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Overwatch |OT10| That'll do pig, that'll do


But if you have the golden gun...they'll just assume you're really good with Mei and let you play as her without griefing, right?

That's how it works, right?


Look, I'll never claim to be the best at any character, but I'm competent enough with Mei to get by. But even when my stats are solid and I'm also=keeping my healers alive
or annoying the shit out of the enemy team
, there is always one guy who will yell at me for picking her.


I'll give it a try. Do you bump it up 10 at time? More? Less?
And thanks for the response, I need to do something, anything.

Depends, maybe 5-10 at a time. If you find it too loose then dial back and make it smaller increments. It helped me increase it and aim faster. I also use 100 for smoothing cuz I don't like the jittery nature.
Depends, maybe 5-10 at a time. If you find it too loose then dial back and make it smaller increments. It helped me increase it and aim faster. I also use 100 for smoothing cuz I don't like the jittery nature.

Thank you. I'm also going to put on those stick extender thingies that Ned made me buy. If I do it all at once, maybe I'll suck more for less time.


Okay, I understand the gauntlet's hitbox needs to have some give to make it possible to land hits in a fast paced first person shooter, as even regular melee attacks do in Overwatch. I get that.

But this is just way too much. It should be less than half a person length horizontally and the vertical hitbox should be much tighter, in order to allow people to actually avoid it with jumps and escape abilities.

Considering the nature of this attack and his entire kit, Doomfist actually needs that sort of hitbox for him to be a threat, maybe even playable. His other moves can be incredibly risky and generally have problems as they are right now. Having some leeway to tag opponents is like the one saving grace he has. If he had to be more much precise with the attack to be able to hit anyone, he'd be bad and just plain unfun.

They can just add an effect to the punch to better denote the hitbox for it. If they change it though, they're gonna need to buff him at the same time
Lol lost 100 SR yesterday. Plat is a curse.

You know, OW is positive I belong in mid-gold, and I think I'm okay with it. I like it much better than silver, and I like having the best game sense on my team (I'm older than dirt, so my mechanical skill is ultra-shitty). My friends and daughter are all within range, too.

Plat sounds like try-hards and/or shitty teammates. Gold may not have elite players, but it's not too hard to coach and guide them over team chat. And people still seem to be having fun.


Finally played against a good doomfist in comp! He's a strong hero, because we got wrecked. I've been playing solo and winning considerably more than when I group up, anyone ever get that? I think if you keep the group at 3 MAYBE 4 you do good but anything over that and your odds go down.


Considering the nature of this attack and his entire kit, Doomfist actually needs that sort of hitbox for him to be a threat, maybe even playable. His other moves can be incredibly risky and generally have problems as they are right now. Having some leeway to tag opponents is like the one saving grace he has. If he had to be more much precise with the attack to be able to hit anyone, he'd be bad and just plain unfun.

They can just add an effect to the punch to better denote the hitbox for it. If they change it though, they're gonna need to buff him at the same time

They need to make his crit hitbox smaller so he doesn't die from a few shots. I feel like he's suffering the same issue as Orisa before her crit hitbox was reduced. I would happily welcome his offense get tweaked if he isn't so easily killed.


Junior Member
You know, OW is positive I belong in mid-gold, and I think I'm okay with it. I like it much better than silver, and I like having the best game sense on my team (I'm older than dirt, so my mechanical skill is ultra-shitty). My friends and daughter are all within range, too.

Plat sounds like try-hards and/or shitty teammates. Gold may not have elite players, but it's not too hard to coach and guide them over team chat. And people still seem to be having fun.

I wouldn't call it all shitty. Somedays me and friends reck everyone. Somedays we get obliterated.

I mean we lost to attack Torb on Ilios yesterday which made me rage quit so hard. I got gold everything 60 elm blahblah and still lost. Somedays our Mercy main suddenly decide she ain't gonna be our Mercy and we lose three times in a row and she blames it all on us for not supporting here new main or whatever.

This game can be cancerous but I am still having fun. I can't explain well but there is something keeping me hooked. Am I a masochist? Probably but I know that I am not giving up anytime soon.


You know, OW is positive I belong in mid-gold, and I think I'm okay with it. I like it much better than silver, and I like having the best game sense on my team (I'm older than dirt, so my mechanical skill is ultra-shitty). My friends and daughter are all within range, too.

Plat sounds like try-hards and/or shitty teammates. Gold may not have elite players, but it's not too hard to coach and guide them over team chat. And people still seem to be having fun.

I'm sorta in a similar spot. I am a platinum player and I'm back at the spot I feel I belong.

I remember wanting to get into diamond and struggling to do it as I bounced back and forth between 2700-2900 for months. Then I finally broke in and went up to 3200. Then Overwatch was like "Oh shit, Veelk's not that good a player!"

and then HEAVILY course corrected throwing me into Silver-Gold hell for months. I can't say I enjoyed my time there. I prefer the slightly better competence of Plat and I'm happy to stay around there. However, now that I'm back around high plat, I've been getting some....questionable players. Team comps that are suicidal or players that are toxic. It's still the minority for now, but...Overwatch has very high highs and very low lows, is all I'm saying.
I wouldn't call it all shitty. Somedays me and friends reck everyone. Somedays we get obliterated.

I mean we lost to attack Torb on Ilios yesterday which made me rage quit so hard. I got gold everything 60 elm blahblah and still lost. Somedays our Mercy main suddenly decide she ain't gonna be our Mercy and we lose three times in a row and she blames it all on us for not supporting here new main or whatever.

This game can be cancerous but I am still having fun. I can't explain well but there is something keeping me hooked. Am I a masochist? Probably but I know that I am not giving up anytime soon.

Naw, I think that's the key right there- find the highest SR where you're still having fun.
I'm sorta in a similar spot. I am a platinum player and I'm back at the spot I feel I belong.

I remember wanting to get into diamond and struggling to do it as I bounced back and forth between 2700-2900 for months. Then I finally broke in and went up to 3200. Then Overwatch was like "Oh shit, Veelk's not that good a player!"

and then HEAVILY course corrected throwing me into Silver-Gold hell for months. I can't say I enjoyed my time there. I prefer the slightly better competence of Plat and I'm happy to stay around there. However, now that I'm back around high plat, I've been getting some....questionable players. Team comps that are suicidal or players that are toxic. It's still the minority for now, but...Overwatch has very high highs and very low lows, is all I'm saying.

OW has never over-corrected me. If I approach 2500, I get slapped back down with big SR drops after losses. If I approach 2000, I lose very little SR, and gain a ton for a win. OW knows very precisely where it thinks I belong.
Peeps, I'm desperate for some advice. I'm a lowly Bronze scrub and had been climbing slowly from 500 to 1300 with Reaper, D'va, Soldier and Tracer but since Friday I've fallen off a cliff I can't seem to get back from. I had almost an 8p% win rate as Tracer after 5 hours played but I've only won a handful of games since. What do I need to do to improve? My partner says to pick a gimmick champion like Bastion or Sun that Bronze can't handle well but I really want some skills to help me with the Attack characters I like. It's driving me crazy.
Peeps, I'm desperate for some advice. I'm a lowly Bronze scrub and had been climbing slowly from 500 to 1300 with Reaper, D'va, Soldier and Tracer but since Friday I've fallen off a cliff I can't seem to get back from. I had almost an 8p% win rate as Tracer after 5 hours played but I've only won a handful of games since. What do I need to do to improve? My partner says to pick a gimmick champion like Bastion or Sun that Bronze can't handle well but I really want some skills to help me with the Attack characters I like. It's driving me crazy.

Man, sorry to hear you're stuck down there.

Bastion seems like a pretty good choice tho. Torb on defense would prolly wreck at that level as well.

Or ya know...Jus play mercy and erase all your teams mistakes lulz.


They need to make his crit hitbox smaller so he doesn't die from a few shots. I feel like he's suffering the same issue as Orisa before her crit hitbox was reduced. I would happily welcome his offense get tweaked if he isn't so easily killed.

That'd definitely help his survivability as well.
Finally played against a good doomfist in comp! He's a strong hero, because we got wrecked. I've been playing solo and winning considerably more than when I group up, anyone ever get that? I think if you keep the group at 3 MAYBE 4 you do good but anything over that and your odds go down.

Hearing Doomfist charging up rocket punch and not having eyes on him is terrifying lol. And while he's a really effective flanker a coordinated attack with him and a mobile tank like Winston or DVa can be devastating.

Still seeing alot more bad DF's than good one's though.


Peeps, I'm desperate for some advice. I'm a lowly Bronze scrub
At bronze I would say you need to practise the basics:
1) Pick your fights, you cannot win all 1v1s with any character.
2) Always group up after respawning. Even if it's just with one other teammate.
3) Understand your character's role well and do it even if it means it's less exciting.
Peeps, I'm desperate for some advice. I'm a lowly Bronze scrub and had been climbing slowly from 500 to 1300 with Reaper, D'va, Soldier and Tracer but since Friday I've fallen off a cliff I can't seem to get back from. I had almost an 8p% win rate as Tracer after 5 hours played but I've only won a handful of games since. What do I need to do to improve? My partner says to pick a gimmick champion like Bastion or Sun that Bronze can't handle well but I really want some skills to help me with the Attack characters I like. It's driving me crazy.

Watch some basic positioning guides for the characters you want to play.

Soldier and Reaper are pretty easy to get good at quickly and then dominate Bronze with superior positioning.

Bastion and especially Torb are good choices, as well, but they don't scale as you get into Silver and Gold. They're gonna get shut down at those ranks much quicker.

But most of all- learn to stay alive. Make it your mission in each game. No dumb deaths, no grand gestures. Make each death count, and always figure out how you could have survived.
Best moment was when that Rein shattered after the Mercy res during the overtime attack before the last point, people get distracted by all the pharah ults but you have to look past that.

The pillars of heaven will ring for eternity in honor of that Shatter.

But the Rocket Barrage just has so many pretty missiles. It's mesmerizing to a simple Zen main like me.
I think what drove people away was the elitist attitude from a small minority (because majority of the PC crowd are good people). I never bothered to comment but it just seemed that no ones opinion was right except their own. If you play on console apparently you aren't entitled to an opinion. Funny things is, many people on console have made the jump to PC and actually ranked higher than what they were on console, plenty of former console players here in Master / GM range on PC.

Do you remember when you told me that I "LOL you belong in silver" after I explained what happened regarding throwers in Season 1 placements? Yeah I climbed 500SR after 10-15 matches instantly. And I am at 2.6kSR now but I stopped playing OW (currently 80%+ WR with Winston and my other heroes).

You are toxic and hostile. Go dig up the old OTs when I posted my new placements after quitting Season 1 (no SR gain from leavers on other team).

Yeah so you guys are a bunch of bullies and hypocrites. You label anyone who has any issues with a troll.


Your shit post in the link above ^. And yes your post was wrong because my MMR was clearly too low where I placed, or I wouldn't have had climbed 260SR next season placements. I was averaging 50+ kills every match and had a huge winning streak.


This is playing in the Korean server (they have nasty tanks+dive and overall better than other servers).

So who is the troll now? "Elitist attitude wah wah" yeah very clearly. Now someone will show up, quote me to tell me to stop even though I am getting called out and responding back with the truth is "trolling".
Finally played against a good doomfist in comp! He's a strong hero, because we got wrecked. I've been playing solo and winning considerably more than when I group up, anyone ever get that? I think if you keep the group at 3 MAYBE 4 you do good but anything over that and your odds go down.

that's cause anything over that and your team synergy/teamwork needs to be good as individual skill
Do you remember when you told me that I "LOL you belong in silver" after I explained what happened regarding throwers in Season 1 placements? Yeah I climbed 500SR after 10-15 matches instantly. And I am at 2.6kSR now but I stopped playing OW (currently 80%+ WR with Winston and my other heroes).

You are toxic and hostile. Go dig up the old OTs when I posted my new placements after quitting Season 1 (no SR gain from leavers on other team).

Yeah so you guys are a bunch of bullies and hypocrites. You label anyone who has any issues with a troll.


Your shit post in the link above ^. And yes your post was wrong because my MMR was clearly too low where I placed, or I wouldn't have had climbed 260SR next season placements. I was averaging 50+ kills every match and had a huge winning streak.

This is playing in the Korean server (they have nasty tanks+dive and overall better than other servers).

So who is the troll now? "Elitist attitude wah wah" yeah very clearly. Now someone will show up, quote me to tell me to stop even though I am getting called out and responding back with the truth is "trolling".

Is this what all the bullshit we've been putting up with for months is about? Seriously? You guys got your feelings hurt- a fucking year ago- and have been holding a grudge the entire time? FFS.

Look, I am truly sorry. I know how much it sucks to have someone shitpost without thinking about how it makes someone feel. But can we please all just agree to put on our big-boy pants and get back to talking about Overwatch? Please?


Sombra's been out for a while and I finally tried to play her. Feels like a completely different game, I still don't really know the best way to help my team win while using her though.

Any tips? I looked up a guide before trying her.

I normally play Mercy.
Sombra's been out for a while and I finally tried to play her. Feels like a completely different game, I still don't really know the best way to help my team win while using her though.

Any tips? I looked up a guide before trying her.

I normally play Mercy.

It's a slog. A lot of defending the pick in spawn.

The important thing with Sombra is team chat. You have to repeatedly tell your team which health packs you have hacked. Then you need to remind them again. And again.

Co-ordinate your Ult, never just jump in blind and use it. Target Zen and Zarya when you use your ult- they are easy kills without their shields.
Sombra's been out for a while and I finally tried to play her. Feels like a completely different game, I still don't really know the best way to help my team win while using her though.

Any tips? I looked up a guide before trying her.

I normally play Mercy.

It depends on team comps on both sides. Sombra is very strong vs D.Va and certain dive heroes, so invisibility then hacking D.Va+mic callout should be your bread and butter.

She is very strong vs dive because she can hack health packs which screw mobile heroes that run Lucio+Zen. EMP is really good too so hack priority health packs and farm EMP. This is the standard Sombra playstyle.

You can alternatively use her as a second healer in 2CP. Your priority is hacking packs and farming EMP. Ult when they push in. Anubis second point and Volskaya first point make Sombra broken there. Be warned though; it is really hard to pull off.

If you want to "main" or shoehorn Sombra in every team comp, you have to have good tracking and be active with your damage+hacks. Hacking health packs becomes more important if you are playing vs Dive/Dva and on defense (especially 2CP). She is very strong vs stall tactics, so you can use her on attack in 2CP and any point/capture map to hack D.Va/Winston if they stall.

Good maps for Sombra: Illios ruins, Volskaya, Anubis and Route66.

leng jai

I feel like 76 is really easy to play when I'm winning but fairly bad in losses. I feel like with Zen I do pretty well either way and just die in general far less.
I feel like 76 is going to really easy to play when I'm winning but fairly bad in losses. I feel like with Zen I do pretty well either way and just die in general far less.

I've noticed the exact same thing about my Soldier play. I've started changing it up when I (and my team) am getting creamed. Instead of getting on the high ground, I run loops, Call of Duty- style. It really works as a hit-and-run tactic. No one can ever catch you if their comped up to get you off high ground.

If they switch to stop your flanking, go back to high ground.


It depends on team comps on both sides. Sombra is very strong vs D.Va and certain dive heroes, so invisibility then hacking D.Va+mic callout should be your bread and butter.

She is very strong vs dive because she can hack health packs which screw mobile heroes that run Lucio+Zen. EMP is really good too so hack priority health packs and farm EMP. This is the standard Sombra playstyle.

You can alternatively use her as a second healer in 2CP. Your priority is hacking packs and farming EMP. Ult when they push in. Anubis second point and Volskaya first point make Sombra broken there. Be warned though; it is really hard to pull off.

If you want to "main" or shoehorn Sombra in every team comp, you have to have good tracking and be active with your damage+hacks. Hacking health packs becomes more important if you are playing vs Dive/Dva and on defense (especially 2CP). She is very strong vs stall tactics, so you can use her on attack in 2CP and any point/capture map to hack D.Va/Winston if they stall.

Good maps for Sombra: Illios ruins, Volskaya, Anubis and Route66.
She's good on volskaya b too.
Lijiang control tower.
Only point a for route 66.

Also that screenshot of you with caesar winning is cos caesar was a GM on his other account and was carrying you to plats. Also how old is that picture now? 4 months?


I did not know it was possible to be all alone on the payload for more than 30 seconds in a comp match. No teammates around and just one enemy D.VA I had to kill aswell.


Do you remember when you told me that I "LOL you belong in silver" after I explained what happened regarding throwers in Season 1 placements? Yeah I climbed 500SR after 10-15 matches instantly. And I am at 2.6kSR now but I stopped playing OW (currently 80%+ WR with Winston and my other heroes).

You are toxic and hostile. Go dig up the old OTs when I posted my new placements after quitting Season 1 (no SR gain from leavers on other team).
The quote you posted of me is asking you why you thought it was hilarious that the game placed you where it should have?

The words "lol you belong in silver" are nowhere to be found in my post so I apologize if you miss took that I am also a bit surprised you are calling me toxic and hostile I don't think I've ever had a single non friendly argument with anyone in this thread lol
Thanks for the advice. I've watched a ton of guides on YouTube and in the back of my mind know what I should be trying to do but inevitably get dragged into fights I can't win from bad positions in the heat of the moment. More thinking required.

Should I quick play a ton to practice or stick it out in competitive?


I knew DF was a bullshit character but after seeing that hitbox testing video its laughable that he made it into the game in that state. Hard to believe a developer set the hitbox that size and OK'd it. Width is 3x DF's model and height is double wtf.


I've had 5 straight games of people throwing and not moving in entire games of Lucioball. Are there no afk timer? Are people just leaving themselves in queue for free xp?
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