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Second Destiny Beta Thread of 'SMiLE! The Beta's back up! Welcome Everyone!'

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I officially suck in PvP. Like I cannot break 1000 points in a match. Even if I get the drop on someone, he or she winds up killing me. Makes me too tense, man! I'm too spazzy...

Try learning to defend a point first. Learn the map, learn how to read the radar.. Also be sure to use a lot of different guns, see which you like best. It might be different from pve


I dont even know what to do with all this glimmer, already bought ships and jet bikes for all my characters.

Don't even see anything else worth buying in the shops.
What's up with the red pokeball? :)

careful what you say, bungie turned the wraith in reach from being the best vehicle to a paper thin piece of crap in the final release.

The tank like vehicle does look OP, watch it become nerfed like mad for release.
I hope so. Maybe then I don't have to spend time rushing to a turret. In every non-GAF Fireteam, I seem to be the only one trying to run to a turret while every one else shoots at the tank. The fools!


Can anyone explain this design decision?

Special Weapon Ammo Loss video

You have ammo for your special weapon. Be it a shotgun, sniper, or heavy weapons like the rocket launcher or machine gun. You got 5 rounds. Then you decide that the situation calls for a different kind of weapon. So you switch from your options menu. However, you have zero ammo for it. Whatever, you haven't used that weapon in a while so ammo might not be saved. You switch to your previous special weapon that did have ammo. Oh wait, all that ammo has disappeared.

I don't like this decision. It discourages you switching from the set 2-weapon limit. It doesn't occur with the primary weapons, but sometimes you need something from the special/heavy weapons bracket. You CAN equip many weapons at a time, but you'll lose all the ammo for it, so you'll have to start again grinding enemy kills for ammo.

I freaking hate this for PVE. Really hoping they change this to something less stupid.


Yeah I was really wondering if Bungie had ever said anything more than the paragraph that you quoted. I am guessing that they didn't because then they'd be tied down to trying to stick to what they said... but it's good to know that they are trying to plan for longevity of your character... maybe I should just buy a PS4 before Destiny comes out...

Get the White Destiny bundle. :p


I'm making sure not to log out of Destiny. Don't want to miss the Iron Banner Round two event. I missed it yesterday due to work. Not today.
Pretty much exhausted all the PvE stuff, for Warlock at least :(

Hit the Level cap (not the ability caps though)
Done all 5 Story missions
Done the Strike
Tried Explore level
Got all 5 Golden Chests
Bought everything worth buying

Guess I could carry on playing for the chance of finding better Level 8 gear, think I'm about done until the full game releases though

Aiming while gliding is hard

Sometimes I feel like my full automatic rifle jams after 3 or so shots. Not sure if it's a problem with the game, the console, or the controller.

Will there be any special beta events other than Iron Banner? Didn't seem very special to me last night :p
PVP races or sniper challenges would be pretty cool imo


Are all weapons scaled to be equally effective in MP? Will lvl8 auto rifle with damage score 50 have same effectives some weaker lower level or lower DMG auto rifles?


Soooo anyone getting unable to connect to PSN servers for this even though you're all signed in just fine?
Yup, a bunch of us apparently. Not sure if it is planned or just typical. Glad it is during the demo at least as opposed to the release. Hopefully our suffering here will lead to smooth sailing in September. :-\


Press - MP1st.com
If you're familiar with the enthusiast press you know that there is a very small percentage of them that can be considered really capable players in competitive multiplayer games.

Hey, now! I think I'm in that small pool, then. ;) I'm not as dominant in Destiny's PvP as I am in Battlefield 4 or in Call of Duty, but I'm no scrub, either (I think). But yeah, most press suck at competitive gaming, I agree. I attribute this to not having enough time to play one game for long stretches -- especially if you review games, which I don't do anymore. Why review games when you can just play the games you want and with no deadline to beat, no?

For the most part, I like the PvP. Bungie just needs to explain things a bit more on how weapons and levels don't matter (outside of The Iron Banner), balancing supers a bit and a few more niggles (yes, vehicles are OP).

I think one of my gripes in PvP is the slowness of the POV. I upped my look sensitivity to 4, but every time I have to do a quick 360, or even 180, it's slow as hell. Aside from that, I hope they add a mode where there are 9 players on each side. Oh, and maybe a color blind option for the game itself for UI, loots, etc.

Definitely having a blast with Destiny, though, and can see it being my go-to FPS game for the year.
Going to nap for a bit before I get my ass kicked in Iron Banner again. Add me to your fireteam if you are short on mediocre players.


The thing with the PvP is that it's not balanced towards you playing by yourself, like most Bungie games. Tanks are balanced in that they often need teamwork to disable when those supers or grenades aren't working. So I would be in communication with my teammate in a turret at alpha, and then I lure the tank to him. Or while one of my teammates is being a decoy (using cover effectively), I can light the driver up from the flank.

A lot of people when they encounter these tanks try jumping around and gliding away. This is a horrible idea. The tank is really good at picking people out of the air. You need to be moving fast towards cover( which there is a lot of on the moon) and not jumping around in the middle of an open field( which there is also a lot of). So many people just try bunny jumping directly towards the interceptor, which never works. You have to either coordinate with your team, make sure you have your super or turret, or run the fuck away. That last point is key-if you have nothing to kill the tank with, run until you do. Get to the other side of the map. Don't throw yourself against it giving the team kills. Here's one tip for pikes-use those caves on the edges of the map to flank the tanks.

On the subject of weapons- I feel that people should understand what their weapon is good for. Auto rifle will tear you apart in close quarters, but the scout rifle will do just the same at range, if not more so. If you're a good aim, you can nail people in 3 scout rifle shots. In my experience, I have not found a good enough pulse rifle to use, and I have almost never been killed by them. You can do good with them, but I'd avoid them. Same with handcannon. Hopefully that will change come release, but I have been fine with my scout rifle at range and my shotgun for close quarters Control Point assaults. Vice versa when I use an autorifle(which I hardly ever do). Autorifle for close quarters and sniper for long range. Ultimately-know your range and don't out yourself in a position where you can be outclassed.

I feel like the PvP does indeed feel a bit unbalanced when playing by yourself with randoms because the games systems are so built around teamwork and intel. When you have a team of six calling out the locations of the enemies and tanks and turrets, the game becomes a bit simpler. Just knowing where the enemy is and what weapons they have equipped is awesome.

TLDR: Get as big of a group as you can and stop playing PvP by yourself. Oh, and if you're not really having fun, that's ok too. Don't force it. Luckily Destiny has some great PvE as well.
Pretty much exhausted all the PvE stuff, for Warlock at least :(

Hit the Level cap (not the ability caps though)
Done all 5 Story missions
Done the Strike
Tried Explore level
Got all 5 Golden Chests
Bought everything worth buying

Guess I could carry on playing for the chance of finding better Level 8 gear, think I'm about done until the full game releases though

Aiming while gliding is hard

Sometimes I feel like my full automatic rifle jams after 3 or so shots. Not sure if it's a problem with the game, the console, or the controller.

Will there be any special beta events other than Iron Banner? Didn't seem very special to me last night :p
PVP races or sniper challenges would be pretty cool imo
What's a golden chest? Never seen one

Cake Boss

Fuck man always getting stuck with a crappy team and half of them end up quitting after 2 minutes.

I wish Bungie brought back the ability to lose XP from quitting games or losing games, I understand not putting it in for losing games but for quitting there needs to be some consequences.


Just to add to the primary weapon balance discussion. As someone whose been stuck with only the hand cannon or the scout rifle(and generally prefers full auto weapons) I can honestly say the Hand cannon isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

Yes, the reload time and clip size are terrible. However, I can shoot one shot and melee someone with the hand cannon and kill them, in a very similar manner to the shot gun. That and I can three shot people normally, 2 shot head shot them otherwise. Also the hip fire accuracy makes it just about the only weapon that I spend more time hip firing than ADS. The key here is, if the enemies at medium range, not to tap the trigger like a mad man. Instead have a brief pause between firing to let the accuracy reset and you can kill the enemy pretty fast with decent aim. I honestly find I do better with the cannon than the scout rifle.

All this being said, I'm still frantically trying to find an auto-rifle, it definitely seems to be the best all around choice in PVP. My luck sucks, thus far.


It doesn't?!
*slams hat on to floor*
I spent hours training, looting and shit! It can't all be for nothing, damnit!

Mostly a bitter remark about how the PvP awards are seemingly just so random that even the worst players on a team were getting the epic quality spaceship.


Will there be enough content for single player - playthrough? Any ideas on amount of planets etc?
Not my kinda multiplayer game though really enjoying the single player.


Are all weapons scaled to be equally effective in MP? Will lvl8 auto rifle with damage score 50 have same effectives some weaker lower level or lower DMG auto rifles?

I wondered the same about armor. I presume everyone is set at a base level right?


Ugh, I think I'm just give up on getting a green Full Auto or Scout with 57 attack.

I've run this strike far too many times... Really wish they didn't nerf the vendors so bad.
Just check the vendor when they restock or go free roam the level 8 area and try to find an engram drop for primary weapon


Can anyone explain this design decision?

Special Weapon Ammo Loss video

You have ammo for your special weapon. Be it a shotgun, sniper, or heavy weapons like the rocket launcher or machine gun. You got 5 rounds. Then you decide that the situation calls for a different kind of weapon. So you switch from your options menu. However, you have zero ammo for it. Whatever, you haven't used that weapon in a while so ammo might not be saved. You switch to your previous special weapon that did have ammo. Oh wait, all that ammo has disappeared.

I don't like this decision. It discourages you switching from the set 2-weapon limit. It doesn't occur with the primary weapons, but sometimes you need something from the special/heavy weapons bracket. You CAN equip many weapons at a time, but you'll lose all the ammo for it, so you'll have to start again grinding enemy kills for ammo.

This happened today to me for the first time, I thought it was a glitch, but if not, damn. I had a sniper, and was doing the story mission where you activate the satellite while a bunch of enemies charge you. Get the shotgun out right? NOPE. No ammo, even though I had 15 shells when I last used it. Just annoying as shit.


It doesn't?!
*slams hat on to floor*
I spent hours training, looting and shit! It can't all be for nothing, damnit!

It only really matters if you win or not, rewards are split randomly across the winning team, doing well really has zero barring on getting fat loots. Which is unfortunate.


If you're familiar with the enthusiast press you know that there is a very small percentage of them that can be considered really capable players in competitive multiplayer games.

And that's what pisses me off more than anything in the gaming world nowadays. The enthusiast press should be relaying intelligent criticism backed by competent game analysis to game companies, but it's blatantly unqualified to do so and it *just* deals in superficial game impressions. If you're an "enthusiast", your skill, dedication, and understanding of games should at least be reasonably better than that of the average player.

I think Destiny's PvP is thoroughly mediocre, to be honest with you, but as I'm speaking I'm typing out a huge post which I've hinted at to some GAFfers for a while and describing why Destiny doesn't have the game mechanics to back a competitive shooter. I'm not just saying, "oh this is OP", or "it's boring", or whatnot. I want to really help people understand why a game is the way it is and not just be arbitrarily subjective.

On a more topical note. I got a RL friend who only plays RPGs to give the beta a shot and he ended up loving it. The PvE is fantastic in a this game. It's a cooperative spectacle that is a solid beginning for the foray into next-gen graphical territory. I sometimes grind quests just to look at this game for a while longer or play with the people that I know.

I'd spam this topic with screenshots, but you guys are so much better at that than me. I'm a terrible photographer.
A lot of people when they encounter these tanks try jumping around and gliding away. This is a horrible idea. The tank is really good at picking people out of the air. You need to be moving fast towards cover( which there is a lot of on the moon) and not jumping around in the middle of an open field( which there is also a lot of). So many people just try bunny jumping directly towards the interceptor, which never works. You have to either coordinate with your team, make sure you have your super or turret, or run the fuck away. That last point is key-if you have nothing to kill the tank with, run until you do. Get to the other side of the map. Don't throw yourself against it giving the team kills. Here's one tip for pikes-use those caves on the edges of the map to flank

I'd like to add that so few fucking people understand to shoot the driver. The tank can only look in one direction at a time. As soon as that tank looks away from me I'm taking free scout or sniper head shots at him all day, it can't deal with a multivectored attack well at all.

Teamwork makes the dream work.
Just got in but two of my buddies already gave up when PSN errors were cropping up. They bailed to CoD.

Anyone want to group up (PS4)? My PSN ID is xenorevlis


I'd like to add that so few fucking people understand to shoot the driver. The tank can only look in one direction at a time. As soon as that tank looks away from me I'm taking free scout or sniper head shots at him all day, it can't deal with a multivectored attack well at all.

Teamwork makes the dream work.
Truth. The driver has literally no protection and dies just as well as if he were on the ground.


Ugh, I think I'm just give up on getting a green Full Auto or Scout with 57 attack.

I've run this strike far too many times... Really wish they didn't nerf the vendors so bad.

Haha, is it really a grind? I just kind of got mine naturally, and I think I even got one off Cryptarch at a specific time of the day.

Keep raiding and consider that you might be able to save up money for Cryptarch.

what doors?

They're straight down the middle of the Tower, behind the bounty gatherer.
Ugh, I think I'm just give up on getting a green Full Auto or Scout with 57 attack.

I've run this strike far too many times... Really wish they didn't nerf the vendors so bad.

This morning the Gunsmith had a Green 57 attack Scout Rifle and Hand Cannon so I bought them from there. Now I just need an Auto Rifle to finish off having 1 of each weapon type leveled up to 62 attack.
One thing I wish was on the companion app would be a way of seeing what all the shops/sellers had for sale at a given time. The stocks always refresh after a period of time so having the ability to just log into the app and check would save a lot of time.

But...it does do that? Tower Map in the app. Tap npc.
Just to add to the primary weapon balance discussion. As someone whose been stuck with only the hand cannon or the scout rifle(and generally prefers full auto weapons) I can honestly say the Hand cannon isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

Yes, the reload time and clip size are terrible. However, I can shoot one shot and melee someone with the hand cannon and kill them, in a very similar manner to the shot gun. That and I can three shot people normally, 2 shot head shot them otherwise. Also the hip fire accuracy makes it just about the only weapon that I spend more time hip firing than ADS. The key here is, if the enemies at medium range, not to tap the trigger like a mad man. Instead have a brief pause between firing to let the accuracy reset and you can kill the enemy pretty fast with decent aim. I honestly find I do better with the cannon than the scout rifle.

All this being said, I'm still frantically trying to find an auto-rifle, it definitely seems to be the best all around choice in PVP. My luck sucks, thus far.

The important thing to remember about the hand cannon is, in ideal world where you don't miss your crits, you'll win 100% of the time.

So if you're using hand cannons, you know, don't miss.


One thing I wish was on the companion app would be a way of seeing what all the shops/sellers had for sale at a given time. The stocks always refresh after a period of time so having the ability to just log into the app and check would save a lot of time.

The Companion app does have this. Go to the Tower map then tap on any of the vendors. It'll show what their stock is at the moment and how long until it's refreshed.
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