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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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Jack cw

General Resolution Question for those who have hooked up their PC to a large TV.

I have a 55" 1080p Panasonic Plasma. I am a pretty hardcore film nerd who notices things like bad transfers and artifacts. 720p video looks like crap to me compared to a good 1080p bluray. Is it a similar kind of difference in clarity for games when resolution (not necessarily frame rate) is concerned? My wife hijacked my older gaming rig for school and I am unable to do a comparison.
I am afraid that you'll notice it even more with games. Movies are usually smooth and have a constant framerate. Games on the other hand have content made out of polygons and you'll immedietly see the aliasing, dithering on tranceparencies, flicker on the edge of objects and of course the lower res textures. It is annoying and the image quality varies from okay to horrible depending on the game.
I can run the tests on my 55" LCD right now. 1600x900 is sharper than 1280x720. And they're both sharper than 540p.

1600x900 and 1280x720 are both 16:9 and upscale good on my 1920x1080 HDTV.

you have more detail to work with because there are more pixels but the level of blur from the scaling is exactly the same. The sharpness level is literally the same.


I don't even understand the point of spending billions on a new console if it can't even run a Call of Duty game in 1080p.

It boggles my mind.

Further reinforces that the Xbone is an "all in one box" first and a games machine second.

All of their problems, all of the mixed marketing messages, all of the PR nonsense appears to stem from this.


It would be a blast if it ended up being the other way around after all this.
X1box one 1080p, ps4 720p.
The internet would explode.

"Hardcore" gaming forums have always spent time on technical details, mainly at the start of a new generation.

The talk of collusion between Activision and Microsoft would be amazing.


So games were downgraded from whatever was shown at E3 huh?



Not to get off tangent too much but brand loyalty is so crazy. Its understandable when your going through puberty and you have all these odd emotional eruptions I mean I remember having a well thought out opinion on why I would only ever buy Raphael Ninja Turtle toys but then I grew up and realized hey Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo are pretty cool too.

It's so nice that if you see something that looks interesting or fun you can just get it and not worry that is somehow devalues your principles which some people have crazy enough attached to their identity.

For me it's not so much about brand loyalty, although I like Sony more, I won't buy either of these machines (at all, I guess, certailny not in the forseeable future). It's just that the XB1 as a product fails so hard and is such a rip-off that I just can't get my mind behind someone who is buying that thing. But that's just my personal issue, I guess. :) Although all people around me who are buying that thing are just fanboys in the sense of "new xbox, I'm buying it anyway". They even know about the shortcomings, they just don't bother. It's not great for the industry, just to think about that games are still made with a 1,18TFLOP machine in the mind the next coming years...that's shit. Hopefully it doesn't sell great so that the impact stays minimal.

Special C

9 ?

Dead rising

I think Ryse in confirmed 900p. I think this and Forza may be the only ones that won't run at 720p. I think the issue stems from gams being developed close to launch by 3rd parties due to problems with developing for ESRAM. I don't think 720p will be the norm later on in the cycle once developers get a hang on it. Still sucks regardless.


Further reinforces that the Xbone is a "all in one box" first and a games machine second.

All of their problems, all of the mixed marketing messages, all of the PR nonsense appears to stem from this.

I think it's pretty telling the change in who's in charge of the Xbox Brand. You go from people like J Allard and Peter Moore to Don Mattrick (that smarmy smarmman). Did Phil get officially put in charge now? I just don't buy them as actual video game people, no matter how many indie shirts Phil wears :p.


This reminds me of last generation when a lot of the early PS3 titles couldn't run at 60 FPS.
Not a lot of mid, or late generation PS3 titles are 60fps either.

Ridge Racer, which was a launch title on PS3, was 1080p/60fps though.
Why doesn't Activision just come out and say the resolution for both the consoles.
Because MS co-market the game, and their version is worse, probably.


General Resolution Question for those who have hooked up their PC to a large TV.

I have a 55" 1080p Panasonic Plasma. I am a pretty hardcore film nerd who notices things like bad transfers and artifacts. 720p video looks like crap to me compared to a good 1080p bluray. Is it a similar kind of difference in clarity for games when resolution (not necessarily frame rate) is concerned? My wife hijacked my older gaming rig for school and I am unable to do a comparison.

It's more noticeable as the jaggies are more pronounced. Film doesn't generally have those, just more blur and some visual artifacting.
I can run the tests on my 55" LCD right now. 1600x900 is sharper than 1280x720. And they're both sharper than 540p.

1600x900 and 1280x720 are both 16:9 and upscale good on my 1920x1080 HDTV.

then you don't have 1:1 turned on, or you don't understand what I mean by sharpness, or your TV is attempting to scale with an algorithm that sucks ass.

my advice would be to get a decent TV and see what real 1:1 looks like, or alternatively live in ignorance with 900p being acceptable in 2013 (onwards until 2020?)
Frankly I couldn't give two monkeys if consumers cannot notice the difference. IQ is very important to me and anything less than 1080p is usually a disaster.
Look at what you just said. Okay, great, you feel strongly about this. But most people don't consider anything below 1080p a disaster. You know what a disaster is? What happened at 38 studios. That was a disaster. A game running below 1080p is not a disaster.
Finally catching up on this thread. The in-laws are in town so I couldn't follow it live. Wow. This sucks. Call of Duty and Titanfall at 720p. Guess I won't ever buy a multi-platform party title on Xbox One. I'm tempted to outright cancel my Xbox One pre-order, but it's paid off and I'm sitting on quite a bit of Xbox cash and 2 years of Live Gold as well. Good thing I secured a PS4 a week ago, as now I'll just keep the Xbox for exclusives and apps and the PS4 will be my primary gaming console.


Relax a little guys, I'm aware of the specs advantage of the PS4. I'm just saying it would an extremely funny scenario.

This thread is awesome man, I'm having a hard time not constantly refreshing it at work. I know you're just the man that likes watching the world burn.

I guess it would. Like in a if the WiiU turned out to be better than both sort of way.

I mean there are people who will think this because the games cater to them. I'd understand that more really since there is a clear divide in games between Sony/MS and Nintendo.
I'll be honest. I was originally going Xbox One. I've only ever owned Xboxs.

Then E3 happened. I pre-ordered both.

Then as time went on, I thought I would buy both, but probably favor the PS4.

Then more time went on and I decided to get a PS4 and get a Xbox One around the time of Titanfall.

Now? If this is true. I'm going to just not buy an Xbox One until there's a price drop or some significant exclusives. I'll just play TitanFall on the 360.

This has been fun to watch GAF, thank you. I wasn't an approved junior in time for E3. Glad I could participate in this meltdown.


As I wrote to you earlier, there are network effects and bandwagon effects in play though due to the earlier release that you're ignoring.

No I'm not ignoring that. I never said that that fact wasn't true but also (as has been shown many times), news/buzz on the internet gets out very fast and certain views can change quickly.

Like I said (many times now), it's going to boil down to content. If a system has something that the other doesn't in terms of buzz worthy content then it will obviously spread over the internet.

The majority of people who will be next gen console owners won't get a next gen console until 2015 at the earliest. A lot of things can change in that period -- price drops, highly praised exclusive content, new systems features via updates, etc. All of that will also obviously play a role in what people say about the systems, both online and in person with other people.


A team of fresh grads could probably get the PS4 version to run at 1080. It's not a visually demanding game. That's the whole impetus behind this thread and the uproar. Ryse at 900p? Sure. CoD at 720p? Really?

Well, it is 60 FPS. Maybe they wanted to ensure the minimum framerate never dips below that too much in multiplayer.


aka andydumi
Video game resolution is actually a little worse in that regard. At least, when comparing a 1080p bluray versus a hypothetical 720p video stream with comparative video bitrate for it's resolution.

Life doesn't have jaggies, basically.

I am afraid that you'll notice it even more with games. Movies are usually smooth and have a constant framerate. Games on the other hand have content made out of polygons and you'll immedietly see the aliasing, dithering on tranceparencies, flicker on the edge of objects and of course the lower res textures. It is annoying and the image quality varies from okay to horrible depending on the game.

Actually that is not always correct. I game on our HDTV with Steam's big picture mode and on some games it is actually more beneficial to turn the resolution down to 720p or at least below 1080p and crank up some antialiasing and other effects, or at least get a super smooth framerate. But there are no motion artifacts or compression artifacts as you would get with a 720p low bitrate video. So from that perspective gaming sub 1080p is not as jarring of a difference as going from a Bluray to a youtube video.

In the end it will depend on the ability of your TV to upscale. So it is a very individual thing.
Because it supports only sub-1k games.
Sub-2K, actually.

1280x720 = 1k (This term is not actually used, but it would fit)
1920x1080 = 2k
3840×2160 = 4k
Just got off of hospital work, yeap - once again -


Do we even need more confirmation at this point? The only question remaining is what resolution the PS4 version will run at.
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