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Rumor: Destiny 2 coming to PC


Kids who grew up with console shooters and developed supernatural gamepad abilities combined with the game's tiny FOV were my main sources of frustration in Destiny. Also none of my friends would play it because they don't have PS4s. This would solve those issues, at least.

But the weird thing is Bungie is the only developer that makes console FPSes I can actually play. And 'PSO-like' online console loot grinders are arguably my favorite genre to sit back and relax with on a TV or handheld. As little sense as it makes to me I kinda like it as a console game, so if it was available on PC it'd be annoying as I'd feel obligated to play the 'better' version.
So admittedly I haven't played Rise of Iron yet or completely exhausted The Taken King's post campaign story content, but where I ended up, the plotline was:

The head of the Cabal Empire had been signaled to come attack our solar system, similar to Oryx. The game also heavily implied that the Mara Sov was still alive and had some kind of plan going.

To my knowledge, Rise of Iron is about the Fallen and nanomachines/mutation stuff instead.

Bungie also talked about how Xur and the Rahool were going to be major plot characters in an upcoming game. Are they in Rise of Iron?

If not, it would suggest that Destiny 2 is probably taking place pretty close to the current timeline. Maybe a few years later?

I might be misunderstanding you and that's what you meant though, or just completely misunderstanding the current storyline.
Rahool and Xur don't have any important roles in RoI from my experience so far. Destiny drops hints at things to come but I think Bungie will give us a final conclusion to confirm everything we know and prepare us for what's to come in the sequel.


Yes, it needs to be a new game.

I want new planets. New vehicles. New classes. New space ship levels. Let us fly our damn ships.

I want gorgeous next gen graphics. Their artstyle is great, but we need next gen lighting, next gen foliage, next gen visual effects.

I want more than one raid for a $60 game. At least 10 strikes. People run strikes more than they run single player missions. Make a nice 10 mission 5 hour long campaign with setpieces then move on to 3 player quests for post campaign missions. then turn those into strikes.
Yes to this. Would love to see Destiny have more campaign style missions that mix in good combat, set piece moments and vehicle encounters. Bungie's done it before, and while there are a few missions within the regular stages that encapsulate that feeling, most are generally patrol style missions. I do have higher expectations for Destiny 2. The current game has a great foundation, but still needs more polish.


Day 1 if this is true.

Honest question, but have you ever actually played the raids?

People still AFK in matchmade strikes. Matchmaking for current raids would end horribly for the majority of the people trying to run them. Hell, randoms still struggle with the Take King strikes that had a few advanced mechanics in them. The Echo Chamber and Fallen S.A.B.E.R. are painful with randoms.

As for PC. It would suck to leave all my PS4 friends behind, but I would be there day one.

60FPS and KB+M controls would make me drop console so fast.


Jason wrote about it on Kotaku with both the info he wrote here and some other stuff he heard


I don’t know exactly how much will change in Destiny 2, but all signs point to the developers starting from scratch. “D2 is a completely different game,” said one person familiar with development. “The Taken King was a reboot for Destiny 1 to fix small things. This is the overhaul to fix big things.”

One of the terms we’ll be hearing often with Destiny 2, according to sources, is “play-in destinations”—a new activity model that will revamp how Destiny’s world functions. The plan, from what I’ve heard, is for Destiny 2's planets to feel more populated with towns, outposts, and quests that are more interesting than the patrol missions you can get in Destiny.


Ha! I knew it. Made the perfect call now re-entering with the Collection after only having played Vanilla.

Deku Tree

A total design revamp, and reworking of the storytelling style is the only way I can jump back into Destiny. The Taken King was a cool little band-aid, but lawd this game needs a makeover. I don't care about rebooting the guardians or whatever, just get it right. Show me some mission design, show me some pacing and set-pieces, show me a story I care about, show me planets that are atmospheric and interesting.
Shit is gonna be lit, can't wait for Net_Wrecker, Papercuts, and Xrotionist to join me and the rest of the PC Master Racists

This would mean I'd be playing games on PC again for the first time since the early 2000s.

Which would mean I'd need to build a new PC

Which I've been procrastinating to do for like 4 years now.

Which means lol


I guess this is a minority opinion, but aside from putting the grimoire content into the game itself, Destiny storytelling is good. It's good because Destiny is a loot game, not a story game. I like running the same strikes over and over (really!) I tolerate the couple minutes of chatter that is easy to ignore. Imagine if each strike had a cut scene. Multiple cut scenes! I have to skip them every time. What if they are walk and talk sessions with slow walking or doors that won't open until the dialog ends. No thanks!

Story is fine, but just the once. This content and I are going to be friends for a very long time. The shooter portion of it is a welcome guest. The talking portion of it has a very short shelf life. Less talking, more shooting.


I'm glad it's coming. I don't think it will be as popular as it is on consoles though, or as wildly popular as some seem to think.

I also really hope any sort of MM is relegated to a separate mode and difficulty like WoW LFR.


extra source of jiggaflops
Added the Kotaku thread to the OP as that one contains way more information, because Jason Schreier is way better connected.


lol, I have one, that hasn't been the issue. I just haven't had the motivation.

With this half-gen stuff game consoles are pulling though....... I'm getting close. Ask me again next summer.

Might as well pull the trigger. You're already halfway there to doing it.
I hope they have a better campaign at launch.

Meaning better story and better missions.

Also space combats, because it's fucking annoying to have those cool ships be just loading screens.


pumped about this, hopefully things like hackers/bad ports don't ruin it. As it stands, Destiny is about the only thing I pay for ps plus for


in this case ill take ps4 over everything else.

community >>>>>> graphics / fps

Oh, shocker, guy that whined about about Sony not locking down their exclusives for his list wars is going to play a game on PS4. I'm sure you had to put much thought and consideration into where you'd play this.


Fresh start is the only way to get that initial excitement again.

Can't wait.

Luke, don't fuck this up.

Jason, keep bringing the news.
I see it now...opening sequence you have all of your gear and quest items and you feel awesome. End of the first mission they kill your character off with a swarm of dregs and your ghost is unable to rez you because reasons. 100 years later you are found again by a different ghost now voiced by Bobcat Golthwait and all your gear has been picked over and you must now destroy The Shank who sold it all for reason only found on Bungie.net.

Great, now I want Ghost voiced to be by Bobcat.
Hackers though...

look what happened to the Division.

Does anyone even play that anymore?

Indeed, look what happened with a game that had most of its code client-side instead of the norm for MMOs that everything like that should stay on the server. How can PC players even play MMOs?
How do games like Diablo 3 or Wow handle hackers?
Those don't seem to have a major issue with hackers do they?

Somebody else could explain it better than I could, but I think it's mainly the fact that a lot of the stuff related to the ability to cheat is handled server side rather than client side. Which is why Diablo III is a hack/cheat fest on console (much more than any PC game I've played ironically) but not PC.


I guess this is a minority opinion, but aside from putting the grimoire content into the game itself, Destiny storytelling is good. It's good because Destiny is a loot game, not a story game. I like running the same strikes over and over (really!) I tolerate the couple minutes of chatter that is easy to ignore. Imagine if each strike had a cut scene. Multiple cut scenes! I have to skip them every time. What if they are walk and talk sessions with slow walking or doors that won't open until the dialog ends. No thanks!

Story is fine, but just the once. This content and I are going to be friends for a very long time. The shooter portion of it is a welcome guest. The talking portion of it has a very short shelf life. Less talking, more shooting.

I agree, you put it well.


Really a bummer if our characters are getting shelved. I'm not opposed to losing progress and retiring all my items, but ultimately Destiny is the story of all the cool shit my Guardian has done and it would be a real waste for him to hang up the towel after just getting started.

The only logical way to deal with this would be to kill the player character or, better yet, turn them into an NPC, which could be pretty cool if done right.

New races are cool. The Fallen are an obvious contender, but I really like the idea of other races making a pilgrimage across the universe to fight at the side of the Traveler.
If all Classes and their subclasses don't carrie over to Destiny 2...what a shit show. That would probably be the biggest "fuck you" I ever received in a videogame.

"Bladedancer? Nope, fuck that. But hey, here's your cool shader and ship, thanks for becoming a legend in Destiny 1!"

They could add new classes, new subclasses and stuff, maybe give you quests to unlock the subclasses you already had in Destiny 1... I mean, story wise it would be simple to do. But cutting it off like that? All of it? I would never get to play again as a Nightstalker? As a Bladedancer? A Defender? A Stormcaller?

C'mon Bungo, this isn't remotely funny. I don't give a shit about my char, I'm indifferent to most of my exotics but please, the classes are sacred. Give us more, not less.
Characters not carrying over is gonna to be a complete shit show for them. I know if the reward isn't there, I don't know if I'm prepared to just toss everything away after 2000+ hours. One of my biggest issues with them is not respecting your time and making the last couple years irrelevant is the biggest slap in the face.

Would you rather they let you keep your characters but kept the same game and just bolted on new content like they've been doing or they just move on to a new game with hopefully a new engine that allows them to have a more efficient pipeline. I like destiny and I've spent a lot of time on I but I also have a lot
Of issues with destiny and I hope it can be better than the game it's been the last two years. For me it's worth it IF they deliver on their original promise of what the game is supposed to be
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