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Official Suikoden Tierkreis Thread: "The Deepest Handheld RPG of All Time"


Mockingbird said:
So is it really the deepest handheld RPG of all time or is that just pure marketing bull? Because for that to ring true, it'd have to best...what?

Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, I guess?

after seeing that the "deepest handheld RPG" line came from the trailer, I'm disappointed to say the least :lol I'll still watch for reviews.


Tenkai Star said:
Depressing as bad, or depressing storywise? Cause Suikoden series isn´t a happy go lucky RPG with "Final" in the title. Its war, people die and suffer. Not suffer cause their past isnt clear no they suffer cause they are starving, they are hunted down and killed, towns are burnt to the ground, people are forced on their knees to beg for their lifes before they cut their heads off and there is no strange haircut to save them.
lol, no, "depressing" as in pressing X/A being the gameplay experience for combat in these sorts of traditional RPGs being magnified by the presence of an auto-battle option. This, in contrast to a more strategic or variety-based JRPG where you're not just hitting "Attack" over and over and over.
is the game out in japan? so is there any reviews or impression yet? I'm a bit disappointed that they throw out many previous suikoden mechanic, and it's a new universe and background.

but this is still made by the main Suikoden team right? I mean the one that make Suikoden 5. if that's the case, I still have my hope the game will turns out at least good or maybe even great. I think the team is certainly capable and talented.


Darkpen said:
lol, no, "depressing" as in pressing X/A being the gameplay experience for combat in these sorts of traditional RPGs being magnified by the presence of an auto-battle option. This, in contrast to a more strategic or variety-based JRPG where you're not just hitting "Attack" over and over and over.

Auto-attack can be good, like in the SMT games. but yeah, if you don't actually have to do anything else...that's depressing :lol
I just read ign preview and I'm a bit uneasy with the multiple world element. I usually hate stories with multiple or alternate world. I'm watching Kamen Rider Decade at the moment and that must be the worst kamen rider I've seen simply because of the concept is so unbelievably bad.

one thing I hate in alternate world stories is that usually it's so random, or too simple because the story often come down to travel to different world, fight some battle and go to the next world with almost no attachment or connection felt for that world.

I hope this Suikoden don't feel like that.


OMG..I should've known Himumu was Duck Amuck..thought that "Looking for Sailors" tag seemed familiar :D ..I'm buying this game for sure, himu
Duck Amuck said:
I don't see why they'd want to reboot the series with VI. I mean, Suikoden is a series with a vast history and world, but each game is so self-contained that it doesn't matter anyways. So why get rid of something that has made Suikoden so special?
I completely agree. Maybe the Tierkeis team just didn't want to make the effort to conform to the continuity of the series. Perhaps they wanted a blank slate to do whatever they wanted to while still depending on the Suikoden name to draw in fans. (And if so, that's amazingly lame.)

Though, I do think IV will continue the stories of the original setting. (I'm being hopeful.) If anything, Tierkreis might just become a spin off series that explores the alternate worlds while the main series continues with the original setting. (Though I'd prefer that the side games return to exploring the lesser known events of the main setting ala Suikogaiden and Tactics.)

Anyway, to make things even more confusing, Siliconera just posted this comment from the director of Tierkreis, Osamu Komuta:

“I think Tierkreis made Suikoden’s future truly infinite,” Komuta replies. “The game’s universe now lives in the ‘Infinity’ where it is possible for all the games to co-exist while leaving room for great growth and exploration in the series because both Tierkreis and the previous games are essential elements for the Suikoden universe. We hope to continue developing Suikoden games with the new freedom we are now afforded with the boundless nature of the ‘Infinity’.”


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
I just think it's funny that we're getting a new Suikoden game and it's exactly what you didn't want (DS, 3d instead of full 2d) after all your demands when a new Suikoden was just a rumor. I brought it up because I like seeing your dreams crushed and it's just refreshing to see that karma really does exist.
:lol parts of the reason why I think you rock firex.

I honestly cannot wait to play this. From all accounts it seems like it will be a sleeper hit.


Duck Amuck said:
This means no final battle with Harmonia or anything we've been looking forward all these years doesn't it?

And that means you'll never see Pesmerga and Yuber's final battle or find out what they are.
Remember who is saying that though, it's the director of Tierkreis. Of course he wants to spin the alternate worlds thing as a positive. He doesn't speak for the entire Suikoden team. There are (were?) actually two teams that work on the various Suikoden games.

If they truly abandon the original setting, they are not going to have a lot of fans to depend on to retain the series' cult status. Tierkreis is a gambit to attract new fans, but an extremely misguided one. As I already said earlier, the backlash has already started. It can only take so many interviews where the main topic is "why did you snub the original setting?" before Konami gets the point. But it's still too early for them to admit this was a mistake.
Gunloc said:
Remember who is saying that though, it's the director of Tierkreis. Of course he wants to spin the alternate worlds thing as a positive. He doesn't speak for the entire Suikoden team. There are (were?) actually two teams that work on the various Suikoden games.

If they truly abandon the original setting, they are not going to have a lot of fans to depend on to retain the series' cult status. Tierkreis is a gambit to attract new fans, but an extremely misguided one. As I already said earlier, the backlash has already started. It can only take so many interviews where the main topic is "why did you snub the original setting?" before Konami gets the point. But it's still too early for them to admit this was a mistake.

so, which team make Tierkreis? Suikoden 5 team? or Suikoden 4 team?
Coverly said:
This or Avalon Code? So hard to decide.

Do you prefer a RPG or a somewhat adventure type of game?

Duck Amuck said:
I refuse to believe it.

This is not happening.


Didn't you know about that interview before? This is the direction, Konami wants to pursue. That has been known to members of Suikoden forums long ago.

Duck Amuck said:
But this makes Suikoden like every other rpg series and completely takes away what made it unique compared to its peers. The fact that it had one central world with its own mythos, countries, and inter-connecting storyline is one of the reasons Suikoden has been appealing over the course of 5 main games.

This isn't about fearing new, this is about something that's an integral part of Suikoden's DNA. This isn't Final Fantasy.

I mean, it's tough to swallow, but I'm getting the game due to my love for the series. Still, it's tough to swallow if someone who's on Suikoden team says that.

Isn't this what I was saying in the other Tierkreis threads? That Konami removed almost everything that makes Suikoden, Suikoden. Well, except the Stars of Destiny as they retained that.

Erdrick said:
I want the series to survive, and if this is what it must be, then it is the lesser of two evils. I'd rather have a rebooted Suikoden than no Suikoden at all.

The same thought crossed my mind before.

Callibretto said:
is the game out in japan? so is there any reviews or impression yet?

Yes, the game has been out since last year (Dec 18). Many has already played the game (like myself) and some impression was posted on the other Tierkreis-related threads.

Duck Amuck said:
I don't see why they'd want to reboot the series with VI. I mean, Suikoden is a series with a vast history and world, but each game is so self-contained that it doesn't matter anyways. So why get rid of something that has made Suikoden so special?

I'll search for the interview that answers this. But basically, Konami wants to invite massive number of new gamers to the series so they want it [Suikoden] to be more "friendly".

Gunloc said:
Anyway, to make things even more confusing, Siliconera just posted this comment from the director of Tierkreis, Osamu Komuta:

That's for posting this. I was also about to link this interview. There's also another one with Miura.

Btw, I applaud you Duck for the thread. Great OP.
Btw, there's a letter from Konami's Online Community Manager-something circulating around Suikoden boards. They're asking about opinions and stuff. Dunno if it's real or not.
Duck Amuck said:
I can attest that it's real. Got an email from the same (awesome) fellow yesterday, although it was not related to this subject.

I'm disappointed this was not posted on gaf until now.

Well, I think it's because [in GAF] only two of us are members of Suikoden boards. :D
Duck Amuck said:
Gunloc is on them. I'm regged at suikosource, suikox, and duefumi. :D

I'm familiar with all 3 boards. :D

Duck Amuck said:
Anyways, here's Blue Moon's final q/a tally he's going to send to Konami:

I like the questions. They hit every point raised by fans ever since Gremio died. :lol

I do hope that Tierkreis sells well. *crosses-fingers*

Tabris said:
Just remember me when you're playing it. :p You'll be all like "I must like this game because Tabris hates it!"

I'm still conflicted on whether to get it or not. Does Himuro still post or is he banned? If he still posts, I'll wait for his opinion as he's a huge Suikoden fan.

Also for whoever posted the video for La passione commouve la storia, it really is such a perfect ending song. Here are the lyrics translated:

~All the soldiers
~Fathers, children, and fiances
~Returned to those who waited for them

~All the corpses
~Like flowers, trees, and grass
~Returned to warm nature

~Passion moves history
~The sands of time run
~Children play on the hills
~One day the pain will end

Those lyrics epitomize what every Suikoden should end like.

I know. I love that song. A guy posted the original on another forum the other day and I got tears in my eyes.

And about those questions from Blue Moon or SARSAdmin or whatever. Great questions. Can´t wait for the response.


I think a few of you are entering No Mutants Allowed-type fanaticism. It's okay to be fans of a series, even crazy obsessive fans. But at the point you become angry demanding fans, I think you are setting yourself up for a situation where no game can possibly satisfy you and Konami can do nothing, one way or another, but anger you further. If you find yourself writing angry letters about the newest game in the series being less faithful to the series than you are BEFORE you've played it, you are standing at the edge of the crazy cliff without a parachute.

I'm not saying Tierkreis is the greatest game of all time, but I don't think the fact that some of you are already biased against it, even prematurely blaming it for the death of the Suikoden series, is very rational or helpful. Go into it with an open mind and who knows? It might be pretty awesome.
Sqorgar said:
I think a few of you are entering No Mutants Allowed-type fanaticism. It's okay to be fans of a series, even crazy obsessive fans. But at the point you become angry demanding fans, I think you are setting yourself up for a situation where no game can possibly satisfy you and Konami can do nothing, one way or another, but anger you further. If you find yourself writing angry letters about the newest game in the series being less faithful to the series than you are BEFORE you've played it, you are standing at the edge of the crazy cliff without a parachute.

I'm not saying Tierkreis is the greatest game of all time, but I don't think the fact that some of you are already biased against it, even prematurely blaming it for the death of the Suikoden series, is very rational or helpful. Go into it with an open mind and who knows? It might be pretty awesome.
Suikoden fans are known to be one of the most addicted and obsessed fans there is. I think the big three are No Mutants Allowed (Fallout fans), Suikoden fans and Wipeout fans. But I think Suikoden fans are better than NMA and Wipeout fans at accepting changes. We are just very obsessed with the series.


Sqorgar said:
I think a few of you are entering No Mutants Allowed-type fanaticism. It's okay to be fans of a series, even crazy obsessive fans. But at the point you become angry demanding fans, I think you are setting yourself up for a situation where no game can possibly satisfy you and Konami can do nothing, one way or another, but anger you further. If you find yourself writing angry letters about the newest game in the series being less faithful to the series than you are BEFORE you've played it, you are standing at the edge of the crazy cliff without a parachute.

I'm not saying Tierkreis is the greatest game of all time, but I don't think the fact that some of you are already biased against it, even prematurely blaming it for the death of the Suikoden series, is very rational or helpful. Go into it with an open mind and who knows? It might be pretty awesome.

I already plan on purchasing the game, I have it on preorder. It looks like a decent RPG and that is the outlook I have on it.

But is it a decent "Suikoden" RPG? From what has been taken out of it, no, it doesn't sound like it. It is only Suikoden by name and maybe a couple other small things that have stayed. But a lot of the main aspects that has made the franchise what it is, is gone.

Am I saying this crazed and stamping my foot? Heck no, as I said, I am going to try the game and view it as an RPG standing on it's own, not as a Suikoden title that "doesn't have this" or "doesn't have that".

This is fine as a spin-off Suikoden, I just don't want this to become the standard for future Suikoden titles (if there are any). And I think that is what a lot of other people are a bit concerned about, as well.


I still like 5 the most, but it's mostly because 2 has such a slapdash translation.

and I can't see this game being worse than 4, so it has that going for it. still can't believe I beat 4, and not only beat it, but got all 108 stars.


Interested in this-would be my first Suikoden. Also I don't get why they think new fans would be lost if they included familiar characters. Isn't Suikoden like FF, DQ, FE etc. where the majority of entries in those series take place in different lands/worlds?


Has problems recognising girls
All 108 stars eh? Sign of a true gaming champion. I'd imagine that feat would be similar to finishing Superman 64.

True Suikoden fans will buy the game regardless of platform or story. In a sense it's a bit like being a Dragon Quest fan.

Zihark said:
Interested in this-would be my first Suikoden. Also I don't get why they think new fans would be lost if they included familiar characters. Isn't Suikoden like FF, DQ, FE etc. where the majority of entries in those series take place in different lands/worlds?
Different lands yes, but it is still a concurrent world with many faces reappearing throughout the periods of time.


shykyoichi said:
Do you prefer a RPG or a somewhat adventure type of game?

I'm for the one that has the best story and narrative. It's hard to tell sometimes which game actually has it and to what extent. For example, does avalon code have a deep storyline or is it just a placeholder for the gameplay? same for this suikoden. How deep is the story for the main character or will it just be collecting 108 people with sparse background stories? Hopefully a lot of people in this thread will give their opinions on that. Loved suikoden 2(dissapointed by 3) and the 2d art on this game, so I'm hoping this is another good entry in the series.
Coverly said:
Loved suikoden 2 (dissapointed by 3) and the 2d art on this game, so I'm hoping this is another good entry in the series.

Really? But 3 had Chris and woo boy let me tell you, those naugthy thoughts that ran through my....er. Yeah, well I too will be sure to express my feelings on the narrative. Anywho one week and counting people.


This is probably the best place to ask this. I missed out on the Suikoden series and I'm thinking of buying the older games. Should I just buy them all or are some of them not worth it?
ksamedi said:
This is probably the best place to ask this. I missed out on the Suikoden series and I'm thinking of buying the older games. Should I just buy them all or are some of them not worth it?

My honest recommendation, start off with this if you're willing to dive in. If you like it expand your horizons with the others. I don't think you should buy them all considering some are hit and miss based on opinions of fans and others. Hell, I'm planning on hunting down V when I'm done with Tierkreis.
ksamedi said:
This is probably the best place to ask this. I missed out on the Suikoden series and I'm thinking of buying the older games. Should I just buy them all or are some of them not worth it?

Isn't suikoden 1 available for 5 bucks on PSN? If it is (i think it is but ive been in class for the past 6 hours) so who knows.
to me, the suikoden series is the best series of games out there (with Zelda being a very close second) and I am sad that a lot of things may end up going unanswered, but really if the game is good and retains the "suikoden feel", that's all I really care about. of course if they made another in the main series, I would absolutely love it, but I'll take what I can get. This may not be Suikoden 6, but I'll be damned if I'm not excited anyway.

Tenkai Star said:
Suikoden fans are known to be one of the most addicted and obsessed fans there is. I think the big three are No Mutants Allowed (Fallout fans), Suikoden fans and Wipeout fans. But I think Suikoden fans are better than NMA and Wipeout fans at accepting changes. We are just very obsessed with the series.

Someone hasn't been to starmen.net!

Duck Amuck said:
They're all worth playing except IV.

Do not listen to this man! Suikoden IV was a great game. Sure it was no II or V, but it was still great. Don't skip out on any of them.
ksamedi said:
This is probably the best place to ask this. I missed out on the Suikoden series and I'm thinking of buying the older games. Should I just buy them all or are some of them not worth it?
If you are really interested in the series and the setting, then it's worth it to play all the games. I suggest playing them in the order they were released for maximum impact. This includes Suikoden IV. Many people will say IV is the weakest in the series, and while I do agree with that, it's not as bad as some people say. It's by no means horrible, it's just very average. Playing Suikoden Tactics immediately after will definitely enhance the experience. Those two games work much better in tandem than by themselves.

If you have a PS3, the first Suikoden in available for only five dollars on PSN.

If you are unsure or don't have the means or the time to track down all the games (some of them like II are very difficult to find), then I suggest starting with V. It will give you a really good idea of how the Suikoden series plays and what the atmosphere is like. If you like V then I would recommend that you pursue the rest of the series.


Duck Amuck said:
III is actually my second favorite in the series. Sometimes I wonder if I think it's number one, but ultimately I think it's the best Suikoden game but not my favorite.

I catch myself thinking the same thing when I try to compare I to III in my head.

In the end, Suikoden I's amazing NA cover art wins out. :lol


Duck Amuck said:
But this makes Suikoden like every other rpg series and completely takes away what made it unique compared to its peers. The fact that it had one central world with its own mythos, countries, and inter-connecting storyline is one of the reasons Suikoden has been appealing over the course of 5 main games.

I didn't even know there was a consistent world. I've played every Suikoden game, too.

My DS has been collecting dust for too long. I need to give it some love. This sounds like my excuse.
Duck Amuck said:
I'm just so mixed ya know? It's why I try to keep a positive outlook when talking about anything Tierkreis. I WANT it to sell well, but that could also mean the spiritual death of my second favorite jrpg series, pretty much ever. If it sells bad, the same could also be true. I'm happy they're continuing the series and it's great seeing a new game being made, even if it's a side game after a 2 and half year silence, but I have to TRY my hardest to not troll the fuck out of this game.

I'm the same. That's why I also buying the English version just to boost sales. :lol

Sqorgar said:
BEFORE you've played it

Excuse me, but I have played the game [in Japanese]. So I'm entitled to everything that I said and will say. And most here are open-minded. Try going to Suikoden boards both english and japanese and there you'll see the BITTERNESS.

speedpop said:
True Suikoden fans will buy the game regardless of platform or story. In a sense it's a bit like being a Dragon Quest fan.

Regardless of platform, YES. But story? Even if it's not good? Puleeze, I'm not an mindless idiot.
Duck Amuck said:
They're all worth playing except IV.

Poor Lazlo. You can get IV but I suggest you get I, II, II and V 1st. Save it for last, if you're getting it. And DO NOT buy Rhapsodia if you don't like IV.


Duck Amuck said:
Dude, the first time I played IV I didn't get all 108 because of one fuck up. I was so pissed because that game sucks. So I replayed it before Tactics came out, got all 108, put it immediately in my game case after doing so. Haven't put it in since. I haven't even seen IV's real ending.

That's how much I loathe that game.

The BEST thing about IV was HANDS DOWN THE HQ. Such an awesome hq with badass mini-games.
you're in luck because the 108 stars ending is retarded and takes like an hour just to play out, because you don't even get the "real ending" clip until after the credits have rolled and everything.
Suikoden IV is inferior to the other Suikoden games but it still has its moments of brilliance.

e.g. confession room, Snowe, Lino


lucablight said:
Suikoden IV is inferior to the other Suikoden games but it still has its moments of brilliance.

e.g. confession room, Snowe, Lino
I agree. I actually enjoyed playing IV (apart from the ship journeys prior to getting Viki).


IV wasn't that bad. It just had some questionable design choices like the booooooring ship battles and the slow ship navigation, but i liked the game in overall.

Ooops, according to my local game store this is out today! i will grab a copy when i get off work.
IV was great. the only bad thing about it was the sailing was too slow, and the encounter rate was a bit high. once you got viki, you were good.


I didn't really like 4 that much, but I loved the ship battles. the regular battles, though... yuck. worst battles ever.

also I found the last boss was much, much easier to deal with when I had Snowe in my party compared to before. I played it before, got to the point of no return, but I'd missed a couple people. I decided to say screw it and go forward with the game anyway, and the last boss was basically impossible.


Random battles in town? Is that consistent from town to town or is it part of a story event in one or two towns? If it is consistent, that does suck.
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