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Rumour: PSN+ premium service details



GAF's Bob Woodward
charlequin said:
There might be. The $120 price also "might be" (by which I mean: almost certainly will be) inaccurate. :lol

Well, the $120 thing is just a big assumption based on a simplistic '$10*12' equation. Without factoring in the likelihood of an annual discount.

If you were to apply the Live's discount proportion, this would be $60/year.

When I saw 9.99, I thought that was steep, but I didn't realise Live was $8/month. $10/month for Sony seems like Sony's standard 'premium' attitude relative to the competition.
badcrumble said:
charlequin, please change your avatar, that cute badly-dancing guy is simply hypnotic and I sort of stop and stare at it every time you post

I was going to quote your avatar and say "Bow to the power of Gaga" but Diablohead kind of beat me to it. :lol


listen to the mad man
badcrumble said:
No, I think that people would still be upset if Sony made them pay a monthly fee to be able to emulate PS2 games. No matter what, charging for features is stupid. Charging for content is fine (and I'd be totally happy with a yearly fee that let you get discounts on PSN games and have access to exclusive betas/demos now and then).

I wouldn't pay for demos when the competing platform has them in spades and for free. I wouldn't pay for betas, ever. I'd only pay for a discount if the discount value exceeded what I paid, which seems pretty unlikely given that I've spent maybe $60 total on PSN since getting a PS3 in 1441.

Actually, I can't see myself paying for two online services period. Hell, I've only occasionally paid for one. If Sony absolutely eclipsed Microsoft in features, I'd pay for PSN+, but if they're going to offer a similar value proposition, there's no reason for me to switch (it's a little moot, I have free Live until 2013 anyway)
I'd gladly pay whatever for actual features and not some discounts (though they'd help since I buy a lot from the PS Store in multiple regions
, but is it so much to ask for some of the following:

--Cloud saving
--Trophy cloud/Friend updates
--Last.fm application on XMB
--XMB music from HDD playable in background of ALL games (no more having to rely on developers to implement custom soundtrack feature which they never do)
--Netflix application on XMB
--"Trophy Room" unlock: Trophies display-able within Playstation Home
--Wide avatar selection and access to premium avatars early and/or for free (and MORE of them, no more half-dozen 1st-party only avatars every 4 months crap)
--Ability to de-activate your account remotely on other consoles that your account is activated on (you only have 5 slots, and if a console dies you would be fucked besides having to smooth talk Sony on the phone into doing it). For gamesharing, why should you have to rely on some other person to log in with your account and de-activate themselves?
--Extended warranty (I'm guessing that's what "Playstation Protection Plan" is)
--Access to a new "unified" PS Store, with all region contents purchasable within one store under one account (alright, now that last request would be more than likely impossible)
--"Plane Ticket" for Playstation Home: travel to any region's Home servers under one account regardless of region

Surely a $60-$120 a year price point would more than warrant simple things like those.
Hell. I'd pay MORE than that for those all those features above (and of course cross-game chat and the others already, though I can care less about cross-game chat maybe it would come in handy some time in the future)
- Access to rotating list of Playstation minis and PSone classics
Meh, I played all the PSone games that I wanted back when I was younger. Minis don't interest me at all.
- Exclusive in-game DLC
That's just dumb. If you buy a game, you should be given access to all the DLC, no matter what PSN you have.
- Playstation Store discounts
That's nice.
- 'First Hour' demos of retail titles - play the first hour for free, then purchase the full game if you wish
Demos are fine the way they are. An hour demo would just spoil the game for me.
- Playstation Protection Plan coverage
That's nice.
- Exclusive access to cross-game chat
A console feature shouldn't be a paid feature.
- Access to auto/background patching of games
Same as cross-game chat. A console feature shouldn't be a paid feature.
- Cloud-based save system
Would get PSN+ for this feature alone.
- $9.99/month
That's way not nice.

So, this supposed PSN+ has it's advantages. The Protection Plan, cloud based saving, and Playstation Store discounts being the good part of this. Cross-game chat should be available to everyone, not just to people who pay for the service. I mean, what's the point if most of your friends don't have PSN+ and you do. The price of PSN+ is a little bit over the top as well, but when you factor in what you are getting, it makes sense.


listen to the mad man
jetsetfluken said:
I'd gladly pay whatever for actual features and not some discounts (though they'd help since I buy a lot from the PS Store in multiple regions
, but is it so much to ask for some of the following:

--Last.fm application on XMB
--XMB music from HDD playable in background of ALL games (no more having to rely on developers to implement custom soundtrack feature which they never do)
--Netflix application on XMB
--Wide avatar selection and access to premium avatars early and/or for free (and MORE of them, no more half-dozen 1st-party only avatars every 4 months crap)
--Ability to de-activate your account remotely on other consoles that your account is activated on (you only have 5 slots, and if a console dies you would be fucked besides having to smooth talk Sony on the phone into doing it). For gamesharing, why should you have to rely on some other person to log in with your account and de-activate themselves?
--Extended warranty (I'm guessing that's what "Playstation Protection Plan" is)

These are a mix of 50% stuff that's free on Xbox, and 50% stuff that's part of Gold.

--"Trophy Room" unlock: Trophies display-able within Playstation Home
--"Plane Ticket" for Playstation Home: travel to any region's Home servers under one account regardless of region

You use Home? Yikes.

Surely a $60-$120 a year price point would more than warrant simple things like those.
Hell. I'd pay MORE than that for those all those features above (and of course cross-game chat and the others already, though I can care less about cross-game chat maybe it would come in handy some time in the future)

Why not pay for Live then? It's $30-50 a year and offers everything above. I think the only thing I removed was Cloud Saving and Friend Updates, although the 360's user profile system is eminently more usable so I think the value of an actual feed would be lessened and there are third-party web-based systems that would allow you to do the Friend Updates / Feed thing.
Stumpokapow said:
Why not pay for Live then? It's $30-50 a year and offers everything above. I think the only thing I removed was Cloud Saving and Friend Updates, although the 360's user profile system is eminently more usable so I think the value of an actual feed would be lessened and there are third-party web-based systems that would allow you to do the Friend Updates / Feed thing.

I already do as well, but I feel these simple additions to the PS3, regardless if I have to pay extra, would solidify an already solid console and make me 100% satisfied.
There are faults in both 360 and PS3, but if those simple things were added for starters, I would pretty much only be booting up my 360 for exclusives.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Forgetting the net value add over free PSN for a second...how would this compare competitively on features/benefits? I mean in terms of what a PSN+ user enjoys vs a Live Gold user.
Price is far too high. They also should have came up with something else in place of Cross Game Chat.

What a joke.

Who did they give these surveys to? A bunch of fucking chimpanzees?

Fox Mulder

Ninja-Matic said:
Hmmm... not to rain on everyone's parade... but those that are complaining about Sony charging for online services...

A) You knew it was going to happen, eventually.
B) Blame MS and XBL users - because sure as shit if they didn't charge for what they had - Sony wouldn't be that stupid. But Sony is playing the lemming because, apparently, millions of XBL users pay without thinking twice for services which should be FREE.

Thems the ropes.

I don't care if Sony charges for their service, that's what the market allows them to do.

However, Sony should have just charged like $3 a month for it. They need to get people used to paying for PSN, as they will probably move online play into the paid service next gen anyways. Throwing out their first premium PSN tier that costs more that Live, without the primary incentive that Live uses to drives subs is insane. It's fucking stupid, and it probably looks less appealing to people who were even willing to pay for it.


GAF's Bob Woodward
bkfount said:
However, Sony should have just charged like $3 a month for it. They need to get people used to paying for PSN, as they will probably move online play into the paid service next gen anyways. Throwing out their first premium PSN tier that costs more that Live, without the primary incentive that Live uses to drives subs is insane. It's fucking stupid, and it probably looks less appealing to people who were even willing to pay for it.

Translation: fuck you sony, for giving us more for free!


As far as I can see, adding the rumoured + features on top of PSN would yield a service more comparable to Live, at a comparable price (if a similar annual discount applies). Each still would have unique advantages/characteristics of course, but the level of offering in each would be more even.

What people seem to be bitching about, though, is that the difference between free and paid on PSN would be smaller...bitching that Sony is giving them more for free, basically. But...err...is that not better overall? To have the dividing line between free and paid be higher?
Sub £50 a year sounded good to me. Hopefully its around £35. I'd be down with that and subscribe for many years. Gonna be backlash about the Cross Game chat though.


-without limiting online multiplayer between paying and nonpaying users

-rotating list of PSP Minis and PSone Classics
Interested or not depending of the quality and quantity of the games choosed. There are great games and complete shit.

-exclusive in-game DLC
Complete shit. If true, make it 1 week exclusive only.

-discounts to the PlayStation Store

-"first hour" demo access to full retail titles

-PlayStation Protection Plan

-cross-game voice chat
Great, but if it isn't free will be stupid because only a few will use it

-cloud-based saving system

-auto-patching feature
Great, but it must be available to all users

-Additional features are said to be in the works following the launch of PSN+
-PSN+ service is unknown, though one source speculates PSN+ may cost $9.99 per month

mmmm let's wait, because this rumored price is TOO high for this. It is a shit unless the 1 year pack saves A LOT of money, and / or the real price is lower, and / or this rumor misses some important features included in the service.


I'm sorry but I was a PS3 fanatic since launch and decided to pick up a 360 last November with Xbox Live Gold. Wow, PSN is shit compared to Live. Sorry Sony, you're way behind on this one. I don't think there's anything they can do this generation to catch up. The only thing Sony did right was the pricing.
Galvanise_ said:
Price is far too high. They also should have came up with something else in place of Cross Game Chat.

What a joke.

Who did they give these surveys to? A bunch of fucking chimpanzees?

They sent me one so er yeah question answered... :D

Most of the options were rubbish, some of the price choices were shocking, like a choice between £60, £80 and £100+, I honestly selected not interested for a lot of them as I thought it was too steep.


tarius1210 said:
I'm sorry but I was a PS3 fanatic since launch and decided to pick up a 360 last November with Xbox Live Gold. Wow, PSN is shit compared to Live. Sorry Sony, you're way behind on this one. I don't think there's anything they can do this generation to catch up. The only thing Sony did right was the pricing.



Redd said:
It was the price that was killing them in the beginning.
Well that sucks for them doesn't it.

And thank you for quoting my avatar. It makes me laugh whenever I see people do it. :lol


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
For what I see this is worth at most €3-€4 per month, at most.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I honestly can't imagine Sony restricting voice chat to just premium subscribers, its such an obvious way to one-up XBL that I can't see them passing on the opportunity.

Especially as they are offering a fair amount of other stuff for the subscription cost if the rumours are true.


Given that i'm not buying into the rumour, but we are all speculating anyways :

Two things that , if added, would make me <Re4merchant>buy that at a fine price</re4merchant>

- Ability to link more than 1 account to my PSP
- PS2 software B/C with free access to PS2 catalogue that goes up

they could make it a spotify style service. Pay $10 a month and you can play whatever archive games you want from ps2 and ps1 archive. If you want to buy the game so it sits on your HDD, then the option is there but if you drop out of PSN+ then you can no longer play all games for free - just the ones you bought.

As long as the games available is substantial and better managed than the current archive, i could see this being a winner and is in line with Stringer's "content lock" ideas. Even people with H/W or partial BC could be tempted in especially if the software emu offers a big upgrade in graphics filtering, load times, etc.

Final piece of the jigsaw is the PSP2 - with PS2 backwards compatibility. Have it the same as spotify again - need to at least "touch base" once in a while with your account so the games can't be kept on the PSP2 forever but the theory remains the same. $10 a month, ps2 games not only on your PS3, but on the go? You're then pretty much offering the golden age of the franchise for a monthly fee - and most people would pay the cost (and of course with a "purchase game" option, there's even an opt out option)

Of course, this is largely pie in the sky because you need to get all the publishers on board and then you'll have the same licensing issues etc etc. but ultimately this is an idea that Kutaragi was pushing many many years ago. And of course, the Game Online PC guys have seemingly got everyone on board in some way and that model is pretty much the same as this... so you never know.

Also - one final beef - for idiots like me who buy a load of games there's nothing more annoying than the random "free game" stuff. We're too impatient to wait because something might be free in a month or twos time so that wouldn't really be a draw. A periodic discount of ANY product on PSN would be much more appreciated. :D


Clear said:
I honestly can't imagine Sony restricting voice chat to just premium subscribers, its such an obvious way to one-up XBL that I can't see them passing on the opportunity.

Especially as they are offering a fair amount of other stuff for the subscription cost if the rumours are true.

Cross game chat is FREE on Live. Party chat is not.. I do not think Sony will have Party chat, what is listed as a PSN+ feature sounds similar to the free option on Xbox Live.


Gold Member
Huh, sounds like they will indeed be announcing the payable service at E3, Andrew House somewhat hints/confirms it:

Will PlayStation Network become a paying service? (tako2008, natdark)

I can assure you that the current PSN as you know it will remain a free service. It is something that our competitors don?t offer and something that shows our loyalty to the PlayStation Community. However, Kaz Hirai stated a few months ago that we were looking at a premium service to sit alongside the current free service and that objective has not changed. You?ll learn more about it very soon.

When will we have cross-gaming chat? (KillerBread, Jalvarsan, Snake17x)

We know that cross-game chat is something that the community wants and hopefully we will have an answer for you very soon.

Rapping Granny said:
So $120 a year? Are they out of their fucking minds? This is the PS3 and PSPGo pricing all over again. Do they have anybody in that fucking company that can think for them before doing shit, or are they all just apes?

I don't give a shit that cross game chat is a paid service, it's the damn price for it.

...but it's only $10 a month!


Forcing people to pay for cross game chat and background patching is an atrocious business decision.

They should only charge for things above and beyond xbox feature parity, since it would keep the "PSN is free" bullet point valid.


GAF's Bob Woodward
eznark said:
Forcing people to pay for cross game chat and background patching is an atrocious business decision.

They should only charge for things above and beyond xbox feature parity, since it would keep the "PSN is free" bullet point valid.

PSN 'free' is still vastly superior to Live 'free'...crucially, free online play is the big difference and would remain a competitive bullet point for them.

It's really a bit much to say Sony should only charge where they go above and beyond Live...Sony's not a charity, contrary to their behaviour in the last few years :p I think if Sony wants to convert people to a subscription revenue, the model that hopes to convert people to paying for relative frills will be more generous to more people than one that hopes to convert people to paying for relative necessities.
It's funny how some console warriors are desperately trying to use this as an argument to make Xbox Live look good. I will not use this premium shit and I can still comfortably play online on my PS3 and that's what counts for the vast majority of gamers. Can't say the same for Xbox Live which I'm not using because I refuse to pay for P2P gaming.
$10 a month doesn't sound TOO bad does it? Given you're gettign free games as part of it.


- Cross game chat
- Background downloading of patches/updates

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Probably worth it for the free games but? I guess.


Rapping Granny said:
So $120 a year? Are they out of their fucking minds? This is the PS3 and PSPGo pricing all over again. Do they have anybody in that fucking company that can think for them before doing shit, or are they all just apes?

I don't give a shit that cross game chat is a paid service, it's the damn price for it.

ROAR! Let's yell about it before we know what the real story is! RAWWWAARARAR!!!! :D

DMeisterJ said:
If cross-game chat is a premium service, I'll sell my PS3.

If so that is the CRAZIEST reason I have ever heard for selling a system. What for? To spite Sony? You have been playing on the PS3 all along, just fine, and this is what would make you ditch the system? DOES NOT COMPUTE.

Averon said:
At that price, PSN+ would have to be at least on par with XBL and then some to even consider this.

With the additions listed in the OP, there are more things offered, across the board, on PSN than on XBL. Period. Not even a discussion.
Funny, people still come in here with the old "But at least we don't pay to play online".

Fact is, not THAT many people actually play online games these days on consoles.

I'm going to bet that FAR more people would want cross game chat to be free than the ability to play against others online.

I know plenty of people who never play online, don't want to, or cant be bothered both on Xbox AND PS3, and yet it's free on PS3. But the Xbox owners love still being able to talk to mates online if they want to.

The advantage to the Silver Xbox membership is that people who don't give a fuck about playing online (which is more than likely the majority) can still do basically everything else that Playstation owners will now have to pay for.

Different perpectives and all that.


Making cross-game chat a premium feature seems like a bad idea. It requires that the people you want to talk to also sign up for premium. If they don't it's useless.

Background patching is also an awful idea for a premium feature. If it's possible to do it should be done for everyone. Artificially making things a hassle for non-premium users isn't a feature. Microsoft does that shit too (blocking demos for a week) and it annoys me to no end.

Stumpokapow said:
I'd only pay for a discount if the discount value exceeded what I paid, which seems pretty unlikely given that I've spent maybe $60 total on PSN since getting a PS3 in 1441.
You time travelers are so full of yourself!


- Exclusive access to cross-game chat
- Access to auto/background patching of games

So... that means both these things are already possible, but Sony have been holding out so they can sell them as features in a premium service?


xbhaskarx said:
So... that means both these things are already possible, but Sony have been holding out so they can sell them as features in a premium service?

Both things that require extra server resources on top of all the other stuff they currently provide? Yes.


2 Minutes Turkish said:
Fact is, not THAT many people actually play online games these days on consoles.

They don't? Has anyone told all those developers slaving away on online multiplayer games? Has anyone told their families that they are working hours and hours of overtime for nothing?
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Funny, people still come in here with the old "But at least we don't pay to play online".

Fact is, not THAT many people actually play online games these days on consoles.

I'm going to bet that FAR more people would want cross game chat to be free than the ability to play against others online.

I know plenty of people who never play online, don't want to, or cant be bothered both on Xbox AND PS3, and yet it's free on PS3. But the Xbox owners love still being able to talk to mates online if they want to.

The advantage to the Silver Xbox membership is that people who don't give a fuck about playing online (which is more than likely the majority) can still do basically everything else that Playstation owners will now have to pay for.

Different perpectives and all that.
cRIPticon said:
Both things that require extra server resources on top of all the other stuff they currently provide? Yes.
background patching wouldn't really require extra server resources unless you're saying that it'll cause more patches to be released somehow

and cross-game chat would be p2p i'm pretty sure


badcrumble said:
background patching wouldn't really require extra server resources unless you're saying that it'll cause more patches to be released somehow

and cross-game chat would be p2p i'm pretty sure

It would require more resources because they would be pushing more patches than users would normally pull. And voice would be server side as well. 360 is P2P across the board, PSN is, for the most part, client/server.


This is TOO expensive and I play not enough (not hardcore enough?) to really put those features to use.

I'd rather buy a XBL membership instead. Which makes no sense on my PS3. Whatever.
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