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PoliGAF Jan 26 Debate/Florida Primary Topic

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The ideal situation would be to launch a rocket from the moon. This would require being able to acquire a form of energy (H-3) from the moon however. This would also dictate having a base on the moon.


Man the last two pages had me in tears. lol

I can't take some of these things seriously, but god forbid if they win I'm moving to Canada.
I don't know why you guys are hating on Newt's moon colony plan. That's the last thing to hate the guy on.
5. But his ideology is that the government can't do anything right . . . so why should they do this right?
4. It is going to become a state? Really? Newt will be dead & buried before that is ever even remotely close to being reality.
3. We could not set up a permanent moon base in less than 8 years.
2. He whines about the debt & deficit and then proposes this massive government spending program . . . in addition to having a war with Iran.
1. It it just complete horseshit that he vomited out to pander for Florida votes.
I am unironically supporting Newt Gingrich for his crazy moon plans. You know what's awesome about these plans? Gingrich has been obsessed with lunar colonies since the 80s (and probably earlier): 1986 http://news.google.com/newspapers?i...&pg=6580,5587792&dq=newt+gingrich+space&hl=en 1989:
By a two-vote margin last week, the frustrated House Republicans picked Representative Newt Gingrich of Georgia to be their new whip, the second-ranking party job. Mr. Gingrich, whose colleagues in both parties call him a partisan bomb thrower, is little known for his legislative skills: One of the few bills he has introduced was to establish procedures for admitting space colonies to statehood.


This page bespeaks the ineffable brilliance of Newt Gingrich. Only he could inspire conversations about moon colonies and space mirrors.

Florida is about to become a bit less frothy. While not exiting the race, Santorum is leaving Florida after tonight's debate. This is not terribly surprising. He already had meager resources. And he failed to attract support subsequent Iowa. Florida is a large state. It's inimical to insurgent candidates. I expect him to withdraw after next week's primary. He simply lacks the resources to compete nationally.
By Colby Itkowitz, Call Washington Bureau

5:30 p.m. EST, January 25, 2012
WASHINGTON — With little hope of performing well in Florida next week, Rick Santorum may be cutting his losses.

The Republican primary, as predicted, has become solidly a two-man contest between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Santorum is struggling to compete in a state that is much larger, much more expensive and has a more diverse electorate than the previous three contests.

The former Pennsylvania senator told reporters in Florida that he was leaving the state after Thursday night's debate and would return home to Virginia to raise money and prepare his tax records to make public, according to an NBC report. He said it was still up in the air whether he would return to Florida before Tuesday's primary.

This week has been decidedly more favorable for Romney. Now, he possess a slight advantage over Gingrich in Silver's model. Moreover, the latest survey conducted by InsiderAdvantage on Wednesday evinces a favorable trend. For what it's worth, he's now the decided favorite on Intrade to win FL. Of course, the race has proven capricious. So circumstances could change dramatically. Although, barring repeat of last week's debate, Mitt's position should improve uninterrupted.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If you check out the front page of Drudge, it hasn't been a good couple days for Gingrich at all.

First, somebody dug up a lot of quotes and instances where Gingrich flat out slammed Reagan--the same guy he keeps inferring he was great friends with and admired deeply.

Second, an old acquaintance of both wrote an article detailing how Gingrich would constantly rail against Reagan in meetings.

Finally, Gingrich admitted that he flat out lied to John King when saying that he "offered" a ton of witnesses to ABC News to corroborated Newt's story about the open marriage and that ABC didn't want them.

I REALLY hope someone brings that up at the debate, otherwise nobody will probably ever bother to check out the truth.
I'll vote for Newt if he promises to take every right wing nut and put them on the moon so we don't have to listen to their batshit insane ideas and thoughts.

But then they'd petition to become a state...we can just pretend they don't exist.

So like Texas, but in space?
If you check out the front page of Drudge, it hasn't been a good couple days for Gingrich at all.

First, somebody dug up a lot of quotes and instances where Gingrich flat out slammed Reagan--the same guy he keeps inferring he was great friends with and admired deeply.

Second, an old acquaintance of both wrote an article detailing how Gingrich would constantly rail against Reagan in meetings.

Finally, Gingrich admitted that he flat out lied to John King when saying that he "offered" a ton of witnesses to ABC News to corroborated Newt's story about the open marriage and that ABC didn't want them.

I REALLY hope someone brings that up at the debate, otherwise nobody will probably ever bother to check out the truth.

while this is true, it should be noted that Drudge is working in tandem with one of Romney's closest advisers. so whenever you see something up there blasting newt you can be sure it came from Team Romney.
The moon is under constant assault by meteoroids. There won't be a base there until we have a very advanced way of evading/shielding ourselves from them.


I am unironically supporting Newt Gingrich for his crazy moon plans. You know what's awesome about these plans? Gingrich has been obsessed with lunar colonies since the 80s (and probably earlier): 1986 http://news.google.com/newspapers?i...&pg=6580,5587792&dq=newt+gingrich+space&hl=en 1989:
Me too.
If I was in charge of the space program I would probably come up with a different plan*, but heavy investment in space exploration and especially in manned missions is a very good thing in my mind.
And it's most assuredly better than the policies we're having right now.

Edit: his idea about colonizing the moon for America is just god-awful, and I am 100% against such crap.

* for starters, all astronauts must dress like Erin Gray from Buck Rogers.


I'm going to be seeing Mr. 911 himself speak tonight. Wonder if he'll say anything on the primaries.

Has he supported anyone yet?


There's been a rash of recent polls (Rasmussen, ARG, CNN-Times) showing Romney with an edge. Pretty dramatic swing in just a few days.


Which is funny because Romney wasn't a fan of Regan either

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Cw_QUrIuQ Which really shows neither of these guys are leaders. They are beholden to whatever the mood of their party is.

The big difference is that Gingrich is heavily leaning on that era to give himself cred with conservatives.

Is the audience going to be curtailed this time? If so, no way I watch this debate.

C'mon. The audience is an essential part of the freak show. Booing a gay soldier. Calling for the death of a man with no insurance. Booing the Golden Rule. They are an important part of the circus.
C'mon. The audience is an essential part of the freak show. Booing a gay soldier. Calling for the death of a man with no insurance. Booing the Golden Rule. They are an important part of the circus.

That's what I mean. If they aren't allowed to do those things, I have no interest in watching. I want the circus.
This and the fact that not being in OT hinders visibility to new participants in the thread is making me reconsider the benifits if the community thread.
I think we'll just have to be vigilant about linking back to the the community thread in all of the spin-off threads that end up being created. Definitely preferred the old model, though, no question about that.
Interesting but you've got to have balls of steel to research this area. Well . . . probably not quite so controversial outside the USA as done here.

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.

"Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said.

"They've pulled off the trifecta of controversial topics," said Brian Nosek, a social and cognitive psychologist at the University of Virginia who was not involved in the study. "When one selects intelligence, political ideology and racism and looks at any of the relationships between those three variables, it's bound to upset somebody."


Interesting but you've got to have balls of steel to research this area. Well . . . probably not quite so controversial outside the USA as done here.


After reading it - it seems more appropriate to say that extremism or fundamentalism (in any ideology, religion, or political belief) can be traced to lower IQ and/or prejudice.

The biggest reasons why it seems much more aligned with conservatism is simply because conservative fundamentalism has been on the rise every where.
All of this moon talk reminds me of an awesome project I did for school during my senior year. It was called the Lunar Regolith Mining Competition and we basically had to design a semi-autonomous robot that could scoop up regolith-like material (fake moon dust) and transport it. The idea was that a device like this could be used to transport regolith on the moon to a small processing facility where oxygen could be separated out from the rest of the material and used to sustain human life.

The project was done through NASA and took place at the Kennedy Space Center. The NASA guys we talked to were pretty serious about placing a colony on the moon by 2020 but that was right before they lost all their funding. Still, it was an awesome experience.

The best part was the banquet afterwards:


Dat Saturn V. This picture hardly does justice to the scale of that beast.

Sorry for going so off-topic but it isn't every day you get an opportunity to talk about this kind of stuff. I think it's incredibly interesting but at the same time I don't see how it can be justified in terms of funding.

Side note: the only award we won in the competition was "most destructive design" because our robot burst into flames at one point. :(
All of this moon talk reminds me of an awesome project I did for school during my senior year. It was called the Lunar Regolith Mining Competition and we basically had to design a semi-autonomous robot that could scoop up regolith-like material (fake moon dust) and transport it. The idea was that a device like this could be used to transport regolith on the moon to a small processing facility where oxygen could be separated out from the rest of the material and used to sustain human life.

The project was done through NASA and took place at the Kennedy Space Center. The NASA guys we talked to were pretty serious about placing a colony on the moon by 2020 but that was right before they lost all their funding. Still, it was an awesome experience.

The best part was the banquet afterwards:


Dat Saturn V. This picture hardly does justice to the scale of that beast.

Sorry for going so off-topic but it isn't every day you get an opportunity to talk about this kind of stuff. I think it's incredibly interesting but at the same time I don't see how it can be justified in terms of funding.

Side note: the only award we won in the competition was "most destructive design" because our robot burst into flames at one point. :(

Lol like a boss. sounds pretty amazing
Doing anything to bring up his poll numbers.

Worked on me. I went from 0% support of Gingrich to 1% support of him. Any increase in attention/money spent on space gets auto support.

If I magically became benevolent dictator of the US, the entire defense budget would be shifted to a space budget.

(Ok, only like 90% of the defense budget).
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