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SOMA |OT| I Have No Mouth but I Will Scream, on The Dark Descent into A Machine

I really like the game but I am not that scared by it tbh. The first Amnesia was still more effective. The atmosphere is incredibly creepy though.
To be fair they never intended for this to be just Amnesia: Sci Fi Edition
So our goal is for SOMA to also feel like a revitalization of the horror genre, just as Amnesia did. Will it be as scary? I do think so! Not just in the same primal "run and hide in closets"-fashion that Amnesia evoked, but at a more deeper more psychological and gut-chilling level.
In Amnesia: The Dark Descent, there's constant oppression that starts from the get go, peaks somewhere half-way through, and then continues until the end. What you get is a game that's very nerve-wracking, but which also becomes numbing after while. It's pretty common for players to feel the game loses much of its impact halfway through.

SOMA is laid out a bit differently. At first it relies more on a mysterious and creepy tone, slowly ramps up the scariness, and peaks pretty late in the game.
It's also important to point out that SOMA relies on very different scare tactics. In Amnesia the focus was on having a "haunted house"-style ride where creepy supernatural things could pop up any point. Most of the scares were all about inducing primal "afraid of the dark"-like responses.

SOMA, on the other hand, derives much of its horror from the subject matter. The real terror will not just come from hard-wired gut reactions, but from thinking about your situation and the events that unfold from it.
Had no idea this was releasing now :O. Oh man Do I dare to buy it? According to the op there's dangerous marine life in this game, that's the worst ><.

Has anyone done a PC vs PS4 comparison yet?

A few people here were mentioning loading times and frame rate issues on PS4...some things I imagine wouldn't be an issue on PC (hopefully)


The opening of this game.

I think it may be THE most interactive game I have ever played. I spent at least 30 minutes in the first room just looking at EVERYTHING.

Performance is weird though, FPS goes way down in some spots (the bathroom for instance). Don't really know why.

Lord Phol

A few people here were mentioning loading times and frame rate issues on PS4...some things I imagine wouldn't be an issue on PC (hopefully)

Ah okey, will wait for more impressions then. Perhaps I'll buy it for PC now and PS4 later, though I all ready have Batman, Witcher 3, MGS 5 and Destiny to play >>.
Also just looked at the steam page, holy shit had no idea this game would be based underwater. That's like my biggest phobia D:.


What's this I'm hearing about frame rate issues on PS4? Is this the regular "UNPLAYABLE AT 29 FPS" internet hyperbole, or are we actually talking about a serious problem?
Ok, I am getting close to saying fuck this.

All I have achieved is a freeing a small robot from being trapped under some rocks, It follows me around and lights up the area underwater.


What's this I'm hearing about frame rate issues on PS4? Is this the regular "UNPLAYABLE AT 29 FPS" internet hyperbole, or are we actually talking about a serious problem?

I'm on PC but there are weird issues with uneven FPS - namely turning around quickly in certain spots seems to plummet the frame rate. It's probably just that but worse. Due to the nature of the game I'm not finding it a HUGE issue since things are slow paced and exploratory (so far).


What's this I'm hearing about frame rate issues on PS4? Is this the regular "UNPLAYABLE AT 29 FPS" internet hyperbole, or are we actually talking about a serious problem?
Been watching the streams myself, and it seems fine. Although Im sure that varies on location.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Man, the darker scenes in this game look really bad on my monitor. Very blotchy tones. Gamma issue on my end?


How's the pc version?

Runs with 60fps here (2500K, 970) except occasional micro-stutters when new level sections are getting loaded. Not optimal but I'll take this over loading screens.

Man, the darker scenes in this game look really bad on my monitor. Very blotchy tones. Gamma issue on my end?

Maybe this (see 'First solution'): https://pcmonitors.info/articles/correcting-hdmi-colour-on-nvidia-and-amd-gpus/

Nvidia drivers default to a limited color range which also impacts the black levels.
I am so fucking pissed, found the way out, I missed an obvious contraption and went round in circles for about half an hour.

That said it seems my earlier discovery was mandatory to get past this part.


pretty sad this game doesn't support downsampling... playing on pc and its running ok. doesn't seem to be that well optimized. visually.... its a big step up from amnesia... but this engine really doesn't help establish the atmosphere and mood.

va so far seems unattached.

gameplay is alright so far. i am mot that far into it.

soo... i take it the twist is that im a robot?

also. everything has a slight fog. hmmm... i hope this gets better. i was really looking forwars to this game.


pretty sad this game doesn't support downsampling... playing on pc and its running ok. doesn't seem to be that well optimized. visually.... its a big step up from amnesia... but this engine really doesn't help establish the atmosphere and mood.

va so far seems unattached.

gameplay is alright so far. i am mot that far into it.
DSR working ok here, playing at 1440p.


Just bought on PS4. I've stayed away from most news with the game as I know all I need to know. Jumping in now and hoping for a fun experience!

Fun perhaps not being the best word!


I'm on PC but there are weird issues with uneven FPS - namely turning around quickly in certain spots seems to plummet the frame rate. It's probably just that but worse. Due to the nature of the game I'm not finding it a HUGE issue since things are slow paced and exploratory (so far).

Been watching the streams myself, and it seems fine. Although Im sure that varies on location.


Loading is a bummer, but I survived Bloodborne pre-patch, so I should be fine.


Liking what I have seen/played of this so far but I'm only an hour in so we'll so how it goes.

I did, however, experience an issue earlier which forced me to restart the game though. When you're in the Comm. Center and
you use the terminal to make contact with Lambda, and the room then starts to fill with water. The computer just stayed on "connected" and didn't trigger the following event and there was no way to interact with the computer again after that. I did mess around with the other sites on there before trying to connect to Lambda (which I didn't do the second time around) so maybe that messed it up? not sure. Either way I was basically locked in the room with nothing to do.
. Tried verifying the Steam install but that didn't do any good so I started a new game. Just got past that point now so that seems to have done the trick. Thankfully it didn't take too long to get back there..


Jesus this game gives me the chills.

That first
you find, plugged
into the machine....

"I needed that. I was.... happy." [powers down]

pretty sad this game doesn't support downsampling... playing on pc and its running ok. doesn't seem to be that well optimized. visually.... its a big step up from amnesia... but this engine really doesn't help establish the atmosphere and mood.

You can just downsample the old fashioned way (custom resolution). It's working fine for me.
pretty sad this game doesn't support downsampling... playing on pc and its running ok. doesn't seem to be that well optimized. visually.... its a big step up from amnesia... but this engine really doesn't help establish the atmosphere and mood.

va so far seems unattached.

gameplay is alright so far. i am mot that far into it.

soo... i take it the twist is that im a robot?

also. everything has a slight fog. hmmm... i hope this gets better. i was really looking forwars to this game.
I hope there's more to the story.... I have seen litteraly 5 min of trailers, and that was my guess.


i set it to 4k and screen just blows out of proportion. did u use gedosato?

Nope, just DSR via NVIDIA's control panel. Not sure if the problem exists now though, since my downsampling amount is lower.

Tried to disable DPI scalling? I remember reading something about it on SOMA's techinical forums.
I hope there's more to the story.... I have seen litteraly 5 min of trailers, and that was my guess.
It's not like Frictional has been secretive about the concept. Did you see the OT? Check out Posting Guidelines image, and the promo art. Or the live action teasers
What's this I'm hearing about frame rate issues on PS4? Is this the regular "UNPLAYABLE AT 29 FPS" internet hyperbole, or are we actually talking about a serious problem?
Serious problems, stutters frequently and certain areas cause fps drops. no idea why they areas that drop aren't different at all.
not a fan of the hide and seek gameplay, I'm just staring at a wall and waiting for it to go , if they level design was better it wouldn't be a problem.
Loving the story though.


Interested to hear what you think Staffs. Pretty sure you and I had similar opinions on Alien Isolation, so we may share similar tastes in horror games.

what was ur opinion on alien isolation? i woukd like to know more gaffers that like scary, horror and psychological thrillers. specially in games.


Yeah I was going to cover this but they are not giving more codes till after early access so I'm waiting. Soma is here and deserves all the attention it can get.

Got a preview code form the devs yesterday, has yet to play Until Dawn and now SOMA. This is good horror times.


PC perfrormance is ALL OVER the place.

It's... usually 60 FPS but then I get random drops into the 20s and 30s for seemingly innocuous actions like looking down or turning around. It's really weird.

I have a GX780, i5-2500k, and Windows 8.1. It's at 1440p with everything on high. I well exceed the recommended specs so I don't really understand the problem.

The game itself however is sooooooo good.


Fucking lost here, going in circles.

This line is giving me flashbacks to like every first-person horror game I've played. Trying to complete some sort of 'puzzle' while unable to tell where I am or where I'm going, usually because everything looks the same and/or is too dark. :(

I still want to give Soma a shot though.
Interested to hear what you think Staffs. Pretty sure you and I had similar opinions on Alien Isolation, so we may share similar tastes in horror games.

Played like an hour or so. Feels good so far, a bit of I can't see shit - the video game at times, but maybe my room is not dark enough.

The tension is there, but no crippling anxiety, yet. Story seems interesting. Can't wait to see where it goes from what has been set up so far. Definately similiar to A:I (have not played Amnesia games).

Early story stuff:
Just met Carl, the robot who thinks he is human, and saw Carl's dead body. Looks like pretty standard so far, and looks like the player character might indeed be a robot too. Machines gone crazy was set up real soon in the story, but I guess there is going to be more to it.

And oh, there are some hickups with the frame rate here and there, and game sometimes pauses to think (load), which is a shame, but nothing game breaking. PS4.
what was ur opinion on alien isolation? i woukd like to know more gaffers that like scary, horror and psychological thrillers. specially in games.

Really liked it. Atmosphere was amazing, sound effects were incredible and they absolutely nailed the visuals as well. I felt like the game itself went on about a third longer than it should have (10-12 hours would have been perfect instead of near enough 20 hours), and it got a bit tiring fighting against the droids at times (even though they were really unsettling), but the stealth gameplay was excellent, the setting of Sevastopol was superb and it has just the right amount of depth.

Probably considered it an 8/10 after finishing, and in all honesty the only thing I'd change would be trimming some of the fat.

Until dawn was fantastic. one of my top games this year.

I'm playing that at the moment, and really enjoying it. Certainly one of my best surprises of the year so far, and feels like a better attempt at the Quantic Dream style of game than any QD game has managed so far!
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