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So I want to buy a Kindle

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hsukardi said:
Does Kindle or any ereader on the market allow you to dump a bunch of text into it and just read? I write alot of papers and read alot of papers and text from friends and such. Or do these things only accept proprietary stuff from their e-stores?

You can do this pretty easily. I would recommend grabbing Calibre as well, you don't need it for this but it makes it much better.



QVT said:
I guess you could say Kindle's have 45% the functionality of iPads? (That's what your movie has on rottentomatoes, I'm sure you know, but other people might not. Since they didn't see it.)

It is kinda funny that you, having written a movie with the fucking word book in the title, would come in to a thread about a book reader and suggest a tablet PC.


Kano On The Phone said:
To be honest, if I could get free hardcover copies of all the paperbacks I've bought over the last 1, 3, 6, ? months I would a lot more inclined to buy paperbacks.

What? That's not even remotely close to what I said. First, I'm not asking to buy the cheapest version possible and get the more expensive version for free.

As far as price: Hardback > Paperback > Ebook

2nd, it's fairly common practice with movies now - you buy a DVD or blu ray and you get the digital copy for free. To ask for that in books is not an insane request.


xBigDanx said:
What? That's not even remotely close to what I said. First, I'm not asking to buy the cheapest version possible and get the more expensive version for free.

As far as price: Hardback > Paperback > Ebook

2nd, it's fairly common practice with movies now - you buy a DVD or blu ray and you get the digital copy for free. To ask for that in books is not an insane request.
That would be awesome for me, because my wife doesn't have a Kindle. I would love to be able to read the same book simultaneously for the price of the hardcover.

Wonder if Amazon is looking into this?
xBigDanx said:
What? That's not even remotely close to what I said. First, I'm not asking to buy the cheapest version possible and get the more expensive version for free.

As far as price: Hardback > Paperback > Ebook

2nd, it's fairly common practice with movies now - you buy a DVD or blu ray and you get the digital copy for free. To ask for that in books is not an insane request.
It's more ridiculous than insane, so you're right.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's not Amazon's call.
ShallNoiseUpon said:
Correct. And if recent history is an example, publishers aren't going to embrace ebooks. They are going to go kicking and screaming.
Which is weird because according to everything I've read recently book sales are in the toilet these days. You'd think publishers would be willing to try anything new to re-invigorate sales, rather than adopt a myopic and protectionist attitude toward their failing industry, especially after everyone has already seen what Apple did for the music industry when it was in similar doldrums.

Rowling won't let any of her Potter books on digital right? Lame!


Gary Whitta said:
Rowling won't let any of her Potter books on digital right? Lame!
At least it makes sense from Rowling's perspective. They're still charging $15-20 for hardback editions of the HP books, and I'm sure they still sell pretty well. Maybe in 5 years or so, once the market has matured and it would get HP back in the news, they'll make a grand announcement and people will rush out to buy the books again in digital format.

They might make more money by releasing e-editions of HP, but I tend to only buy e-books that I don't want to own in hard copy. I'll still probably buy every Song of Ice and Fire book in hard copy, even if it's more pleasant to read on the Kindle.


Kano On The Phone said:
It's more ridiculous than insane, so you're right.

lol.. you have yet to actually provide reasons for your thoughts. Why is it ridiculous? Is it ridiculous to think that something that all other forms of media provide is something that you might one day expect from books?
I dont think it will be long before publishers start putting codes for the ebook download into copies of their physical books. Just make it print up on the receipt when you purchase the book, that way some asshole cant come into the store and copy the code off of each copy of the book. (As I have seen people do to the medical books in my store. Schmucks).
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's not Amazon's call.

True. It took some arm twisting to get publishers to even allow digital lending on the nook. And all they budged on was ONE lending in the life of the book. One is better than nothing, but it seems a little assholish to only allow lending the book once. Three times? A little more understandable.
Gary Whitta said:
Which is weird because according to everything I've read recently book sales are in the toilet these days. You'd think publishers would be willing to try anything new to re-invigorate sales, rather than adopt a myopic and protectionist attitude toward their failing industry, especially after everyone has already seen what Apple did for the music industry when it was in similar doldrums.

Rowling won't let any of her Potter books on digital right? Lame!

I'm not sure, but I'm going to say that book piracy is nowhere near where music piracy was pre-iTunes store. It's not like you can rip a book to your computer and share it. Digital books are still a new market.

This may or may not have an influence on their decision to stay in the physical market rather than embrace digital distribution.
xBigDanx said:
lol.. you have yet to actually provide reasons for your thoughts. Why is it ridiculous? Is it ridiculous to think that something that all other forms of media provide is something that you might one day expect from books?

Happens in gaming too now, right? If you buy Half Life 2 or Modern Warfare 2 off the shelf you get discs in the box, plus you are able to d/l the game off Steam.


gregor7777 said:
Happens in gaming too now, right? If you buy Half Life 2 or Modern Warfare 2 off the shelf you get discs in the box, plus you are able to d/l the game off Steam.

Are you able to do that or are you being facetious? lol. I know its odd that I didn't think of gaming, but when I said media, I was thinking more along the lines of movies and music.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
I'm not sure, but I'm going to say that book piracy is nowhere near where music piracy was pre-iTunes store. It's not like you can rip a book to your computer and share it. Digital books are still a new market.

This may or may not have an influence on their decision to stay in the physical market rather than embrace digital distribution.
You can definitely "rip" a book, that's why the Potter books have been online illegally for years. It's time intensive, but all you need is a scanner and OCR software.
ShallNoiseUpon said:
I'm not sure, but I'm going to say that book piracy is nowhere near where music piracy was pre-iTunes store. It's not like you can rip a book to your computer and share it. Digital books are still a new market.

This may or may not have an influence on their decision to stay in the physical market rather than embrace digital distribution.
I don't think piracy has anything to do with it, at least not in the US (book piracy is actually big business in some countries, I heard an NPR report on it when I accidentally switched over from the Howard Stern show one time). It's just that people aren't buying books these days. If there's a way to make them (a) more convenient to keep and read and (b) cheaper, it can only help.

I support the digital copy idea, BTW. Best of both worlds, I can cozy up at home with the physical copy because the feel of a real book is still desirable, then when I travel take the digital copy on my tablet/e-reader without having to lug another heavy item around.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
My wife got a Nook for her birthday two months ago and she loves it. You should consider it over a Kindle, weighing the following observations:

1) The "next," "previous" page buttons on the Nook have a bit more resistance and are recessed beneath the unit's top layer of poly-whatever. This means they are harder to hit accidentally, and will never get clogged with hair or finger grease or whatever. See, if the "next page" button goes out on any eReader, its instantly useless. I love the Nook's design on these.

2) Similarly, the touch screen below gives you better options for reconfigurable nav of the store, and won't clog with crap. The big keyboard on the Kindle just seems cruddy to me. A color LCD touchscreen is cooler, and let's you see color book cover art.

3) Not sure on this, but Barnes & Noble might be a better negotiator of eReader book rights and prices with individual publishers. Amazon is having spats with certain publishers more and more.

4) Nook lets you lend a title to another Nook user for two weeks.

5) Dave Barry wrote the included quick star user guide. I laughed.

Hate to sound like a sales guy. The thing is sitting four feet from me right now, and it's pretty damn cool, I gotta say. You can upload your own PDFs to the thing too.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I like the design of the Nook, but I feel like going with Amazon's distro is a better bet in the long term, so hopefully Kindle 3 addresses their current shortcomings (like that shitty keyboard taking up so much space on the device).


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Well I see now the question is moot, with the OP going with the kindle.

Still the buttons, touch screen, and the beveled thickness make the nook a better piece of hardware, IMO.

I'm waiting for Amazon and B&N to start getting pissy with the exclusives as this war heats up.

Anybody know if the eInk technology is even possible in color? I'd love to see comics on an eInk reader...
EviLore said:
I like the design of the Nook, but I feel like going with Amazon's distro is a better bet in the long term, so hopefully Kindle 3 addresses their current shortcomings (like that shitty keyboard taking up so much space on the device).
I don't know why this isn't a bigger concern to people. It seems like a leap of faith to rely on Barnes and Nobles' distro in the long term, given that Amazon is already taking a huge bite out of their business and is on the verge of killing B&N's highest ranked brick and mortar competition (Borders) entirely.


Kano On The Phone said:
People get insane over their electronics, especially new electronics. You admitted that it's obviously a kneejerk response and OP made the right decision, so no harm. Anyone with sense already knew the Kindle was a better choice as a serious eReader.

Then there are a ton of people here that have no sense.
EviLore said:
I like the design of the Nook, but I feel like going with Amazon's distro is a better bet in the long term, so hopefully Kindle 3 addresses their current shortcomings (like that shitty keyboard taking up so much space on the device).

The distro for the books from Amazon is better I think, but they also have more experience in the digital realm than Barnes and Noble does. I think once BN gets a little more used to the ereader side, things will really take off. They also seem to be listening to complaints, as the last firmware update on the nook fixed a lot of issues and made navigation with the touchscreen easier as well. There are some things from iBooks they should adopt from as well. I prefer how iBooks shows the available fonts and buttons for font sizing, as opposed to just the name of the font on a single line on nook. A small window with samples of each font, as well as samples of size of the font on nook would be very nice.
Kano On The Phone said:
I don't know why this isn't a bigger concern to people. It seems like a leap of faith to rely on Barnes and Nobles' distro in the long term, given that Amazon is already taking a huge bite out of their business and is on the verge of killing B&N's highest ranked brick and mortar competition (Borders) entirely.

That is the only reason that keeps me from going all in on the nook. Amazon isn't going away and I'm not implying B&N is but amazon they're not.


hsukardi said:
Does Kindle or any ereader on the market allow you to dump a bunch of text into it and just read? I write alot of papers and read alot of papers and text from friends and such. Or do these things only accept proprietary stuff from their e-stores?
The Sony models support rtf without conversion, which is pretty easy to get from any word processor document.
xBigDanx said:
Are you able to do that or are you being facetious? lol. I know its odd that I didn't think of gaming, but when I said media, I was thinking more along the lines of movies and music.

No, totally serious. MW2 is a steamworks enabled game so you get it tied to your Steam account AFAIK. And I'm assuming if you buy it at retail you're not just getting an empty box with a code.

Half Life 2 is definitely that way. You get the HL2 DVD plus you can download it directly from Steam.
Imbarkus said:
1) The "next," "previous" page buttons on the Nook have a bit more resistance and are recessed beneath the unit's top layer of poly-whatever. This means they are harder to hit accidentally, and will never get clogged with hair or finger grease or whatever. See, if the "next page" button goes out on any eReader, its instantly useless. I love the Nook's design on these.

my sony reader has a "next page" button in a pretty inconvenient place (below the screen on the left), which makes me hold it with my right hand and use my thumb on the touchscreen to "turn" the page. it's actually pretty great! i guess a button on the right hand side would be nice too, but at least this way i can avoid the potential disaster you describe.

i maintain that the sony readers are unbeatable as far as physical hardware design goes - they are beautifully made slabs of e-ink that will display whatever you throw at them as well as anything else. the only reason not to go for one is the lack of a wireless store, which might be a big deal for some.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Gary Whitta said:
Cheap shots at Eli in threads totally unrelated to Eli = ignore list. Bye!

Is this like or unlike cheap shots at Kindle in threads totally unrelated to iPad? Because I know you're a troll, a hack, and a nobody, but I didn't think you were a hypocrite.


Hail to the KING baby
E-ink is so sexay. Going to pick one of these up next gen. Color isn't really a dealbreaker for me, but I'm a pretty big fan of periodicals so it doesn't hurt.


QVT said:
Is this like or unlike cheap shots at Kindle in threads totally unrelated to iPad? Because I know you're a troll, a hack, and a nobody, but I didn't think you were a hypocrite.

The iPad reference at the beginning of this discussion (despite it being an inferior ereader) may have been an Apple fanboy troll on Whitta's part, but your comments are really rude.


RubxQub said:
Actually...that's an amazing point :lol

I just reread the OP and you're 100% correct, there wasn't a single mention of "which eReader" in it.

Wow...NOW I get the frustration with how this thread turned out, and in retrospect find my own replies sheepish.

Which is why the Apple fanboys deserve to be mocked in this thread.


QVT just did more to shit up this thread than anyone else. congrats.

I hope you can learn to deal with people better in the future. insulting folks the way you just did just because of the electronics they enjoy is sociopathic


LCfiner said:
QVT just did more to shit up this thread than anyone else. congrats.

I hope you can learn to deal with people better in the future. insulting folks the way you just did just because of the electronics they enjoy is sociopathic
yeah i'm sure qvt was frothing at his mouth as he made those posts
LCfiner said:
QVT just did more to shit up this thread than anyone else. congrats.

I hope you can learn to deal with people better in the future. insulting folks the way you just did just because of the electronics they enjoy is sociopathic

This thread was ruined way before that. Imagine going on the gaming side and asking "should I get a DSi or wait for the 3DS?" only to have people flood the thread with "Buy an PS3". Or going to buy a bicycle and having a bunch of people yelling at you to buy a Toyota Prius instead. Usually this kind of shilling is frowned upon and someone calling it out, or at least targeting the biggest fish in the polluted pond, is certainly refreshing. Personally, if I had the money I'd buy an iPad and would already own an e-ink device (probably the small Sony ones released a while ago).

I've only skimmed the thread so I don't know if it is mentioned, but I know that back when Sony announced their two models, the touch screen one wasn't well received because the image quality was degraded. If you're getting an e-ink reader, the reason you'd want one is for that image clarity. If Amazon can figure out a touch solution that doesn't rely detract from the image, that's another story.

And the Nook is a bit weird. I think they got past the awkwardness of the usual e-ink interface, but at the same time it feels like a cheap solution to the problem. I know there was some tech shown at a recent tech convention that showed how a regular lcd screen could change into an e-ink screen and that sound like another solution.


Fair-weather, with pride!
I said my piece on why he should buy a Kindle. But any kind of serious information/discussion is either glossed over or ignored. Look at the response to name calling any compare it to the response to clearly explained comparison information between the kindle/nook and ereaders/ipad.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Linkzg said:
This thread was ruined way before that. Imagine going on the gaming side and asking "should I get a DSi or wait for the 3DS?" only to have people flood the thread with "Buy an PS3". Or going to buy a bicycle and having a bunch of people yelling at you to buy a Toyota Prius instead. Usually this kind of shilling is frowned upon and someone calling it out, or at least targeting the biggest fish in the polluted pond, is certainly refreshing. Personally, if I had the money I'd buy an iPad and would already own an e-ink device (probably the small Sony ones released a while ago).



gregor7777 said:
Man, Whitta's made some enemies around here. :lol

Seriously, why is this? Is it because of Whitta or the movie?
If the movie is really that shitty I may have to rent the DVD...


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
How is the Kindle's notetaking and highlighting functionality? Does anything else out there right now compare? That is a pretty big deal for me to make the jump to an e-reader; I like to crease and highlight in my books.


Linkzg said:
This thread was ruined way before that. Imagine going on the gaming side and asking "should I get a DSi or wait for the 3DS?" only to have people flood the thread with "Buy an PS3". Or going to buy a bicycle and having a bunch of people yelling at you to buy a Toyota Prius instead. Usually this kind of shilling is frowned upon and someone calling it out, or at least targeting the biggest fish in the polluted pond, is certainly refreshing.

Well said.
BorkBork said:
How is the Kindle's notetaking and highlighting functionality? Does anything else out there right now compare? That is a pretty big deal for me to make the jump to an e-reader; I like to crease and highlight in my books.

Highlighting is fairly easy, just navigate to where you want to start, click your little joystick thingy, highlight to where you want to stop. You can look at them in another menu or go directly to highlighted section.

The notetaking stuff is kind of tough, just because the keyboard isn't the best, other than that, I'm not sure how full-featured it is, I'll get back to you on it if no one else does.


Fair-weather, with pride!
BorkBork said:
How is the Kindle's notetaking and highlighting functionality? Does anything else out there right now compare? That is a pretty big deal for me to make the jump to an e-reader; I like to crease and highlight in my books.

The notetaking (clipping) feature is probably my favorite feature behind the eink and battery. I've got this huge file with clippings from End of the Affair and Invisible Cities and Sun Also Rises. I like to go through it all the time :D

I don't take notes but it seems easy enough aside from the keyboard not being great.
I like highlighting. Click the button where you want to start, click it again where you want it to end, and it syncs to kindle.amazon.com across all your devices and on the Internet. Way more useful and better than paper book highlighting.


345triangle said:
i maintain that the sony readers are unbeatable as far as physical hardware design goes - they are beautifully made slabs of e-ink that will display whatever you throw at them as well as anything else. the only reason not to go for one is the lack of a wireless store, which might be a big deal for some.
I agree, the Sony's have the best hardware design AND the best user interface in terms of allowing you to sort your books into genre collections. Hard to believe that the Kindle and Nook STILL don't have this simple option, they dump all the books into one big list.

The shortcoming of Sony is the store, though they do have a wireless shop accessible on their newer models, it's a bit clunkier and the majority of their readers don't display their own books properly! They are desperately in need of a firmware update to support full justification for ePubs. I don't see how they could have switched their store format from Sony-native LRF format to ePub when ePub only displays with a ragged right margin on their devices.

Still, I don't mind because I don't buy many ebooks anyway. When I do, I actually use Amazon's Kindle store. You can strip the DRM and convert from mobi to lrf in a matter of minutes.


I would buy a $199 color E-Ink Kindle, if it has all the features of the Kindle DX and supported some new file formats.

Oh, and Textbooks would have to hit the Amazon e-book store as well. I would gladly pay $199 to store all my textbooks on a super light Kindle Color.
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