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Official ArmA 2 Thread of DOGCHUTES RGR


Multiplayer is such a blast. So many cinematic moments. Teaming up with a sniper, having a team of two, a spotter and a sniper takes the cake for me.

Anyone figure out how to join different squads in multi after you have entered the game?


are there many north american servers up yet? The demo was sparse with local servers...made lag horrible more times than not.
Mr. Snrub said:
Damn, ArmA still #1 on Steam today and for weekly sales.


GF has been cutting into my time, haven't been able to play much.

Can everyone list their steam ID? Might be nice to get some coop going.

Nice, such an ambitious game really deserves to sell.

Good idea about steam tags, but it might get lost in the discussion so maybe creating a new thread in the online forum for Arma2 would be a better solution? Anyway, my steamID is "Bravosuperstar". I'm on around 7 or 8 pacific time usually.

Been looking at the editor and the modules present...these are seriously pretty amazing:


The Ambient Combat Manager (ACM) is a scripted module for ArmA 2 which can dynamically generate a war around a unit. It is meant to fill the gameworld with actual combat while moving through it and without having to place units manually. The generated patrols are not faked: they will fight with and / or against you.
Since no current computer would be able to handle an entire ArmA 2 gameworld full of AI units, the ACM cleans up after itself. It will remove dynamic content as the player moves away from it. After starting a mission with an ACM it may take some time for the patrols to appear, depending mostly on the ACM's intensity setting.

Ambient Life In Civilian Environment (ALICE) is system for populating towns with civilian units and simulating their common life.
To create a civilian population, place a Location Module of your choice (City, Camp etc) in a town, then place a Civilian Ambient Module in the same town, synchronize the two logics, and voila; civilians will be created dynamically from houses in the area. They will even take jogs and talk to each other!


still trying to download this off steam, everytime internet drops out or i pause download it goes back to 0%! so pissed


Shawsie64 said:
still trying to download this off steam, everytime internet drops out or i pause download it goes back to 0%! so pissed
I'm pretty sure when you lose connection while downloading a game, Steam just reports it at 0%, but just picks up from where it left off.

When I was downloading Empire: Total War, I kept losing my connection for a few seconds, and it kept resetting to 0% more often than not, but still finished within the initial estimated time.


Traced-Velocity said:
I'm pretty sure when you lose connection while downloading a game, Steam just reports it at 0%, but just picks up from where it left off.

When I was downloading Empire: Total War, I kept losing my connection for a few seconds, and it kept resetting to 0% more often than not, but still finished within the initial estimated time.

Fingers crossed! hopefully its done by the time i get home tonight


I got it today and have tried it out.

A few things off the top of my head:

- The campaign is sometimes hilariously buggy. The first minute was a massive WTF moment when some dead guy on the ground was speaking Russian then I blew up. What the fuck was that?
- Has some of the worst animation ever. The lip sync is like a puppet.
- Great atmosphere.
- Cooper sounds like a gay John Di Maggio. And another guy sounds slightly like Seth Green.
- Runs crap.

So...yeah, not really sure about it yet. I'll keep at it for now.

Also, why can't I select any AA? It's disabled for me.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
1920x1200 with everything on Very High except shadows on High. No AA. Getting 45-60 fps in skirmish mode and random mission generator (aka My Missions).













- Cooper sounds like a gay John Di Maggio. And another guy sounds slightly like Seth Green.

That was a big surprise when I was doing the training and I found out the lead voice was the guy they've been using in all the previous games for the "UNKNOWN, MAN, 6 O'CLOCK, 500m". It was just weird. Plus he's supposed to be black. The other black character sounded ridiculous as well.


Anyone ever give Direct2Drive a go?

Getting the game on DVD is taking forever.. and I refuse to pay the overprice Steam is asking.

How is the game delivered from D2D? Like a ISO? Or is it installed directly via D2D? Is D2D a software like Steam, for example you need it to boot up the games and so on?

Edit: Damn it.. North American ONLY.
Damn, nice Che.

Forsete said:
Anyone ever give Direct2Drive a go?

Getting the game on DVD is taking forever.. and I refuse to pay the overprice Steam is asking.

How is the game delivered from D2D? Like a ISO? Or is it installed directly via D2D? Is D2D a software like Steam, for example you need it to boot up the games and so on?

Edit: Damn it.. North American ONLY.

Where are you located? What steam overprice? How much is it for D2D? I've never used it.

No idea. Your AA isn't enabled in your video card CP is it? You have your latest vid card drivers? Check the official forums.


Sir Fragula said:
Indeed. Version 1.02 was followed by 1.02 build somethingsomething.

Where is it? I can't seem to find the latest. :|

Edit: Wait, I think I found it. Is it build: 58134?
Forsete said:

Steam: $68
D2D: $50
Local store: $47

Holy shit, that sucks. Good luck, man!

Yeah, a hotfix was released shortly after 1.02, I think some AA issues were addressed?

Warning! Long read ahead!

I'm still working on Manhattan, this is a long ass mission. A bit buggy (they're working on the issues apparently) but otherwise I really like it.

We loaded into the LAV and headed to Gorka to investigate the arms cache. Found it behind the church and decided to report it, though the priest said they needed it to defend themselves. On the way to Khelm to arrest this male suspect, I ran into the lady I chose to save in the first mission (she was being abused by the guards) and she told me some info, seemed concerned that I had reported the weapons cache.

Car bomb blew up the person I needed to find in Khelm, the suspected assassin shot at me, I was injured and my machinegunner Robo took him out.

Healed up, travelled to Krasnostav, on the way we spotted some men in a field. Got out of the LAV to investigate (tree line between the road and the field) and after scoping them out, they were enemies. We all went prone and got within 100 yards and then opened fire, mowing down around 8 insurgents.

Got back in the LAV, found a female suspect's car in Krastnostav but couldn't actually find her (bug?), so I shot out her tires and went to Gorka.

Spotted the truck of a known weapons smuggler and right after we reported him, we were fired upon. We were all in the open street, I took a hit, we all got low. Took him out, but also blew up his truck with weapons in it, I might have lost some evidence there.

Immediately east was a known insurgent area, full of camps that we are supposed to investigated. Drove the LAV to the tree line, found one camp at the top of a hill in the woods, in old ruins of a castle. Took me a few reloads (kept dying). So intense when you can't see the enemy in the woods, I had to do a little cheating and play with 3rd person view to see them. All of us prone behind a broken castle wall; I lob two grenades and take out three of them, but a few more are running around. I tell my team to open fire as two of them try to flank our left side.

There have been so many moments where the enemy is raising their gun just as I am and I manage to get my shots off in time.

Searched the camp, grabbed some grenades. Went further south and spotted a sentry camp on the west side of the woods--their backs were to us, so we got some high ground. I popped an M203 HE round and took out 2 or 3, but their officer was still alive. Shot two more before we didn't have any clear shots on the remaining, so we ran up, and found a grenadier and officer trying to run. Shot them down and searched the post, grabbed some more grenades, but nothing else.

Quick note: immersion in this game is ridiculous sometimes. First person, with the realistic head bob/motion blur, in the middle of a firefight, running from cover to cover, is IMO unmatched by any other game right now. I also find the different "awareness" settings interesting. I put everyone in Stealth mode and moved ahead. No one followed me, it seemed. I looked behind and saw that everyone moves very slow and seem to cover each other while they move in a leap frog fashion.

So we dispatch that camp, wander a little further south and spot ANOTHER camp in the middle of the woods. These guys were facing us but about 200 meters away, I try to get my guys into position but from my binoculars it looks like we're spotted, an RPG soldier is moving into position and starting to crouch. I give the command to open fire and we clear them out.

Now, we're in the middle of the woods and the AI starts giving multiple reports of unknown men swarming to our south and southwest. I switch to our marksman (Sykes), who has an M14. Only he and Robo can get good enough shots off, but these guys are locals, who have hunting rifles with scopes, so shots are whizzing by me if I don't take them out soon enough. Some more appear to the south, and start trying to flank our east side; Robo reports that he is out of ammo, so its just me able to spot and get shots off (other guys tried but didn't have good enough visibility, it was hard enough for me, zoomed in) as they duck in between the trees, trying to get closer. One shot I was particularly proud of was a guy running almost perpendicular to me, about to disappear behind a tree. I got a shot off in front of him and just saw a puff of red blood as he disappeared.

Ended up taking out around 20 insurgents, I'm guessing they heard the shots and ran up from other sentry camps or patrols. Rearmed my machinegunner with a dropped PKM. Then I had to save because my gf wanted to watch Casino Royale.

Loving this game.


Forsete said:
Anyone ever give Direct2Drive a go?
Just about every game on D2D has an install limit. You have to contact D2D whenever you exceed it. I haven't checked every service but I'd recommend either Steam, Gamersgate or Impulse.


Mr. Snrub said:
Got back in the LAV, found a female suspect's car in Krastnostav but couldn't actually find her (bug?), so I shot out her tires and went to Gorka.

Spotted the truck of a known weapons smuggler and right after we reported him, we were fired upon. We were all in the open street, I took a hit, we all got low. Took him out, but also blew up his truck with weapons in it, I might have lost some evidence there.

i found the chick walking along a road between towns. looks like she can't get back in her car. You also have to escort her several kilometers on foot.

the evidence is on the guy's body. just hit the search body option.

also remember in this mission you have one-use artillery option. pick the most damaging load.
Zenith said:
i found the chick walking along a road between towns. looks like she can't get back in her car. You also have to escort her several kilometers on foot.

the evidence is on the guy's body. just hit the search body option.

also remember in this mission you have one-use artillery option. pick the most damaging load.

Checked for "search" in my action menu, didn't see it. Don't know if the explosion had anything to do with it or what, probably a bug :)

Some users don't have all the support options--it's a known bug that they stated in the forums they're working on. I don't have any support options, myself.

I haven't check the woman's boyfriend's town yet, I have a feeling she might be around there. Wasn't anywhere between her home and Krasnostav.


Sir Fragula said:
I believe that's a long-winded way of saying what I said, yes. :D

Thanks for the help.:D

Although now I have a new problem. I'm on the mission Amphibious Assault, I am in the first down, killed the enemys but nothings happening. The soldiers are just walking around and a jeep ran over my commander and is now repeated ramming a bus...


Mr. Snrub said:
Checked for "search" in my action menu, didn't see it. Don't know if the explosion had anything to do with it or what, probably a bug :)

hmm. with me the guy burned to death in his car so I went up to the driver's window and it had the option. maybe it's like the dogtags in that you have to be pointing at the right pixel. it is kind of important as it leads to the most story-centric development of the mission.
Zenith said:
hmm. with me the guy burned to death in his car so I went up to the driver's window and it had the option. maybe it's like the dogtags in that you have to be pointing at the right pixel. it is kind of important as it leads to the most story-centric development of the mission.

Goddammit. Well, I'm not too far from that spot, maybe I'll give that a try, see if I can't figure it out.

I'm interested to see how the endgame changes...I've heard that depending on your choices/performance the ending changes.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Great stories. I love when sandbox games produce cool stories like this.

I'm on the same mission and I'm digging the open world objective approach.

I found the cache of weapons (actually walked right by them as I was sweeping the church and the cutscene dialogue kicked in and I was like... buh?), told the father to fuck off, and got back into my APC. Decided to park somewhere so I don't attract too much attention as I approached what looked like a squad of armor. As I got out of my armored vehicle, a red car pulled up and a chick got out. She seemed to recognize my character and we began to talk a bit about our past and shoot the general shit. Then she tells me some intel about this or that and asks if I believe her. I say yes, and she says good and drives off. Huh, how random, I thought to myself. I wondered if I was just at the right place at the right time or does the script always spawn the AI to find me at a certain point? Pretty clever, at any rate.

We drive a bit northward and my gunner in the APC starts going apeshit with our 40mm gun turret, killing both trees and insurgents, which I couldn't see at the time but later found their bloodied bodies.

Then I had to save the game and go to sleep!

I also spent a good chunk of time yesterday playing random specops missions generated by the game. It's amazing how integrated it feels. Go to single-player, then choose scenarios. Then go to My Missions and set up the template -- chose time of day, weather, length of your sortie, etc. Then you get dropped into the middle of nowhere in a chopper and the chaos begins. It's so SO good and unpredictable.

My one big failing right now with the game is that I'm simply not good at spotting enemies. My AI squadmates will see them hundreds of meters away and I'm like, huh? where? Sure, it might be realistic, but it also makes it hard for me to plan any sort of coordinated assault with my squad. Any tips here would be appreciated. :)


chespace said:
My one big failing right now with the game is that I'm simply not good at spotting enemies. My AI squadmates will see them hundreds of meters away and I'm like, huh? where? Sure, it might be realistic, but it also makes it hard for me to plan any sort of coordinated assault with my squad. Any tips here would be appreciated. :)



Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Mr. Snrub said:
Holy shit, that sucks. Good luck, man!

No kidding. After they changed the currency from dollar to euro everything got a lot more expensive :/

I bought the game on Steam anyways, since it seemed to be hard to find in stores over here and I like the fact that steam updates your games automatically.
Damn it. I'm gonna buy this off Steam now. With che's screens and Mr. Snrub's impressions, its making the wait for the physical retail impossible.


Musashi Wins! said:
Ditto deux. I find it annoying. The only time I see them is when they're moving against an open horizon.

ditto trois. It's the main reason why my kills are so low. Doesn't help that in vehicles they made the gunner AI overprecise so it spends ages lining up a single shot.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
chespace said:
My one big failing right now with the game is that I'm simply not good at spotting enemies. My AI squadmates will see them hundreds of meters away and I'm like, huh? where? Sure, it might be realistic, but it also makes it hard for me to plan any sort of coordinated assault with my squad. Any tips here would be appreciated. :)

It's all about moving slowly, bounding from cover to cover (walls, trees, bushes), and then stopping and looking for any movement at all.

I generally run up to a tree, duck behind it, then hold the right mouse button for zoom, then hold down "ALT" so I'm only moving my head, and scan slowly around. Look for any sort of movement.

It's not perfect, but it's the only method I've found effective.
chespace said:
My one big failing right now with the game is that I'm simply not good at spotting enemies. My AI squadmates will see them hundreds of meters away and I'm like, huh? where? Sure, it might be realistic, but it also makes it hard for me to plan any sort of coordinated assault with my squad. Any tips here would be appreciated. :)

TrackIR5? :lol

If I'm crossing an open field, I stop and crouch and scan 180 degrees. Keep my team on Aware (dont know if that makes a difference). Always zoom in while scanning and keep my screen still for a moment to check for movement, then rotate, repeat, etc.

Also, keep your teammates on Hold Fire until you're ready.

The only place I have a LOT of trouble with enemy detection is close range, in forests. Its realistic, but its also very difficult to detect enemies. I'm a LOT more cautious in the woods where I think enemies will be: prone, scanning every few yards.

In my opinion, AA helps a LOT. There is a lot of detail on screen, AA helps clean it up.

Check out this mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75873
What are the Co-Op options like in Arma II? Are there sepearte co op missions? Or can the entire single player campaign be played cooperatively?
What are the Co-Op options like in Arma II? Are there sepearte co op missions? Or can the entire single player campaign be played cooperatively?

I believe the whole campaign can be played co-op, as well as pretty much any other mission? As long as enough players are spawned in the mission to play as...
Mr. Snrub said:
I believe the whole campaign can be played co-op, as well as pretty much any other mission? As long as enough players are spawned in the mission to play as...
Awesome. 12% done so far on steam...:D


Ugh, the insane blur and depth of field effects are really starting to ware of my eyes. I played for an hour and needed to quit because I just couldn't focus on anything on screen anymore. They went way overboard with the fuzzy effects. It needs to be cut by like 50%.


Darklord said:
Ugh, the insane blur and depth of field effects are really starting to ware of my eyes. I played for an hour and needed to quit because I just couldn't focus on anything on screen anymore. They went way overboard with the fuzzy effects. It needs to be cut by like 50%.
Then change the 'Post Process Effects' option in the Video Options menu.


chespace said:
My one big failing right now with the game is that I'm simply not good at spotting enemies. My AI squadmates will see them hundreds of meters away and I'm like, huh? where? Sure, it might be realistic, but it also makes it hard for me to plan any sort of coordinated assault with my squad. Any tips here would be appreciated. :)

The AI is very good at putting cover and concealment between yourself and them. One good way to reveal their positions is to retreat back a few hundred yards and begin to flank them, squaring off the L of their flanking positions as it were.

They'll usually not realise you've moved unless they spot you (be stealthy) and so their cover is only effective to the position you were in, you'll see them as you finish your flanking maneuver. Course the game's AI is pretty fluid so it's not guarenteed but it works well for me.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Darklord said:
Ugh, the insane blur and depth of field effects are really starting to ware of my eyes. I played for an hour and needed to quit because I just couldn't focus on anything on screen anymore. They went way overboard with the fuzzy effects. It needs to be cut by like 50%.

I wouldn't touch these post-effect settings for the world. I love it. The smoke, the particles, the haze, the blur.

Interesting about AI and flanking and concealment. I need to approach firefights totally differently in this game. Hard to break old FPS habits.


chespace said:
I wouldn't touch these post-effect settings for the world. I love it. The smoke, the particles, the haze, the blur.

Interesting about AI and flanking and concealment. I need to approach firefights totally differently in this game. Hard to break old FPS habits.

Oh, it effects particles and smoke too? Damn. Well, I'd rather be able to play to game without feeling sick so I put it on low.
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