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Rumour: PSN+ premium service details

Interfectum said:
$120 a year for cross game chat, exclusive DLC and background downloading? :lol :lol

$50 isn't looking too bad now is it?
Durrrr hurr hurr like this is even confirmed. Plus online gaming will still be free unlike XBL Interfectum
Rapping Granny said:
Next up.

Install Other OS option
PS2 Emulation
No Sparkles in background

In the new PSN++ for $19.99 a month.
You can disable the sparkle background already.
jett said:
:lol at the tardbuckets already saying "FUCK YOU SONY" for this list of crap. Nothing's being taken away from the current PSN model. I personally don't give two shits about anything that is offered in the rumored bulletpoints.
I know so annoying.


Hey Guyz my sauce just told me that PSN+ is going to be $200 a year and it will include

Custom soundtracks for all games including ones that dont have it
cloud support
1 $2 PSN game a year
2 DLC Codes a year
And a Sony Protection plan that doesn't cover Firmware updates

seriously I have an insider he knows you should all believe me without a shred of evidence
PSN Premium + Live will be available upon announcement at e3


charlequin said:
Lots of problems with backing up/transferring the many, many locked saves on PS3. If the cloud storage works on these saves, it'd let people keep their Demon's Souls save even if they replace their PS3 or change out their hard drive.

Although I'd really like cloud storage for saves (not for $120 a year! :lol ), you can keep locked saves if you change out your hard drive, or even if you transfer to a new PS3. In the case of changing hard drives, the backup utility will restore locked saves if you restore to the same system. I did this recently, upgrading my old 60 GB drive to a 500 GB, still had my 120 soul level character save from Demon's Souls (and I'm still getting trophies from it). For transferring to a new system, the transfer utility is supposed to work with locked saves as well.

But if your PS3 dies, you're screwed. You're not much better off if your hard drive dies, since you have to use the full backup utility to backup locked saves, and that takes a very long time and uses a lot of disk space on whatever you're backing up to.


Neo Member
surly said:
I'm not bothered about auto-patching, but making cross-game chat PSN+ only cheapens the feature for those that do pay. If I can't use it with everyone on my friends list, then it's not going to be a great deal of use to me. It's been one of the most requested features since the PS3 launched and this isn't the way to implement it, especially not at more than twice the cost of Xbox Live. I know it's just a rumour though.

thats why i said if the price is right. for $120 a year it will fail. if they get the price right then it becomes if x number of my friends have this feature and can talk to each other i guess i better pay the money so i can cross-game chat with them.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
InterMoniker said:
I know so annoying.

Honestly... really?

Could you state the following?

I, InterMoniker, think that there is nothing wrong or even mildly upsetting about "auto game patching" being reserved for a paid PSN service.


CryptiK said:
Hey Guyz my sauce just told me that PSN+ is going to be $200 a year and it will include

Custom soundtracks for all games including ones that dont have it
cloud support
1 $2 PSN game a year
2 DLC Codes a year
And a Sony Protection plan that doesn't cover Firmware updates

seriously I have an insider he knows you should all believe me without a shred of evidence
PSN Premium + Live will be available upon announcement at e3
This sums up the mentality in this thread.
krae_man said:
Edge Card and several other retailer memberships. Dont act like its uncommon.

For such a limited selection (as good as PSN is)? Yes it is uncommon. The better equivalent here is a monthly fruit club.


Rolling Girl
Panajev2001a said:
Honestly... really?

Could you state the following?

I, InterMoniker, think that there is nothing wrong or even mildly upsetting about "auto game patching" being reserved for a paid PSN service.
One word: RUMOR.
Of course it isn't acceptable, but people are treating it like it's been a confirmed part of PSN+.


Panajev2001a said:
Honestly... really?

Could you state the following?

I, InterMoniker, think that there is nothing wrong or even mildly upsetting about "auto game patching" being reserved for a paid PSN service.

.... as long as I can do all that I could do today, for free? I might sign that one. I could care less, as long as they keep the online free... now everyone wants them to add everything else for free as well, but thats obviously not going to happen.
Panajev2001a said:
If you do not have the work "Fuc&!!!!" impressed in your mind after you have done pondering about

auto/live game patching

being reserved for a premium (paid) service then... you have anger issues :p.

What's next? $2 more a month to have 1 day exclusive bug fixing patches?

seriously... you care that much about a loading bar being hidden...

if patching is that big a deal for you i suggest you spend your money on a faster internet connection?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
NinjaFusion said:
seriously... you care that much about a loading bar being hidden...

if patching is that big a deal for you i suggest you spend your money on a faster internet connection?

How much are we going to bend over for companies? I thought 90 degrees was enough and we reached that long time ago... :(.


I find it extremely doubtful that it will cost that much. Still Sony is the king of half measures.

One of the reasons we don't have background music on most games or cross game invites is that it is optional and not mandatory. If they wanted to make some money they should have bite the bullet and add all the new features on regular psn and make everyone that wants them (and to play online) pay for them. Its not that they don't have other bullet points to stand out from 360 (ie. blu-ray).

As this generation has amply proven gamers are weak willed and are ready to spend a lot of money for things of questionable value.

Although i don't mind them leaving psn free since its good for me :D


Quadrangulum said:
For such a limited selection (as good as PSN is)? Yes it is uncommon. The better equivalent here is a monthly fruit club.

That analogy works for the for the free game(s), not the discount on all PSN titles.
Panajev2001a said:
Honestly... really?

Could you state the following?

I, InterMoniker, think that there is nothing wrong or even mildly upsetting about "auto game patching" being reserved for a paid PSN service.
Nope. Because I was just about to post this
- Access to auto/background patching of games
There's no way that will be part of a premium service. I don't believe that.

Believe what you want this is a rumor.
InfiniteNine said:
One word: RUMOR.
Of course it isn't acceptable, but people are treating it like it's been a confirmed part of PSN+.

Musashi Wins!

This is hilarious. We've had to listen for years now about how the service that hardly ever improved was the best thing going because it was free. I hope it's just a rumor. This system has had so many changes for the worse, it's unbelievable.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
InterMoniker said:
Nope. Because I was just about to post this
There's no way that will be part of a premium service. I don't believe that.

Believe what you want this is a rumor.

Ok, I was just interested in the "principle" of things. Thanks for your answer.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
InfiniteNine said:
One word: RUMOR.
Of course it isn't acceptable, but people are treating it like it's been a confirmed part of PSN+.

I am not treating it as a confirmed portion of PSN+ though I should have not express anger towards Sony prematurely. So, point taken.


Rolling Girl
Panajev2001a said:
I am not treating it as a confirmed portion of PSN+ though I should have not express anger towards Sony prematurely. So, point taken.
Well we are all human. The people automatically up in arms though had me a little taken by surprise though when it isn't coming from an official source, or without substantial evidence.
Musashi Wins! said:
This is hilarious. We've had to listen for years now about how the service that hardly ever improved was the best thing going because it was free. I hope it's just a rumor. This system has had so many changes for the worse, it's unbelievable.

Oh really? Could I get some examples? I can think of Linux removal, but that really has 0 to do with PSN.
I believe that there will be a premium subscription, but this rumored configuration sounds too stupid...even for Sony. Not long before E3...

The_Inquisitor said:
Oh really? Could I get some examples? I can think of Linux removal, but that really has 0 to do with PSN.
I believe the list things gone missing from the start of the generation includes PS2 backward compatibility, option to install Linux, Super Audio CD playback, and maybe something else I can't think of right now... If this rumor was true, then things that were thought to be included in an update to PSN were now kept to the subscription service. Not different than MS keeping some things to Gold subs on Live, but most updates on Live reach across both Silver and Gold. If Sony goes to subscription, I assume the same will be true...though, again, the rumor here sounds a bit dumb.


The_Inquisitor said:
Oh really? Could I get some examples? I can think of Linux removal, but that really has 0 to do with PSN.

Patching in advertisements to Wipeout HD.

"But they removed them after people bitched!"

And then they put them right back in.

$9.99 / month?
This generation is the fucking worst ever.


So we have about five years left for the 10-year lifespan, no?

Well then PSN will come out to be ~ FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE US DOLLARS!

Go get a second job you guys.


Quite frankly there will have to be something in this rumoured premium package that drives subscriptions or this thing is dead in water,so i fully expect tears, moaning then a resigned reaching for the credit card after E3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
MightyHedgehog said:
I believe the list things gone missing from the start of the generation includes PS2 backward compatibility, option to install Linux, Super Audio CD playback, and maybe something else I can't think of right now...

Musahi's system wouldn't have changed in these regards. If you had PS2/SACD you still have PS2/SACD. Obviously Linux is a universal removal though. But there's obviously also been many universal enhancements to the system (as well as hardware specific ones in new hardware iterations) too, so it's a little bit unfair to zoom in only on negative changes.

And his point about the service and the virtue of it being free...that same service will still be free.
MightyHedgehog said:
I believe that there will be a premium subscription, but this rumored configuration sounds too stupid...even for Sony. Not long before E3...

I believe the list things gone missing from the start of the generation includes PS2 backward compatibility, option to install Linux, Super Audio CD playback, and maybe something else I can't think of right now... If this rumor was true, then things that were thought to be included in an update to PSN were now kept to the subscription service. Not different than MS keeping some things to Gold subs on Live, but most updates on Live reach across both Silver and Gold. If Sony goes to subscription, I assume the same will be true...though, again, the rumor here sounds a bit dumb.

None of those have anything to do with PSN. My point still stands. The closest possible thing is forcing people to rebuy classics, but most people were going to buy the digital version anyways.
Hanmik said:
I just sounds so stupid... Pay 9.99$ a month to get (an example) 20% discount on a 19,99$ game...

I nkow lots of companies use this.. but that does not make it any less stupid. IMO..

Guaranteed cash flow vs. uncertain cash flow. Makes perfect sense.

However, paying $9.99 a month for this shit does not. Anyone who pays for this for the cross game voice chat will be sadly disappointed when they discover that only 3 other people paid for that feature.
As a former PS3 owner now 360, party chat is amazing. Being able to hear only your friends while playing your game is a god send. Do not underestimate cross-party chat.


- Exclusive in-game DLC
-- Exclusive in-game cross chat

:lol :lol :lol

Sorry for SCE. They seems to think PSN+ service will be their final cure on heavy loss at every fiscal season.
gofreak said:
Musahi's system wouldn't have changed in these regards. If you had PS2/SACD you still have PS2/SACD. Obviously Linux is a universal removal though. But there's obviously also been many universal enhancements to the system (as well as hardware specific ones in new hardware iterations) too, so it's a little bit unfair to zoom in only on negative changes.

And his point about the service and the virtue of it being free...that same service will still be free.
I was merely listing what I thought he was referencing in his post as far as things being dropped from PS3 units. As the current system on the shelf has lost many things that you cannot really say has happened to the other two systems in the race. I took it that his was a basic comment about things lost in general, not limited to what might happen to PSN. Until E3, I think it's probably best to just treat this as it appears...and that is that it is a crazy rumor.

The_Inquisitor said:
None of those have anything to do with PSN. My point still stands. The closest possible thing is forcing people to rebuy classics, but most people were going to buy the digital version anyways.
Yes. I was talking about what he probably originally meant, not necessarily what you said.


I'm so sick and tired of getting nickeled and dimed this gen. It's hard to get upset over a rumor but really, PSN being free was a huge deciding factor in me getting a PS3 and not a Xbox. All this talk about Sony segmenting their market in to have and have nots makes me want to puke.

I don't understand why Sony would charge for this stuff when their entire marketing campaign has touted the free PSN vs paid XBL. Why would they charge for what is all intents a purposes something that is costing them nothing and gaining them software sales?

What could it possible have cost in R&D to make these changes to PSN? A million dollars, maybe? But, instead of taking that hit to garner more sales they want to profit off something the competition gives away for free?

That makes you look like a bunch of greedy fucks.
chris0701 said:
- Exclusive in-game DLC
-- Exclusive in-game cross chat

:lol :lol :lol

Sorry for SCE. They seems to think PSN+ service will be their final cure on heavy loss at every fiscal season.

Keep up with the times.


thanks for the laugh
if something like this did go down, you can guarantee that any further features currently in r&d that could bolster, expand or update psn (aside from security/bug fixes) will be exclusively for this service. vanilla psn will effectively be a dead end.

i doubt $10 a month though. these aren't expensive features to maintain, and if sony has any sense they'll go with tried and trusted "do you want to go large?" fast food economics.

or maybe they've just spent too much time in the killzone thread.
is this the thread where we overreact about a non confirmed rumor? i'm in!

i'll just say this: as long as they keep psn online play free, i'm cool with that.
i'll wait for the official announcement @ e3.
gofreak said:
- Exclusive access to cross-game chat
- Access to auto/background patching of games

Where do I sign up? Also, I am under the assumption that this will lead to a more stable online infrastructure/environment?


everybody asses have started itching and nothing has been confirmed yet. the fuck?

even if they did do a psn+, its very likely that the core online service
will remain free, giving something to people and then taking it away
does not usually work well.

as for the + stuff i think its going to be just exclusive dlc, psn store
stuff, avatars and maybe a protection plan of some sort.

i doubt they will give users exclusive firmware features like cross chat
just because they pay more. pricing, i dunno. but i guess around the
same as live, if its more then gonna be interesting to see exactly what
sony have to offer
Speevy said:
I would pay for something that covers my PS3 against YLOD or other failures until the end of the generation.
If I could guarantee that if my 60GB PS3 breaks it'll be replaced with another 60GB PS3 instead of with a Slim, then sure.
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