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Ninja Gaiden II: The Official GAF Thread of Chaos


It's coming otu on june 3rd? Damn it that means I can only buy it the thursday of that week, as that's when my latest paycheck arrives. :(


FabCam said:


Don’t matter.


If reviews don't matter, how are you supposed to judge if a game is worth looking at? I thought the whole point of reviews was to give you an idea of how a game is?


Variable said:
If reviews don't matter, how are you supposed to judge if a game is worth looking at? I thought the whole point of reviews was to give you an idea of how a game is?

Only ninja dogs care about review scores.

Putting the opinion of some internet stranger on a pedestal is for lesser ninjas.

Head ninjas rent games or play demos and make up their own minds.

Master ninjas already have their preorders paid off in full.


Reviews especially don't matter when 2.5 pages out of the 3 pages of that gamesradar one are spent bitching about how hard the game is. It reminds me of when gaming age reviewed the original game and marty chen cleverly hiding behind psuedonym jacky bryant was so frustrated with the game that he complained about it's difficulty and camera for the entire review. It's just funny to me that the critic at gamesradar mentions mastering the combat then goes on to say he had a hard time even on easy mode.

Atleast be happy that with this much bitching the game still got a 7/10 which is usualy a good yet flawed score. Add +2 to it if you can deal with the difficulty AND the camera.


Reading a review of a big sequel to a popular game series is about as worthwhile as reading reviews of Michael Bay movies, Star Wars prequels and the new Indy. It's hardly going to change many (any?) minds, and in the end people will experience for themselves and decide if they enjoyed the experience.
Variable said:
If reviews don't matter, how are you supposed to judge if a game is worth looking at? I thought the whole point of reviews was to give you an idea of how a game is?

I think perhaps this game will just be a tad too awesome for you to handle. Perhaps you should look into one of the lesser series of action games.

EDIT: fucking great OP a Master Ninja...fucking great!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm going to pick this game regardless of the scores, but I must admit that some of the actual text attached to the reviews paints a slightly disappointing picture. It does seem as if the balance isn't quite as finely tuned as the original game and the frequent slowdown seems disappointing as well (of course, perhaps that was just an issue with review builds).

Most disappointing to me is the lack of a overworld. I loved the way the first game took place within an open world with all areas connected in some fashion. It really made the adventure seem massive.


From gamepro review
But this swan song misses some key notes with those camera bugs; and even if we could accept that the game is “supposed” to be hard and we’re “supposed” to enjoy having our asses handed to us, we can’t figure out why the environments look so last-gen and why it’s supposed to be fun to have our blood pressure jacked up a few points with each superfluous boss fight.

I thought it looks good.
I'm happy with the lack of an overworld and repetition after DMC4... Also I think reviewers should start marking games down for being a too easy glitchy mess with a pathetic camera (Imagine having to use the right stick instead of R in NG) ala GTA4 if they want to make NG down for being to difficult and having a few camera issues.
Ecto311 said:
Anyone know if the xbox360 hori joystick works with this game? I got the one for wii to use with brawl and it doesn't do shit.
Sure, it works, but all you'll be able to do is switch weapons and attack and block while standing stationary.

The game requires an analog stick for movement, and the Hori Arcade Stick is mapped to the D-Pad (which manages non-realtime weapons change) .

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
First Official Thread I've actually read entirely. Link pics are awesome, humor is great, it offically has done more to get me hyped than any trailer or website description ever could.


Just adding to the chorus of praise for the OP. The path links and control diagram are awesome, but the fiend link was a true stroke of ninja genius.

Vaxadrin said:
Master ninjas already have their preorders paid off in full.

Believe it or not, this is the first game I have ever paid for in full at the time of pre-order.


It's a broken record by now, but that's the best OP in an official thread I can remember reading. He should work for the official site and not be slumming it here.

I'm cautiously anticipating this game. The press is scaring me..because the first game is one of my favorite action games ever (top 3 for sure), I was expecting high 9's. The truth shall be revealed soon.


those wolverine claws alone warrant a purchase of this game... I want to see what the actual costume looks like in game:(


In the original game were you able to change the difficulty during the game?

I don't want to start playing on Warrior/Normal difficulty then find I need to go back to the beginning to change to Acolyte/Easy.


The OP delivers on the humor and the content. Fat has been trimmed down to deliver the essentials. Great stuff.

Time to get out my ninja hood in preparation for June 3rd.


soldat7 said:
You're not making any sense.

Numbers are for weaklings. True ninjas jump from the tip top of a skyscraper and crash through the window of the building next to it without a scratch, then chop up a room full of guys.

These reviewers rushed to play the game in order to get a review out early. All complaints about difficulty can be read as "the difficulty of this game delayed my review by a few extra hours"

Haze, on the other hand...well, anyone could give an accurate review of that trash by playing the first 10 seconds of the demo.

By the way people, if you order from amazon before June 2nd, you get a $10 gift card. Be warned that amazon is notorious for not shipping on release day.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot

Could've done without the memes on my part, but that's just because I can't stand them - and calling the story "shitty" - that's old-school arcade vibes they're using for NGII damnit - but I dug the descriptions otherwise... good job man...

All it basically is from now on for me is just playing the waiting game - hopefully my Game pre-order was early enough for me to get in on that pre-order DLC costume, and hopefully it doesn't come in too late, or I might actually cry for not having my most wanted game on time...

And duckroll and the theme of this thread is right - reviews mean nothing for this game - you'd be crazy NOT to get this game just because a reviewer got his ass whooped hard and docked points on it because of that...

Only about a week left to go!


Skilotonn said:

Could've done without the memes on my part, but that's just because I can't stand them - and calling the story "shitty" - that's old-school arcade vibes they're using for NGII damnit - but I dug the descriptions otherwise... good job man...

All it basically is from now on for me is just playing the waiting game - hopefully my Game pre-order was early enough for me to get in on that pre-order DLC costume, and hopefully it doesn't come in too late, or I might actually cry for not having my most wanted game on time...

And duckroll and the theme of this thread is right - reviews mean nothing for this game - you'd be crazy NOT to get this game just because a reviewer got his ass whooped hard and docked points on it because of that...
Only about a week left to go!

That would be true, but you would be crazy to get a game that is fundamentally flawed, and not an evolution when the creator said so, what a lying pos.
I'm really surprised that I'm not so excited for this. I guess the only thing that's keeping me interested is the leaderboards. I look forward to raping the scores of the majority.


U K Narayan said:
I'm really surprised that I'm not so excited for this. I guess the only thing that's keeping me interested is the leaderboards. I look forward to raping the scores of the majority.

It's on now! BIKE RACKS- 3 O'CLOCK!


Mamesj said:
awesome, karasu's here. now lets get c-warrior and we'll be all set to flush this thread down the DMC toilet.

?? I did not mention that game. I can't even remember the last time I cared to compare the two.
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