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Official ArmA 2 Thread of DOGCHUTES RGR


Love this game! had so much fun with the first few missions:D but ugh at the 3rd mission (i think), the one in the huge city.. brought my PC to its knees, talking like 10-12fps at best :(

Might be time for an upgrade. Got a 512 4870, e6850 and 4gb ram atm, what does everyone reckon of getting another 4870 and cross firing it? they're pretty damn cheap now


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Shawsie64 said:
Love this game! had so much fun with the first few missions:D but ugh at the 3rd mission (i think), the one in the huge city.. brought my PC to its knees, talking like 10-12fps at best :(

Might be time for an upgrade. Got a 512 4870, e6850 and 4gb ram atm, what does everyone reckon of getting another 4870 and cross firing it? they're pretty damn cheap now

I had the exact same problem.

I solved it by rebooting my system and reloading the mission. My frame rate went from 2-5fps to 15-25 after the reboot.


FlyinJ said:
I had the exact same problem.

I solved it by rebooting my system and reloading the mission. My frame rate went from 2-5fps to 15-25 after the reboot.

really?? shit gonna try it when i get home, thanks! I just went to bed after half of that mission. Still going to upgrade though, wouldn't mind a few extra frames

and like they say, you know its a good game when you cant get it out of your head when your trying to sleep


ItsInMyVeins said:
No kidding. After they changed the currency from dollar to euro everything got a lot more expensive :/

I bought the game on Steam anyways, since it seemed to be hard to find in stores over here and I like the fact that steam updates your games automatically.

Same here. Delivery time from the store was about 2 weeks, cant wait that long.

Loving it so far, very fun making your own missions. :)
Looking forward to drowning in MODS!
Tactical Gamer is holding an event this Friday:


Launch Vid

This Friday the 3rd of July, we will see Tactical Gamer hosting the 3rd evolution in the groundbreaking Operation Flashpoint Military Sim series. I will post some recommended reading for all, both new members and old hands alike, and once done with that feel free to jump on the server. Obviously with the release of any new game there will be teething problems, and A2's main issue is its in-game communication, or VON is not working correctly. So until that gets fixed in a patch it will be disabled. However feel free to use our teamspeak server until then.

GREAT guide for upgrading your comp for ArmA 2: http://www.tacticalgamer.com/armed-...ion/141439-upgrading-your-computer-arma2.html


Sigh. As much as I enjoy this game I don't think I can play it anymore. It's just a buggy, unoptimized mess. I mean I can normally get past problems like that but there are just way too many to ignore.

I upgraded only 2 months ago, I can run games like Crysis and Empire: Total War on max @ 1080p but this can barely run on high/medium with AA on low and have been getting terrible texture pop-ups, probably the worst I've ever seen(much more than Mass Effect). I'll be fighting in a town just to see 5 buildings slowly start popping up, tanks with with no textures, grass popping up 5 meters in front of me. The game isn't even that good looking, it's nice but nothing that makes you go "wow!".
I tried a huge battle in the editor like those youtube videos...well, now I know why the player never attacked while recording, it's a fucking slide show.

The AI is some of the worst I've ever seen too which really breaks the immersion. A highly trained solider doesn't run into your line of sight, get shot then crawls on to the road where a friendly jeep runs him over, crashes into a bus and repeated rams it over and over.

Really pathetic considering they have used the same engine forever, they should have it perfected these days. No excuse but laziness, they probably didn't even test this game once.

I want to like this game but I think I'm going to have to wait for a few more big patches before really playing it.

Edit: Snrub: That link doesn't seen to be loading for me.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Darklord said:
Sigh. As much as I enjoy this game I don't think I can play it anymore. It's just a buggy, unoptimized mess. I mean I can normally get past problems like that but there are just way too many to ignore.

I upgraded only 2 months ago, I can run games like Crysis and Empire: Total War on max @ 1080p but this can barely run on high/medium with AA on low and have been getting terrible texture pop-ups, probably the worst I've ever seen(much more than Mass Effect). I'll be fighting in a town just to see 5 buildings slowly start popping up, tanks with with no textures, grass popping up 5 meters in front of me. The game isn't even that good looking, it's nice but nothing that makes you go "wow!".
I tried a huge battle in the editor like those youtube videos...well, now I know why the player never attacked while recording, it's a fucking slide show.

The AI is some of the worst I've ever seen too which really breaks the immersion. A highly trained solider doesn't run into your line of sight, get shot then crawls on to the road where a friendly jeep runs him over, crashes into a bus and repeated rams it over and over.

Really pathetic considering they have used the same engine forever, they should have it perfected these days. No excuse but laziness, they probably didn't even test this game once.

I want to like this game but I think I'm going to have to wait for a few more big patches before really playing it.

Edit: Snrub: That link doesn't seen to be loading for me.

Happy to say I'm having just the exact opposite experience as you.

No game breaking bugs encountered so far, or any AI weirdness (other than the standard uncanny valley behavioral stuff). In fact, I was in an AI all-out deathmatch last night during the Manhattan mission where my fireteam encountered the main insurgent military base. It was too late for stealth as my APC had basically run straight into their camp which featured a T-72 tank as well as a BMP. I fired off some 40mm cannon and backed up outta there. Parked my APC and hoofed it through the forest on our bellies waiting for the insurgents to come. We picked off a few rifleman and machine gunners as they came looking for us but as we advanced closer to the camp, one of their snipers took incapacitated 2 of my guys. I ordered my remaining guy to attend to one of the wounded and I dragged the other guy back behind the APC. I had no idea where their sniper was hiding. It was nuts. The AI was actually using tactics like wounding one of my soldiers, and then as one of my guys went to go help him, he'd cut him down too. Brutal stuff.


Well this is what it looks like on my PC. I'm running at 1280x1024, no AA (but I switched it on for these pics, when Im driving the T90 I turned it off again).

Dont remember my settings, to high on some, medium on some and low on something else :p Visibility 1600.

CPU:C2D E6600
RAM: 2.5GB
GPU: nVidia GF8800 GTS




Really getting into the game. This game reminds me why I dont like run and gun games, so this is perfect for me. :)


I was going the mission where you had to find Bardak. I found him but how do I capture him? He started running, I pointed my gun, nothing, wounded him, nothing, went up close and tried talking, nothing. Was he meant to be killed?
Well, about to embark on a reconfiguration of my rig, new proc and HDD came, so now I have to dig out my P35 board, the 680i I have in there now won't support york quads, back up all my shit, slipstream my old pre-sp1 XP disk to sp3, burn a Win7 RC disk, install the hardware then install the OS'es and get my software back on it.

I'll see you fucks on the other side.


had awesome fun with this last night. Loaded up a random scenario like che said and got dropped at LZ, helicopter then engaged a russian helicopter as i watched from the ground.. then one got shot down and landed on my squad killing all of us :lol

i love dying in this game for some reason


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Still making my way through the Manhanttan mission. Finally took out that big Chedaki insurgent camp with its T-72 and BMP and multiple machine gun nests.

I didn't have much to do with killing the tank, it was already a burnt out husk by the time we secured the camp, but the BMP was another story altogether. Coordinating with my team, having one guy fire the RPG-7 that we pilfered from the weapons cache at the church, and then the other folks in my fire team cut down the crew as they jumped out of their damaged vehicle was such a nice victory for me.

As with all sandbox games, it took many reloads and tactical experimentation -- after all, I'm not sure if Marine Force Recon was built to take out armor -- but to finally pull it off in such photo-finish fashion was supremely satisfying.

One nice touch (and again, I'm scratching my head and wondering if others will have the same experience because I can't tell if things are happening randomly or it's just very convenient scripting) was that while I was hunting the BMP, crawling through the dirt on my belly, a white off-road truck rolled up behind my position on the road and I was told it was one of the drug runners I had to take out. With RPG already in hand, I damaged his truck and saw him make a run for it into the forest. I tried scoping him with my Dragunov but he had already ran behind cover. My instinct put me into a sprint after the criminal and as I approach the edge of the forest I can see him running perpendicular to my position. I raised my SVD once more and with a little leading, I gunned him down on the move.

Small isolated incident that was over in all under a minute, yes, but it was one of those moments in gaming when you just push your chair back and go HOLY FUCK THAT WAS INSANE.


I still can't figure out how to skydive/freefall in multiuplayer. when ever I eject from a aircraft my parachute comes out by its self, anyone know anything?
Norante said:
I'm assuming this won't run at all on a 2.4Ghz Core2Duo /4GB Ram/ Radeon HD 2600? :(
The Steam demo's playable on my 2.3GHz Athlon X2 (BE-2400, I think it's actually called)/2G/Radeon 4670 to the point that I'm THINKING about buying it. I have a much worse cpu than yours, and I think a step up or so from your graphics card. You're probably in the neighborhood, anyways; I'd at least download the demo to try it if you can.
It's gonna be interesting how OFPDR is going to duke it out with ArmA2. Although right now, it is clear to me that ArmA2 is the superior game, I am somewhat more inclined to play OFPDR rather than ArmA2. Because I hope it will be less addictive than ArmA2, but still a lot of fun (in a milsim kind of way) to play.


This is one of those games that needs a few months of patching before it actually becomes playable for the masses, right now performance is really no where near where it should be and the amount of bugs is too high for a retail release.... right now i see this game as being €45 BETA.
The mouse lag in this game is so brutal that I can't even force myself to play it anymore. :(

I don't think they ever fixed it in the last one so I'm not too hopeful this time around.


BigKaboom2 said:
The mouse lag in this game is so brutal that I can't even force myself to play it anymore. :(

I don't think they ever fixed it in the last one so I'm not too hopeful this time around.

yea, sadly this has turned me off of the game as well...


Mouse lag went away when I toggled post processing off.
Does even the most powerful PCs suffer from mouse lag with PP on?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Forsete said:
Mouse lag went away when I toggled post processing off.
Does even the most powerful PCs suffer from mouse lag with PP on?

No mouse lag here.

1920x1200, everything very high except shadows on high and no AA.

Q9550 @ 3.8
vista x64

Using catalyst 9.6.

Even though fraps tells me I get 25 fps in single-player (Manhattan), the game feels much smoother and is completely playable.

In any other mode I get 45-60fps consistently.
Tokubetsu said:
Just tried that and it said I already am up to date or have a better version.

Add "-winxp" to the launch options for ArmA in steam, this is a bug with the vista and win7 version of directx9 which armaII attempts to use, this flag will use the regular windows xp version which should render everything correctly.


Well, I completed it. Overall I'd say the bad outweighs the good by a large margin. When everything works it's great, but 99.9% of the time it doesn't. And by "works" I'm not just talking about no bugs I mean where everything just happens to be in the right place for something cool to happen. But that's minutes of nice stuff compared to hours of shite.

Case in point: the final mission (which the devs claimed was as long as CoD4's entire campaign. It wasn't, even with multiple reloads and travelling everywhere to no avail). At the end
I'm handing Lopotev over to the Ruskies at a bridge
at nighttime and they said I could bring an escort along, so I purchased a Hind D and ordered it to stay in formation so it's constantly orbiting my position. We're ambushed, as expected, by Spetz from a treeline and the Hind starts making passes with it's machine gun buzzing kicking up smoke. Then I spot the main cluster of troops and order it to engage target. It fires a massive salvo of rockets right over my head, directly at the troops and blowing a nearby barn to smithereens in the process. That was cool. It sounds cool and it was cool to watch. But it was proceeded by the clunkiest few hours of gameplay ever. Those missions you're playing right now, Manhatten, etc? They're the polished missions. The final mission is such a drag that you just want it to be over. And there are still some missions that cannot be completed.

The campaign as a whole is also a disappointment. It ends very quickly and suddenly. You'd think from the premise that the Chekadi and NAPA destabilising the country was just the beginning so you can clear the way for USMC and Russia to face off. They don't. I never engaged Russia although I did spend 1 mission evading them. So many units aren't used. Most Russian ones obviously. Never once saw a G36, XM8, missile artillery unit, AH1 Cobra, etc. Free-form sounds good in theory, and there is the initial thrill where you work out clues and decide where to go in this huge map, but you spend so much time travelling and so little happens once you get there. With OFP's scripted missions you'd at least be pushed towards a nice big satisfactory battle.

Also, this is only my personal preference but I've always seen the Spec Ops missions as the worst kind in the ofp/arma series. I much prefer being a frontline marine in a squad of 20 rather than just 5 with vehicles buzzing around me and backing me up. And I like dedicated vehicle missions.

Bugs that have been in the very first OFP and in all subsequent iterations are still there. The vehicle muzzle flash bug is still there.

Like with Arma1, patches may remove the bugs but they're not going to add more content to the campaign. And the modding community, despite having much talent, can not build a balanced mission to save its life.


Also, it seems the expansion pack will take place in a country called Takistan.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Fair score if you're just judging the campaign.

After Manhattan and its subsequent mission started behaving weirdly, I gave up on the campaign and began playing with the random mission generator and the awesome ACM.

I create a mission, drop myself in as a fire team leader, sync the ACM to me, and it's like insta-war and I get secops missions constantly from HQ. So it really does feel like I'm a small special ops core team going off on these dangerous missions while the main force is doing the brunt of the air-to-ground fighting.

Such a sweet sandbox. And it basically just keeps going and going until you want it to end while the day/night cycles happen around you and weather shifts randomly.



Last objective of the Manhattan mission and what happens? I'm flying in the chopper and get hit with a missile, that second the game saves and my guy starts talking to HQ. So I'm spinning out of control, eject right? Nope, you can't give orders while your fucking talking to HQ so they all crash and die. Lose 1 guy and it's game over. Now I have to restart that giant fucking mission again! It took me like 3 hours to get up to that point!


Darklord said:

Last objective of the Manhattan mission and what happens? I'm flying in the chopper and get hit with a missile, that second the game saves and my guy starts talking to HQ. So I'm spinning out of control, eject right? Nope, you can't give orders while your fucking talking to HQ so they all crash and die. Lose 1 guy and it's game over. Now I have to restart that giant fucking mission again! It took me like 3 hours to get up to that point!

you aren't using multiple save slots?
chespace said:
Still making my way through the Manhanttan mission. Finally took out that big Chedaki insurgent camp with its T-72 and BMP and multiple machine gun nests.

I didn't have much to do with killing the tank, it was already a burnt out husk by the time we secured the camp, but the BMP was another story altogether. Coordinating with my team, having one guy fire the RPG-7 that we pilfered from the weapons cache at the church, and then the other folks in my fire team cut down the crew as they jumped out of their damaged vehicle was such a nice victory for me.

As with all sandbox games, it took many reloads and tactical experimentation -- after all, I'm not sure if Marine Force Recon was built to take out armor -- but to finally pull it off in such photo-finish fashion was supremely satisfying.

One nice touch (and again, I'm scratching my head and wondering if others will have the same experience because I can't tell if things are happening randomly or it's just very convenient scripting) was that while I was hunting the BMP, crawling through the dirt on my belly, a white off-road truck rolled up behind my position on the road and I was told it was one of the drug runners I had to take out. With RPG already in hand, I damaged his truck and saw him make a run for it into the forest. I tried scoping him with my Dragunov but he had already ran behind cover. My instinct put me into a sprint after the criminal and as I approach the edge of the forest I can see him running perpendicular to my position. I raised my SVD once more and with a little leading, I gunned him down on the move.

Small isolated incident that was over in all under a minute, yes, but it was one of those moments in gaming when you just push your chair back and go HOLY FUCK THAT WAS INSANE.

I'm having a tougher time of it. Our support I guess got destroyed. There are a few soldiers left, the BMP and the T72. Trying to figure out what the best course of action is now...
Well I'm gonna stop playing, not really enjoying myself. Between the weird framerate and lacking combat(imo) I can't continue. Maybe i'll come back for some mods or something but in the end the gunplay was just kind of lifeless to me. I understand the love though, just don't feel it myself.
chespace said:
Fair score if you're just judging the campaign.

After Manhattan and its subsequent mission started behaving weirdly, I gave up on the campaign and began playing with the random mission generator and the awesome ACM.

I create a mission, drop myself in as a fire team leader, sync the ACM to me, and it's like insta-war and I get secops missions constantly from HQ. So it really does feel like I'm a small special ops core team going off on these dangerous missions while the main force is doing the brunt of the air-to-ground fighting.

Such a sweet sandbox. And it basically just keeps going and going until you want it to end while the day/night cycles happen around you and weather shifts randomly.

Ended up having to "endmission" Manhattan...not only were my AI teammates behaving strange/not listening to my orders, but the T72 and BMP were still active, and we only had 2-3 RPGs, and I didn't have the artillery support option. Oh well.

I tried out the SecOps, pretty awesome. Got dropped in somewhere and was told to eliminate an insurgent camp. Our chopper starts shooting up something over the horizon as it left and shortly after that, two Ospreys fly over in the same direction (the opposite of where I was headed). I eliminated the enemy camp, then was told to destroy a target. On the way there we joined up with a unit of four US M1 tanks, fighting some Russians. Pretty amazing stuff, love the Ambient modules.

Also, my FPS is way more stable in the random missions compared to the campaign. 30-45 fps constant versus 20-30 in campaign.

Anyone up for some multi tonight?
So I was playing a scenario mission last night and was driving a car up a mountain with my team in it, and all of a sudden the car disappeared into a puff of smoke. I'm not kidding, suddenly it was gone and there was this white mist. Anyone else run into this? Other than that it runs great for me, haven't had a single crash yet. Sometimes the AI gets stuck, but I can understand that.

I also read that turning shadows to very high actually improves performance. I turned it up but haven't noticed a different. I bumped down to 1360x768 with everything very high and normal AA. Runs great except for high action in big cities. (1gb 4870, AMD Phenom II X4 920, 4gb RAM). Still loving the game, so much fun. Started to get into multiplayer now, that's really where it's at.
SuperEnemyCrab said:
So I was playing a scenario mission last night and was driving a car up a mountain with my team in it, and all of a sudden the car disappeared into a puff of smoke. I'm not kidding, suddenly it was gone and there was this white mist. Anyone else run into this? Other than that it runs great for me, haven't had a single crash yet. Sometimes the AI gets stuck, but I can understand that.

I also read that turning shadows to very high actually improves performance. I turned it up but haven't noticed a different. I bumped down to 1360x768 with everything very high and normal AA. Runs great except for high action in big cities. (1gb 4870, AMD Phenom II X4 920, 4gb RAM). Still loving the game, so much fun. Started to get into multiplayer now, that's really where it's at.

Never seen that. Also, for some reason Steam says it can't find you when I try to add you.


It sucks having a 24" LCD and not the video card to back it up

1920x1200 on 9600GT 30fps?
or 1280x800 both look like d*ck. 50fps

And the generally the controls feel sluggish, everything you do seems to trigger some weird ass animation that cannot be canceled mid-animation...

Aiming is so hard because the mouse aim behaves like rotating a turret rather than point and shoot.

Game lacks polish big time.
bran said:
It sucks having a 24" LCD and not the video card to back it up

1920x1200 on 9600GT 30fps?
or 1280x800 both look like d*ck. 50fps

And the generally the controls feel sluggish, everything you do seems to trigger some weird ass animation that cannot be canceled mid-animation...

Aiming is so hard because the mouse aim behaves like rotating a turret rather than point and shoot.

Game lacks polish big time.

People complain about 30 fps these days?

For your sluggish controls, make sure that your mouse's acceleration is turned off. Play with disabling AA and PP, some people get lag with those.

I've never had lag except with high AA, but that was performance related.

But aiming in ArmA/OFP has always been a little sluggish, to simulate inertia. It's not point and shoot--aiming is an active mechanic.


Zenith said:
right now there aren't many decent mods out, but the one I consider worth having is the F16



just put it in your Addons folder and you can get it in the Armory or editor.
As the designated pilot for my group of friends, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of more fabulous flying carriages. As much as I love the realism, first person to mod in a Halo universe Pelican Dropship gets a cookie.
Sir Fragula said:
As the designated pilot for my group of friends, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of more fabulous flying carriages. As much as I love the realism, first person to mod in a Halo universe Pelican Dropship gets a cookie.

...uh ? Did you meant Ospray ?

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