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Nioh |OT| Stamina is Ki

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The difference is, most encounters in Souls don't have enemies that take off a third or half of your health in a single hit (or combo that acts as a single hit) constantly showing up in every single area. It doesn't matter if you "learned" their patterns in this game or not, when they are so much faster on average than anything in the Souls games. It's often like playing against the hammer wielding Dragon Shrine giants. But not just in a single area, but everywhere. The difficulty in the Souls games also seems to be more linear. In this game it goes from way up, to off a cliff, to way back up again at random.

It's not just revisionist history either when I say that I've had more difficulty in this game than any of the previous Souls games, which includes beating Demon's the first time. The Souls games allow you one thing you just can't use in this game as well: patience.

There was a dude here that was getting shit damage in one of the latter bosses in Nioh. If you go <30% equip load in souls game you get a fuckton on damage too.

People here is running with light armor and barely point into HP. If I played DS3 with barely armor and 10 points on VIG I would get OHK o two hit kills too.



This fight was hard as balls and I died a lot, but I'm so proud of this parry.

That looked great!



I've died a similar number of times across Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and Nioh.

The level of difficulty is fine, perfect even.
Followers of our DS/BB threads, and now Nioh, should know that difficulty is all relative. For example, some gaffers can slay BSB from Bloodborne in 1-3 attempts, meanwhile it took some of us 10-20 tries (or more). I killed some DS and BB bosses faster than I've killed some of the Nioh bosses (Tachibana Muneshige duel grrr!), and vice verse.

We have some amazingly skilled players on GAF that blow the bell curve away in games like Nioh and Soulsborne. But it's all relative to the weapons, armor, boss, what I ate for breakfast, etc.


True, althought I wouldn't go as far to say that the game is not well animated, designed, and everything else you said. I find it quite good in every aspect, just not as good as Souls. Combat is really the star of the game in a way I'd say it's better than Souls in some aspects and weaker in others but that's saying quite a lot.

Right I'm not saying Nioh is bad in these areas, just not as good as souls. I know this is cherry picking, but nothing in nioh comes close to the level of animation and fluidity that went into champion gundyr in DS3.
Why did you ignore everything else I said?
How is world design relevant to difficulty? Please do tell. And I hope you don't think I didn't play Souls because I played and beaten every single one except Demon Souls. I also platinumed Bloodborne. The only game I think that matches Nioh in difficulty, and that's in Rooted Depth 5 chalice dungeons.

Actually, it's my fault for even continuing the conversation. I won't talk about this any more.
Followers of our DS/BB threads, and now Nioh, should know that difficulty is all relative. For example, some gaffers can slay BSB from Bloodborne in 1-3 attempts, meanwhile it took some of us 10-20 tries (or more). I killed some DS and BB bosses faster than I've killed some of the Nioh bosses (Tachibana Muneshige duel grrr!), and vice verse.

We have some amazingly skilled players on GAF that blow the bell curve away in games like Nioh and Soulsborne. But it's all relative to the weapons, armor, boss, what I ate for breakfast, etc.

Which is why the arguments from both sides are completely fucking ridiculous, incredibly reductive, and downright disingenuous. Both sides of this argument are fucking insufferable and are making this thread terrible.
I'm one piece of gear away from the entire Genius Strategist set. All I need is the head. The rest of the set drops from the way of the warrior veteran misson in the dojo. But the head won't drop. Apparently you can get a smithing text for it somewhere. Anyone know where this thing is?
Yea im not really sure i get this complaint, high skill, high reward is what most people want from a fighting or action game. Doing long combos because its easy is boring (see vergil dmc4), doing long combos because you put in the time and learnt how systems work is amazing (See dante dmc4 or nioh :p).

Sorry, you're right on that point, I wasn't thinking about the fun you get from accomplishing what you did, I try to play like that as much as I can because it's fun to me to do those moves and switches, I'd say I do about 50% or a bit more of what you do, I'm just not as confident against tougher enemies. What I'm trying to say is that your fight doesn't look fun at all because most of the time the boss barely moves. So yeah, you probably had fun because the satisfaction that comes from chaining different attacks but the fight it's visually boring and not challenging at all, the challenge was mixing stances and stuff.


Followers of our DS/BB threads, and now Nioh, should know that difficulty is all relative. For example, some gaffers can slay BSB from Bloodborne in 1-3 attempts, meanwhile it took some of us 10-20 tries (or more). I killed some DS and BB bosses faster than I've killed some of the Nioh bosses (Tachibana Muneshige duel grrr!), and vice verse.

This so much. I've heard loads of people say Father G is super easy but I'm pretty sure I died the most to him than any other boss (aside from maybe Ludwig) in Bloodborne. Similarly, people say the Nameless King in DS3 is super hard but I got him on my 2nd try and thought he was a pushover.

It all depends on your play style.


Which is why the arguments from both sides are completely fucking ridiculous, incredibly reductive, and downright disingenuous. Both sides of this argument are fucking insufferable and are making this thread terrible.

I think this is the one thing we can all agree on.


Just one example. Starting to think people in this thread never even played B or Souls.

As sad as it is you are right. Nobody with a sane mind would actually believe the Souls/BB series are easy games. Some people find them easier than others but it doesnt take a genius to understand how stupid it is to call them 'laughable'.

Its not even worth dignifying these people with a response as they are too out of touch with reality to be relatable. Unfortunately they wind me up so best thing for me is to retreat from this OT before I get banned lol.
How is world design relevant to difficulty? Please do tell. And I hope you don't think I didn't play Souls because I played every single on except Demon Souls. I also platinumed Bloodborne. The only game I think that matches Nioh in difficulty, and that's in Rooted Depth 5 chalice dungeons.

Dangers, traps and more complex environments = more deaths.. There is a lot more dangers in the environment in Souls then Nioh.

Again you ignored enemy variety, why do you only answer one question at a time? Nioh suffers from enemy variety, so you know enemy attack patterns. Souls you are constantly seeing new enemies, traps, dangers and always need to adapt. it is pretty common sense.

Nioh is eaier then every souls game for me, by far, I have solo'fd every boss, most first time I beat them, and trash mobs are easy.


Gold Member
Does anyone know what has to trigger to make a particular armor piece be usable for "refashion" at the blacksmith?

I wanted to make my dude use the full Iga ninja set, but for some reason it won't let me refashion the body piece, despite having one in my inventory as well as disassembling another one.

Some of these systems could be better explained.


Black Phantoms in Black WT NG++++ in DeS can all be killed with a single (or two) Soul touch or Firestorm

You know, when I finally get around to playing Bloodborne, we'll see.

But playing a game specifically for its difficulty is a trend I don't fully get. I like a good challenge, but that doesn't make a game good. I feel like Dark Souls stans think that way so they don't want to admit that Souls is very basic for action games...

The comparisons don't really make sense and it's a shame we're not discussing the combat system instead of... difficulty


anyway, back to reforging
Followers of our DS/BB threads, and now Nioh, should know that difficulty is all relative. For example, some gaffers can slay BSB from Bloodborne in 1-3 attempts, meanwhile it took some of us 10-20 tries (or more). I killed some DS and BB bosses faster than I've killed some of the Nioh bosses (Tachibana Muneshige duel grrr!), and vice verse.

We have some amazingly skilled players on GAF that blow the bell curve away in games like Nioh and Soulsborne. But it's all relative to the weapons, armor, boss, what I ate for breakfast, etc.

Basically this.


I thought this game was hard because everything that hit me would combo into me being dead, then I found out blocking gets you out of combos and now I hardly ever die.

Blocking can do what? You are saying I have been eating these 70-100% combos for free? I swear I am the dumbest mofo who has walked on this planet.


Dangers, traps and more complex environments = more deaths.. There is a lot more dangers in the environment in Souls then Nioh.

Again you ignored enemy variety, why do you only answer one question at a time? Nioh suffers from enemy variety, so you know enemy attack patterns. Souls you are constantly seeing new enemies, traps, dangers and always need to adapt. it is pretty common sense.

Nioh is eaier then every souls game for me, by far, I have solo'fd every boss, most first time I beat them, and trash mobs are easy.

As a collective whole, i would agree that Souls enviromental dangers (and level design) are more complex. (Especially Dark 1, 3, and Bloodborne).

The combat though is very very good though. Much more mechanically interesting than the Souls games.
Black Phantoms in Black WT NG++++ in DeS can all be killed with a single (or two) Soul touch or Firestorm

You know, when I finally get around to playing Bloodborne, we'll see.

But playing a game specifically for its difficulty is a trend I don't fully get. I like a good challenge, but that doesn't make a game good. I feel like Dark Souls stans think that way so they don't want to admit that Souls is very basic for action games...


anyway, back to reforging

Any phantom in Nioh can be beaten just by standing in one spot, block, counter, block, counter, rinse repeat. Two can play the reductive game. Or use Sloth in nioh if you want. Point is both games have a multitude of ways to play.


Nioh main missions have been much easier than Dark Souls so far and I'm in region 4. I think the game got easier the further I got. Most trash mob don't even hit me, aside from the double sword yokai or the tongue dude. Or when they gang up but that should never happen if you play it right.

Revenants I usually kill by using lifeseal. I don't even bother with Sloth. DeS was very broken with its spells, DkS usually requires more effort than that though you can always cheese them.
As a collective whole, i would agree that Souls enviromental dangers (and level design) are more complex. (Especially Dark 1, 3, and Bloodborne).

The combat though is very very good though. Much more mechanically interesting than the Souls games.

Agree, I said this already, Nioh's combat is more diverse and dynamic then souls, it's god tier. Souls does pretty much everything else better though, but Nioh is still great,

Nioh main missions have been much easier than Dark Souls so far and I'm in region 4. I think the game got easier the further I got. Most trash mob don't even hit me, aside from the double sword yokai or the tongue dude. Or when they gang up but that should never happen if you play it right.

Yep, can blow through areas pretty quick, regular mobs don't put up much resistance.

In Souls there are enemies that can one shot you. In terms of speed I believe they amped the speed of enemies in 3 (haven't played 1 or 2), there are these Frost Knights that are waaaay fast when they attack.

Yep, saying no enemies in Souls take large chunks of your health is just puzzling, in fact most enemies do. Many can nearly one shot you.
Okay, you're gunna have to show me a video

Because Nothing in DeS or DkS is...

Can't believe hard is synonymous with Souls in the context of action games.

In Souls there are enemies that can one shot you. In terms of speed I believe they amped the speed of enemies in 3 (haven't played 1 or 2), there are these Frost Knights that are waaaay fast when they attack.
Blocking can do what? You are saying I have been eating these 70-100% combos for free? I swear I am the dumbest mofo who has walked on this planet.

Don't worry, I was in your shoes a couple days ago. As a souls player, I've been conditioned to dodge everything. Unfortunately, for me atleast in this game that does not always work. So if something is trying to combo me, it's automatic blocking now.


Any phantom in Nioh can be beaten just by standing in one spot, block, counter, block, counter, rinse repeat. Two can play the reductive game. Or use Sloth in nioh if you want. Point is both games have a multitude of ways to play.

I'm sorry, what? I wasn't comparing Revs with BPs... It was said that BPs are difficult and I was just saying how they aren't some ultra difficult enemy.

Oh is this just about you saying that Souls > NiOh?
Vanilla Story Mode Nioh is a bit easier than souls, there I said it. Nioh has a problem of replacing interesting encoutner design wtih copy pasting Yokai and hoping you haven't learned how to no damage them in 30 seconds by now. It also allows you to overlevel without even trying to a degree, where you can just tank through bosses.

Side stuff, like challenge fights and such, they are on average harder than Souls games.

At least as far as my experience goes. I guess doing challenge runs, negates the overleveling issue and puts it above souls, but average playthrough sees your average player gaining absurd health pools by the second half, unless they are consciously avoid doing that (I didn't I just focused on the stat game told me is good for spears and ended with 3+k HP >_> I honestly feel like doing a new chara with light armor and such just as a redemption run )


i'm at Region

how many hours would you say is left for the game if i only play the main missions ?

i usually reach the boss in 20-30 min, kill it in 1-3 tries


Blocking can do what? You are saying I have been eating these 70-100% combos for free? I swear I am the dumbest mofo who has walked on this planet.
Sometimes it makes you eat more damage, so be careful with it. If an enemy breaks your guard you're fucked.


Don't worry, I was in your shoes a couple days ago. As a souls player, I've been conditioned to dodge everything. Unfortunately, for me atleast in this game that does not always work. So if something is trying to combo me, it's automatic blocking now.

Evading into the attack doesn't really work in Nioh. Its best to play footsies.


Someone could make yet another "Souls is harder than X"-thread and go nag there.

There is a lot of good conversation and info in this OT and I would prefer not to skim through posts to find the relative bits. :/


In Souls there are enemies that can one shot you. In terms of speed I believe they amped the speed of enemies in 3 (haven't played 1 or 2), there are these Frost Knights that are waaaay fast when they attack.

Yeah but, there are enemies that can one-shot you in this game too. (in fact, at least for me, almost everything can)

And thinking back to my DeS SL1 0death runs... I think there's only the dragon and enemy grabs that to? (ignoring backstabs and being parried because those are very avoidable).

I just want to know which Souls enemy is apparently fast. Taking the most difficult or best example out of every Souls game in the franchise is what's bugging me.

Soulsborne vs NiOh so far as been going along like this

NiOh boss < Bloodborne boss
NiOh Area < Souls1 area

= NiOh < Souls

Navy Bean

Blocking can do what? You are saying I have been eating these 70-100% combos for free? I swear I am the dumbest mofo who has walked on this planet.

It gets better - now that you know to block you will still forget 50% of the time and try to spam dodge during a combo lol.


Nioh is eaier then every souls game for me, by far, I have solo'fd every boss, most first time I beat them, and trash mobs are easy.

If you really are only 4 areas in and comparing it to a series with 3 games in which you've beaten them all, I'd suggest continuing to play before forming your opinion.


i'm at Region

how many hours would you say is left for the game if i only play the main missions ?

i usually reach the boss in 20-30 min, kill it in 1-3 tries

there are like 3 main missions
and a mission after the credits if you hit the boat
Blocking can do what? You are saying I have been eating these 70-100% combos for free? I swear I am the dumbest mofo who has walked on this planet.

Blocking gets you out of evil combo strings, not like Souls at all, you can't roll out of combos. I'm sure you had experience the latter if you're saying that though haha. I did the same at first...what the fuck I have to eat these combos rarararara!!! oh wait, blocking.

PS: If you're going for a 'premeditated' block for tactical reasons or whatever, try to block in Mid Stance, it eats up way less Ki than in Low Stance.
If you really are only 4 areas in and comparing it to a series with 3 games in which you've beaten them all, I'd suggest continuing to play before forming your opinion.

Fair enough, but people who finished the game say enemy variety stays an issue, it should not take 50 hours to see new enemies. I can kill all of them now without getting touched because I have been fighting the same yokai for hours.

Evading into the attack doesn't really work in Nioh. Its best to play footsies.

It works a lot for me.


I find the tracking to be a pain in Nioh. Thats why I mostly stopped bothering with evading swings up close. Its a timing thing, it seems you have to wait until the last moment but you can't eat much so I rather stay just outside strike range. If it works for you thats good.

Yeah but, there are enemies that can one-shot you in this game too. (in fact, at least for me, almost everything can)

And thinking back to my DeS SL1 0death runs... I think there's only the dragon and enemy grabs that to? (ignoring backstabs and being parried because those are very avoidable).

I just want to know which Souls enemy is apparently fast. Taking the most difficult or best example out of every Souls game in the franchise is what's bugging me.

Soulsborne vs NiOh so far as been going along like this

NiOh boss < Bloodborne boss
NiOh Area < Souls1 area

= NiOh < Souls

Everything in Dark Souls 3 is fast. It was a nightmare with greatswords unlike 2 where it was easy mode. Those lothric knights can be deadly, and especially those ice knights. You have to match their agility.
Heavier armor is actually pretty protective in this game, but you do need to have your Ki pulse on point, so you're not out of Ki after your combo, with that B or C agility rating. I respecced back to my strength axe build after finding more quality axes, and the poise plus damage resistance is nice to just smash faces without interruption, then get some health back from acquiring amrita. Axes miss some of the nice counters and kicks from swords, but it's easy to drain enemies Ki, and the damage is high.
I find the tracking to be a pain in Nioh.

Everything in Dark Souls 3 is fast. It was a nightmare with greatswords unlike 2 where it was easy mode. Those lothric knights can be deadly, and especially those ice knights. You have to match their agility.

Don't think he has even played them I mean there are many phantoms as well that are lethal fast, with dual swords as well. Enemies also take a large piece of your health. Bloodborne has a tonne of very fast enemies.

Then stop trying to compare BPs and Revs. While they are similar in context, they're apples and oranges.

Umm then you stop to? I am responding to posts, unless you are a mod don't tell me what not to post please.


Speaking of challenge runs, after NG+ I'm going to do a level 1 naked run. What other restrictions should I pile on? Obviously no sloth. Should I allow any onmyo or ninjistu? Carnage talisman is probably too powerful to allow. No living weapon? I was gonna do that one anyway since I never used it in the main game.


It gets better - now that you know to block you will still forget 50% of the time and try to spam dodge during a combo lol.

Blocking is situationally good though. Dodging for mobility, to hit an opening while they might be recovering from an attack is still much better than just trying to block the attack. I don't know why whover thought that there isn't enough of a Ki penalty, because there is, and it just turns into a zero sum game unless you're either using heavy armor, or have a lot invested into Heart.

Heavier armor is actually pretty protective in this game, but you do need to have your Ki pulse on point, so you're not out of Ki after your combo, with that B or C agility rating. I respecced back to my strength axe build after finding more quality axes, and the poise plus damage resistance is nice to just smash faces without interruption, then get some health back from acquiring amrita. Axes miss some of the nice counters and kicks from swords, but it's easy to drain enemies Ki, and the damage is high.

How are the sneak attacks?

Speaking of challenge runs, after NG+ I'm going to do a level 1 naked run. What other restrictions should I pile on? Obviously no sloth. Should I allow any onmyo or ninjistu? Carnage talisman is probably too powerful to allow. No living weapon? I was gonna do that one anyway since I never used it in the main game.

Carnage is actually weaker than the Kusarigama weapon buff. The irony is, if you have the weapon buff active and then cast Carnage, the lower level buff overwrites it.
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