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Respawn details Titanfall 2 changes due to feedback (Speed, Titan acquisition, more)

Yeah... This year seems to be the year of overreacting extremely fast before giving devs a chance to explain. My brain goes towards the No Man's Sky/FFXV delays and this tech test. I mean I know many gamers have an unhealthy amount of entitlement but this year seems unrivaled

The devs explained themselves fine in his scenario. Folks didn't agree with the decisions. They complained, now some of those decisions are being adjusted. Also, saying you're not supporting a product that doesn't meet with your preferences isn't entitlement. The "everyone is entitled" shit needs to stop.


Love the changes, but the bot issue is still a deal breaker for me. Sorry Respawn, unless that's addressed, I'm out.
TTK is my main gripe. Hope they increase it a bit so there's the possibility of escaping an assault.

Yep, I hate the "whoever sees the other guy first wins" in close to mid range gun fights. It's so COD. Engagements should be engaging. All that crazy mobility and it doesn't matter worth a shit if you can't escape enemy fire.


i hate to be a downer about them listening to feedback but i just think its not for me from a fundamental point now. You still dont have the bots, the passive gain every second is nice but i HIGHLY doubt its at TF1 levels, the maps shown, if they are an indication of the others, are awful. theres other issues too. titan shields for instance. TTK.

from a design perspective, judging by the comments made by the game director (director?), just makes me think they arent making the titanfall sequel i wanted

Let's be honest. They used Microsoft's Azure servers to run the AI for the grunts on Titanfall1. I'm pretty sure Sony did not want anything related to MS servers being used on it's system. I think this is why grunts may have been scaled back for some modes, but hey, I could be 100% wrong and probably am.
They state that they wanted to avoid people getting shot in the back, which says to me that they'd rather have people static and safely camping than require players to always be moving quickly and looking for targets in every direction (why I loved Titanfall 1).

Still don't think Titanfall 2 is going to be for me. After reading the arguments for why they went with this new design in the Fukuda interview thread, I understand that they wanted a new, wider audience. I'm just not a part of that audience.

These changes should get a lot of players excited again. I'm curious if it's too little too late though- I don't think the majority of the Weekend 1 players are reading all these updates from Respawn, and may have already turned their back on the game.


Oh yeah, smoke. haha. so few people equip that in PUG matches that i sometimes forget about it. It's still something that any decent pilot can get away from quickly.
I'm well aware. The point isn't to kill the pilot, it's to get them off and allow you time to escape.


Yep, I hate the "whoever sees the other guy first wins" in close to mid range gun fights. It's so COD. Engagements should be engaging. All that crazy mobility and it doesn't matter worth a shit if you can't escape enemy fire.
I hate it to but i think the TTK in this tech test had a lot to do these aspects rather than actual bullet damage

  • Maps being too open and spawn campy
  • Players glowing bright red
  • Tacticals like stim not replenishing fast enough or upon death
  • Health regenerating slower
  • Everyone getting an amped weapon multiple times per match

The gunplay itself is absolutely amazing and i think better than the original game.

Let's be honest. They used Microsoft's Azure servers to run the AI for the grunts on Titanfall1. I'm pretty sure Sony did not want anything related to MS servers being used on it's system. I think this is why grunts may have been scaled back for some modes, but hey, I could be 100% wrong and probably am.

Yeah, you're wrong i think because they're still using azure, plus a multitude of other servers. Maybe the upgraded graphics and everything else is too much for the engine to handle? Not sure on this one.

I'm well aware. The point isn't to kill the pilot, it's to get them off and allow you time to escape.
Then essentially this is exactly what they implemented with the new rodeo. It kicks the pilot off you every time, giving you a chance rather than forcing you to get out of your titan every time you don't have cluster or smoke.
I hope they can turn around all the negativity from this weekend. Some people will be bound and determined to hate the game but they're making a great effort to listen to the players.


Bravo Respawn. Just keep listening and all will go well. I enjoyed the TF2 trial but it certainly needed some tweaks, so great you're listening.
Yeah... This year seems to be the year of overreacting extremely fast before giving devs a chance to explain. My brain goes towards the No Man's Sky/FFXV delays and this tech test. I mean I know many gamers have an unhealthy amount of entitlement but this year seems unrivaled

This is the internet it has always been this way.

Judge first, observe later. Knee jerk reactions and hyperbole.

Saying "let's wait and see" makes you an apologist or the enemy.


Good for them on listening, but they blew their chance for me anyways as far as a purchase this year is concerned. I'll keep my eye on it, though, and hope they continue to refine this into a proper sequel to one of he best shooters in recent years.


The probability that this statement is very accurate is quite high.

Not really, Azure servers are open for anybody to use. Not sure if the AI works on other solutions though.
Perhaps Respawn only want to pay for dedicated servers but not servers for AI.
I hate it to but i think the TTK in this tech test had a lot to do these aspects rather than actual bullet damage

  • Maps being too open and spawn campy
  • Players glowing bright red
  • Tacticals like stim not replenishing fast enough or upon death
  • Health regenerating slower
  • Everyone getting an amped weapon multiple times per match

The gunplay itself is absolutely amazing and i think better than the original game.

Maps can't be change much now though, kill times can. The other stuff you mentioned may affect it slightly, but not enough to make a big difference. Except maybe amped weapons, I think the amped weapon kill times should be what the standard kill times are now, and the standard kill times should be changed to Titanfall 1's kill times were. It took at least 2 or 3 more auto weapon shots to take a dude down (disregarding head shots).

And yes, the gunplay is really good.


This is the internet it has always been this way.

Judge first, observe later. Knee jerk reactions and hyperbole.

Saying "let's wait and see" makes you an apologist or the enemy.

I mean should you just wait and see if you notice there's something that could perhaps be fixed in a general sense? I don't get why some of the comments are saying like everyone should have been silent and just waited to see how the game was at release. Part of the beta was to get feedback after all.
Let's be honest. They used Microsoft's Azure servers to run the AI for the grunts on Titanfall1. I'm pretty sure Sony did not want anything related to MS servers being used on it's system. I think this is why grunts may have been scaled back for some modes, but hey, I could be 100% wrong and probably am.

Granted I have 0 idea about the mechanisms they used for the AI but nothing they did in TF1 gave me any indication that they would require some sort of amazing server architecture or power of the cloud.

I have to say I love this kind of feedback. The firehose of comments can be intimidating and harmful but when it works we can create a product that works for both the devs/publishers and the consumer. We all want the same thing.
Can't wait for the assholes on my team to just ignore objectives and hide until they get a titan.

That was one change i could have done without.


Titanfall 1's kill times were. It took at least 2 or 3 more auto weapon shots to take a dude down (disregarding head shots).

And yes, the gunplay is really good.
It's really about the same. Player models were harder to hit in the original game though, and the movement visuals less fluid and more jarring. Hit detection and netcode were also far worse in the original compared to what i experienced in the tech test.

Can't wait for the assholes on my team to just ignore objectives and hide until they get a titan.

That was one change i could have done without.
They aren't bringing back the old timer, they're just adding a slight timer boost to the current meter. I agree with you though, the titan timer was stupid. People complaining about that are just.... they just don't know what they're asking for.


I hope they can turn around all the negativity from this weekend. Some people will be bound and determined to hate the game but they're making a great effort to listen to the players.

1. They're adults, they can take it.
2. People have every right to vocally complain when a sequel makes changes that ruin what they liked about the last game.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
My biggest issues are the games maps and movement not supporting the tf1 gameplay I love. Sounds like they'll be tweaking movement, which shouldn't be too difficult to correct and are claiming there are more tf1 style maps, which I'm much much much more wary of. Not sure how this will turn out, but I'm a bit more hopeful than before. At least they are listening and trying to respond. Hope there's enough time and it isn't just talk.


I like these changes. There are some things that aren't going to be changed though. They want this game to sell MUCH more with a much higher ASP than the previous entry(install base will help with that), so there are going to be some changes that lean more toward the market leaders. This is a similar situation to how BF2's successors changed and the fanbase was upset at the time(some still are). I really hope that the game leans more toward the first than has been shown so far, and they keep quickly responding to fan feedback, because although they want to capture a wider market, that doesn't matter as much if you can't still offer enough for your hardcore base.


I think they replaced it with the battery system, you have to collect batteries and recharge your titan's shield.

I'm ok with this

I mentioned it earlier, but when you think about it it doesn't make sense.

Your Titan drops with no shield.
An enemy pilot takes your battery.
You kill the pilot.
You pick up the battery and place it back in your Titan.
You suddenly have a shield.
TTK is my main gripe. Hope they increase it a bit so there's the possibility of escaping an assault.

Yeah. This may just be because of the stupidly OP amped weapon that everyone has (and will be) using. They need to change how it works asap.

In general, I hope weapons are tuned better. I want to believe that map 3 of the alpha is good enough to allow for movement to escape opponents.

Plus, all the speed changes sound promising. Homestead is just a terrible map to make an impression on. It could be great for LTS though.

Also, I really hope we see some kind of bomb mode :p

I love Demolition in COD, and dont murder me for the COD comparison, but that kind of mode would be awesome in TF I think


With removing bots and attrition, it's obvious they want to separate themselves from the first game rather than build upon it.

I'm honestly waiting for the devs to go full Don Mattrick and say "if you don't like all the changes, we have a great product for you called Titanfall 1."
I mentioned it earlier, but when you think about it it doesn't make sense.

Your Titan drops with no shield.
An enemy pilot takes your battery.
You kill the pilot.
You pick up the battery and place it back in your Titan.
You suddenly have a shield.

This is something that really needs to be addressed. It's why people want to start with a shield, and have batteries affect shields.
Those changes address many of my concerns, however I think I still will hold off on any preorder or day 1 purchases until I see them in action (still do not like the new rodeo system and low TTK with amped).

Anyone think that changes like this could lead them to delaying the game?


Press - MP1st.com
Is the new changes gonna be available on the next beta?

They said "some" but didn't specify which ones.

They still need to fix the Titans. They're useless against pilots and they need custom loadouts back.

Really? I was melting Pilots with Ion's laser (R1) repeatedly. For Scorch, I tended to use the primary to blanket hit the Pilot that was harassing me.

Also, when someone's about to rodeo you, just hit the melee and you'll squish him like a bug. I did that a bunch of times and it worked. If they're already on me, I just jump out, shoot them while they're taking the battery.

I had matches where I had literally one Titan for the entire duration since I kept collecting batteries.
Yep, I hate the "whoever sees the other guy first wins" in close to mid range gun fights. It's so COD. Engagements should be engaging. All that crazy mobility and it doesn't matter worth a shit if you can't escape enemy fire.

Am I dreaming? I thought that, outside of amped weapons, TTK was exactly the same.
That's actually not true. Given two equally skilled players the pilot has an advantage. I tell you this because in PUG matches you are fucked if a teammate doesn't help you. You don't have time to get out of your Titan like you can in a public match, people are smarter, you aren't going to just turn around and shoot the guy off your Titan. If you get rodeod by a stealth+lmg pilot you're as good as done without cluster immediately available.

Smoke+wall and look up. Or jump out and toss C4 straight back, the explosive range nailed the pilot just about every time. Or you could not be an idiot walking around in the Titan by yourself.

You keep saying PUG like everyone played big tournament and had optimal loadouts that lacked smoke and cluster, but Smoke was the most common thing for Titans to have on PC. So much so that a common tactic was to leapfrog off the Titan in the hopes that the noise of you landing on the mech would trick the occupant to pop smoke early.

Though, as others have observed, arguing with you in these threads is a fool's errand.


Metroid has some stiff competition for the whiniest fanbase...
Just sayin. The sense of entitlement is insane.

All of these changes sound great, and I'm glad to see that Respawn is paying attention to fan feedback, especially in regard to the speed of play and titan acquisition. I had a good feeling that the maps we *didn't* see in the tech test would provide a lot of the variety we were craving. How about we make it easier for them to fine-tune the game by not forcing them to wade through waves of shit-posting to get to the actual constructive criticism and possible suggestions for improvement?
Like swolbro said, it could be other factors like more open maps or slower mobility making me think that. But look at my avatar, I'm obviously partial to longer kill times ;)

Well then there's your problem :)

I've been playing Destiny so while I'm now more used to that style of engagement I was quite happy with Titanfall 2. In fact, I was extremely happy that enemy players now have a visible health bar. Surprised nobody has really complained about that.
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