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Prototype of cancelled ''Mega Bloks Halo'' Game surfaces (basically ''LEGO Halo'')

Ronin Ray

It looks absolutely nothing like anything made from blocks but I totally love the style anyway. Looks like a fun TPS Halo game like Jet Force Gemini, as I saw someone else say. I love third-person shooters but I feel like there aren't many "fun" ones anymore outside of Ratchet & Clank, everything I can think of is serious or gritty like Gears, even though Uncharted has lots of humor and adventure it's not quite the same as something like JFG. I'd love someone to correct me though if I'm wrong!

Yeah man I love it when I build a model and the parts don't stay connected and it keeps falling apart too, so awesome.

Also it's Lego, not Legos. Heathen! *throws sand*

Sunset overdrive is the game you need . Also made by the same studio as rachet and clank


Let me clear something up, since I see this being mentioned elsewhere. N-Space was the one that won the contract for this game. They were one of many that pitched for the game, but their team was the one that got the contract from everything that I know and have heard even since this video came out, while these other devs did not.





Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
That looked so good from a visual and gameplay point of view. Very charming. Why would it not see the liggt of day?


Totally my kind of game. A Halo platformer. Why oh why was it cancelled!? Not brown enough?

Would have made a nice digital title, episodic perhaps.


Even when they got a decent budget and decent development time, their titles weren't too hot (Geist, Heroes of Ruin).
Do you personally know how steady their funding was from Nintendo and Square Enix, their staff's compitency and former employment history, what key personel they lost and gained over the years, and what the developer publisher relationships were like at each phase of prodution?

I don't think anyone here short of a former employee can really speak to their development conditions and what impact those had on the final games, positive or negative. All I can say is from what we've seen, n-Space did appear capable of delivering on this core concept for Microsoft.

Mid-tier, work for hire, game development studios rarely get the opertunity to convince the gaming world that they are capable of handling an IP like this. Public perception of the company's history is not always indicative of the what the team can do and will produce. Double Helix's transition from the Battleship movie tie in game to Killer Instinct is a perfect example.


So, future episode of Unseen64?

I talk to all of those. But basically what I do is a bit more on top of it, because my goal is to be able to preserve builds and other things. I know Liam wants to do another video on this, but so far the developers have been unwilling to talk so there's not really anything else to show.


Between this and the cancelled Halo DS, how many cancelled Halo games ARE THERE?

The MMO is one of the other big ones that had serious dev time. Theres a few other possible things too...

But to be fair, Halo DS was a pitch that wasn't picked up. This is much more than that.
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