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Rocket League |OT2| I'd Rather Watch The EUROS Than Play


Gold 2 Div 4 in doubles. Do I have a chance to get plat this season?

I mainly solo queue because I don't have any xbox friends that consistently play at my level
Does everybody have on/off days like I do? I'm relatively consistent, but some days I just whiff repeatedly and lose a bunch. I usually switch to something else when that happens, but I don't know what it is with this game that every once in a while I just have a brutal day.


Does everybody have on/off days like I do? I'm relatively consistent, but some days I just whiff repeatedly and lose a bunch. I usually switch to something else when that happens, but I don't know what it is with this game that every once in a while I just have a brutal day.

Oh yeah. I think I'm in an off streak but I have been lucky with good teammates.


Gold 2 Div 4 in doubles. Do I have a chance to get plat this season?

definitely, the only thing that's stopping you is the matchmaking though. skill wise it is no problem.

haven't played s4 on the pc so decided to do my placements and boy is it smooth, like powerdrift 180 to challenge a ball I would always overdrift on console but on PC it's not a problem at all, I always hit the ball or up on the wall and toggle ball cam is so much smoother wow, don't remember it being like that.
So I just lost a match 14-2 because I wouldn't forfeit at 3-1 so my "teammate" decided to play against me. Fun.

Spoiler: I scored both goals and had 4 saves at 3-1 and teammate had 10 points.


So I just lost a match 14-2 because I wouldn't forfeit at 3-1 so my "teammate" decided to play against me. Fun.

Spoiler: I scored both goals and had 4 saves at 3-1 and teammate had 10 points.

which rank? I hate those tryhards. 0:2 down within first 30s, 3rd guy flips on his back and does nothing, ironically we played better without him, at ~2:00 with still 0:2 he decides to come back and fucking plays against us. idk get those people.

Been playing like crap with my Mantis the last few days and missing everything. Switched back to OG Octane and within less than 30 seconds I'm well underway with one of the best passes I've had for a long ass time.


ahh so close to scoring that yourself :)


pre proper rotation rl is just jank. It's why I only play solo standard for ballchasey mechanical practice-- because with no rotation, you're legit better over 2v3'ing with a guy goalcamping- the rotation will be twice as solid and less overcommital

trash advice but also very true.
I think my general MMR is now higher than my actual ranks as I'm getting consistently better players in casual than at Platinum division atm. Never seen that before until the last few days.

ahh so close to scoring that yourself :)

Won't lie, I piece of me died a little when I saw it wasn't gonna line up for the finish and had to opt to stop it instead.

pre proper rotation rl is just jank. It's why I only play solo standard for ballchasey mechanical practice-- because with no rotation, you're legit better over 2v3'ing with a guy goalcamping- the rotation will be twice as solid and less overcommital

trash advice but also very true.

I sort of get what you mean. I've been trying to get better at rotation, and whilst I often fall back for the far boost just as a precautionary on too many plays seeing somebody literally sit in the net the whole time you know the result if you try to play like normal. Every time you'd assume your team mate is there, they're not.

But that said I spend most of my time in casual so it's pretty common to see for me.
meanwhile i just use ranked 2s to practice prejump passes with my gc friends on their smurfs

and this is how i fall from champ 1-4 soloqueued to mid diamond 3 over 2 sittings :p


these are so satisfying every time idk why

played 2hr

all im getting is montage shots WEW




I need to get the hang of flicking like that. Like, I can do the flick, but I don't do it fast enough a lot of the time and get in too close. Powershots have been improving up nicely though. I can get a strange amount of power at low speeds with low boost since learning flicks.


Any advice how to deal with super agressive people in 1v1? Especially when they are agressive while in defence. I'm getting pretty solid in dribbling, but 90% of people I come up against are immediately going for the ball, I barely have time to settle it on the roof and they are already going for the dunk.


this game... dropped to gold 1 and I can't get out, I'm so triggered. Gameplay is so slow, they don't know how to hit the ball hard, they just try to hit the ball no matter what and I'm being constantly escorted by my own teammate. cherry is that they can't score on an open goal and I get scored on with a double tap off the wall .

Ironically if the 3rd guy ragequits it's a much better game, we take turns, gameplay is much faster.

watching euro qualifiers then back again climbing out of that hellhole.


Goddamn I love this game so much. I felt bad playing it for free (PS+) so I bought 10 keys to open some crates. I don't give a shit about decals and stuff but Psyonix deserves some of my monies.

I'm still terrible at the game though, forever silver.


I need to get the hang of flicking like that. Like, I can do the flick, but I don't do it fast enough a lot of the time and get in too close. Powershots have been improving up nicely though. I can get a strange amount of power at low speeds with low boost since learning flicks.

Idk, a lot of top 100 can't flick like that. It's nonessential and moreso preference.


this game... dropped to gold 1 and I can't get out, I'm so triggered. Gameplay is so slow, they don't know how to hit the ball hard, they just try to hit the ball no matter what and I'm being constantly escorted by my own teammate. cherry is that they can't score on an open goal and I get scored on with a double tap off the wall .

Ironically if the 3rd guy ragequits it's a much better game, we take turns, gameplay is much faster.

watching euro qualifiers then back again climbing out of that hellhole.
I've noticed it as well.. some opponents team play better after one of them leaves. both that, and the other team starts playing worse because they think they got it

related tsome days ago I've done something I'm not actually proud of, but I was so pissed...3vs3, we're up 2:0 when one of the opponents leaves; one of the two other opponents goes against our net, both the two mates literally avoid the ball. shortly after, one of the mates makes an incredibly stupid aerial own goal.
I left. I couldn't have handled defeat, not like this, hopefully the opponents won


Yeah I can't do it as precisely. I just seem to try the flick too let and end up being contested.

you aren't controlling the ball fast enough perhaps...that or you're not able to read when you have to flick, or youre trying some tornado flick or such when you need to get an awful flick off just to beat the early challenge (in>>style)

in theory
don't ask me i'm bad at this in 1s lol
you aren't controlling the ball fast enough perhaps...that or you're not able to read when you have to flick, or youre trying some tornado flick or such when you need to get an awful flick off just to beat the early challenge (in>>style)

in theory
don't ask me i'm bad at this in 1s lol

It's probably a mix of the first two to be honest. I sometimes end up with more bounce than I want and I'm definitely having trouble gauging when to flick. Guess it will come with time but I should probably break off from 3's to work on it.


Yo Mantis is legit the best looking car in the game. I feel I play better now just because it looks so fucking slick.

I really want a firefly boost - like just soft bulbs of yellow spherical light that Drift like fireflies at night.

An exploit has been discovered where people are duping keys that are tradeable and able to open crates. These keys and contents gained from them can be removed with a hot fix. Psyonix knows about the exploit and how to replicate it.

It is advised to stop trading till this passes.

Seen this on discord and Reddit.


fuck. Hopefully my mantis and xenosplash i traded 3 keys and some crates for are legit :(

also just wrapped up placement matches for doubles and made it to gold 1.

I guess I can fuck around in solo standard and not have a stroke from salt.


It's probably a mix of the first two to be honest. I sometimes end up with more bounce than I want and I'm definitely having trouble gauging when to flick. Guess it will come with time but I should probably break off from 3's to work on it.

could also be bad boost management- can't get mad about not scoring on a guy with 100 boost, your real goal there should be to steal his boost and f him over afterwards, or bait him into thinking you have none.



An exploit has been discovered where people are duping keys that are tradeable and able to open crates. These keys and contents gained from them can be removed with a hot fix. Psyonix knows about the exploit and how to replicate it.

It is advised to stop trading till this passes.

Seen this on discord and Reddit.
Thanks for the update!
Another update straight from the devs.

Psyonix has received reports of this issue. This was confirmed in Dirk's response to prof, seen
There were rumors going around from traders that this has been happening for the past week
Posts have been made claiming to know how to do it.
What this means
This rumor is nothing more than that.
There is no evidence for any of the claims in that thread.
Official Word from Psyonix employee Dirkened: You can read my post there, but I'll just reiterate what I posted anyways. We have no reason to believe that this program is legitimate, but we will be thorough and make sure that there's no proof behind this program.

So for now it seems like a rumor. I'm gonna hold of a few days anyway.


hope it's just rumors.

got to Gold in 3s solo.

Man, I just had to play ranked. I'd play, lose two matches and just rage quit. Stick it out and I win a few in a row, lose one, keep winning and rank up.

That, or ranking up is a lot faster now - or at least faster in these lower brackets.


In platinum 1/2 it's still better to play safe, I'm havinv much better results. Yesterday I won a 3vs3 game standing most of the time in the net, with two counterattacks, I brought the ball straight from my net to the other. 2:1

I'd like to play a "better looking" style of play but, at least at those levels, it doesn't pay off. maybe at higher levels it does(if the opponents aren't too advanced)

master Sarri I've failed you
I can't get much passed 2 bar silver in Solo Standard, and I've been grindin hard lately. And I'm definitely a safe player who tries to wait for good opportunities, I just suck.


There are obviously a lot of nice ppl out there. But man is this game filled with some huge pieces of shit, cry babies, and assholes. Worse than any online game ive played.
There are obviously a lot of nice ppl out there. But man is this game filled with some huge pieces of shit, cry babies, and assholes. Worse than any online game ive played.

I feel it's pretty uniform with most other competitive online games I've played but yea, rocket league has its fair share of douche bags. What's annoying is sometimes I can be really in focus and the opposition starts to talk shit and it rattles me. I feel that if someone is being toxic in chat its best to just ignore them completely and focus on your game.
I feel it's pretty uniform with most other competitive online games I've played but yea, rocket league has its fair share of douche bags. What's annoying is sometimes I can be really in focus and the opposition starts to talk shit and it rattles me. I feel that if someone is being toxic in chat its best to just ignore them completely and focus on your game.

When people talk trash it's incredibly annoying, but on the other hand it feels so good when somebody repeatedly gives you the ol' "What a save!" or "Nice shot" if you mess up, and then you beat their ass.


Man, there's a level for me when I've had between 2 and 6 beers that I'm just in my "A-game". Before or after that number of beers, it's over though.

I bought all the DLC offered on the Bundle Stars sale, and tried out some new vehicles. I think I finally found my archetype that I do the best with, with the Triton. everything just feels right with it.

Which other cars follow that same archetype btw? Is there a chart anywhere that shows that type of thing?
So I was playing 2s a few days ago and finally, finally, broke out of Diamond II for the first time and hit Diamond III. Even with that I didn't think my goal of hitting Champ this season was very possible. However, that night I played some more with a friend and went on an improbable run, culminating with a promotion to Champ! I don't think I quite deserve this rank and I'm sure I'll drop soon but man it feels good to hit that rank before the end of S4. :)

Maybe I should spend the rest of S4 beating some of the games that have accumulated due to my RL addiction...
lol who am I kidding
PC/XB1/Switch cross-play confirmed. Ouch, Sony. Come and join the party before it's too late!

Wonder if we'll see future RLCS events on PC/XB/Switch instead of PC/PS4. Good games on Switch tend to have very high tie ratios, so that community will grow very fast.


*soloqueues back to champ*
*d3 or champ friend wants to play*
*they fundamentally don't understand far post rotation or to control the ball at times, making me fall to diamond 3 until I go back into soloqueue and basically 1v2 dribble everything*

rip im becoming that guy that only plays with top 100 friends offhand so when I play ranked I don't try to hardcarry and now just get confused as fuck and throw rank.

Legit have friends at higher ranks and can 1v2 them

...I can't say I care but it's weird as f, I don't really know how to play in diamonds/champ 1 and stuff anymore without trying to hard carry.

edit: basically need to learn to deal with rotation breaks better I think, even when the rotation break is ??
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