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Play reviews Lair

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You can kind of just guess EGM wouldn't score it as high as a 9. You have like 85% chance of being right.


dammitmattt said:
COD4 at 60 fps with everything that is going on is damn impressive. If you want to call it out for having sprite grass, I'll call GT5 out for its sprite grass AND flat trees...

Seems like I'm derailing the thread but ok.

GT5 moves at a higher pace and to my knowled has more on screen action like the 16 cars.
But as I said CoD4 seems to use a lot of the tricks racing titles use like pre done shadows and only the moving objects like the cars have dynamic shadows.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
_leech_ said:
In other shocking news, I hear Hsu likes Halo (kinda).

I heard he proposed to Master Chief a couple of weeks ago on a 1UP podcast...
fortified_concept said:
So this is what happens when the OA tards and teamxbox kids unite to "visit" a PS3 thread in GAF without any proper moderation. Since this thread has gone to the shitter, I'll say it: You're ****ing pathetic.
8 pages until you started whining?

you're slipping, dude.
scissorfight said:
8 pages until you started whining?

you're slipping, dude.

I'm not slipping, I was whining way before that post.
Ha! I showed him

Seriously though the usual suspects in this forum are just sad. So much "work" just to troll and not get banned. Why don't you people just go to the usual shitholes to troll PS3 games? It's easier and there are more trolls there to agree with you. Go on, you'll not be missed here.


Post Count: 9999
scissorfight said:
8 pages until you started whining?

you're slipping, dude.

Maybe he is ... but it wasn't until several pages in that a bunch of junior members mysteriously showed up out of the blue and all started dropping some hate.

fortified_concept said:
I'm not slipping, I was whining way before that post.
Ha! I showed him

Seriously though the usual suspects in this forum are just sad. So much "work" just to troll and not get banned. Why don't you people just go to the usual shitholes to troll PS3 games? It's easier and there are more trolls there to agree with you.

One must troll at high-profile forums to truly reduce the sales of a rival platform.

You know this.


Broken water pistol loaded with piss
dammitmattt said:
COD4 at 60 fps with everything that is going on is damn impressive. If you want to call it out for having sprite grass, I'll call GT5 out for its sprite grass AND flat trees...
So, someone calls out the 360's new crown jewel (COD4* as Halo 3 isn't up to it anymore), so you call out a PS3 exclusive:lol

*-Which is multiplatform to boot :lol

With regards to the flat trees, that's GT5 Prologue you're speaking about, GT5 will likely have the same detail in the car models but more detailed scenery.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Back to Lair. Most people, including myself, had a problem with Play and their previous history, not Lair the game.

Many people, possibly including yourself, don't take the time to even bother to see who it was at Play that wrote the review before going off on a tirade about a review. That, I have a problem with.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
shidoshi said:
Many people, possibly including yourself, don't take the time to even bother to see who it was at Play that wrote the review before going off on a tirade about a review. That, I have a problem with.

Ah cool, someone sensible. You are right. Rarely ever bother to tell who likes what because I basically assume that the person that is reviewing those types of games are people that understand the genre and takes into account previous good and previous bad games. It's like Todd Zuniga of EGM or Operation Sports reviewing a non-sports title. I'd look at it like WTF. In this case, since there hasn't been anything this high caliber or noteworthy since something like forever. I would count Panzer Dragoon, but the what is going on in this is much more than that, so at the very least, I would hope the reviewer has had a go with Factor 5's other games to see if some of their gameplay decisions have been made better. However, Play does have a dubious mark towards games, a lot more than I've ever encountered with any other magazine in my lifetime and in talking to other people in random chit chat, they've agreed with me. My whole point was speaking on the words measuring up to the score, since the score is the only thing that people ever really put faith into anyways. Like IGN's fiascos are rating Madden .1 higher than NFL 2K5 or Mario Sunshine getting a 9.4 or Jade Empire getting a 9.9 when the actual reviews don't add up to a gushing score. People will breeze right through the review to get to the score. In this particular case, what is said in the actual review doesn't add up to a 9 from my perspective.
Casey Loe's review history with Play:

Atelier Iris 2 7.5 7 +0.5
Atelier Iris 3 7.5 7.5 =
Grandia III 9 8 +1.0
Grim Grimoire 8.5 8 +0.5
Metal Gear AC!D 2 6.5 8 -1.5
Ninja Gaiden ∑ 8.5 9 -0.5
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams 8.5 8 +0.5
Shadow Hearts 8.5 8 +0.5
Snoopy vs. The Red Baron 8 7.5 +0.5
Tales of the Abyss 9 8 +1.0
Tales of the World 7 7 =
The Legend of Zelda:TP 9.5 9.5 =
Xenosaga Episode III 8.5 8.5 =
Yakuza 9.5 7.5 +2.0

Number rated higher than aggregate: 8
Number rated lower than aggregate: 2
Number rated approximately the same as aggregate: 4
Average: +0.32

Conclusion: Takuhi more often than not scores games higher than aggregate, but by an amount that is overall small enough to call insignificant. Statistically speaking, observed data does not support the hypothesis that Takuhi rates games higher than average.

I owe Casey an apology, so here it is. Sorry dude.


Question: If this game bombs (in sales), will it (does it?)have a chance to be ported to 360 or does sony have the rights to the franchise(if it doesnt bomb)?


jrricky said:
Question: If this game bombs (in sales), will it (does it?)have a chance to be ported to 360 or does sony have the rights to the franchise(if it doesnt bomb)?
Sony owns the IP. Answer: Never.


jrricky said:
Question: If this game bombs (in sales), will it (does it?)have a chance to be ported to 360 or does sony have the rights to the franchise(if it doesnt bomb)?

If it bombs in sales(because it was mediocre), why would you want a 360 port anyways?

I mean when you're talking about sales, you're taking the install base into account, right? You're not one of those who is going to compare the sales figure of a title on the still relatively small install base of the ps3 to the sales of a title on a platform with a much larger install base and then automatically conclude the game bombed, right? You wouldn't do that on neogaf, right?


Agent Icebeezy said:
Ah cool, someone sensible. You are right. Rarely ever bother to tell who likes what because I basically assume that the person that is reviewing those types of games are people that understand the genre and takes into account previous good and previous bad games.

Well, my argument is mainly this: if you want to bash me for giving high scores to games, that's totally fine by me. If somebody wants to call me out on my 9.5 for Persona 3, go right ahead. Where I think it's unfair, though, is a statement like, "Oh my god, 9.5 for Persona 3? Play totally over-rates games... look at the score they gave to Sonic lol." I didn't review Sonic, so lumping me (the person who did Persona 3) with the Sonic review (not done by me) isn't really fair.

If I had a history of overly-high review scores, and you wanted to trash my Persona 3 review based on that, that'd be fine. But I think if you want to call somebody out on a score they gave, it indeed needs to be done in relation to what else that person has reviews. I'll be honest - I look back on my reviews at Play, and I can think of a couple that I'd score differently looking back - but overall I don't think I've way over-rated most of the games I've reviewed. Persona 3 is the first score above a 9.0 I've ever given. If you simply look at Play's overall scores, that 9.5 may seem "usual." If you look at my score history, however, it's clear that I thought this game was something special.

I understand why people just blame "Play" or "EGM" or whatever else as a whole for scores when the argument should be focused on the individual who did the review, but I wish it didn't happen.

However, Play does have a dubious mark towards games, a lot more than I've ever encountered with any other magazine in my lifetime and in talking to other people in random chit chat, they've agreed with me.

You've obviously never read GameFan then. *laughs*

Scores are a really tough thing - personally, I don't like them, or at least I don't like the scales that are typically used. For my personal magazine, I have five scores: Bad, Poor, Average, Good, Great. Or you could have another simple system, like Buy It, Rent It, Ignore It. I think scores work best when they have a concrete meaning to them like that, because numbers can become so arbitrary. Is a Play "9.0" the same as an IGN "9.0" or an EGM "9.0"? Of course not, and that's what causes all of these arguments over score.

MC Safety

No offense, but you've taken your hobby to strange new levels.

You do know that different game publications have different grading schemes, right?

Anyway, at least it's good you can admit you were in error. Not a lot of fanboys are willing to entertain that particular notion.

Segata Sanshiro said:

Number rated higher than aggregate: 8
Number rated lower than aggregate: 2
Number rated approximately the same as aggregate: 4
Average: +0.32

Conclusion: Takuhi more often than not scores games higher than aggregate, but by an amount that is overall small enough to call insignificant. Statistically speaking, observed data does not support the hypothesis that Takuhi rates games higher than average.

I owe Casey an apology, so here it is. Sorry dude.
MC Safety said:
No offense, but you've taken your hobby to strange new levels.

You do know that different game publications have different grading schemes, right?

Anyway, at least it's good you can admit you were in error. Not a lot of fanboys are willing to entertain that particular notion.
Ehn, I can fart out statisical reports in 2 minutes, just like I did there. I have software on my computer that I use for work that does a nice jobby of it. And since you aren't familiar with my posting history, let me assure you: When I'm wrong, I own up to it.

I still resent being saddled as an anti-Sony fanboy or something, though. I never said a single disparaging word about Lair in this thread. And JB can still go take a long walk off a short pier for his "lolpoor" idiocy.
dirtmonkey37 said:
Really? Wow.

On a similar note, does Sony also have the rights to the Heavenly Sword IP?

Yes. Regardless of 1st or 2nd party affiliation, platform holders more often than not own the IP they publish. More so than third party publishers anyhow.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Segata Sanshiro said:
Ehn, I can fart out statisical reports in 2 minutes, just like I did there. I have software on my computer that I use for work that does a nice jobby of it. And since you aren't familiar with my posting history, let me assure you: When I'm wrong, I own up to it.

I still resent being saddled as an anti-Sony fanboy or something, though. I never said a single disparaging word about Lair in this thread. And JB can still go take a long walk off a short pier for his "lolpoor" idiocy.

Kurse all Segatas


Y2Kev said:
This helps!

Well I think the game is shallow and boring, but god help anyone who says it, because you must hate the PS3.

I would say the same thing if it was on 360 or Wii.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Tobor said:
I wish this game was multiplatform so we could all admit it looks kinda shallow and boring and move on.
I wish this game was multiplatform so assholes like you wouldnt even bother posting in a thread for a game you have no interest in, instead of trolling the system you have no interest in.


captive said:
I wish this game was multiplatform so assholes like you wouldnt even bother posting in a thread for a game you have no interest in, instead of trolling the system you have no interest in.

Actually I would still say it, but you wouldn't rip my head off. You just proved my point.
captive said:
I wish this game was multiplatform so assholes like you wouldnt even bother posting in a thread for a game you have no interest in, instead of trolling the system you have no interest in.

talk about taking this shit personally :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Tobor said:
Well I think the game is shallow and boring, but god help anyone who says it, because you must hate the PS3.

I would say the same thing if it was on 360 or Wii.

Can you give us more impressions from the review copy?

The only thing you're really proving is that anyone who goes into a thread for any game for any system and says, "That's shallow and boring," is annoying and their presence is gratuitous.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
WickedLaharl said:
talk about taking this shit personally :lol
It has nothing to do with being personal, but look at his post history, he's been trolling sony games and PS3 all week.


Y2Kev said:
Can you give us more impressions from the review copy?

The only thing you're really proving is that anyone who goes into any game for any system and says, "That's shallow and boring," is annoying and their presence is gratuitous.

No I don't have a review copy and neither do you. So it's ok to talk about how awesome it's going to be without playing it, but not the reverse? From the videos and interviews I have seen, it looks like Rogue Squadron all over again, and I was just as tired of this style of action shooter on Gamecube.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Tobor said:
So it's ok to talk about how awesome it's going to be without playing it, but not the reverse?

I haven't said a WORD about Lair in either the positive or negative, other than maybe that its visually stunning (it is). This thread is discussing the review of Lair; that is, discussing the impressions of someone who has played it.

Taking a pot-shot at the game by posting one line about how it's shallow and boring without having touched it is not conducive to discussion. It breaks down discussion. Don't pretend like it's an innocuous comment, because it isn't, and it doesn't have that effect.

edit: I also said the soundtrack is excellent. That's also true.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Segata Sanshiro said:

Number rated higher than aggregate: 8
Number rated lower than aggregate: 2
Number rated approximately the same as aggregate: 4
Average: +0.32

Conclusion: Takuhi more often than not scores games higher than aggregate, but by an amount that is overall small enough to call insignificant. Statistically speaking, observed data does not support the hypothesis that Takuhi rates games higher than average.

I owe Casey an apology, so here it is. Sorry dude.
You know, when I originally threw Casey's review history in here, I had all of that ready to go as well but got gunshy at the last minute. Well, except for the apology. Thanks for pulling the trigger.


Y2Kev said:
I haven't said a WORD about Lair in either the positive or negative, other than maybe that its visually stunning (it is). This thread is discussing the review of Lair; that is, discussing the impressions of someone who has played it.

Taking a pot-shot at the game by posting one line about how it's shallow and boring without having touched it is not conducive to discussion. It breaks down discussion. Don't pretend like it's an innocuous comment, because it isn't, and it doesn't have that effect.

I don't think it would have mattered what I said. The mere appearance of negativity would have been enough to start the ball rolling.

However, I did take a pot shot, you're right, and I'll go my merry way.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Segata Sanshiro said:

Number rated higher than aggregate: 8
Number rated lower than aggregate: 2
Number rated approximately the same as aggregate: 4
Average: +0.32

Conclusion: Takuhi more often than not scores games higher than aggregate, but by an amount that is overall small enough to call insignificant. Statistically speaking, observed data does not support the hypothesis that Takuhi rates games higher than average.

I owe Casey an apology, so here it is. Sorry dude.
Would you like to take my stats class this semester? :lol
captive said:
Would you like to take my stats class this semester? :lol
No thanks. Stats generally alternates between boring, esoteric, or both. Bad enough I took the classes and tutored it all through University, I now work with it. Good luck, though! :D


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I have to take Statistics with Calc this upcoming semester. I was so excited after Calc 3. "MY LAST MATH CLASS EVER!!!" and then I saw this on the roster. WTF is this shit indeed.


Even though I am going to wait for more critical reviews on this (review coming out 1 and a half month before the release date? Dubious indeed...) the hating on this game is just appalling. Especially from Speevy... wtf. How is the guy getting a slide for this?

I like how so many people are bagging on the game without A) playing the game and B) even reading the review.
I wish this game was multiplatform so we could all admit it looks kinda shallow and boring and move on.

WTf is this shit? :lol


hyperbolically metafictive
i wish this game was multiplatform so i could play the definitive wii version with its EVEN WAGGLIER controls. the graphics hit wouldn't matter, as our resident art critic has deemed it ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
jrricky said:
Question: If this game bombs (in sales), will it (does it?)have a chance to be ported to 360 or does sony have the rights to the franchise(if it doesnt bomb)?

factor 5 never ports their games. they code their games very specifically to the hardware they are on and porting them would be very difficult.

and sony owns the IP.
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