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Problems with XBL - WTF is this?


I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt over the xmas/new years holidays due to the likelyhood that a boatload of new people were coming online with their new xmas presents.
This shit should be fixed now though, or by the end of the week. It is getting stupid now. Even the web interface for Live has been slow as shit.


The thing I don't understand is why none of the gaming press has jumped all over Microsoft for these issues they have been having.
tak said:
The thing I don't understand is why none of the gaming press has jumped all over Microsoft for these issues they have been having.

a) Because they're not keeping it a secret
b) They plan on reimbursing people
c) They've admitted it's because of Christmas volume

Those would probably answer any questions.
LOL everything is working fine for me, except one thing. None of the ads are loading. Not a single one. A blessing I guess. Ad free for a night!


Zack-Morris said:
I had the same thoughts. Moneyhats perhaps?

Well I'm in the middle of writing a piece on the subject. I'll link you guys if you're interested (when it's done, that is)


y'all should be ashamed
BenjaminBirdie said:
a) Because they're not keeping it a secret
b) They plan on reimbursing people
c) They've admitted it's because of Christmas volume

Those would probably answer any questions.

Actually it's because a lot of gaming sites have been on holiday break. Many haven't updated past the awards of 2007.
chubigans said:
Actually it's because a lot of gaming sites have been on holiday break. Many haven't updated past the awards of 2007.

Well, as long as it's not moneyhats then. Otherwise the news might get out that the Christmas volume on XBL has completely frazzled the network.


Subconscious Brolonging
It's popped up on most of the blogs. I think it's a fairly big story since XBL shit out for nearly a week at the most crucial time of the year.
Zack-Morris said:
Right you are. Sorry man. I'm home from work sick, and a bit loopy. Sure would be nice if I could play some 360.

Nah, me too. I haven't checked in a while but I've really been getting back into the old Halo. And you know how much I like buying shit on XBLM. And it's nigh-impossible these days.

We're all feeling the crunch.

BenjaminBirdie said:
Nah, me too. I haven't checked in a while but I've really been getting back into the old Halo. And you know how much I like buying shit on XBLM. And it's nigh-impossible these days.

We're all feeling the crunch.


What kills me is the lack of being able to stream movies to my box. I've had a nice backlog of ripped Netflix to catch up on, and now that I'm sick I wanted to work through some.


It's working fine expect for the marketplace. It's taking its time loading that. Apart from that, everything is working alright.
TaKeRx said:
It's working fine expect for the marketplace. It's taking its time loading that. Apart from that, everything is working alright.

For you perhaps. Just checked mine. I'm still dead in the water.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
I have asked Microsoft about this. Their PR, however, said there'll be no announcement today. My guess is they're working out their response now.
eXxy said:
I have asked Microsoft about this. Their PR, however, said there'll be no announcement today. My guess is they're working out their response now.

Please, you expect us to believe your hat isn't now lined with monies?


As far as I'm concerned there are intermittent and on going issues still. From long loading of blade info to incomplete or even unavailable lists of available online matches in some games. Also glitches in live causing complete system freezes in the middle of certain actions.

Live is most likely under some kind of attack, and it seems M$ is unable to stop it.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
The first time I actually want to utilize Live in the last two weeks (MS3 demo), it won't let me log on to the service. I can't wait to not re-up.


FightyF said:
That is completely wrong, it pays for costs involved in running the service. There are obvious things like servers required for all the content, but also things like messaging, requests, and all that stuff is also handled by their servers. Sorry if I sound harsh, but that is totally not true.

And that's why steam and PSN are completely free and do the exact(In steams case more) than live does.


eXxy said:
I have asked Microsoft about this. Their PR, however, said there'll be no announcement today. My guess is they're working out their response now.


I hope you were polite!


mik is unbeatable
I also asked Microsoft about this. They also didn't tell me a goddamn thing. I didn't get paid for that amazing discovery, however.


I'm not really having any problems when I'm in-game. But the fucking menus pregame and after are slow as hell. And anytime the game or server needs to access my HDD it takes forever, I dunno what the fuck is up with that.


Beavertown said:
I'm not really having any problems when I'm in-game. But the fucking menus pregame and after are slow as hell. And anytime the game or server needs to access my HDD it takes forever, I dunno what the fuck is up with that.
I believe Live is, to be technical, "borked".
I understand that technical problems happen and there is no way around that, but this is just getting ridiculous now. Major Nelson has said that the Xbox Live team has been working around the clock on the issue but it has been close to two weeks without improvement for me.

Please Microsoft get this shit under control. You have billions of dollars so upgrade what needs to be upgraded already!

I hope the response is "We are releasing and update to fix the DRM so the next time this happens and you want to play your XBLA games or games you downloaded content with you're not fucked."

A man can dream...


y'all should be ashamed
I do honestly think MS is going to come through with a nice reimbursement for Gold users. Not a refund or anything, but maybe a free download or 500 MS points or something.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
chubigans said:
I do honestly think MS is going to come through with a nice reimbursement for Gold users. Not a refund or anything, but maybe a free download or 500 MS points or something.

"Hey, here's some points to buy a game that incidentally you couldn't have been playing anyway since our service doesn't allow it!"

I'm sure they'll give a free week of Live or some such. I'm just wondering how many repeated kicks to the balls 360 owners can take before giving up entirely. I know I've exceeded my own pain threshold.


chubigans said:
I do honestly think MS is going to come through with a nice reimbursement for Gold users. Not a refund or anything, but maybe a free download or 500 MS points or something.

With the 2 years' worth of game saves I lost thanks to the gamertag recovery nonsense, it would take something like a years' worth of MS first party games to get me to buy another Microsoft console.

It's like Nintendo sent Golgo 13 into my house in 1989 to systematically put every battery backed up cartridge into my NES, and remove every single one of my saves. And as a bonus, take my notebook with all my written down codes from Kid Icarus, Metroid, etc. and just run it through a shredder. Then, burn the shredded paper, and for a GRAND FINALE piss on the ashes.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I was able to log on and play COD4 for about 2.5 hours with a few moments of connection issues but all in all it was fine. There still seems to be some issues with the dashboard and XBL but it is better than it was earlier today.
Cheech said:
With the 2 years' worth of game saves I lost thanks to the gamertag recovery nonsense, it would take something like a years' worth of MS first party games to get me to buy another Microsoft console.

It's like Nintendo sent Golgo 13 into my house in 1989 to systematically put every battery backed up cartridge into my NES, and remove every single one of my saves. And as a bonus, take my notebook with all my written down codes from Kid Icarus, Metroid, etc. and just run it through a shredder. Then, burn the shredded paper, and for a GRAND FINALE piss on the ashes.

Cheech, that was both beautiful and elegant. I love the use of analogies, and I'm not being sarcastic!


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
ElectricBlue187 said:
seriously? was this recently? can I still partake in the free Carcassonne goodness?

no. it was free for 2 days when live was 5ive

Luckily I recovered my gamertag okay this morning. it was a thriller, thought that bar'd never reach the end


I've had a few issues with Ace Combat 6 acting funky and not being able to join rooms and such. How does an influx of new users affect a P2P service though?


BenjaminBirdie said:
a) Because they're not keeping it a secret
b) They plan on reimbursing people
c) They've admitted it's because of Christmas volume

Those would probably answer any questions.

Where was it that they actually admitted it was Xmas volume?


MS killed quite a few potential 360 purchases in my circle of friends and family. The performance of the console the last few days has been abysmal, to say the least.

It's very annoying if every fifth button press results in a generic Live error. At least my Geometry wars and Puzzle Quest purchases only took three tries each. Cannot wait for GW Galaxies though.

I'm not angry at MS or anything, I just... well, the timing was pretty spot-on. The last week was the single time where my friends and family were actually interested in the 360, and not only did it fail, it failed spectacularly. Beautifully. The only thing it didn't do is catch on fire or RROD, but who knows, maybe it wanted to leave that to the day Rez is released.

I had a bunch of friends over for the last two days of the year, a little premature (and prolonged) New Years Eve because I'd spend that with family.

I have quite a few movies, but my friends know them inside-out by now, so we rely on rentals. The whole shebang was a last-minute chaotic idea. Thing is, the rental place was closed. No surprise there, and hopefully no problem, I thought: there's always the MS video store and my new christmas gifts (Pans Labyrith and some Bud Spencer&Terrence Hill movies).

I mean, 300 in HD for 100 MS points is an amazing deal (wtf at the SD version being nearly 4 times as expensive though).

Yyyyeah. Didn't happen. I could barely access the 360 core functionality, much less download the movie... we ended up doing some weird flash drive juggling since my Video-out capable PC is broken and my friends' NTFS formatted external HDD could not be read by the 360. So copy files from NTFS drive to flash drive (slow PC, sloooooooow USB/flash/HDD), plug it into the 'box, pray that sound/video works, watch, repeat.
Very clunky.

Even the Games didn't want to cooperate. Halo 3 crashed when someone pushed the guide button at an apparently unopportune time. Couple that with the hardrive spinning symbol of doom on every fucking blade and you can maybe see why all of my friends now pretty much laugh in my face whenever I mention my 360. Can't say I can blame them, from what they've experienced the 360 is a horribly broken mess.

Somewhat happy ending: ~30 hours later it finally finished downloading the blasted thing. I took my drive to my family and wanted to watch it on their 360. Hope springs eternal! Just recover the gamertag and watch the movie, right? Well fuck that too. Recovering the gamertag turned out to be a slow, ugly, and extremely annoying process that took all of two days of repeated attempts. Stupid fucking Error 786532795429875497265129754923412539752318265324654287 or whatever, every fucking time. Best thing is that it wouldn't let me use the stored login since the very first failed unfinished recovery apparently killed off the gamertag for good.

Nonetheless, we got to see the freaking movie. Tonight we dine in hell and all that.

Obligatory pants explodification:
Puzzle Quest so good.
Can't stop playing.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Yeah just stopped CoD4, because i cant fucking play 2minutes. I cant even get on with friends on a party.



Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

all over Xbox.com also when trying to sign in. Grrr..
It's still pretty hosed here for me as well. I'm still waiting for MS's "official announcement" on the issues, although I expect the usual PR crap.


Console Market Analyst
Well, matchmaking almost worked just now in Halo 3. Trying to play some multiteam with my brother, but got kicked (along with several other players just as the match started). Now I'm listening to his play-by-play on the sidelines. Only one team managed to stay together.

Fantastic service we got here.
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