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Nomura: KH 0.2 developed alongside KH3 using same tech, will amount to 1 world in KH


Good to hear it's at least the length of a world...wonder if it's based on the typical 2nd visit or not...

Feel sorry for Xbox people, but at the same time, SE have favoured playstation for a long time. I don't see why people would pick up an Xbox if they were SE fans. History shows they're more at home on PS.
To be fair, it DID look like they were going to support Xbox this gen (FF15/KH3/Type0) - it was only after E3 that they did a 180 and sailed away on the USS Playstation.

TGS was the final nail in the coffin.


Does anyone know if KHIII will be the last "big" game of the series? Or did they say something like that?

Because, as much as I like the series, it really needs a conclusion, eh.
Does anyone know if KHIII will be the last "big" game of the series? Or did they say something like that?

Because, as much as I like the series, it really needs a conclusion, eh.

It's the culmination of everything so far.

A Kingdom Hearts IV would start a new storyline.
Does anyone know if KHIII will be the last "big" game of the series? Or did they say something like that?

Because, as much as I like the series, it really needs a conclusion, eh.

It won't.

But it will be the end of the Dark Seeker Saga, aka the Xehanort story.


Does anyone know if KHIII will be the last "big" game of the series? Or did they say something like that?

Because, as much as I like the series, it really needs a conclusion, eh.

It has been said by Nomura that it would be the end of the Xehanort saga.
The Kingdom Hearts IP won't end with KH3.

EDIT : late :x
DDD a complete remake huh? What are the odds of the entire game being redone in UE4?

None. The only "remake" is to make the two screens elements in one screen.
Remaking DDD in UE4 would be like making a brand new game. Its not happening and we already have screens of DDD. Using 3DS assets.


what is going on??? milking the kh cashcow?!?!!?
fuck this. bring only kh2.8 with the rest of this bullshit and finish the series with kh3.

naming the games so weird makes it really hard... i feel really annoyed about 2.8 and 0.2.
Nice, I expect 0.2 to be about 45min long. Doesn't seem too unreasonable from Nomura's quote. Also, I hope they at least include a new secret boss for DDD HD, the game will need a lot of work to be playable on one screen anyway.

About Square not acnowledging the existence of the X1: Now you guys know how it feels to be a Vita owner on all those surveys some years ago lol
Joke all you want, but it'll be out in 2015.

Lol at the question not even considering asking why it's not on Xbox One.
It's almost like Japanese developers are trying to help Sony succeed in Japan where the console market is floundering. Square Enix don't really give a damn outside of Japan, and the whole Tomb Raider exclusivity fiasco kinda proves they have no clue on what the west really wants to see (all games available without exclusivity bullshit)
Not like Square or other companies haven't done that before.

I don't really remember Square cancelling multiplatform versions of game. I can't even remember than cancelling the PS3 version of The Last Remnant. They just stopped talking about it. But in the case of that they were apparently having issues with getting UE3 to run on the PS3, which was pretty common back then.


Lol at the question not even considering asking why it's not on Xbox One.

To be fair this info could have been from Dengeki Playstation magazine, in which case it would make sense not to include Xbox One. But I wouldnt be too surprised if this was from famitsu and they omit Xbox One. This is Japan afterall.


No, if you want to play 2, get 2.5.
What??? Even the naming of the games in this franchise is unnecessarily confusing.

I haven't played kingdom hearts since 2 but now 2 is 2.5 and there is a 2.8 which is a reimagining of a 3ds game or something? Then they release a .2 which numerically sounds like it should be a prequel buts it's actually a sequel to 2.5 and 2.8.

I guess my hope that this series would pull back on the stupid plot isn't happening.
What??? Even the naming of the games in this franchise is unnecessarily confusing.

I haven't played kingdom hearts since 2 but now 2 is 2.5 and there is a 2.8 which is a reimagining of a 3ds game or something? Then they release a .2 which numerically sounds like it should be a prequel buts it's actually a sequel to 2.5 and 2.8.

I guess my hope that this series would pull back on the stupid plot isn't happening.

Ive only played and enjoyed KH1 and 2. I got really pissed when they started with all this spinoffs on different system through all the years. I really stopped caring about the franchise. But when the KH3 announcement came around, i was really excited again.
At this point i mostly only care about the gameplay, characters and worlds in this games. The Story just took a shit and its confusing all around now. And i dont have the time nor interest to follow all that. I just want to enjoy a amazing JRPG with all my favorit Disney characters.

And a other issue i have is that Square got really lazy in regards to KH's localization in germany. The German dub for KH1 and 2 were amazing. As someone who grew up with all this Disney characters in german, i was reaaaally disappointed hearing everything is english with german subs in the .5 collections.

I really hope KH3 will see a german dub again.


And a other issue i have is that Square got really lazy in regards to KH's localization in germany. The German dub for KH1 and 2 were amazing. As someone who grew up with all this Disney characters in german, i was reaaaally disappointed hearing everything is english with german subs in the .5 collections.

I really hope KH3 will see a german dub again.

Yeah. As a French, I was also disappointed that we didn't get the French voices in the .5.
I read in an interview that, because of all the work they put into the cutscenes and the graphics, they couldn't keep the voice acting from the original versions or something. I dunno, it's weird lol


And a other issue i have is that Square got really lazy in regards to KH's localization in germany. The German dub for KH1 and 2 were amazing. As someone who grew up with all this Disney characters in german, i was reaaaally disappointed hearing everything is english with german subs in the .5 collections.

I really hope KH3 will see a german dub again.

Same about the French one, it was amazingly well done, I don't mind stuff like BbS and 3D only having the English dub, but the main ones (in the collection) is part of why I still haven't played despite owning it.


Just ordered new copies of 1.5 and 2.5, seems like 1.5 black label is getting a little hard to find new. Paid about 45 euro for both, so pretty happy.

Do the collections make it clear about which order to play the games in?
Just ordered new copies of 1.5 and 2.5, seems like 1.5 black label is getting a little hard to find new. Paid about 45 euro for both, so pretty happy.

Do the collections make it clear about which order to play the games in?

It's generally left to right from the menu but since you own both collections you should do KH2 from 2.5 before Days in 1.5 as an exception.


Unconfirmed Member
Kingdom Hearts is confusing as fuck. All these different titles like 1.5,2.0,0.2. All I know is there's KH 1, 2 and working on 3. Fuck everything else cause I can't keep up.


The game is a short episode whose total volume amounts to that of about one Kingdom Hearts series world.

Is that one Kingdom Hearts 1 world.. or one Kingdom Hearts 2 world? Cause that would make for one hell of a difference.



This made me laugh. Good one dude!

It's coming they are even committed to March event revealing the release date. Even if it's not going to be ready it will be out in 2016 for better or worse.


Not sure why they're even releasing KH3 on Xbone. Seems like they give no fucks about it.

At this point I expect the Xbone version to be a port done by some 3rd party.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

Not sure why they're even releasing KH3 on Xbone. Seems like they give no fucks about it.

For some reason, I think the KH3/FFXV/Type-0 on Xbox One was a decision made during Wada's reign. After that, it seems like all SE Xbox One JRPGs disappeared. :p


Is that one Kingdom Hearts 1 world.. or one Kingdom Hearts 2 world? Cause that would make for one hell of a difference.


Oh, but how about one* BbS world?

*: In BbS terms, given that only one character is playable, "one" means "somewhere between one third and one half".


Oh, but how about one* BbS world?

*: In BbS terms, given that only one character is playable, "one" means "somewhere between one third and one half".

This is a good point. Birth By Sleep worlds are smaller than both KH1 and KH2 worlds, but feel just as big as KH1 worlds since you have to go through them multiple times.


One world can take from half an hour to an hour tops. So nothing substantial but then again it sounds like a demo for KH3 with some story bits.
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