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Splinter Cell Conviction unveiled/exposed


SCE(Egypt) said:
Comparing this to MGS4 is not really appropriate. MGS4 does things that cannot yet be revealed to the public that Splinter Cell: Conviction does not do and vice versa. Splinter Cell: Conviction does very well at what it is intended to do and MGS4 does very well in the areas that it is intended to do. With that in mind, as a former employee on the team, I am glad that you guys seem to like what has been presented so far for Splinter Cell: Conviction and that you like the new direction the franchise is taking. I am glad to see that the game is being received very well and it makes me happy that the game is still in the best hands at Ubisoft - Montreal, which i am sure the developers are appreciating the good feedback it has received so far from gamers such as you.

You know, I've always wanted to bash someone's head in with an office printer. Finally a game that allows me to do so from a myriad of grapple poses.

Seriously, the open-ended bit they described sounds amazing...but it also sounds just like Assassin's Creed. Since we haven't seen anything on AC in forever, I'm predicting it gets delayed to March '08 so both titles have some time to breath.

Oh, and procedural animation is officially the new-gen lens flare. Next year everyone's going to be jocking this shit after seeing SC 5 and Uncharted.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
You know, I've always wanted to bash someone's head in with an office printer. Finally a game that allows me to do so from a myriad of grapple poses.

Seriously, the open-ended bit they described sounds amazing...but it also sounds just like Assassin's Creed. Since we haven't seen anything on AC in forever, I'm predicting it gets delayed to March '08 so both titles have some time to breath.

Oh, and procedural animation is officially the new-gen lens flare. Next year everyone's going to be jocking this shit after seeing SC 5 and Uncharted.

The new lens flare? Procedural animations are NEEDED for next-gen games. It's the next step and it has to be taken.


I also have my doubts about the 'cause a ruckus and fade into or away from it' tactics that seem to be the rage. I can sort of accept it as an extension of the noisemakers and such in Thief and similar games, but what they are describing seems really brazen to me. I understand that half the point of it is that the elements of risk and tension are overwhelming, but I'd have to see the laptop stunt work in the game to credit it at all. After all, it's not enough that it works - it has to work realistically. The crowd, however shocked, are going to have to be pretty passive, intimidated or slow on the uptake to let this gear pass.
Salazar said:
I also have my doubts about the 'cause a ruckus and fade into or away from it' tactics that seem to be the rage. I can sort of accept it as an extension of the noisemakers and such in Thief and similar games, but what they are describing seems really brazen to me. I understand that half the point of it is that the elements of risk and tension are overwhelming, but I'd have to see the laptop stunt work in the game to credit it at all. After all, it's not enough that it works - it has to work realistically. The crowd, however shocked, are going to have to be pretty passive, intimidated or slow on the uptake to let this gear pass.

Count me as skeptical as well. I'd love for them to hit the mark they seem to be aiming for, but man it's gonna take alot of effort. Nobody has ever pulled off such a style of play before with any real success(atleast not to my knowledge), so this is heavily into uncharted territory (not the game).
Daniel Roy explained to IGN how Ubisoft Montreal solved this problem, "In Conviction, we've blended procedural (or code-driven) animation with motion capture in order to create an animation system that will be able to figure out how to pick up a chair in any position. Whenever you're going to pick up that chair, Sam is going to approach the object in a slightly different manner, and place his hands just at the right spots to pick up the chair in a believable way."

Uncharted and Assassins aren't the only kids in Body Animation block anymore.

I gotta say though....in those images, the game ain't looking too hot.


Merovingian said:
Uncharted and Assassins aren't the only kids in Body Animation block anymore.

I gotta say though....in those images, the game ain't looking too hot.




Merovingian said:
Uncharted and Assassins aren't the only kids in Body Animation block anymore.

I gotta say though....in those images, the game ain't looking too hot.

In this test environment with 4 walls, 1 chair and one printer the game looks like poo poo. :(
Merovingian said:
Uncharted and Assassins aren't the only kids in Body Animation block anymore.

I gotta say though....in those images, the game ain't looking too hot.

This is just a character in an empty unlit environment. It probably won't have amazing modeling, but slightly cartoonish looking characters is almost a trademark of the series (though I wouldn't be dissapointed if that changed).

In any case, we'll know VERY soon.


Merovingian said:
Oh come on, it just looked a bit flat that's all. And with IGN saying the graphics weren't exactly awe inspiring, man it kinda worries me, because SC allways looks amazing.

I don't know, for a mere printer that looks like a heck of a lot of polygons/details. EVERYTHING is modeled, nothing is angular. Looks good to me. Add to this the crazy lighting and animations. We'll see with the video (unless we don't get to see gameplay). Either way I'm not worried on that.


Merovingian said:
Oh come on, it just looked a bit flat that's all. And with IGN saying the graphics weren't exactly awe inspiring, man it kinda worries me, because SC allways looks amazing.
IGN image compression always huts, though. I want to see it in motion first (not to mention that the imagesare deliberately empty).


Mojovonio said:
I'm going to come out and say this SCE guy is bullshit, mainly because he doesn't display any sort of professionalism.

Our of all of the devs that post here, none of the write You're/Your like "Ur".
No offense, but that is the dumbest reason to doubt him. I'm not defending him, but grammar/spelling patrol? Shorthand is acceptable. There are numerous things that make his claims questionable. However, I will say this. The mods are usually really swift to snuff out pretenders like this, especially since they see the IPs they post from. Something tells me that if this Junior Member hasn't been banned yet, that one of the mods must think he's legit. That or they are asleep at the wheel. I just find it silly that of all the questionable things he's said/done, you choose his writing style as the tell. ;) PEACE.


SC5=perfect. The brawling sequences are awesome, beautiful lighting, real sense of weight to the character, can't wait to see more.

I'm scared for my MGS4 now, the bar has been raised very high recently. Please E3 don't let me down:|


I'm really excited about what's been shown so far - I think I'm going to spend hours just seeing how objects react to bodies being hurled into them. I do hope that certain elements, like explosions and breaking glass are currently placeholder as they looked pretty crude.

There have been some comments that the overall game doesn't look all that impressive, but I'll gladly sacrifice some of the "looks great in screenshots" wow-factor for the ridiculous level of physics-driven environmental interaction being shown here. I appreciate gorgeous, insanely detailed graphics in a game like Gears of War as much as anyone, but the world begins to feel a bit cold and lifeless after you realize you can't actually interact with or have any effect on anything in the environment.
Ether_Snake said:
SC5=perfect. The brawling sequences are awesome, beautiful lighting, real sense of weight to the character, can't wait to see more.

I'm scared for my MGS4 now, the bar has been raised very high recently. Please E3 don't let me down:|

MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The level of animation and interaction in MGS4 is vastly different compared to SC5. So really comparing them is not appropriate. Like you said, SC5 = perfect in what it was intended to do and it has set the bar high while competing with many other great games such as Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and so forth in terms of what it's trying to do and bring to the next-generation of interactive entertainment (gaming). However, i think you will be pleasantly surprised and smile when you see what MGS4 is doing in terms of how the Physics & Animation interact with the environment and its elements such as the AI, and the psychological elements that Kojima seems to be always talking about wanting to do with this game. In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...


SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The level of animation and interaction in MGS4 is vastly different compared to SC5. So really comparing them is not appropriate. Like you said, SC5 = perfect in what it was intended to do and it has set the bar high while competing with many other great games such as Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and so forth in terms of what it's trying to do and bring to the next-generation of interactive entertainment (gaming). However, i think you will be pleasantly surprised and smile when you see what MGS4 is doing in terms of how the Physics & Animation interact with the environment and its elements such as the AI, and the psychological elements that Kojima seems to be always talking about wanting to do with this game. In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...

Yeah that's what I'm hoping for basically, especially in the animation department because MGS has never been really good in that (other than in the cinematics, they always had great motion-capture actors). MGS2 was mind-blowing when it came out and I still expect something great from Kojima Productions. It's just difficult to know because Japanese developers have been falling behind tech-wise, except for a few key teams. Anyway MGS4 remains my most anticipated title, I've always been a huge MG fan and nothing will change that. But for the first time I'm also interested in SC:)

Anyway can't wait for E3.
SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The level of animation and interaction in MGS4 is vastly different compared to SC5. So really comparing them is not appropriate. Like you said, SC5 = perfect in what it was intended to do and it has set the bar high while competing with many other great games such as Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and so forth in terms of what it's trying to do and bring to the next-generation of interactive entertainment (gaming). However, i think you will be pleasantly surprised and smile when you see what MGS4 is doing in terms of how the Physics & Animation interact with the environment and its elements such as the AI, and the psychological elements that Kojima seems to be always talking about wanting to do with this game. In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...

Wow. Could the 360 even handle MGS4?


SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The level of animation and interaction in MGS4 is vastly different compared to SC5. So really comparing them is not appropriate. Like you said, SC5 = perfect in what it was intended to do and it has set the bar high while competing with many other great games such as Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and so forth in terms of what it's trying to do and bring to the next-generation of interactive entertainment (gaming). However, i think you will be pleasantly surprised and smile when you see what MGS4 is doing in terms of how the Physics & Animation interact with the environment and its elements such as the AI, and the psychological elements that Kojima seems to be always talking about wanting to do with this game. In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...
That sounds great, but will there be some new media on MGS4 pre-E3.


I'm probably one of the biggest SC fans here, but this game looks like it's going in the wrong direction.

Still interested in the story, though.


Maggot9 said:
I'm probably one of the biggest SC fans here, but this game looks like it's going in the wrong direction.

Still interested in the story, though.
It's exactly what the non-SC fans need!
I look forward to this :D


hey guys I work for a company in Montreal and I'm not supposed to say anything but rest assured this game will be really awesome. I was so proud that we were able to extract so much potential out of the Xbox 360, and use what we learned to move forward with our PS3 project. I can't say anything right now, but when we're finally able to reveal something I believe people will be very surprised. Why? Well, first of all, we're using a kind of dynamic interaction physics system that's never been used in a game before. What it does is affect how the main characters are struck by bullets and blunt objects. In other words, the way hits have a cause-and-effect relationship with the character model. We have an entire team working on this specific process, called the Dynamic Interaction Physics System HITS team. The results are nothing short of groundbreaking. I can't say anymore because I've already broken a bunch of NDAs, but I'll be happy to reiterate about how our team's work is unparalleled in the industry.
SnakeXs said:
SCE(Egypt) said:
Pish posh.
You type fairly properly, with use of capital letters, puncuation, and many parathesis. I think I believe you.

SnakeXs said:
Pish posh.

Not to be rude, but what was your point about making a quote that i never said so far on these forums and attributing it to me like what i am doing right now to you?
Speevy, get the **** over yourself already. You're not some judging authority here, and people are not going to "clear" themselves through you just because you demand that they do so.


SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The level of animation and interaction in MGS4 is vastly different compared to SC5. So really comparing them is not appropriate. Like you said, SC5 = perfect in what it was intended to do and it has set the bar high while competing with many other great games such as Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and so forth in terms of what it's trying to do and bring to the next-generation of interactive entertainment (gaming). However, i think you will be pleasantly surprised and smile when you see what MGS4 is doing in terms of how the Physics & Animation interact with the environment and its elements such as the AI, and the psychological elements that Kojima seems to be always talking about wanting to do with this game. In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...
Sounds phony.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Speevy, get the **** over yourself already. You're not some judging authority here, and people are not going to "clear" themselves through you just because you demand that they do so.

To be fair, we do have someone in here that continues to spread information without giving any evidence to their credentials to do so. It's normally something that's not tolerated all so a bit of explanation as to what is going on is not unreasonable to ask.


WHOAguitarninja said:
To be fair, we do have someone in here that continues to spread information without giving any evidence to their credentials to do so. It's normally something that's not tolerated all so a bit of explanation as to what is going on is not unreasonable to ask.

It's not even that.

He's simultaneously giving backhanded compliments to this game by downplaying the relevance/advancement of its underlying technology, all the while promoting himself, a different platform, the company he works for, and other games which have nothing to do with Splinter Cell Conviction.

To put this in perspective, imagine if chespace found his way into a Gran Turismo 5 thread and began talking about how amazing the lighting was, simply because it was a stepping stone to what they were doing in Forza 3.

Not. Gonna. Happen.
SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

I stopped there.


No one gives a shit.

Can't we have a discussion about the game itself without you turds rambling on about some guy's credentials? Go take your discussion to the who gives a shit forum.


I think the game looks really great. It has the best animation I've seen in a game yet. It's spectacular.

I haven't played SC4 yet, since I'm waiting to pick up a 360, but I'm totally bewildered by Sam's look. What happened to the chiseled grey haired military man? What's with the long brown hair? Anyway, the game play looks great, but that's not the Splinter Cell I want. I'm open to it, but I don't care if keeping the old mechanics keeps the haters out. If Kojima turned MGS 4 into an FPS to garner a larger western audience, then I'm sure many people would have a problem with it.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Kuroyume said:
No one gives a shit.

Can't we have a discussion about the game itself without you turds rambling on about some guy's credentials? Go take your discussion to the who gives a shit forum.


I think the game looks really great. It has the best animation I've seen in a game yet. It's spectacular.

I haven't played SC4 yet, since I'm waiting to pick up a 360, but I'm totally bewildered by Sam's look. What happened to the chiseled grey haired military man? What's with the long brown hair? Anyway, the game play looks great, but that's not the Splinter Cell I want. I'm open to it, but I don't care if keeping the old mechanics keeps the haters out. If Kojima turned MGS 4 into an FPS to garner a larger western audience, then I'm sure many people would have a problem with it.

This is Montreal doing this, so I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt. It looks great though.


SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

Joke character confirmed.
Speevy said:
hey guys I work for a company in Montreal and I'm not supposed to say anything but rest assured this game will be really awesome. I was so proud that we were able to extract so much potential out of the Xbox 360, and use what we learned to move forward with our PS3 project. I can't say anything right now, but when we're finally able to reveal something I believe people will be very surprised. Why? Well, first of all, we're using a kind of dynamic interaction physics system that's never been used in a game before. What it does is affect how the main characters are struck by bullets and blunt objects. In other words, the way hits have a cause-and-effect relationship with the character model. We have an entire team working on this specific process, called the Dynamic Interaction Physics System HITS team. The results are nothing short of groundbreaking. I can't say anymore because I've already broken a bunch of NDAs, but I'll be happy to reiterate about how our team's work is unparalleled in the industry.




How about we stop talking about that Egyptian Coder and stop fuelling Speevy and talk about how the SC:C trailer gave us... Deus Ex Battery Park level vibes!
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