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New Platinum Games Title - Vanquish (Mikami TPS, PS3/360, Winter 2010)

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An blind dancing ho
Bel Marduk said:
In this interview they said it sold well enough.
Q: But did it sell well enough?

John Clark: It sold well enough to position SEGA as a company that's prepared to invest in high quality, new IP.

so SEGA will fund and publish the new PG game ? it seems to me that SEGA really want P.G to be their new AM2 (cept it's not a first party studio).

@ the Countdown

if it's a Survival Horror well I guess it will be Mikami x Hiroshi Shibata ( the former/original Director of RE3.5 /older versions of RE4 ) since Shibata is with PG now


U K Narayan said:
Holy fuck. Holy motherfuck. Do you know what this game would be? This game would be a direct creation from GOD. This game would be the most perfect game to ever exist in any civilization in any universe. It would set the bar SO fucking high that any other attempt to even REACH the standard that this game would set would FUCKING FAIL. Nothing would ever surpass it. That's how amazing that game would be if it were ever made.

My dick would erupt in such an intense fashion that every body of water on this planet would be covered by my blood and semen.
Not bad. You're no Isamu but not bad.


LazerRanger said:
I'm gonna say something that may be an unpopular sentiment but needs to be said:

I really hope they find a way to blend their obvious knack for interesting gameplay mechanics and design idea with a more mainstream friendly aesthetic as this is part of the reason their games have underperformed imho (I fear for Bayoneta tbh).
If they can do a mainstream friendly game every other try it will be better for both them and SEGA in the long run.

No thanks. More mainstream friendly is synonymous with less entertaining/less challenging in my book. Instead of radically changing the games they produce in an effort to pander to the lowest common denominator, I say just put in a difficulty setting that is basically "god mode". That way the "mainstream" can enjoy it while people who actually prefer games over toys can enjoy it too.


Woo-Fu said:
No thanks. More mainstream friendly is synonymous with less entertaining/less challenging in my book. Instead of radically changing the games they produce in an effort to pander to the lowest common denominator, I say just put in a difficulty setting that is basically "god mode". That way the "mainstream" can enjoy it while people who actually prefer games over toys can enjoy it too.

He said aesthetic, maybe you should look up what that word means. It's totally true that Platinum Games' titles have styles and designs which are pretty unappealing to the mainstream so far. Compared to their work at Clover, it's no surprise that Platinum's stuff are selling less. Something everyone can enjoy, with the same gameplay would not be a bad thing. It'll certainly be an improvement of the games they have out now which make the majority of people go "uhhhh..."
raviolico said:
srly, what do you expect him to say...?

In the case that MadWorld DIDN'T sell well, "MadWorld underperformed according to our expectations, however we are not giving up on high quality new IPs."


duckroll said:
He said aesthetic, maybe you should look up what that word means. It's totally true that Platinum Games' titles have styles and designs which are pretty unappealing to the mainstream so far. Compared to their work at Clover, it's no surprise that Platinum's stuff are selling less. Something everyone can enjoy, with the same gameplay would not be a bad thing. It'll certainly be an improvement of the games they have out now which make the majority of people go "uhhhh..."

I don't believe you can just change the aesthetic like a coat of paint while keeping everything else the same. Perhaps while I'm looking up aesthetic you'll spend time pondering why on earth you'd value sales figures over fun. I don't know if it is some form of mutated advocacy or something that makes people in this forum decide that every title on every platform must do as well as titles from established franchises or else be seen as "underperforming".

You don't have to pander to the lowest common denominator to survive in this business. Call me crazy, but I don't look forward to companies sacrificing the unique appeal of their games in an effort to do so.

There are already plenty of developers churning out Soylent for the masses, do we really need to change the few who don't?

To "cure" MW's underperformance you don't need to change the game, you need to change the platform, btw.


Strap on your hooker ...
lordoftherink said:
Who cares about the game? This countdown is mesmerizing.
This. I hope the countdown is for the countdown screen becoming available for download as a screen saver.


Woo-Fu said:
I don't believe you can just change the aesthetic like a coat of paint while keeping everything else the same. Perhaps while I'm looking up aesthetic you'll spend time pondering why on earth you'd value sales figures over fun. I don't know if it is some form of mutated advocacy or something that makes people in this forum decide that every title on every platform must do as well as titles from established franchises or else be seen as "underperforming".

You don't have to pander to the lowest common denominator to survive in this business. Call me crazy, but I don't look forward to companies sacrificing the unique appeal of their games in an effort to do so.

There are already plenty of developers churning out Soylent for the masses, do we really need to change the few who don't?

Or maybe, some people just simply don't like the aesthetic in their current games. I certainly think Mad World looks stupid and gross, and Bayonetta while having great gameplay, has the most unappealing art and deisgns I've seen in action games in a long time, INCLUDING Devil May Cry which I also think is wretched and stupid. I've played and finished Infinite Space too. I love the story, and the characters are pretty good, but the art is pretty bad too. It's not even good anime art, it's like C-rate 80s reject art. The ship designs are awesome though.

Mainstream does not always mean bland and unoriginal. It means you take into account more general audiences, and try to create something beautiful and appealing to more than just a single demographic. Viewtiful Joe and Okami's art styles certainly appeal to a whole wider range of audiences as opposed to Mad World wouldn't you say?


Bel Marduk said:
In the case that MadWorld DIDN'T sell well, "MadWorld underperformed according to our expectations, however we are not giving up on high quality new IPs."

sure, that would be closer to the truth, but wouldn`t sound that PR-nice.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The only thing I want to see is Platinum Games remain afloat. I dont want to see them abandon their creative art directions (MadWorld and especially Bayonetta look gorgeous to me), but if the toning done of one title (which does not equate to it being a bland, generic husk of shit) guarenties them profit to stay afloat then of course they should do it.

Platinum Games should do what allows them to create more games. If their current model works, stick to that. If they need to tone down a single game to get some more support and funding for more outlandish games, then so be it.

Asking Platinum to stick to doing the same thing, if its netting them poor return on their investments, is just selfish. Developers dont stay afloat through good intentions and kind wishes. If they're not making a return they will go under, because thats how an industry works, and I'd rather not see them go under.

It's entirely possible for them to survive. Look at Grasshopper. But they're going to need to invest time, money, and resources in the right areas at the right time. Assuming Bayonetta underperforms in the west, people cant seriously expect them to keep investing that kind of money and time into a game as obscure looking as that.
Because of the reaction to Bayonetta's art Kamiya's next game is going to have a white dude with short brown hair and stubble wearing a white t shirt and jeans, shooting people

I hope you're all happy >:|


Rad- said:
His new game has been in development for about 1½ years now. So I think 2011 would be a good guess for its release.
Good to know. So end of the year we get to see whats he's been brewing hopefully,

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Remij said:
I'm equipping my flame shield, but couldn't this just be the count down to the Bayonetta NA release date?
it ends a day or two after.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Remij said:
I'm equipping my flame shield, but couldn't this just be the count down to the Bayonetta NA release date?

On the Japanese site? Why?


ZealousD said:
On the Japanese site? Why?

yeah, doesn`t make much sense.
maybe they hope to benefit from the NA release "buzz" a bit
in conjunction with the countdown/unveiling of Mikami`s project.


Still wonder what he could be doing this time.

Last time, Mikami, Hashimoto and crew gave us God Hand, truly one of the best games I've ever played.

And with Little Angels and Hashimoto finished up with Bayonetta, it wouldn't be impossible to think that maybe they migrated over to Mikami's force soon afterward.

A more proper GH follow-up (because MadWorld, loved it, but it wasn't that either)? I'd definitely go for that.


TreIII said:
Still wonder what he could be doing this time.

Last time, Mikami, Hashimoto and crew gave us God Hand, truly one of the best games I've ever played.

And with Little Angels and Hashimoto finished up with Bayonetta, it wouldn't be impossible to think that maybe they migrated over to Mikami's force soon afterward.

A more proper GH follow-up (because MadWorld, loved it, but it wasn't that either)? I'd definitely go for that.

well, the "Ritualist" name trademark suggest a more horror themed darling.
if it`s Mikami related at all...


raviolico said:
well, the "Ritualist" name trademark suggest a more horror themed darling.
if it`s Mikami related at all...

Well, it could be horror, or it could be just yet another thing with a gothic backdrop involving demons and such. Because EVERYBODY likes demons! :lol

Whichever the case, I just hope it means more action. Like I said before, P* has been a godsend for a designated action-junkie head like myself. I just hope they keep it up. I'll keep buying their games as long as they delivering my next action fix. :D


TreIII said:
Well, it could be horror, or it could be just yet another thing with a gothic backdrop involving demons and such. Because EVERYBODY likes demons! :lol

Whichever the case, I just hope it means more action. Like I said before, P* has been a godsend for a designated action-junkie head like myself. I just hope they keep it up. I'll keep buying their games as long as they delivering my next action fix. :D

yeah, you are right, could be anything.

man, i`ve just started re-playing GH and P.N.03....both still so awesome.
i really LOVE what Mikami does. even if my skills barely can keep up (>GH).


raviolico said:
yeah, you are right, could be anything.

man, i`ve just started re-playing GH and P.N.03....both still so awesome.
i really LOVE what Mikami does. even if my skills barely can keep up (>GH).

Same here. I did love how God Hand was such a game that really did more to just help you "learn" by getting your ass kicked. That's what I loved about these types of games, and again, that's what I'm hoping his next project is all about.

GC|Simon said:
Hopefully by Mikami!

And Wii exclusive - otherwise Mikami will cut his head off...

See, I'm torn.

On one hand, Mikami is probably one of those geniuses who could really stand to bring out the potential of anything ranging from the original Wiimote & Nunchaku set up, to the WM+, itself. If he were to do something like this, then it would possibly make others sit up and pay attention.

On the other, Mikami is the kind of guy who could also benefit from having HD graphics as part of his game. Not to mention having more buttons on the controller (a game like God Hand would have been impossible to do on either the GC or the Wii, for this very reason).

Hopefully, whatever happens, he will do the damn thing. And maybe have another OST by Masafumi Takada (God Hand, Earth Defense Force, the upcoming Zangeki no REGINLEIV) to boot! :D
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