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PoliceOne: 20 cop truths most people don't know

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Policeone definitely opened my eyes to stuff I didn't know about american police but not because of this list. The comment sections tell you all you need to know about the kind of fucked up attitudes they hold. There's a real culture of defend our own at all costs. I have never seen a story on there where they criticise their own, it's always the media got it wrong or the victim deserved it. Occasionally someone will question that and they're immediately dogpiled and insulted as a bad cop or a rookie. I can imagine that sort of culture exists for them on the job as well.
In the one thread on the Wal-Mart shooting they dogpile on a guy for being a "junior member" (provisional/unconfirmed-LEO) suggesting that police not immediately fire at someone the instant they move even if they have a gun.
Ever heard of things are much more likely to be reported or mentioned when it's inflammatory?

I'm not saying that race isn't a factor. I'm not saying that people aren't getting shot when they shouldn't.
What I am saying is that according to you guys, every single non-white male is absolutely suicidal for stepping outside of their house, because a cop my come flying by and commit a drive by shooting.

You guys take this one in a million chance, and act like it's every time an officer steps out his door, his "quota" is a dead black family.


>Accuses someone of not thinking for oneself
>Jumps on cop hate bandwagon

Considering you thought what they said was reasonable I'd wager you don't think race was an issue but you're too scared to go against "the hivemind".

Instead you can attack a strawman argument and seem like you're being logical. No one here thinks if you step out the house you will automatically be shot by a cop. So please, tell us what you really think.


I know it happens. But it's getting to the point in OT where you can't even mention anything positive about police without being jumped on. I'm pretty sure someone got banned in the thread about Danielle Watts for not wanting to jump to conclusions that the cop was being racist. I get sick of seeing "fuck all cops" and other similar things like that or the getting mocked for the #notallcops thing when you say you know cops that aren't scum.

Well maybe a lot are tired of hearing about how noble cops are without acknowledging the major problems within the system. I agree though nobody should be banned for it, IMO.
Ever heard of things are much more likely to be reported or mentioned when it's inflammatory?

I'm not saying that race isn't a factor. I'm not saying that people aren't getting shot when they shouldn't.
What I am saying is that according to you guys, every single non-white male is absolutely suicidal for stepping outside of their house, because a cop my come flying by and commit a drive by shooting.

You guys take this one in a million chance, and act like it's every time an officer steps out his door, his "quota" is a dead black family.

You do realize that right now their is a 1 in 3 chance that a black male in the united states will go to prison in their life. That is just go to prison that does not include being pulled over or arrested that means do not pass go just go to jail. That increases the likely hood of them getting shot and killed exponentially because police in the US see the black male as a threat. It is unbelievably sad but it is the truth.


Number 20 is so true. Some people know they are tougher and sometimes physically stronger than the cop in front of him/her, but fail to realize that the wimpy cop has more power than he/she does. In the end the officer has the law, citizenry, and fellow officers to back him/her up beyond the initial contact.


1. Cops make a pittance. They don't do this for the money.


Most senior Port Authority cops paid average of $83.99 an hour — dwarfing $58.86 earned by counterparts at NYPD
Port Authority pay also beats the $63.68 hourly earnings of comparable New York State troopers and the $53.36 hourly pay of New Jersey troopers.

Ever heard of things are much more likely to be reported or mentioned when it's inflammatory?

I'm not saying that race isn't a factor. I'm not saying that people aren't getting shot when they shouldn't.
What I am saying is that according to you guys, every single non-white male is absolutely suicidal for stepping outside of their house, because a cop my come flying by and commit a drive by shooting.

You guys take this one in a million chance, and act like it's every time an officer steps out his door, his "quota" is a dead black family.


>Accuses someone of not thinking for oneself
>Jumps on cop hate bandwagon

Look, you're gonna need to come up with a better argument than "You're wrong because a bunch of other people agree with you."

Edit: Nevermind, he was banned. Those are always the most frustrating bans because it just reinforces their hivemind beliefs. But oh well.


Only supports his claim. Those port authority bosses making more than Nypd is unbelievable. That's like a mall cop making more than a real coo.

I wouldn't call any of those hourly wages "pittances", it's just that some are more obscene than others.
Rick Bruno has no business being a cop.

20. You might be tougher than me, but I will win in the long run. Believe it.

Seems like Bruno sees himself as the tough guy, unfortunately backed by the law as well.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
You'd only have to work 475 hours to pass the US's median annual pay at the hourly rate quoted for NYPD. This is ignoring the benefits that most people don't get and the pension that vanishingly few people get.
Let that sink in.


You'd only have to work 475 hours to pass the US's median pay at the hourly rate quoted for NYPD. This is ignoring the benefits that most people don't get and the pension that vanishingly few people get.
Let that sink in.
Plus you get that pension reallllly early.


6 is true, 10 has some issues (especially when it comes to mouthwash. Mouthwash has alcohol in it and the residual mouthwash in your mouth with cause a breathalizer number to skyrocket)

Breath tests are not supposed to be administered until a certain observation period has expired, during which you're not to eat, drink, smoke, or have anything in your mouth. For the field test (preliminary breath test) the wait is usually 15 minutes. For the in-station test after arrest, it's usually 20 minutes. Sometimes cops screw this up, especially the field test, and give it too soon, but that's only sometimes. If the observation period is done correctly, any 'mouth alcohol' that would've been there from swigging mouthwash or even booze right before being stopped will have dissipated and not affect the result. What the test wants is 'deep lung' air, which is why you have to keep a steady stream of breath flowing for so long when you blow.

The only method of influencing a breath test, and it is not reliable and will only reduce the reading, not eliminate it, is to deeply hyperventilate right before giving the breath sample. If you do it right, this will refresh your 'deep lung' air and produce a lower result. Slightly lower. But in states where a higher BAC can result in a stiffer penalty, it might help.
I believe most cops aren't racist or power-hungry, and that they do the best they can at their jobs. I'm sure a lot of them are regular people just doing their jobs. The problem is that there are far too many who fall into the racist, angry, power-hungry category. It's not that people hate all cops, but when there are constant stories coming out about unjustified shootings/deaths going unpunished, it's easy to lose faith. Until major changes are made across the board, the public perception of cops won't change.
. Cops make a pittance. They don't do this for the money.

Its a job that gets you middle class wages without going to college (in many large jurisdictions even) or the military and a retirement with pension by what, 50, at which point you move from county/local cop to state investigator and start working towards your second retirement. Oh, and you can work side jobs as an off duty security guard. It can be an extremely lucrative career if you stay out of trouble and move up through the ranks. If you really have aptitude and pick up a degree along the way, you might get picked up by the feds and then ride that out until 55 and then back to a state investigator job/managerial job for a sweet sweet paycheck.

Oh, side jobs-some are working ball games or concerts or things like that. Don't forget the cheap food at restaurants!

So, no, they don't go into this to get rich, but it is a seriously good way to make a living if you can keep your nose clean and move up the ranks. Much better earning potential than a lot of jobs that require degrees.
The only method of influencing a breath test, and it is not reliable and will only reduce the reading, not eliminate it, is to deeply hyperventilate right before giving the breath sample. If you do it right, this will refresh your 'deep lung' air and produce a lower result. Slightly lower. But in states where a higher BAC can result in a stiffer penalty, it might help.

Try this move and you're probably going to end up having a cop get a warrant for a blood draw.


Its a job that gets you middle class wages without going to college (in many large jurisdictions even) or the military and a retirement with pension by what, 50, at which point you move from county/local cop to state investigator and start working towards your second retirement. Oh, and you can work side jobs as an off duty security guard. It can be an extremely lucrative career if you stay out of trouble and move up through the ranks. If you really have aptitude and pick up a degree along the way, you might get picked up by the feds and then ride that out until 55 and then back to a state investigator job/managerial job for a sweet sweet paycheck.

Oh, side jobs-some are working ball games or concerts or things like that. Don't forget the cheap food at restaurants!

So, no, they don't go into this to get rich, but it is a seriously good way to make a living if you can keep your nose clean and move up the ranks. Much better earning potential than a lot of jobs that require degrees.
Yeah, but they probably could have become some Wall Street real estate tycoon instead but they had it in their heart to sacrifice to serve.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Some have the option of retiring after only 10 years, but then they "only" get 30% of base pay.
My mom is a prison nurse and is retiring this year after 16 years with a fat pension. I'll bet she wishes she didn't waste all that time working in hospitals, though.


Try this move and you're probably going to end up having a cop get a warrant for a blood draw.

Only the motivated ones. But even so, that blood probably isn't going to be drawn for another hour or more. If you think you're 'on the way down,' it's worth a shot.

Better yet, obviously, don't get yourself in that situation in the first place.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
not sure if serious

Are you saying discrimination is okay as long as its based on profession?

Oh, there's so much potential fun to be had with this one...
You wouldn't have any preconceived notions about, say, a street pimp?
1. Cops make a pittance. They don't do this for the money.
Yes and no. Many make huge amounts of money doing overtime.

And they often have generous retirement programs that let them retire relatively early and continue to get paid a good sum.


19. We don't do this job for the power or prestige you might think it brings. We do it because we are tired of seeing good people suffer, and we want to help and protect them from the wolves.

20. You might be tougher than me, but I will win in the long run. Believe it.

Uh huh....


Oh, there's so much potential fun to be had with this one...
You wouldn't have any preconceived notions about, say, a street pimp?

How about any preconceived notions about a black male walking down the street at 1am?

At what point does it become okay? The answer is never, even when it's a cop.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
How about any preconceived notions about a black male walking down the street at 1am?

At what point does it become okay? The answer is never, even when it's a cop.

Can you at least agree that it's less ok when it results in murder?


I once was pulled over and given breathilizer test and light in eye examination. They were cool and saw that I was not under influence and just let me go. I had come from a bar but had half a beer 2 hours prior. It was scary but they were total cool.


How about any preconceived notions about a black male walking down the street at 1am?

At what point does it become okay? The answer is never, even when it's a cop.

Black male can't take off his blackness. A cop can stop being a cop at any time. The answer is sometimes.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Black male can't take off his blackness. A cop can stop being a cop at any time.

I was just about to edit that into my last post. I guess it's too late.


Jesus, I'd hate to be a cop. I hope they're warned in training they're going to be hated and there ain't shit they can do about it.
Yeah, I don't think this is a good idea. They already have enough of an "us against them", "on the frontlines in the war against civilians" mentality as it is...
Uh huh....

Apparently you and everyone else who looks at this and says power trip don't understand what this means. The police officer is on a team, with hundreds of other cops. The perp/s is one or a few guys, the perps aren't going to win even if they best a few cops, but they still insist on making it hard on themselves.


17. We carry the job home with us. We remember the tragedies, traffic fatalities, hurt or dead babies, ruined lives, battered wives, bullied kids, suicides, and the insults. We remember.

My uncle is a detective and he got called on a homicide that made it very difficult for him to sleep or function normally for about a month, and he was an Army Ranger stationed all over the world and has killed before even becoming a cop.

Anyways some guy took a hatchet and brutally murdered his girlfriend and his roommate and the way my uncle described the little that he did to me, Jesus.

The amount of blood on the scene and the claw marks from her trying to get away.

He was fucked up for a good while and hardly ate or slept.

So yes, some cops are dicks, others are the real good guys



Some of these are definitely opinion at best and controversy at worst. This list doesn't help cast police in a better light.
You mean like regarding the Wal-Mart fake gun shooting?

"Posted by bfoti on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:29 AM Pacific Report Abuse
WTH is going on in this country? A grand jury? A FBI probe?

Jesus - John Crawford III was waving a fake gun in an occupied business and police were called. What outcome was expected? What are police suppose to do? (wait for muzzle flash before shooting)? This world is so screwed up. Glad the first part of the nightmare is over for these "white" officers and hope the feds put it to bed quickly, so the racist AP reports can stop. What does it really matter the color of skin for the man wearing the badge. I am white, and have black friends and brothers in blue. Do they care the color of skin for the man that would shoot me - nope"

This exactly what's wrong with cops, especially in dealing with minorities.

I mean, their duty is to serve and protect. Maybe police training should be changed because the shoot first ask questions later is making them look like assholes....

I mean military personal in warzones get damn orders saying don't shoot unless fired upon, why does that kind of rule not exist for police? especially when they are being supplied with military surplus weapons and equipment?

Instead of buying tanks, maybe it's time for a truly effective non-lethal weapon to be funded and developed so that only swat teams have lethal weapons.


Instead of buying tanks, maybe it's time for a truly effective non-lethal weapon to be funded and developed so that only swat teams have lethal weapons.
Hey, they don't buy those. They're hand-me-downs.

And they're mostly APC's.

And they need new ones because they don't know how to do maintenance on them.
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