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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


Cute kids, man. I can't wait till ours can actually move around and interact with us like Arlo is doing in those pics. I'm sure by then I'll be wishing he was still immobile, lol.
Thanks man! And yeah, it's awesome, but it's scary too. He was a bit of a late crawler and walker, and then suddenly he was climbing the stairs, yanking on things we'd missed while child proofing, and now comes the realization he can reach up and twist doorknobs open. And we live on a busy street, too. Scary world, and once they're mobile, it just gets scarier. But man, having him old enough to actually play with him is the greatest. :)


Well our nine-month old boy is now crawling, and this morning at 4.15am we went into his room after he'd started crying. Little guy was standing in his cot having pulled himself up the side. Ruh-roh....

Man, try putting them to sleep now that they know they can stand.... :p


They get bored/tired and just lay down. It's not a big deal.
Yeah, I know, it just throws you for a moment as a parent.


It can cause a bit of grief as they basically find some other way to keep occupied INSTEAD of go to sleep. We found the less distractions they have the more quickly they will do so.

But yeah, in the end it's forever marching forward with development. You always find a way to deal with it.
Yes. We tried everything. She sleeps goods at night but not during the day.

Have you tried wearing her in a baby carrier as you go about your day?

My wife and I pretty much always have our month old in a mei tai carrier if she's not eating. Frees up your hands and the rocking motion of walking plus the closeness puts her right to sleep. She takes most of her naps in the carrier.


28 Examples of Crap Husbands Pull While Their Wives are in Labor

My wife sent this to me, some good ones in there. I hope none are gaffers.

My husband left me, when I was in labor, to go buy a PS3 (it was Black Friday). He will NEVER live that down. -Anne

Mine was an emergency C-section. The husband was just getting off work when we found out I needed the surgery (4 weeks early with twins). We called to tell him to come immediately. He was about 4 minutes from the hospital but after 20 minutes he still hadn't shown up. Another call revealed him sitting at home, eating a sandwich, and checking on his World of Warcraft "real quick". -Angelia

My husband took so many pictures of himself in the scrubs and mask (obviously super important to document) the camera battery was almost dead when we actually had the baby! I have pictures to prove it. -Stephanie

My husband asked if he could "borrow one of my pillows", because his back hurt and I had "too many". -Parisa

My husband made me wait for him to finish watching Gladiator after my water broke. -One Funny Motha


It happened. Our 11 month year old took off his diaper twice today. Didn't think much, but after brushing my teeth I came back and the diaper was off and fingers and cheek had poop on them. CODE RED. spent the next hour cleaning him and the playpen. Luckily wife was home.
28 Examples of Crap Husbands Pull While Their Wives are in Labor

My wife sent this to me, some good ones in there. I hope none are gaffers.

Heh the PS3 one made me think about how I announced our second was coming last month. Names changed to protect the innocent.

This November will mark seven years of being married to (wife). It's starting to approach the number of years that we dated before finally tying the knot. I remember being on our honeymoon and having a wonderful time with the love my life in Australia, but there was a part of me that worried about things going on back home. You see, that was the year that the PlayStation 3 and Wii launched.

We had already set the dates for the wedding and the honeymoon long before Sony and Nintendo announced their release dates. I had to scramble to make sure my launch systems were covered and even making sure my PSN name was registered so it wouldn't be taken by the time I got back. In the back of my mind, I was a bit worried that something might happen and I would come back home without one or even both of the systems waiting for me. Fortunately, my family did a great job of making sure both systems got picked up and everything was setup for me while I was away.

This year will be the launch of the PlayStation 4 and Next Generation Xbox and it seems that history might be repeating itself. It looks like once again, I'll have plans during the launch time frame for Sony's and Microsoft's upcoming systems. Already, I'm trying to think of what will work best to secure obtaining both systems but it's proving difficult since pre-orders haven't started yet, let alone an official release date or price for either one. Hopefully things will be more clear once E3 takes place next month.

I'm optimistic things will work out as they did seven years ago but I'm still nervous about the launch. At least this time, I don't have to register anything in a timely fashion to secure an online tag. If I'm lucky, both launches won't coincide with my scheduled plans on November 12th (yes that's 11/12/13) and I won't have to stress too much over it, but that is a Tuesday which is the traditional day that games and movies arrive in stores. Fortunately, console launches tend to not stick to traditional release schedules though.

I guess some of you by now are wondering what's going on to keep me away from such a big event as not just one, but two major console launches. This happens only once every at least five years or more and it's definitely been a longer generation this time around. Well, on 11/12/13, (2 year old girl) will become a big sister.


It happened. Our 11 month year old took off his diaper twice today. Didn't think much, but after brushing my teeth I came back and the diaper was off and fingers and cheek had poop on them. CODE RED. spent the next hour cleaning him and the playpen. Luckily wife was home.

Oh god....my daughter hasn't ever done that. Yet.
It happened. Our 11 month year old took off his diaper twice today. Didn't think much, but after brushing my teeth I came back and the diaper was off and fingers and cheek had poop on them. CODE RED. spent the next hour cleaning him and the playpen. Luckily wife was home.

heh. anything poop related we used to call a "code brown".

Never had that happen though thankfully.
Question: Do any of you guys get diapers on amazon and use the subscribe and save feature? Do you know if you can go in and change the size diaper/frequency of your subscription as your baby grows?
Question: Do any of you guys get diapers on amazon and use the subscribe and save feature? Do you know if you can go in and change the size diaper/frequency of your subscription as your baby grows?

You can just cancel at any time. You can get it shipped once for the discount and cancel. So there really isn't much of a big deal to change what you're getting.


aka andydumi
You can just cancel at any time. You can get it shipped once for the discount and cancel. So there really isn't much of a big deal to change what you're getting.

Yep. So you can't change the item, but you can subscribe to a new one. Makes it tough when you get a good deal or a coupon, but i just keep an eye on slickdeals and it works out fine.


Yep. So you can't change the item, but you can subscribe to a new one. Makes it tough when you get a good deal or a coupon, but i just keep an eye on slickdeals and it works out fine.

you can change it...



why do they make plugs a foot off the ground, I have all unused plugs locked up but what do I do about my tv and stuff that needs plugs.
why do they make plugs a foot off the ground, I have all unused plugs locked up but what do I do about my tv and stuff that needs plugs.

They have stuff like this for it:

Today marks 5 weeks left till our little guy is supposed to pop out. I don't feel ready at all. Still working on the nursery. Where the hell did the time go?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Today marks 5 weeks left till our little guy is supposed to pop out. I don't feel ready at all. Still working on the nursery. Where the hell did the time go?
You probably won't use the nursery for months anyway so focus on the other stuff rather than rushing to get it finished only for it to sit empty for months.


Neo Member
Today marks 5 weeks left till our little guy is supposed to pop out. I don't feel ready at all. Still working on the nursery. Where the hell did the time go?

6 weeks here and I just can't wait. Nursery is not yet ready and we need to buy some misc. stuff too but I feel ready :)


#2 has just started seriously crawling. Nothing in the house is safe any more.

Yeah, our number two has started walking everywhere now. You definitely get complacent, things that have been within reach of the older kid for ages suddenly become easy prey for the younger, as they're the ones who just want to grab it because they can.

Doesn't help that she sticks everything in her mouth where her sister stopped doing that around a year.


Today marks 5 weeks left till our little guy is supposed to pop out. I don't feel ready at all. Still working on the nursery. Where the hell did the time go?

Doesn't matter how ready you think you are.. You're never really ready. Man, what a ride. Always a shifting target, always learning. It's a blast!

I will say too that it's really tough there in the thick of things, but you very quickly forget how tough it can be at times, especially if you're a first-time parent. Already looking back after a year and being all nostalgic for newborn baby stuff.

Take lots of pictures and videos, because you can't go back and even the most inane little things that are stupid at the time will bring you a lot of laughter and emotion later.
#2 has just started seriously crawling. Nothing in the house is safe any more.

It's funny how each milestone brings new challenges. You look forward to them, but then when they get there you miss how easy the old way was. "Yay, she turned over! Uh oh, now she can roll off of things." "Yay, he crawled! Oh, no, now he's always trying to get away." "Yay, she can walk! Ugh, now she wants to walk everywhere." etc.
Have any of your parents encountered this feeding problem?

All the books state that newborns will want to be fed once every 3-4 hours, for around 20-30 minutes. Ours however, has a very different routine.

He'll be screaming his head off, as per normal and we'll begin to feed him. After 2 minutes of milk, he'll be completely satisfied, refuse to consume any more and promptly fall asleep. Trying to wake him does nothing, so we lay him down and try to get on with a little housework.

5 minutes later, he'll suddenly realise that those 2 minutes of milk were completely inadequate and begin to scream his head off again. And of course, we feed him.

As you can imagine, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes is very very tiring for my wife (and me, albeit to a lesser extent). Have any of you Gaffers experienced this feeding habit and if so, how did you break the cycle?
Have any of your parents encountered this feeding problem?

All the books state that newborns will want to be fed once every 3-4 hours, for around 20-30 minutes. Ours however, has a very different routine.

He'll be screaming his head off, as per normal and we'll begin to feed him. After 2 minutes of milk, he'll be completely satisfied, refuse to consume any more and promptly fall asleep. Trying to wake him does nothing, so we lay him down and try to get on with a little housework.

5 minutes later, he'll suddenly realise that those 2 minutes of milk were completely inadequate and begin to scream his head off again. And of course, we feed him.

As you can imagine, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes is very very tiring for my wife (and me, albeit to a lesser extent). Have any of you Gaffers experienced this feeding habit and if so, how did you break the cycle?
Could be reflux, my daughter had it. Call your Ped and see what they say.

Great picture.

1 year old to about 2 1/2 is such a fantastic time, I really miss it.


Have any of your parents encountered this feeding problem?

All the books state that newborns will want to be fed once every 3-4 hours, for around 20-30 minutes. Ours however, has a very different routine.

He'll be screaming his head off, as per normal and we'll begin to feed him. After 2 minutes of milk, he'll be completely satisfied, refuse to consume any more and promptly fall asleep. Trying to wake him does nothing, so we lay him down and try to get on with a little housework.

5 minutes later, he'll suddenly realise that those 2 minutes of milk were completely inadequate and begin to scream his head off again. And of course, we feed him.

As you can imagine, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes is very very tiring for my wife (and me, albeit to a lesser extent). Have any of you Gaffers experienced this feeding habit and if so, how did you break the cycle?

Could be reflux, the milk not settling well.

Also could be that he's untested and wants to sleep rather than feed and uses the comfort of feeding to get to sleep.

It can be really tough - hungry baby won't sleep, tired baby won't feed.

Not sure how you actively get out of such a cycle but look into seeing if there is some other issue like reflux.


my baby is still in the reverse car seat, my doctor tells me to keep him in it but his legs are hanging over the carseat. and he looks cramped. advice?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
my baby is still in the reverse car seat, my doctor tells me to keep him in it but his legs are hanging over the carseat. and he looks cramped. advice?
How old? If he is over one I would say turn him around.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Our daughter (and other honorary family member) at 2.5ish months:

my baby is still in the reverse car seat, my doctor tells me to keep him in it but his legs are hanging over the carseat. and he looks cramped. advice?

I've read to keep them rear facing as long as you can, it's safer. Depends on what the height/weight restrictions are on the car seat.
my baby is still in the reverse car seat, my doctor tells me to keep him in it but his legs are hanging over the carseat. and he looks cramped. advice?

How old? Our girl is on the higher end of the scale when it comes to height. She's 90+ percentile but we kept her facing backwards for as long as possible. The recommended age is 2 years old before you should turn them around for safety reasons. I think we eventually gave up at around 23 months and flipped the seat around.


How old? If he is over one I would say turn him around.

The AAP's recommendation is to keep children rear facing until 2 yrs old.
I believe most state laws say 1 yr old though, as that was the original AAP recommedation.

My 19-mo son is still rear-facing. His legs look a little cramped, but he does not mind at all. He sleeps in his car seat all the time.

What will be cramped is when we have to put three car seats in.
Wife is currently pregnant with twins, due in January.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The AAP's recommendation is to keep children rear facing until 2 yrs old.
I believe most state laws say 1 yr old though, as that was the original AAP recommedation.

My 19-mo son is still rear-facing. His legs look a little cramped, but he does not mind at all. He sleeps in his car seat all the time.

What will be cramped is when we have to put three car seats in.
Wife is currently pregnant with twins, due in January.
The recommendation is 24 months or to the limit of the car seat whichever comes first. Most kids will hit the car seat limit way before the 24 month mark. My car seat is rated to 30 pounds/30 inches, whereas even the 3rd percentile for height will exceed that by 2.
The recommendation is 24 months or to the limit of the car seat whichever comes first. Most kids will hit the car seat limit way before the 24 month mark. My car seat is rated to 30 pounds/30 inches, whereas even the 3rd percentile for height will exceed that by 2.

My car seat was rated 35 pounds and I think 33" which I think easily hits two years for most kids.
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