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Sony Gamescom: PS4 install base exceeded 10 million units sold through globally.


Well, historically, thats how the year breaks down with a nice majority of sales happening in Q3,Q4. So the demand will most certainly be there. The only problem, as you said, is whether they prepared the appropriate production lines?
Well, we know there's one major region they won't have to ship any to :)

It's a shame Sony will be unable to save the Japanese console market.
They get an F for effort
This right here is GAF history in the making.

Hours ago, I mean HOURS ago before I had some dinner and streamed some programmes on my laptop and chatted with my gf, I saw this poster arguing with everyone about Xbone making a comeback.

Then just now I came back to the thread and he's still talking about the same thing, but his opinion is like a dramatic climb-down to what he was espousing hours ago.

Damn Gaf, it's like you ground the poor sap down systematically, over hours, which is what that post represents. Well that or someone hacked the guy's account lol.
Got a question, did Sony take the crown with the PS1 or with the PS2?

I want to say they rallied their army during the PS1 era and made a decisive victory during the PS2 era. However, it seems some madness entered the bloodline during the PS3 era and they lost a bit of power in the US while being able to keep their stronghold in Europe in check. Luckily enough they had some sort of coup/enlightenment before ushering in the PS4. They are now quickly gaining back lost ground in the US... maybe Frodo was able to throw the One Ring into the Fires of Mt. Doom giving Ceragorn the advantage.

So holding on to Europe was like when everyone went into helms deep? lol
And in the long gone yesteryear
Don Mattrick's words made Redmond cheer
"Ten million first shall win this race!"
He said, with grin upon his face.

"The coming battle shall be won right here,
With games like Halo and Forza and Gears."
He ended his statement with a triumphant nod
Secure in his love from the gaming gods

His words stoked fires among the fans
Each camp clenched swords in bloodied hands
The system warz began again
Three noble fighters, each sure to win

Microsoft, of course, had their white box
Sleek, and powerful, and filled with lots
Of games to play with friends new and old
Or even watch Netflix (if you paid for Gold)

The box upon which SCE was betting
Had power, confusion, and printer settings
The games would look and run so swell
If developers could handle the goddamn Cell

And in the third corner of the ring
Stood the tiny offering from the former king
An innovative waggle-box called the Wii
Would eventually win, quite handily

But fear not brave warriors! War is not through!
Nintendo returned with the shiny WiiU!
It's a console! It's a tablet! It's both things combined!
It's the word "underwhelming," redefined

The other two fighters each had a son
The 360 gave birth to the Xbox One
Underpowered, TV-focused, and chained to Kinect
It struggles to gain traction, or even respect

PS3's new child has shot up the charts
Sleek and powerful, with a gaming heart
It seems quite destined to stay far ahead
Unless Sony acts like Sony and shits in the bed

But now that Gamescom '14 is here at long last
Words did echo from deep in the past
"The first to 10 million shall win at all cost!"
Hung from Microsoft's neck like a stone albatross

So now Tokyo laughs as Redmond sneers
And Lara Croft's eyes well up with tears
For bad news has arrived for the mighty Xbone
PS4 was the first to reach Don's milestone

Damn! Fixed :)
You sir are a damn fantastic poet.

Good job.


PS4 is just scary, it will open 2015 with a install base of nearing 20m consoles and Arkham Knight, Evolve, The Order, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Metal Gear Solid V releasing in already in Q1.

TGS is going to be fundamental for Sony, if they can get Japan behind the PS4 we are looking at PS2 levels of domination.
It really is shocking to see how well the PS4 is selling in comparison to the Wii. The marketing for the PS4 is to position it as a gaming beast. Wii was targeting literally everybody and there alien.

Hate to say, this will keep going for a while. Especially if they keep price competitive with Msoft in about 3 years time when the slow adopters come in for that cheapness.

Phil S.

I'll hopefully be in the next 10 million sold or at most next 30. A lot of new announcements at Gamescom got me more interested in the PS4 than I have been.

Happy for the system's success. :)
PS4 is just scary, it will open 2015 with a install base of nearing 20m consoles and Arkham Knight, Evolve, The Order, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne and Metal Gear Solid V releasing in already in Q1.

TGS is going to be fundamental for Sony, if they can get Japan behind the PS4 we are looking at PS2 levels of domination.
I am still hoping for:

-UmJammer 2
-Tomba 3 (or a remake to the 2nd one)
-A release date for Morpheus
-And maybe a sequel to the game your avatar stars in ;)
-A couple neat surprises

To at least be announced at TGS....
And in the long gone yesteryear
Don Mattrick's words made Redmond cheer
"Ten million first shall win this race!"
He said, with grin upon his face.

"The coming battle shall be won right here,
With games like Halo and Forza and Gears."
He ended his statement with a triumphant nod
Secure in his love from the gaming gods

His words stoked fires among the fans
Each camp clenched swords in bloodied hands
The system warz began again
Three noble fighters, each sure to win

Microsoft, of course, had their white box
Sleek, and powerful, and filled with lots
Of games to play with friends new and old
Or even watch Netflix (if you paid for Gold)

The box upon which SCE was betting
Had power, confusion, and printer settings
The games would look and run so swell
If developers could handle the goddamn Cell

And in the third corner of the ring
Stood the tiny offering from the former king
An innovative waggle-box called the Wii
Would eventually win, quite handily

But fear not brave warriors! War is not through!
Nintendo returned with the shiny WiiU!
It's a console! It's a tablet! It's both things combined!
It's the word "underwhelming," redefined

The other two fighters each had a son
The 360 gave birth to the Xbox One
Underpowered, TV-focused, and chained to Kinect
It struggles to gain traction, or even respect

PS3's new child has shot up the charts
Sleek and powerful, with a gaming heart
It seems quite destined to stay far ahead
Unless Sony acts like Sony and shits in the bed

But now that Gamescom '14 is here at long last
Words did echo from deep in the past
"The first to 10 million shall win at all cost!"
Hung from Microsoft's neck like a stone albatross

So now Tokyo laughs as Redmond sneers
And Lara Croft's eyes well up with tears
For bad news has arrived for the mighty Xbone
PS4 was the first to reach Don's milestone

Damn! Fixed :)
I thought I'd repeatedly roll my eyes while reading this, but goddamn it's amazing.
You sir are a damn fantastic poet.

Good job.

I enjoyed that. Nicely done.

plop, that was awesome!

Thank you :)

How have I not seen this gif before? I'm dyin' here.

I thought I'd repeatedly roll my eyes while reading this, but goddamn it's amazing.

I actually debated posting it after I wrote it because I thought it might come off as corny or whatever. I appreciate the encouraging words :)


I like Xbox too, and I think they even have a better exclusive line-up than PS4, especially this Fall. Hell, I even like GFWL. I was pretty psyched for X1 and I'm still getting one in the coming months but damn all these fuck-ups just make you wonder what could have been... they had the ball 1st & Goal and couldn't even get a field goal out of it. Unbelievable.

Well, I don't get as much out of field goals as you do, but I certainly think it would be a much closer race. The fact that the ps4 is doing well without really doing anything new or even having a large CURRENT line up shows that Microsoft probably didn't have to change anything at all.

I really don't know what either company was thinking with their motion control efforts though, seeing as they barely seemed to support Move or Kinect beyond initial marketing. I can understand Microsoft misjudging digital adoption due to some internal money-fueled cascade of delusion, but it feels like they should have dropped Kinect when it failed to take off last generation.

At least the Halo collection looks amazing.
I've always owned every console there is and had an Xbox 360 as well. I used to tell all my Xbox friends that this new Matrick dude and this whole Kinect crap was wrong but my God they were just so blind to see it.

Sucks to see the Xbox brand completely lose everything they built up but when you turn you back on the people who made you this is what happens. Going after that casual money was their downfall it seems.


I am still hoping for:

-UmJammer 2
-Tomba 3 (or a remake to the 2nd one)
-A release date for Morpheus
-And maybe a sequel to the game your avatar stars in ;)
-A couple neat surprises

To at least be announced at TGS....
Don't do that to me, I can't even dream about it.


Sucks to see the Xbox brand completely lose everything they built up but when you turn you back on the people who made you this is what happens. Going after that casual money was their downfall it seems.

It's rather amazing that they lost all good will built up over a generation in a one to two hour event when the details emerged.

Now, the number of machines sold thus far isn't bad, it's just that it kind of flat-lined and shipments plunged while their competitor seems to have basically sold around double the amount of consoles they shipped to retail.

All in all, I said a few months ago it was a lost cause for MS and they need to focus on just being profitable at that point rather than any ambition to take the lead. This is just reinforcing said opinion. MS has made some crazy business decisions lately that failed pretty hard not just in the console sector. I don't see them throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars to try to take the top spot now, I don't think their investors will stand for that.


I am still hoping for:

-UmJammer 2
-Tomba 3 (or a remake to the 2nd one)
-A release date for Morpheus
-And maybe a sequel to the game your avatar stars in ;)
-A couple neat surprises

To at least be announced at TGS....

That seems less likely than TLG being shown at TGS this year.
So... When do the Japanese devs jump in? 10 million sounds good but I suppose many would like a bigger Japanese audience.

TGS. 4gamer did an interview with Yoshida at E3 and he said that there are a large number of Japanese games from first and third party developers in development and they'll be able to talk about them at TGS.
Maybe the install base will get so big so fast and the momentum will be so strong, Capcom will be forced to make not only Monster Hunter on the PS4, but announce Dragons Dogma 2 sooner then later.

You just know they are looking at this ballooning western / europe userbase and salivating at the thoughts.

They could indeed be releasing a game a few years after launch with the prospect of a 10% saturation reaching 3,000,000 gamers. That is going to entice A TON of developers.

The software landslide will begin in 2015 but it could just get downright nasty in 2016 and beyond if the avalanche continues. This snowball is building very ... very quickly.

Man, TGS is going to be bonkers this year. I can feel it. Feel it good.

Me too. I had a strong feeling about Gamescom the day before. I kept my hype in check but something told me this one could be special, and it was. Now ... now there is TGS. Where everything could go Nuclear with just a few announcements.
Big news that a lot you seem to be missing is that Surgeon Simulator is coming to PS4 too.

So expect another half-million console sales when that drops.




I know they're ugly, but I wanted to emphasize the lines are interpolated. Also, the Xbox One has a +/- 550k error. (sorry for the color blind)

Calendar year, end of 2014.

Yep, Wii U is a beast
hahaha fixed the mistake, thanks

Definitely surprised to see it up there with the Wii... I hope this doesn't force other companies to use more agressive moneyhatting.
I appreciate just one thing. Sony addressed the complacency and that's what I want to see (which we did today) and hear.

They are not sitting around waiting for stuff to come to them and are making key timed moves to keep themselves on step ahead of the game. Selling first, at the lower price, with a clear message, word of mouth, and the huge emphasis they have on the first party is what's doing this.

All I can say is keep up the good work. I hope that MS really does catch up so threads like this can be just as celebratory for them as well.
And in the long gone yesteryear
Don Mattrick's words made Redmond cheer
"Ten million first shall win this race!"
He said, with grin upon his face.

"The coming battle shall be won right here,
With games like Halo and Forza and Gears."
He ended his statement with a triumphant nod
Secure in his love from the gaming gods

His words stoked fires among the fans
Each camp clenched swords in bloodied hands
The system warz began again
Three noble fighters, each sure to win

Microsoft, of course, had their white box
Sleek, and powerful, and filled with lots
Of games to play with friends new and old
Or even watch Netflix (if you paid for Gold)

The box upon which SCE was betting
Had power, confusion, and printer settings
The games would look and run so swell
If developers could handle the goddamn Cell

And in the third corner of the ring
Stood the tiny offering from the former king
An innovative waggle-box called the Wii
Would eventually win, quite handily

But fear not brave warriors! War is not through!
Nintendo returned with the shiny WiiU!
It's a console! It's a tablet! It's both things combined!
It's the word "underwhelming," redefined

The other two fighters each had a son
The 360 gave birth to the Xbox One
Underpowered, TV-focused, and chained to Kinect
It struggles to gain traction, or even respect

PS3's new child has shot up the charts
Sleek and powerful, with a gaming heart
It seems quite destined to stay far ahead
Unless Sony acts like Sony and shits in the bed

But now that Gamescom '14 is here at long last
Words did echo from deep in the past
"The first to 10 million shall win at all cost!"
Hung from Microsoft's neck like a stone albatross

So now Tokyo laughs as Redmond sneers
And Lara Croft's eyes well up with tears
For bad news has arrived for the mighty Xbone
PS4 was the first to reach Don's milestone

o_O Wow amazing work :D
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