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Rumour: PSN+ premium service details


Fuck Sony.


You were supposed to convince the others the exact opposite was viable, not cave to Microsoft's coattails.

God this hobby sucks.


sweetvar26 said:
I still feel like cross game chat should be free as well.

Atleast you don't have to pay to play online.

I'm looking at you Microsoft!

Yes, I'm sure those who just payed for 13 months of service would be happy hearing the online will be free.


V_Ben said:
yep. rumours and speculation. Can people stop acting all cranky now? :lol
If you actually read the posts, folks are saying that there's no way they charge $120/year for this ish.


It is a rumor guys...let's not jump the gun, but rather take it with a grain of salt. No reason to fly off the handle when its not even confirmed. This happens every E3, remember? Besides, if even it true and some of you are against it, you always have the option to decline to purchase, which sends a message to the company that they may need a change in plan. Be calm...be reasonable.


Rolling Girl
V_Ben said:
yep. rumours and speculation. Can people stop acting all cranky now? :lol
This is GAF, they'll treat it as fact until proven otherwise just so they can have another thing to bitch at. :p See the people telling Sony to fuck themselves over an unconfirmed rumor for more details.
lowrider007 said:
"Their source speculates that the service may cost $9.99/month...!"

Yes I realise this, im only doing what everyone else is doing, I.e talking about this total rumour as fact.

The survey that Sony sent me a few months ago about how much I would be willing to pay for a premium service was leaning towards that kind of price range tho so im inclined to beleive it will be £80 - $120 range.


InfiniteNine said:
This is GAF, they'll treat it as fact until proven otherwise just so they can have another thing to bitch at. :p See the people telling Sony to fuck themselves over an unconfirmed rumor for more details.
its quite funny.


Fersis said:
Day one. :lol

It seems to be optional and it doesnt affect the current free PSN service.
True, it still maintains their philosophy of keeping multiplayer open to everyone which is key. But that doesn't make me okay with what they're allegedly asking here.


AndyD said:
Pretty poor list for a seemingly steep price. For those features, not worth it.

Add unlimited cloud saves, a XMB netflix option, a media manager app that works with external drives and DLNA (think Boxee), add a universal party system, add a free PSN game of our choice every month and I might bite. And not pick from one of 10 old PSN games that I already bought, it needs to be brand new games.

I agree. Offering a choice of old games every month sucks ass, and from the joystiq rumour sounds like its mini/PS-one games as opposed to actual PSN games.

One free PSN game every month (out of any) would justify the tag though.
Paying for cross game chat and auto patching? Thanks but no thanks Sony :lol

But still, not as laughable as charging for p2p multiplayer. Now that would have been a disaster.


With all of these rumors and speculation already, E3 '10 is sure to be fucking huge. I hope Evilore has extra boxes of paper clips and pieces of gum to hold this puppy together, or else we'll all be seeing a bunch of 500s. :lol


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
lowrider007 said:
"Their source speculates that the service may cost $9.99/month...!"

The entire thread + this line is kinda like saying "a rumor about a rumor regarding a certain rumor".
gofreak said:
- Exclusive in-game DLC
- Playstation Store discounts
- 'First Hour' demos of retail titles - play the first hour for free, then purchase the full game if you wish (PSN games? There ain't many retail games on the PSN store currently...)
- Playstation Protection Plan coverage
- Exclusive access to cross-game chat
- Access to auto/background patching of games

This is the feature that might make me subscribe to this service


Thread shows me that cross game an party chat really is a big deal. Love the feature and want it on PSN.............but I don't want to pay alot for it. All the other stuff I can really live without.


Yep Sony needs more coveted features in the package before people will even start to consider paying.

Is demo access in? say premium users get one week access to the demo before non paying people.

Premium users automatically get into beta's


TTP said:
Good luck chatting with friends that didn't :lol
That's why I find it hard to believe that Sony would be foolish enough to include cross-game chat as part of a premium sub. If you can only use it with certain people (cos I know all of my mates won't pay for this, no matter what it costs) then it'll be fucking shite.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Dabanton said:
Yep Sony needs more coveted features in the package before people will even start to consider paying.

Is demo access in? say premium users get a one week access to the demo before non paying people.

Premium users automatically get into beta's

I think if this is true then I am confident there will be more perks for the premiums users that what has been listed.

I think a good idea for Sony would be to leak out a rumour of a PSN+ @ $10 a month and then announce it at E3 for $5 a month.


surly said:
That's why I find it hard to believe that Sony would be foolish enough to include cross-game chat as part of a premium sub.

Hmmm, they've been pretty foolish about a lot of stuff in the past... :lol

2 jobs for ps3lol
ajvizzgamer101 said:
It's also rumored to have a cloud storage, which makes the 120 a year not to to bad.

Cloud storage isn't worth that much. XBL Gold isn't worth $40 a year now, still would be pushing it at that price with cloud saving implemented; $120 a year for PSN+ is completely fucking nuts no matter what features are in it.

DCharlie said:
and adding cloud saving of games? Whats the point right now?

Lots of problems with backing up/transferring the many, many locked saves on PS3. If the cloud storage works on these saves, it'd let people keep their Demon's Souls save even if they replace their PS3 or change out their hard drive.

Like I said above, it's not worth $120/year, but it's worth more than $0.

Talon- said:
The ability for all those guys to be able to shoot the shit across 3 games is a great feature.

Yes, but I think DCharlie's point is that when you realize that of those 8 people, only 5 of them have paid for PSN+, it's suddenly not so great a feature after all. :lol
Sony just need to do cross game chat like how MS does it.

A free one where you talk one to one

The PSN+ version where you can create a group, talk, jump in games etc.

Increase to amounts if they have to (so it doesn't look exactly like MS's version).


I wish I could virtually punch everyone in the arm who would pay a recurring fee for cross game chat. If this turns out true, I just hope people's user names reflect premium status so I can harass them.


keyrat said:
I wish I could virtually punch everyone in the arm who would pay a recurring fee for cross game chat. If this turns out true, I just hope people's user names reflect premium status so I can harass them.

You better live in Massachusetts so I can report you for cyber bullying.

charlequin said:
Cloud storage isn't worth that much. XBL Gold isn't worth $40 a year now, still would be pushing it at that price with cloud saving implemented; $120 a year for PSN+ is completely fucking nuts no matter what features are in it.


charlequin said:
Yes, but I think DCharlie's point is that when you realize that of those 8 people, only 5 of them have paid for PSN+, it's suddenly not so great a feature after all. :lol

It's a terrible feature, but it'd encourage people to annoy other people to get the service, so Sony wins!

I mean, I'm hoping that the price and feature set are rumors. I have no problem with most of the features being premium, but the voice chat cannot. It would be an incredibly stupid short sighted decision along the lines of the vibration not being in the controllers at launch.


Include a reasonably user friendly cloud based save storage and it's a no brainer for me. Though I'm not sure what the rules would be with a such a save system when it comes to locked saves.
Joystiq picked out features straight from the surveys, made sure to pick the two inflammatory ones (i.e. paying for features instead of for content), and made sure to pick the highest price point possible from everything that had been rumored, and yet you guys still don't think they're hunting for clicks?


kyo_daikun said:
How does one subscribe to Neogaf+?

Do I have to pay Duckroll $20 a month for it?
I'll give you some clues.

It starts with a "F" and rhymes with "Riccitiello."
badcrumble said:
Joystiq picked out features straight from the surveys, made sure to pick the two inflammatory ones (i.e. paying for features instead of for content), and made sure to pick the highest price point possible from everything that had been rumored, and yet you guys still don't think they're hunting for clicks?
Whoa, now, Joystiq is AOL-owned. Gawker's the one that pays per click. ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Any day now Michael Pachter is going to say $10 isn't enough and that Microsoft and Sony should both charge more.


Neo Member
if the price is $120/per year this will fail. if it is competitive with xbox $50/year it will do just fine. people complaining about the cross-game chat and auto patch downloading being part of the psn+ need to quit crying. if they didnt have those features in the premium service what is going to hook people into buying it? if they get the price right, it will be the best way to launch their pay service. include something that everyone has been wanting for years and people will pay for it. quick check of the psn blog and it is the most requested feature people want. might not be the most desirable for the consumer but could be a smart business move if they get the price right.


Junior Butler
Yeah, there's no way that list is true.

At least the cross game chat and patch download aspects. That basically makes this entire list a joke.


TheBranca18 said:
You better live in Massachusetts so I can report you for cyber bullying.

I'd keep it civil.

I mean, can you guys envision a future where if you own 2 or more consoles you pay 15-30% of their value a year, over a hundred dollars, in what is essentially a maintenance fee? Not even boats cost that much to maintain.


Considering everything that is remotely interesting (discounts, DLC, and list of PSOne/Minis games) are whatever Sony dictates, this sounds like a complete flop at $10 a month. Discounts on what? DLC for what games? It could be anything.

I can't wait to see what Xbox Live Platinum looks like if this actually work at $10 per month. Ugh...


wallbc01 said:
people complaining about the cross-game chat and auto patch downloading being part of the psn+ need to quit crying. if they didnt have those features in the premium service what is going to hook people into buying it?
I'm not bothered about auto-patching, but making cross-game chat PSN+ only cheapens the feature for those that do pay. If I can't use it with everyone on my friends list, then it's not going to be a great deal of use to me. It's been one of the most requested features since the PS3 launched and this isn't the way to implement it, especially not at more than twice the cost of Xbox Live. I know it's just a rumour though.


GAF's Bob Woodward
charlequin said:
Yes, but I think DCharlie's point is that when you realize that of those 8 people, only 5 of them have paid for PSN+, it's suddenly not so great a feature after all. :lol

There might be a little more subtlety to it than that. Perhaps non + people can 'guest' in chats started by + people. But cannot start such chats themselves. For example.

There's potential subtleties to nearly all these proposed features, upon which the relative value on offer hangs.

Interfectum said:
$120 a year for cross game chat, exclusive DLC and background downloading? :lol :lol

$50 isn't looking too bad now is it?

I think I'd rather relatively unessential luxuries were charged for than relative essentials like online play, regardless of the price difference.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jett said:
:lol at the tardbuckets already saying "FUCK YOU SONY" for this list of crap. Nothing's being taken away from the current PSN model. I personally don't give two shits about anything that is offered in the rumored bulletpoints.

If you do not have the work "Fuc&!!!!" impressed in your mind after you have done pondering about

auto/live game patching

being reserved for a premium (paid) service then... you have anger issues :p.

What's next? $2 more a month to have 1 day exclusive bug fixing patches?
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