiplayer. Looks to slow and to much like halo. Maybe i should just think of it as borderlands and not ME3.
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