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New Monster Hunter World trailer shows off Wildspire Waste

Nobody is going to waste 50 minutes this time because they added a flare for drop in co-op. If you're struggling then you fire a flare and bam, players join the hunt.

The time limits are really generous in MH though, even in single player most hunts shouldn't take more than 20 minutes at most. Hell, when you're playing in a group of 4 that knows what they are doing you can beat many monsters in less than 5 minutes.

The time limit hasn't been an issue ever apart from maybe G-Rank elder dragon quests in single player.

Yep... I don't see how people time out unless they are new to the game and trying to solo gathering hall stuff on accident. 50 minutes is an insanely long amount of time for hunts.

But why is it needed? Why does there have to be another thing to monitor on top of health, stamina, max stamina, sharpness, temperature, remaining items, and monster behavior?

You can't say "to prep people to be good team players in G-Rank co-op" because if they were playing co-op the time limit would never be an issue anyway. Nor does the old "it teaches people that they aren't ready for a certain fight" excuse make sense because the only thing that prevents them from "being ready" is the time limit itself. People will automatically want to beat things faster next time, wasting 50 minutes of their time just so the game can go "I told you so" benefits nobody.

I'd much rather they remove carting (as in: one death ends the hunt) and give you unlimited time. Let someone spend two hours slowly hunting a monster that's way too strong for their current gear: Tracking it, observing it, waiting for opportunities to slowly whittle down it's health, luring it into traps and retreating when it's enraged. Take all the time you like, but if you die it's over.

It would be amazing, but MH refuses to allow that because it's still tied to a vestigial mechanic that probably only ever existed to keep people paying a subscription fee.


I haven't been this hyped for a game prior to release in a LOOOONG time. It's the game I've been begging for since 4U.

I'm feeling it too, can't believe it's coming on PC. I might even end up buying on both platforms if the PC version gets a long delay.

I can't believe both this and Dragon Ball Fighters come out early next year. I'm too hype for both of these games!


But what if I wanna play the whole thing solo?

I didn't know this had time limits. Keeping expectations in check since I utterly hate time limits.

The only quests you will may trouble soloing are end game multi monster hunts, but like others have said the timer won't be your issue. You will be out of healing items long before then. Even then, if you are knowledgeable about the monsters and are adequately equipped, you can take down any quest. I make it a point to solo every quest in the game at some point. Most people don't do every quest anyway, you can enjoy the game fully without completing some of the crazy 5 monster hunts that end game quests can have.


But why is it needed? Why does there have to be another thing to monitor on top of health, stamina, max stamina, sharpness, temperature, remaining items, and monster behavior?

You can't say "to prep people to be good team players in G-Rank co-op" because if they were playing co-op the time limit would never be an issue anyway. Nor does the old "it teaches people that they aren't ready for a certain fight" excuse make sense because the only thing that prevents them from "being ready" is the time limit itself. People will automatically want to beat things faster next time, wasting 50 minutes of their time just so the game can go "I told you so" benefits nobody.

I'd much rather they remove carting and give you unlimited time. Let someone spend two hours slowly hunting a monster that's way too strong for their current gear: Tracking it, observing it, waiting for opportunities to slowly whittle down it's health, luring it into traps and retreating when it's enraged. Take all the time you like, but if you die it's over.

It would be amazing, but MH refuses to allow that because it's still tied to a vestigial mechanic that probably only ever existed to keep people paying a subscription fee.

Removing carting would take away any tension and basic survival skills required to play a hunting game. You can't be serious?
But why is it needed? Why does there have to be another thing to monitor on top of health, stamina, max stamina, sharpness, temperature, remaining items, and monster behavior?

You can't say "to prep people to be good team players in G-Rank co-op" because if they were playing co-op the time limit would never be an issue anyway. Nor does the old "it teaches people that they aren't ready for a certain fight" excuse make sense because the only thing that prevents them from "being ready" is the time limit itself. People will automatically want to beat things faster next time, wasting 50 minutes of their time just so the game can go "I told you so" benefits nobody.

I'd much rather they remove carting and give you unlimited time. Let someone spend two hours slowly hunting a monster that's way too strong for their current gear: Tracking it, observing it, waiting for opportunities to slowly whittle down it's health, luring it into traps and retreating when it's enraged. Take all the time you like, but if you die it's over.

It would be amazing, but MH refuses to allow that because it's still tied to a vestigial mechanic that probably only ever existed to keep people paying a subscription fee.

Jesus all your ideas are completely fucking terrible and I feel like it's fair to call into question whether or not you've ever played a monster hunter game in your life or if you're simply clutching for bits of information that you think you understand in the context of the series and then posting some of the worst "hot takes" I've seen in monster hunter threads.


Glad to see more areas and monsters! I wa s getting concerned for a bit.

However, it still seems to be lacking a certain bit of personality? Not sure how to say it.
That's an easy collab with DBZ, would be a shame to remove him.

Brachydios needs to come back too, need mah slime fix.

He needs to come back and give me my GS



Looks great. Still don't like the understated colors, but I will get used to it. For a few seconds, I thought that new stone jaggi was a naked Qurupeco, bummed to find out it wasn't the case.

Bring back Quru!


Looks great. Still don't like the understated colors, but I will get used to it. For a few seconds, I thought that new stone jaggi was a naked Qurupeco, bummed to find out it wasn't the case.

Bring back Quru!

Reshade here I come!


I don't think the colours are muted. They look fine and will look even better if the game supports HDR, which I think it will.


I don't think the colours are muted. They look fine and will look even better if the game supports HDR, which I think it will.

It's not the environments so much, they were always kinda greenish/brown bland, it's the armor/weapons/monster skins that all just seem really unsaturated, especially for a MH game.


It's not the environments so much, they were always kinda greenish/brown bland, it's the armor/weapons/monster skins that all just seem really unsaturated, especially for a MH game.

Well I think it makes sense. You're a hunter and you don't want your outfit to stand out too much from the environment itself. It'd look a little silly if your armor is flashing rainbow colours when you're hiding in vegetation.

Having said that, I like the look of gear already and we haven't seen what the endgame sets look like.


Looks great. I seriously can't wait. Monster Hunter is my favorite online experience and nothing even comes close at the moment.

Newcomers shouldn't worry about the timer either. I think people in this topic and other topics make it seem like a big deal but I have been effected by the timer like, uh, twice in the past 3 games.


Junior Member
Well as a result I was completely disappointed by what I thought was westernization of a japanese franchise. The first thing I wanted to see from a new Monster Hunter game on a beefy hardware was how cool it could look, not outdated stealth mechanics or the seamless world that was going to be in no matter what.
What is with Nintendo fans keep calling MH World westernised and others reaching to try bring this game down still


So you think they're still going to release a MHWG in a year? I'm buying this day one regardless after that trailer, but I wonder if this will only have high rank.


So you think they're still going to release a MHWG in a year? I'm buying this day one regardless after that trailer, but I wonder if this will only have high rank.

It's extremely likely that a G-rank expansion is part of their content pipeline, but I don't think that would preclude a packaged release down the line that includes the base game plus whatever has been put out up until that point.

I fully anticipate the core game to go only as high as high rank, but they'll also offer quests with variant monsters that will pump up their damage numbers to near-G-rank to keep endgame players happy.


So you think they're still going to release a MHWG in a year? I'm buying this day one regardless after that trailer, but I wonder if this will only have high rank.

I don't think they will follow the handheld route and churn out a G version just to bump sales. They will either go the Season Pass route and keep adding large content that way, or we get lucky and it's monthly drops that include G stuff.
Removing carting would take away any tension and basic survival skills required to play a hunting game. You can't be serious?

I meant they should remove cats saving you through the "carting scenes" and simply fail you after a single death. Hence why I said "Take all the time you like, but if you die it's over."

Jesus all your ideas are completely fucking terrible and I feel like it's fair to call into question whether or not you've ever played a monster hunter game in your life or if you're simply clutching for bits of information that you think you understand in the context of the series and then posting some of the worst "hot takes" I've seen in monster hunter threads.

Any rationale or just shitposting?
What is with Nintendo fans keep calling MH World westernised and others reaching to try bring this game down still

Anyone that has played Monster Hunter can tell you this is the real deal at this point

And it looks like such a damn fine leap forward that clearly we should be excited for 5th gen


The only quests you will may trouble soloing are end game multi monster hunts, but like others have said the timer won't be your issue. You will be out of healing items long before then. Even then, if you are knowledgeable about the monsters and are adequately equipped, you can take down any quest. I make it a point to solo every quest in the game at some point. Most people don't do every quest anyway, you can enjoy the game fully without completing some of the crazy 5 monster hunts that end game quests can have.

Yeah, when you include all the DLC hunts I've put 300+ hours into Tri, 4 and Gen and still didn't finish all the endgame content, they are huge games and some of the content is really for the truly, insanely committed. I've made peace with myself a long time ago that I'm just not that kind of hunter- if I can clear virtually all of G-rank solo, see both the offline and online credits and be a solid member of an endgame party, that's enough for me!


I meant they should remove cats saving you through the "carting scenes" and simply fail you after a single death. Hence why I said "Take all the time you like, but if you die it's over."

That would be even more frustrating for not just new players but for everyone. So many attacks in the game can either OHKO or combo into a cart. It wouldn't work.

Time limits aren't necessary and I can see the argument to remove it completely, but it wouldn't accomplish much in the end since you're bound to a finite number of healing items/ammo anyway.


I meant they should remove cats saving you through the "carting scenes" and simply fail you after a single death. Hence why I said "Take all the time you like, but if you die it's over."

A single death = quest failed in a game where a lot of attacks you've never seen before(especially if you're new to the series) can OHK you?!! Yep, sound like a very smart change to welcome new players.
A single death = quest failed in a game where a lot of attacks you've never seen before(especially if you're new to the series) can OHK you?!! Yep, sound like a very smart change to welcome new players.

Certainly makes more sense than "I had low DPS for 45 minutes and finally got the monster limping, but then I failed because the game has an arbitrary time limit." At least the OHKO would get the point across without wasting an hour of the person's time.

Not saying either is a great idea, but I personally would rather have one life and unlimited time than 3 lives and a time limit.

Time limits aren't necessary and I can see the argument to remove it completely, but it wouldn't accomplish much in the end since you're bound to a finite number of healing items/ammo anyway.

Unless you can find more within the environment. It actually adds a lot to the "hunting" aspect of the game if a wounded player needed to retreat to desperately search for some herbs and honey. Especially now that the map makes escaping a much more challenging and intense experience.
The time limits are really generous in MH though, even in single player most hunts shouldn't take more than 20 minutes at most. Hell, when you're playing in a group of 4 that knows what they are doing you can beat many monsters in less than 5 minutes.
Then play solo? Nothing is stopping you. Everything is soloable. If you're struggling, then you need to get better armor/weapons and/or skill.

If you need more than 50 minutes then chances are you're going to run out of healing items anyway.
Playing solo MH is a good way to have the game feel monotonous and stale pretty quickly. It's significantly more fun in multiplayer.

But anyways, general rule of thumb is that if you're taking the full 50 minutes for a hunt, you're probably doing something wrong, whether that be gear, traps, weapons, hitting wrong spots, not picking up on patterns, not paintballing, etc.
The time limit is very, very generous, I've only ever been up against it when tackling online- only beasts (meant for 2-3 players) solo, whereas we don't know how they are balancing the hp pools of the beasts here yet. Even then, if you are outmatched to the point where you can't kill or capture it in 50 minutes, it's far more likely that it'll KO you three times first unless you run out the clock by fleeing to camp every ten minutes.

Usually it takes you two minutes at most to find the monster, and even less if you've got skills or equipment that mark it for you. If you can't take a monster down in 50 minutes solo, you're usually severely under-equipped. MH doesn't have levels, your power level is only the gear you have, so if you aren't doing enough damage, you need to upgrade or tailor your weapon, tailor your kit bag with appropriate items and check out the skills and offensive/defensive abilities available by skinning the beasties one step below the mark you're struggling with, then come back.

Honestly, it's really only an issue if you are woefully outmatched or under-prepared, in which case part of the fun is learning it's patterns, going away and thinking about a setup that will take it apart. That feeling when you take down something that forced you to back off before is awesome.
I thought the post that I had quoted was implying that you can only solo quests until a certain point and after that you basically have to go online. I don't wanna play online period, so something like that would be game ruining for me.

For the longest time I thought MH was a co-op only game, so you see how something like that would make me a bit more wary of the game.

The only quests you will may trouble soloing are end game multi monster hunts, but like others have said the timer won't be your issue. You will be out of healing items long before then. Even then, if you are knowledgeable about the monsters and are adequately equipped, you can take down any quest. I make it a point to solo every quest in the game at some point. Most people don't do every quest anyway, you can enjoy the game fully without completing some of the crazy 5 monster hunts that end game quests can have.
See, this is the kind of thing that I was afraid of. Even if I can finish the game without doing these quests, the fact that there will be some quests left in the quest log that I practically can't do without going online, will definitely bother me.

Obviously the game hasn't come out yet and we don't know all about it, so I'm gonna be hopeful that this won't be the case with MHW and everything will be completely solo-able in the final game.


On the subject of soloing multiplayer quests, I don't think we should assume that they will follow the usual rules. In Tri, online monster health was balanced for 4 - in the portable games, it was tuned for 2. Soloing the former was unreasonable, but the latter could be done reliably with preparation even in g-rank.

This game has drop-in co-op. I'd be shocked if they don't have proper dynamic scaling this time.


Looks okay, but we all know the real Monster Hunter is the 3DS port coming to the Switch, not this thing that's made easier to appeal to the western fanbase!


Honestly speaking though, loving how it looks. I was never big on Monhan til this day, mainly because the portable aspect of it didn't quite work for me with a game like this, but I might just be convinced to give it a try on consoles/PC. Really gorgeous looking stuff here.

Maybe I'll be able to relive those crazy days of PSO on the DC, lol.
Son of Sparda, MH always had offline mode and online mode. Assuming MHW will be the same, just play offline mode and you'll be fine.

As for people commenting on the "muted colors", I know what you mean and I really like it. I hated how over saturated the colors have gotten in the last four games.


On the subject of soloing multiplayer quests, I don't think we should assume that they will follow the usual rules. In Tri, online monster health was balanced for 4 - in the portable games, it was tuned for 2. Soloing the former was unreasonable, but the latter could be done reliably with preparation even in g-rank.

This game has drop-in co-op. I'd be shocked if they don't have proper dynamic scaling this time.

I hope it doesn't scale. Soling high rank monsters just wouldn't be as fun if they weren't balanced for two people.


See, this is the kind of thing that I was afraid of. Even if I can finish the game without doing these quests, the fact that there will be some quests left in the quest log that I practically can't do without going online, will definitely bother me.

Obviously the game hasn't come out yet and we don't know all about it, so I'm gonna be hopeful that this won't be the case with MHW and everything will be completely solo-able in the final game.

It's a difficult game for sure, and the devs sure let you know that in some of the later quests. But with enough practice and preparation, everything is solo-able. But my point was, you aren't going to fail because of the timer, you will fail because you triple carted or ran out of healing items. There has been no quest in any game that was impossible to solo. Hard as balls sure, but not impossible and not due to the timer.


I thought the post that I had quoted was implying that you can only solo quests until a certain point and after that you basically have to go online. I don't wanna play online period, so something like that would be game ruining for me.

For the longest time I thought MH was a co-op only game, so you see how something like that would make me a bit more wary of the game.

See, this is the kind of thing that I was afraid of. Even if I can finish the game without doing these quests, the fact that there will be some quests left in the quest log that I practically can't do without going online, will definitely bother me.

Obviously the game hasn't come out yet and we don't know all about it, so I'm gonna be hopeful that this won't be the case with MHW and everything will be completely solo-able in the final game.
As you say, we don't know yet, and the fundamental change to a fluid drop-in co-op system from an organised, online party vs offline solo system is enough to suggest it's not worth worrying about yet.

All MH veterans can do really is suggest that MH has a history of a vast amount of content for all skill levels. Typically we used to have the single player campaign that had an end boss and credits roll, then post-game content after that. The online campaign also had its own final boss, credits roll, then post-game content, plus regular events and DLC quests. Considering that it was possible to tackle all the online content solo if you wish, you're looking at hundreds of hours of play. I always end up picking a sensible point to move on, usually at the point where multi-monster G-rank quests are pushing me up against the time limit- such quests are obviously designed with hp pools for multiplayer, but they let single players tackle them because some hunters really are just that good. Not me though. Not me. :D
It's a difficult game for sure, and the devs sure let you know that in some of the later quests. But with enough practice and preparation, everything is solo-able. But my point was, you aren't going to fail because of the timer, you will fail because you triple carted or ran out of healing items. There has been no quest in any game that was impossible to solo. Hard as balls sure, but not impossible and not due to the timer.

The timer will likely be why you end up making the dumb choices that lead you to die and waste items, though.

Instead of waiting for the best, safest moment to strike, you see that you've only got 10 minutes left and start taking more risks. You attack when you shouldn't, and you end up losing not because the boss outplayed you, but because the game's arbitrary handicap put pressure on you.
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