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Splinter Cell Conviction unveiled/exposed

Ether_Snake said:
SC5=perfect. The brawling sequences are awesome, beautiful lighting, real sense of weight to the character, can't wait to see more.

I'm scared for my MGS4 now, the bar has been raised very high recently. Please E3 don't let me down:|

Both games look a bit uneven right now...MGS4 more impressive graphically to me in parts...and worse in others (some textures were terrible)....Animation in both games looks uneven too...though earlier in MGS4(the gears animated well though)...but from whats been shown they are really going in different directions...Personally, I have no doubt MGS4 will be be my favoured of the two, but this is taking a more fugitive slant...mgs4 is going more for bad ass war epic with stealth



SCE(Egypt) said:
In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...
Back to the SC5 - demo was rather cool, although hiding itself reminds me of MGS series(in a very negative way :(). They should obviously improve framerate and explosions as the were rather lame and give some sense of weight to things.


szaromir said:
Back to the SC5 - demo was rather cool, although hiding itself reminds me of MGS series(in a very negative way :(). They should obviously improve framerate and explosions as the were rather lame and give some sense of weight to things.

Yeah the explosions were pretty bad, also the transitions for the animations were a bit robotic for Sam (before he actually got to the fighting, those animations were great) and the NPC characters, hopefully they smooth that out. Even though the animations in Uncharted aren't perfect, they are stunning and I love how smooth the various animations blend together, I want that for SC. As of right now the animations in AC look quite a bit better IMO.

The lighting is spectacular however and easily the best lighting I've seen in a game so far due to the incredible rendering power of Xenos(tm) (just kidding).

My last gripe is the lack of facial animations during gameplay, seeing that in Uncharted was a revelation...I really can't stand the static faces anymore. This is the same criticism I'd level against AC as well.
MercuryLS said:
Yeah the explosions were pretty bad, also the transitions for the animations were a bit robotic for Sam (before he actually got to the fighting, those animations were great) and the NPC characters, hopefully they smooth that out. Even though the animations in Uncharted aren't perfect, they are stunning and I love how smooth the various animations blend together, I want that for SC. As of right now the animations in AC look quite a bit better IMO.

The lighting is spectacular however and easily the best lighting I've seen in a game so far due to the incredible rendering power of Xenos(tm) (just kidding).

My last gripe is the lack of facial animations during gameplay, seeing that in Uncharted was a revelation...I really can't stand the static faces anymore. This is the same criticism I'd level against AC as well.

yeah, while I though some of the animation in uncharted was obvioulsy early...the facial stuff is great...seeing enemies especially grimace and screen as they are shot, is a little detail which seems more and more important as games get more graphically impressive



nelsonroyale said:
yeah, while I though some of the animation in uncharted was obvioulsy early...the facial stuff is great...seeing enemies especially grimace and screen as they are shot, is a little detail which seems more and more important as games get more graphically impressive


Yup, it's little things like that, if missing, completely break the illusion. That was by far the most impressive thing I saw in the Uncharted vid.
SCE(Egypt) said:
MGS4 has a level of animation that some (recent major press media (think along the lines of BBC, Aljazzera, etc..) which cannot yet disclose to the public what they have recently seen) would say and describe as a hybrid between Assassin's Creed, Heavenly Sword and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The level of animation and interaction in MGS4 is vastly different compared to SC5. So really comparing them is not appropriate. Like you said, SC5 = perfect in what it was intended to do and it has set the bar high while competing with many other great games such as Assassin's Creed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and so forth in terms of what it's trying to do and bring to the next-generation of interactive entertainment (gaming). However, i think you will be pleasantly surprised and smile when you see what MGS4 is doing in terms of how the Physics & Animation interact with the environment and its elements such as the AI, and the psychological elements that Kojima seems to be always talking about wanting to do with this game. In the end, you may think that MGS4 (After it has been show at E3) has set the bar so high for next-generation in games in general like how MGS2 was hailed by many in major press media such as USA Today, BBC, etc.. to bridge the gap between cinema and video games through its storytelling, animation, graphics, etc...
Sony is in overdrive, that is total PR. total PR.
Here is the HD 720p Trailer from Ubisoft - Montreal itself off their website.

Also, for any one who wants to download some official wallpapers, icons, or hi-res screen shots of Splinter Cell: Conviction, Ubisoft have posted some now on their website, which can be seen down below.




Click Here to download and save all 5 Icons (individually) previewed above.












Both games look very awesome! I mean this is next gen right here! Tons of interactivity, tons of pedestrians walking around. I am loving this new Splinter Cell look but I do hope they go back to some of the previous mission style of sneaking in the shadows.


So Speevy how goes the investigation.

The game looks good, but the textures and model complexity could definitely be improved. The overall environments look good though.

Asassins Creed looks incredile though, wow. I love the visual style it has going even without as complex lighting or whatnot.


This will be my first splinter cell purchase since the original xbox game...looks fantastic...has valuted to the top of my list. MS ****** themselves by not releasing mass effect earlier. It has to compete with all types of hautness now this fall...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Seen the trailer, and it's very impressive first showing for SC5. I didn't expect anything less than excellent lighting and animation and realistic scenery, and Ubi Montral sure didn't disappoint. Heck, I too, like Ether_Snake am a bit worried about MGS4 technical impressiveness, especially in regards to animation, now that we seen a few games that set the bar quite high in that sense.
Sorry for the thread resurrection but just wanted to point out that there's a new SC: Conviction trailer (116MB) on the French XBLM as of today.. I don't know if it's new or not, but it's listed among New Arrivals. Downloading now.. Don't kill me if it's something old.
Marconelly said:
Seen the trailer, and it's very impressive first showing for SC5. I didn't expect anything less than excellent lighting and animation and realistic scenery, and Ubi Montral sure didn't disappoint. Heck, I too, like Ether_Snake am a bit worried about MGS4 technical impressiveness, especially in regards to animation, now that we seen a few games that set the bar quite high in that sense.

hmmm, I dont really agree, Ive watched the MGS trailer recently, and think it holds up well against these two games...not in animation so much, but graphically some party are more impressive to me...it has a movie like quality...SC is stylised as welll, though more stark and realisic

This maybe off-topic in relation to Splinter Cell: Conviction game wise, but in terms of technology it was what i was referring to in terms of how PS3 can do somethings with Advanced lighting and animation techniques that the 360 can't do and vice versa. Thus, there is a reason why Ubisoft is still doing R&D on the Advanced Lighting and Animation techniques that i was referring to for the PS3 only.

"Recently Michal Valient of Guerrilla Games announced their intentions to explain the details of their Killzone (PS3)[6] Engine at a Developers Conference in July. In this interview he explained that Killzone (PS3)[7] uses a Deferred Rendering engine that integrates MSAA (Multisample Anti Aliasing). Cell will also parallel process geometry, and indirect lighting among other things.

Deferred rendering in Killzone 2 Michal Valient, Guerrilla-Games Next generation gaming brought high resolutions, very complex environments and large textures to our living rooms. With virtually every asset being inflated, it’s hard to use traditional forward rendering and hope for rich, dynamic environments with extensive dynamic lighting. Deferred rendering, on the other hand, has been traditionally described as a nice technique for rendering of scenes with many dynamic lights, that unfortunately suffers from fill-rate problems and lack of anti-aliasing and very few games that use it were published. In this talk, we will discuss our approach to face this challenge and how we designed a deferred rendering engine that uses multi-sampled anti-aliasing (MSAA). We will give in-depth description of each individual stage of our real-time rendering pipeline and the main ingredients of our lighting, post-processing and data management. We’ll show how we utilize PS3’s SPUs for fast rendering of a large set of primitives, parallel processing of geometry and computation of indirect lighting. We will also describe our optimizations of the lighting and our parallel split (cascaded) shadow map algorithm for faster and stable MSAA output. Take Away The session will provide detailed overview and optimizations of modern rendering engine and parallel processing. Many of the topics are applicable for various gaming platforms.

Source: http://www.killzoneunit.com/kz/?p=647
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killzone_2


SCE(Egypt) said:
This maybe off-topic in relation to Splinter Cell: Conviction game wise, but in terms of technology it was what i was referring to in terms of how PS3 can do somethings with Advanced lighting and animation techniques that the 360 can't do and vice versa. Thus, there is a reason why Ubisoft is still doing R&D on the Advanced Lighting and Animation techniques that i was referring to for the PS3 only.

"Recently Michal Valient of Guerrilla Games announced their intentions to explain the details of their Killzone (PS3)[6] Engine at a Developers Conference in July. In this interview he explained that Killzone (PS3)[7] uses a Deferred Rendering engine that integrates MSAA (Multisample Anti Aliasing). Cell will also parallel process geometry, and indirect lighting among other things.

Deferred rendering in Killzone 2 Michal Valient, Guerrilla-Games Next generation gaming brought high resolutions, very complex environments and large textures to our living rooms. With virtually every asset being inflated, it’s hard to use traditional forward rendering and hope for rich, dynamic environments with extensive dynamic lighting. Deferred rendering, on the other hand, has been traditionally described as a nice technique for rendering of scenes with many dynamic lights, that unfortunately suffers from fill-rate problems and lack of anti-aliasing and very few games that use it were published. In this talk, we will discuss our approach to face this challenge and how we designed a deferred rendering engine that uses multi-sampled anti-aliasing (MSAA). We will give in-depth description of each individual stage of our real-time rendering pipeline and the main ingredients of our lighting, post-processing and data management. We’ll show how we utilize PS3’s SPUs for fast rendering of a large set of primitives, parallel processing of geometry and computation of indirect lighting. We will also describe our optimizations of the lighting and our parallel split (cascaded) shadow map algorithm for faster and stable MSAA output. Take Away The session will provide detailed overview and optimizations of modern rendering engine and parallel processing. Many of the topics are applicable for various gaming platforms.

Source: http://www.killzoneunit.com/kz/?p=647
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killzone_2

:lol :lol :lol


2 Off topic bumps you've made. And still haven't proved shit. Time for a time out?
SCE(Egypt) said:

How is this even remotely on-topic in a SC: Conviction thread? You know there are threads dedicated to Killzone, Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, and MGS4 right? Knock it off before this thread turns to shit, this isn't Beyond3D and you aren't Deadmeat.


The Inside Track
Secks4Food said:
Don't know if it's been posted, but here's an interview with the devs, talking about how the controls work and their philosophy behind the game, and showing off some other parts of that Washington DC area not shown in the trailer.

Could you please use the the real link to that show instead of giving gametrailers money for our hard work?


Blimblim said:
I know. And it pains me to see that gametrailers got 3 more times hits for our content than ourselves...
Isn't it illegal for them to just host your video like that?


Blimblim said:
I know. And it pains me to see that gametrailers got 3 more times hits for our content than ourselves...

Can't you watermark that shit?

And what about copyright laws and shit? Gametrailers can't allow it right? I bet if it was a gamespot video shit would be different.

And who's the retard who would upload high quality video content from a free and fast site to some piece a shit streaming user service?

Sucks man.


Just an update folks. The D.I.P.S. HITS team is well underway with our next project, and we're actually getting some assistance from SCE(Egypt). He had plenty of D.I.P.S. HIT ideas before it was popular.


Speevy said:
Just an update folks. The D.I.P.S. HITS team is well underway with our next project, and we're actually getting some assistance from SCE(Egypt). He had plenty of D.I.P.S. HIT ideas before it was popular.



The Inside Track
Draft said:
Isn't it illegal for them to just host your video like that?
It's user content, so it's difficult to prove who did what. Back when they were simply using our content and posting as their own (or at least without crediting us) then I guess it was illegal, but this...
Anyway, what can a 2 people company in France do against a 15+ company in the US owned by Viacom?
Ha, looks like we are off-topic again, this topic is so doomed.


Blimblim said:
Anyway, what can a 2 people company in France do against a 15+ company in the US owned by Viacom?
1) Set up a UK office.
2) Hire me.
3) Get me to write a strongly worded letter of discontent to the Queen.
4) ...
5) Profit.


Blimblim said:
Back when they were simply using our content and posting as their own (or at least without crediting us) then I guess it was illegal, but this....

Wow, that's some lame shit. **** gametrailers.


McDragon said:
15 posts and a "Member" already.

he is not your ordinary member alright.

:lol You become a full member after 150 posts or 150 days on the forum. He joined back in January, over 150 days ago.


Junior Member
bry-bry said:
:lol You become a full member after 150 posts or 150 days on the forum. He joined back in January, over 150 days ago.

oh...never knew that.

i thought only posts counts in here.

still he ain't ordinary, lol.


bry-bry said:
:lol You become a full member after 150 posts or 150 days on the forum. He joined back in January, over 150 days ago.
By the time my account was approved I already had become "Member". Now it feels like I missed some magic time:lol
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