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Persona 5 came out in the west six months ago. How do you feel about it now?


Neo Member
About 2 months ago I set the game down with 40 hours playtime logged so. It's my first game in the Persona/SMT vein and whilst I have a lot of praise for it, the length and pacing were painfully noticeable to me. There are games I could get caught up in whilst not paying attention to how much time has passed such as BOTW (80 hours played in the first week), Warhammer total war 2 (clocked in 40 hours since launch last week) but with Persona, I was keenly aware of time passing by whilst the game moved on at its drawn out pace.
I'm glad I found out about the games ~100 hour length as I honestly don't think I'd have gotten more out of the story to make that extra time worth it. In so many respects I find it to be an excellent game: dungeons, confidents, soundtrack, bosses etc but the length and pacing were such a downer for me.


Amazing game. My GOTY and one of my all time favorite RPGs.

Really enjoyed the themes, the cast, the gameplay and the amazing style that oozes out of every corner of P5. I also never had a problem with the games pacing as so many others did. I liked the game so much that I watched an entire 100+ hours Let's Play of it after my own 140h playthrough.
Though I do hope P6 changes things up a bit as P5 could be a little formulaic and predictable at times to those who played the previous two entries.
Overall I'd say I preferred it to P4G but not P3. P3 is still my favorite.
Fantastic game, with my only complaint being the game length. It was too long, and there was a point where the pace of everything just started to slow down significantly for no good reason. Felt like things were being dragged out slightly towards the end of the game.


Amazing game and still GOTY, the dungeon design and battle system make it really hard to reply the other games. And the OST is godtier dunno how people are disappointed with it, the whole thing is banging.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I remember a comparison thread a couple months ago was made between P5 and TMS#fe with a lot it people in favor of TMS


Great game, but not the best in the series. Story got too much in the way of the social aspect, and the social aspect itself was often knee-capped by the story. Just don't remember the cast really having all that many "fun" moments together.
School trip usually is a part for hi-jinks and fun moments, but the crew is too worried about what their reputation is back home. Yes, we get it, it's on purpose, but making the school trip boring on purpose doesn't suddenly make it fun. School festival was lackluster, game forcing you to skip months at the end since the gameplay was done was a poor decision, no summer festival because "LOL IT'S RAINING OH WELL", game had too much of that shit.

While Golden in terms of Persona 4 probably added too many moments like that to a game that already had a good balance, a re-release of Persona 5 with more of those additions can only strengthen the game really. I'm making my opinions of it seem more harsh than they are, as I still put it just slightly behind Persona 4, but it is what it is.


I ended up dropping it mid way through because of the homophobia. The game was good but it wasn't good enough to look past that.
The first 70% of the game completely stole my heart and there was a point where I consider Persona 5 to be my GOTY of 2016 and maybe even top 10 of all time. Shame that the final 30% was so painfully bland and charmless.

To me the best part of the game is still Kamoshida, incredible story, drama and character development, just great all around.

Overall, the game is a mix bag of great and bad, at times it feels like a 11/10 game but then you hit the boring part and you realize maybe it's just an 8/10 in the end.

When It's charming it is REALLY charming, like it almost makes you wanna marry the game, but when it's not charming it gets really boring and disappointing.
Definitely going to put more effort into going back and finding the Trails games and the SMT IV series then bothering with the next persona game. Wish i'd played 4 instead of watching the anime because that one had an actual plot / actual twists

I mean you can not like it but to claim there's no plot or actual twists? What?


Brian I wanna write some stuff for you about the game, but tbh A) this probably isn't the best thread for it and B) Its been a while since I played it so I can't convey what I'd be thinking in enough depth.

You are right though that personal interpretation is probably playing a large part into how we're all looking at the game so I wanna link you to Guess Who's fantastic summary of P5's narrative and the messages Atlus was likely trying to convey. [OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING TO ANYONE WHO HASN'T FINSHED THOUGH]

...Maybe it won't do anything to change how you feel but maybe it might improve your retrospective on it.

K i read it, i think the interpretation is sound and aligns with how i read the game.
The divergence for me (i actually coincidentally used "make sure you vote!" in a previous post in this thread haha), is that i find "put the right adults in power" utterly unsatisfying and i have a hard time understanding how the p thieves arent suspicious of how thing are ending up at all. These kids didnt end up radicalized nor will they be actively using their superpowers to mold society moving forward. To me this is an odd conclusion of an already problematic idea; that strategically changing the hearts (read: making ppl not fucked up abusers of power), that is, putting good ppl in power can mitigate "society"'s ills. That's what i mean when i say that the game forwards regime-change as the end goal, that the idea here is "if it weren't for bad ppl we'd be aight, just plug in good ppl instead", instead of "uh oh looks like the system itself is a problem".

This extends to their treatment of the fucked up things occuring in the game. It's a joke that yusuke is always hungry, despite seeing someone in the subway that madarame turned homeless. Haru had so much potential as a character in terms of dismantling her father's history of awfulness but it's just "hmm but what if i do it, but ill do it right instead". Etc.

Hm, but at the same time it might be that this game is marketed towards teens, which would help explain the whole "make sure you vote for the right ppl!" (Aka make sure you work within the system that has been built for you, which is also a system that empowers shitty adults by design) narrative. I dont mean that to be reductive even though it sounds that way.
I just dont feel like this game is written for someone with particular types of world views? Dunno how to put it.

But yeah enough posts about this lol, just trying to say that personally i felt like p5 was a miss in terms of writing.


Current GOTY. I'd say it's in my list of top 10 rpg's of all time, but Persona 4 Golden still tops that list. The gameplay was better, with the exception of the last dungeon...but the characters weren't nearly as good and it's the characters that made P4 stand out the most with me.
I enjoyed my time with it and thought it was overall a fun game.

Mechanically and structure wise it wasn't the sequel that I wanted after P4 since it felt too similar to that game in many aspects. There were fun moments in the story and some good banters between the cast occasionally but all in all didn't really liked the story and cast that much either.

Wasn't a fan of the excessive hand-holding and thought the pacing of the game could've been a lot better.

But like I said, still enjoyed my time with it and I'm not as down on it as I was in the following months after I had just beaten the game. Weirdly enough I'm finding myself really wanting to go back to it, but Persona 5 being a 100+ hours game, makes it really hard to do that.


I enjoyed my time with it. I think its a good to great game but if it wasn't for GAF I would have already forgotten about it.
The turn-based system was a big improvement from previous titles and definitely the highlight of the game, however the game didn't really push the system into interesting places. On Hard, it was a challenge, but really didn't feel like there were many ways to defeat the bosses. That's something I'd like to see in future SMT games -- give us more tools to match our own playstyle and ingenuity.

While some dungeons were good, mostly they were too long, and the puzzles felt like a chore. I would have preferred to get rid of most of that, focus more on the MGS-style stealth aspects, and reduce the size of the dungeons by 30-50%. The later dungeons were just a slog, forcing myself to get through them.

The style was great, animations were great, but the amount of animations that couldn't be interrupted made battles more of a drag. Atlus needs to work on making these things snappier. Also, while the art style was great, many textures really looked noticeably bad on the PS4. They featured a full subway system with signs, yet they were so low-res you could hardly read them.

They used Tokyo this time instead of a fake city, yet it hardly felt like a real city compared to Yakuza 0. In visuals, interactivity, and detail, P5's Tokyo just felt like a pencil sketch. I'm not sure why they bothered.

The gameplay pacing felt really off this time. There were so many days that I wasn't allowed to do anything, I felt this ongoing anxiety about the links. The amount of sudden social link blocks for party characters that required 5 stars in a stat to progress meant that you basically had to read a guide in order to max your links with your party. This is a sign of bad game design. It was so bad that I never got past the first level with the last party member.

The story started out strong and refreshingly provocative. Finally a JRPG was going to not pull any punches! But nope, it quickly became a meandering story that ended with a muddled end, basically suggesting that it's fine to rebel a little when you're young, but you still have to become an adult and conform to society's expectations. The story felt like P5's version of the Evoker pistols -- "let's do something controversial...but not too controversial."

Ultimately, by the end I just felt exhausted by the game. This game definitely needed an editor, and probably a large rewrite. The game demanded way too much from the player, and didn't really pay it back with interest. Much of the time, it didn't really pay it back at all. Persona 3 is one of my favorite JRPGs, but this game really disappointed me in the end. I've played P3 three times, but I can't imagine going through all of P5 again -- especially the dungeons -- to do the rest of the social links.

I gotta say, I'm pretty tired of stories centered around high school students. There's only so much you can say with characters that have barely started life. Atlus does have good writers, but their talent is often squandered on these one-dimensional characters. I've noticed that consistently in Persona titles the adult characters are the most interesting ones. I'd really love to see Persona move away from high schools and do something like Catherine, but as a full RPG.

Oh, it's also worth saying that I almost stopped playing P5 due to the treatment of gay characters. It's hard to support a company that promotes a 1950's view of gay men as sexual predators of boys in their games.


Only 40 hours in so far, but I love it so far, definitely one of my favorite games of the year. My only complaint is how often the game takes control away from me. I want to go out tonight, not just go to bed.

Game of the Year and one of my top games of all time.

This is the main reason I commented in here. What does your barcode tag mean? I used a barcode reader and it gave me the code 730865200115, which when googled brought up Persona 4: DAN. Is that what it is, or am I just lost down the rabbit hole?
Huge disappointment. I adored P3 and P4 (and even played P2 back when it first came out) and finished those games multiple times. Granted, I was a teenager back then, and I mistook P3 and P4 being more mature than other JRPGs as maturity, but they still rank among my favourites of the genre.

After all these years waiting for P5, it feels like the game we got simply didn't grow up. It gestures at having something profound to say, yet has all the insight of a teen who thinks reading the news occasionally makes him worldly.

And the fact that P5's social critique is so vapid makes it all the more frustrating that it sacrificed a lot of the camaraderie in P4 in favour of its darker story because it had Important Things to Say

It frustrates me that of all Persona games to really break into the mainstream, it was the worst one in like a decade. People new to the series deserved better. Persona deserved better
Wait, you people didn't enjoy the dungeons? They could have been twice as along for my liking. The game is 80% reading, 20% fighting. It's absurd.

The fights and the dungeons rank among the better in the MegaTen series for me.


Satisfying -- it didn't exceed any expectations, but it fully met them.
It definitely had some problems/disappointments: Music wasn't as great as the other Persona games, there were still some pretty glaring rough patches (the gay guys, some of the sexualizing was pretty eyeroll inducing, etc -- stuff like that), the story started to lag through the fall season before the end stuff, and the game did feel a bit... well, like they wanted to make a lot of strong social commentary, but then they'd do stuff that felt a little tone deaf to their own point sometimes.
But it had a ton of really great aspects too: art direction especially was phenomenal, the characters were mostly well done even if I didn't care for all of them personally (and I especially loved how they tied the confidants in at the end and made them feel actually important, that was really satisfying), and above all else - the ending. The ending pretty much saved the game for me. P5 was very close to that eh and disappointing list near the second half but when it got to the last few in-game months it really pulled itself together. I walked away feeling really pleased with the experience and thankfully not regretting all the merch I'd already bought LMAO
Gave up on it and traded it in on that GS big deal last month.

I gotta say I loved the music, I loved the style, I loved the presentation, I loved how new and fresh it felt on the genre.

The story itself was really meh until my point but started going dark.

I HATED the way time management was run. Like it ruined the game for me and is the reason I can't really see the game as GOTY contender and I can't understand the huge praises as I feel that one thing brought the game down so much as to make me trade it in.

It is very stupid and no one can tell me why some days I am just sent to bed and other just sent to my room so I can click on the bed and sleep. It feels so bad how restricting it is when the idea around it is so good. Parts of it feel like smoke and mirrors to hide some decision left unmade.


Gold Member
K i read it, i think the interpretation is sound and aligns with how i read the game.
The divergence for me (i actually coincidentally used "make sure you vote!" in a previous post in this thread haha), is that i find "put the right adults in power" utterly unsatisfying and i have a hard time understanding how the p thieves arent suspicious of how thing are ending up at all. These kids didnt end up radicalized nor will they be actively using their superpowers to mold society moving forward. To me this is an odd conclusion of an already problematic idea; that strategically changing the hearts (read: making ppl not fucked up abusers of power), that is, putting good ppl in power can mitigate "society"'s ills. That's what i mean when i say that the game forwards regime-change as the end goal, that the idea here is "if it weren't for bad ppl we'd be aight, just plug in good ppl instead", instead of "uh oh looks like the system itself is a problem".

This extends to their treatment of the fucked up things occuring in the game. It's a joke that yusuke is always hungry, despite seeing someone in the subway that madarame turned homeless. Haru had so much potential as a character in terms of dismantling her father's history of awfulness but it's just "hmm but what if i do it, but ill do it right instead". Etc.

Hm, but at the same time it might be that this game is marketed towards teens, which would help explain the whole "make sure you vote for the right ppl!" (Aka make sure you work within the system that has been built for you, which is also a system that empowers shitty adults by design) narrative. I dont mean that to be reductive even though it sounds that way.
I just dont feel like this game is written for someone with particular types of world views? Dunno how to put it.

But yeah enough posts about this lol, just trying to say that personally i felt like p5 was a miss in terms of writing.

great take! this's exactly why i referred to the story as 'juvenile' - because it fundamentally is exactly that :) ...
I HATED the way time management was run. Like it ruined the game for me and is the reason I can't really see the game as GOTY contender and I can't understand the huge praises as I feel that one thing brought the game down so much as to make me trade it in.

It is very stupid and no one can tell me why some days I am just sent to bed and other just sent to my room so I can click on the bed and sleep. It feels so bad how restricting it is when the idea around it is so good. Parts of it feel like smoke and mirrors to hide some decision left unmade.

You're sent to the attic so you can save, check the TV, feed the plant, etc. It can feel a bit artificial, but ultimately the game is balanced around the player having X amount of days to do stuff. Generally outside of dungeon cycles you won't be able to go out.


Gave up on it and traded it in on that GS big deal last month.

I gotta say I loved the music, I loved the style, I loved the presentation, I loved how new and fresh it felt on the genre.

The story itself was really meh until my point but started going dark.

I HATED the way time management was run. Like it ruined the game for me and is the reason I can't really see the game as GOTY contender and I can't understand the huge praises as I feel that one thing brought the game down so much as to make me trade it in.

It is very stupid and no one can tell me why some days I am just sent to bed and other just sent to my room so I can click on the bed and sleep. It feels so bad how restricting it is when the idea around it is so good. Parts of it feel like smoke and mirrors to hide some decision left unmade.

Being sent to your room gives you a chance to save and feed your plant for free Kidness points. The evenings after sending the Calling Card you can actually craft stuff too.

After a while, a Confidant perk allows you to do something in the Evening after spending the Afternoon in a dungeon or Mementos. However, you can't do that on the more handholdy story bits.
Gave up on it and traded it in on that GS big deal last month.

I gotta say I loved the music, I loved the style, I loved the presentation, I loved how new and fresh it felt on the genre.

The story itself was really meh until my point but started going dark.

I HATED the way time management was run. Like it ruined the game for me and is the reason I can't really see the game as GOTY contender and I can't understand the huge praises as I feel that one thing brought the game down so much as to make me trade it in.

It is very stupid and no one can tell me why some days I am just sent to bed and other just sent to my room so I can click on the bed and sleep. It feels so bad how restricting it is when the idea around it is so good. Parts of it feel like smoke and mirrors to hide some decision left unmade.

It's likely so that you have the ability to save. I notice these days tend to be before or after you go through a lot of cutscenes.
I thought it was pretty good but, good God, it could have been so much better. The overall pacing of the game wears down on you as you go through these long rather simple dungeons. They look great, have great music, and they're all so distinct from one another but they're not particularly fun to go through. Thankfully, the turn based combat helped to make the dungeons more enjoyable, albeit having to go back to your last save if the main character is taken down and there being instant kill attacks did get more aggravating as the dungeons became longer and the enemies became more difficult. Surprisingly, I tended to enjoy the downtime in between dungeons as I loved watching the Phantom Thieves all interact with one another and being able to court potential cuties. I honestly enjoyed that more than the main story in the game as I found it kind of predictable, with a lot of the messages constantly being hammered into you. Also, maybe it's just me, but, after playing games like BOTW and GTA V, Persona 5, by comparison, kind of felt a bit lacking in terms of presentation and interactivity

Overall, though, it was a good enjoyable RPG that's a bit too long and paced too slowly for it's own good. It's the kind of game I'd if you have a lot of free time because, otherwise, you just might lose interest or become side tracked by other things


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Still my GOTY in whats been my favorite year of games all time. Only gripe was they still don't really have any incentive for multiple playthroughs.
It was great. I have a pretty horrible JRPG completion rate and I managed to push through it. It didn't have the same impact as Persona 4 did on me, but I found it mostly enjoyable.

I'll chime in with the various complaints about pacing. The first 80% of the game or so moves along at a good pace, but the back ~15-20% felt to me like it slowed down and got rather tedious. I was honestly burnt out a bit after finishing the game -- it was a 10-15 hour sequence I kind of forced my way through by sheer will to see the game's conclusion. The game's conclusion was satisfying, but if there's ever a "director's cut" style rerelease, I do hope the final series of sequences gets trimmed down some. It came off to me as a lot of "thickly routine" gameplay with little to no satisfying story advancement until the end, and a lot of player-decision stuff kind of gets disabled for a good long track of it. It essentially turned off a lot of the appeal of Persona for a while in kind of a botched attempt to build up some final storyline tension (at least I think that was the intent).
No i know these things, we are just interpreting the events differently, which is fine.
the disbandment of pt, to me, refers to young riled ppl "growing up", which is a stark negative to me in the context of this game. They sacrifice their ability for super powered anarchy in order to "do the right thing", which is a big tool for adults to control children and make them in their own image. They are being reintegrated into the system by the end of the game, and like you said, basically go the "yeah maybe there are good adults, lets let them take care of things despite that going against every single thing we've gone through".

In the end though it's not really a matter of conflicting plot or anything like that for me. You have a game that depicts young ppl getting fucked over by adults, released in a world where young people are getting fucked hard by adults, and the message that i end up with here is basically a version of "make sure you vote! Cant complain if you dont vote!" Nah fuck that.

I def missed the part where the bad guys were fighting the last boss by being rapists or fucking over their workers, but if what you're saying is correct then it makes me like the game even less lol. Like that would immediately insuinate something like "oh yeah these bad guys are mad fucked up but man they sure have impressive wills huh" and im not really here for that at all.

The biggest thing tho is how they approach the whole changing hearts thing. Obviously this is a really idiotic way to change society, but i expected the p thieves to reap how idiotic this is way harder. Theres no satisfying failure for them nor is it a meaningful learning experience for them.

In the end i enjoyed the game, i just wish they dealt with themes that they could write better, and imo the writing fell pretty flat and soured the experience for me.

It's more as if we played a totally different game tbh xD

1. Mementos being the palace of the whole society meant that by taking down its treasure (Yaldabaoth), they triggered a change of heart in their society. They didn't "throw away their powers to get the right to vote" they erased what was wrong within the society that rejected them which means there's no need for the Phantom thieves to act and change one person at a time when they reformed the whole society ad now all individuals can stand on their own, no more manipulation, no more people pretending everything was fine when it clearly wasn't the case. It was a better outcome than still doing the whole PT business.

2. Remember the scene where they met Kamoshida, Shido, Madarame, at the heart of Mementos? The PT even realized all they did to all of them was returning them to the prison. And it's totally justified imo: They needed ambitions to get free of the total control Yaldabaoth put on them, even if those ambitions were twisted and made everyone around them suffer.

3. They did learn a lot, they became more mature as the story progresses and realized they cannot keep doing what they had been doing the whole game. Their own mistakes brought the death of the father of one of them, but they are not the classic naive and at times incompetent team of heroes. That's why one of the story twists is actually pretty satisfying: they knew all along they were heading to a trap and outsmarted everyone.
surprisingly disappointing...

graphics & music are great. story & characters? a backslide from p4, which was a backslide from p3. hate the whole 'generation war' / 'us vs the grown-ups' focus, which i think is cheap, unimaginative, & (literally!) juvenile...

just writing this makes me realize how disappointed i am - i prefer not even thinking about this game. & this from someone who's replayed the previous 2 multiple times :) ...

I don't think the whole generational war theme is bad per se. Hell, Brexit and Trump are real world events that show a clear divergence between the futures sought by the young and the old.

The problem with Persona 5 is that it engages in the theme in the most limp dicked way possible. P5 is essentially a story about systemic abuses of power whose answer is, rather than changing or even dismantling the system, to just get the Right Guy in power and everything will be totally fine!


great style, boring substance. no interest in finishing it after getting halfway through. i think atlus is going to continue down this path and become more successful but become increasingly not for me

a logical progression of the pointless (to me) excess and franchise building seen from p4g onward
It has sat there untouched for 4 months, and I have no desire to go back and play it. Morgana ruined it for me. I honestly thought there would be a bit more exploring/school stuff to do, but it all appeared to be a bit shallow in the end.

I had cleared maybe 3 of the dungeons, some art bloke.


I was looking forward to P5 so much, but it draaaaaags.

I had waning motivation about halfway through the game, and by
Palace I had to force myself to keep going.
It picks up steam again once it enters the final arc, but I thought the conclusion was rather limp.

Persona hasn't been able to top the final act of 3 yet, and maybe it never will.

Also, for a game with such a surprisingly large OST, like, 80% of it goes underused or completely unused.

I got sick of some really great songs by the 60th hour hearing them.
"Last Surprise" is amazing, but not "plays for 90% of the game's battles" amazing.


My GOTY by far (even with great contenders like NieR Automata), I consider it a better game than 4 and I liked it A LOT.

Art was top, music was awesome (as usual), characters were great (best mascot ever), gameplay refined,... But the best by far is the core of the game: the corruption of capitalist system and the fight of a few for changing it (with all the doubts that come alongside changing it by force). Loved the message of the game, truly a game that will be remembered.
I stopped around hour 35. It drags a lot, but it's a perfectly playable JRPG. I plan to continue playing soon. But it is not my favorite Persona game. Persona 4 Golden still holds that title.
There isnt a single one in the fucking game. The entire thing reads like an open book.



So your telling me you saw
the party knowing Akechi was the traitor the entire time coming?

Even if you did predicting a twist doesn't mean it doesn't have any.
Deeply personal GOTY for me. It hit at a time when my wife and I were fighting bad employers and contemplating a big change in our lives. Persona 5 may not have made the decision for us, but it encouraged us to be strong in our decisions. We've since quit our jobs, made a big move, found new employers, took more active stances in our lives, and are much, much happier.


This is the main reason I commented in here. What does your barcode tag mean? I used a barcode reader and it gave me the code 730865200115, which when googled brought up Persona 4: DAN. Is that what it is, or am I just lost down the rabbit hole?

Yes, that's it. I change it periodically. Last time I did was when P4D came out.


There isnt a single one in the fucking game. The entire thing reads like an open book.

No way you actually knew that early Igor wasn't the real Igor.



So your telling me you saw
the party knowing Akechi was the traitor the entire time coming?

Even if you did predicting a twist doesn't mean it doesn't have any.

I think this one is obvious. Game game pretty much gives that away halfway through the game.


Just came in this thread to say that I just bought this game last week and have gotten past the first palace part.

I'm completely new to this series, and I bought it because I completely yakuza kiwami really quickly including the bulk of it's side content (it's quite a short game compared to the others) and I left wanting more. I noticed the yakuza community praise persona 5 a lot so I decided to give it a chance and as someone who hasn't watched any anime in a long time, I'm really surprised with how enjoyable it is!

It's shenmue-esque in it's sense of scale, liveliness, rich music and to an extent the passage of time, aspects which I really appreciate in games and wish more games have them. Oldly it also reminds me of urbz: sims in the city for GBA (anyone played that one? Lol) but much much better as a life sim because you also get a great jrpg sandwiched in.

However unlike say yakuza or shenmue, the pace of the game did take getting use to and it didn't really click with me until 7hrs in what it would be + gain empathy for the characters but I got there in the end. Playing this game via remote play on my phone helped make it very feasibile to fit the hrs the game asks for so so far, which I appreciate (after all input lag isn't a huge deal for this type of game). I suppose because it's more visual novel it can be hard to always play it sitting down in a console setup.

I'm going to play this game occasionally in chunks (weeks/months apart) because I don't think I have the stamina to play this primarily. However, it's been a blast and do I dare say since I've played it, I've felt a sense of positive reinforcement from doing small tasks/actions irl :).

It's a shame I can't take screenshots though :(. Also I wish roaming the openworld felt a bit more enjoyable, especially with areas with dense amount of interactive items otherwise I'd find myself using R1 less often and just enjoy roaming around. Very minor gripes but as a newcomer I'm impressed!

I might check out the one of psp if whenever I finish p5 since I recall it having a persona game too and handhelds seem like a good fit for this kinda game...

Anyway, just my 10c's xD


No way you actually knew that early Igor wasn't the real Igor.

I actually did, but only because GAF is awful at tip toeing around spoilers, haha.
The amount of "BUT THERE'S A REASON WHY HIS VOICE IS DIFFERENT, GUYS! IT'S JUSTIFIED IN THE STORY!!!!" posts really made it obvious, even if I obviously couldn't point out exactly what was going on.

Not even mad about it, I thought it was funny how people made it painfully obvious in their attempts of not revealing anything.
No way you actually knew that early Igor wasn't the real Igor.

I think this one is obvious. Game game pretty much gives that away halfway through the game.

I felt that while it was obvious
Akechi was the traitor the fact that the party knew and planed for it was interesting I had that spoiled so I admittedly can't say if I would have predicted it or not.
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