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Square-Enix TGS Line Up


Vargas said:
If you say so. I eagerly await the day that Marvelous is considered a big name in gaming.
Considering that before this generation, they were only known for Harvest Moon (if anyone knew who they were ATL ALL), I think they've already made a whole bunch of huge leaps and bounds towards that goal.
Terrell said:
Considering that before this generation, they were only known for Harvest Moon (if anyone knew who they were ATL ALL), I think they've already made a whole bunch of huge leaps and bounds towards that goal.

Do you really think NMH's has put the Marvelous name on people's lips? Or is this really a case that a small niche of Nintendo fanboys, already in the niche of hardcore gamers on message boards are overselling their significance in lieu of any substantial support from the larger third parties with franchises that would actually reach beyond the more switched on audience?


poor, homeless and tasteless
D-Pad said:
*jumps into thread hoping to see Crystal Bearers*
*sees it*
*reads it*
*leaves the thread wishing he'd never entered*

Yep. There goes the only upcoming Final Fantasy titled game I was hopeful for. :(


Sho_Nuff82 said:
There is no scenario that you could paint where Marvelous Entertainment would get a dev kit before Square Enix for any serious console, aside from one where Nintendo is run by bitter fanboys instead of money-grubbing suits. Any slight by Nintendo towards a 3rd party would only result in further snubbing of their next console, not repentance and renewed support.

These companies are not children that need to be taught a lesson, they're clients that need to be wined, dined, and convinced that the Wii is a worthwhile launchpad for their products.

and I think you missed my reference to the N64. Nintendo has been down that road before. It didn't end well.

Maybe not Marvelous, but what about somebody like EA. IGN has already speculated that they got thier WM+ dev kits before everybody else and they are uncoincidentally one of the Wiis best third parties thus far.

Is it really unrealistic to say that Nintendo is more apt to help those companies which most help them? It doesn't even have to be percieved as a "slight". In fact, it may just be little benefits that the other less supportive third parties never find out about. I have little doubt that stuff like this happens all the time.

And with Nintendos current vision for the future seeming to be far and away the most profitable, why wouldn't it be a bad decision to provide a little more support.
Die Squirrel Die said:
Do you really think NMH's has put the Marvelous name on people's lips? Or is this really a case that a small niche of Nintendo fanboys, already in the niche of hardcore gamers on message boards are overselling their significance in lieu of any substantial support from the larger third parties with franchises that would actually reach beyond the more switched on audience?
I've never heard of Marvelous and I visit GAF read up on gaming news everyday. When I think of NMH I think of Grasshopper so..


Die Squirrel Die said:
Do you really think NMH's has put the Marvelous name on people's lips? Or is this really a case that a small niche of Nintendo fanboys, already in the niche of hardcore gamers on message boards are overselling their significance in lieu of any substantial support from the larger third parties with franchises that would actually reach beyond the more switched on audience?
OK, go look at Arc Rise Fantasia and tell me that's not going to be a big deal, in Japan or elsewhere. And as far as I was aware, you didn't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to be excited about Oboro Muramasa Youtouden.
And as for "overselling significance", PS3 fanboys will always take that crown, especially in Sales-Age threads. Didn't they champion a Ninja Gaiden port as being of great significance at one point?
Terrell said:
OK, go look at Arc Rise Fantasia and tell me that's not going to be a big deal, in Japan or elsewhere. And as far as I was concerned, you didn't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to be excited about Oboro Muramasa Youtouden.
And as for "overselling significance", PS3 fanboys will always take that crown, especially in Sales-Age threads. Didn't they champion a Ninja Gaiden port as being of great significance at one point?
WTF? I'm intrigued googling now.



The crazy, emotional, vindictive fanboys who like to project their own bitter rage towards third party developers that continue to ignore their preferential console for software releases onto megalithic companies and even-minded business men are absolutely, without a doubt, my favorite kind.

The salesmen-type who try to convince everyone under the sun to buy their machine come off as losers, the defense-force type that see it as their sworn duty to counteract any negative criticism that legitimately surfaces seem desperate, and the whiny ones who just run around screaming about hopeful-ports and unfulfilled wishlists are just annoying....

....but these precious few - these precious few that try to turn the relationships of companies into some backyard elementary school drama-line - are absolutely gold.

Thanks for the laughs. If only the business world even remotely resembled your psychotic delusions, I'd grab myself a subscription to Forbes.

Shine on, you crazy diamond.


I've given up all hope for Crystal Bearers info. At least I can look forward to the Kingdom Hearts games, DQIX, and FFXIII. = (
Terrell said:
OK, go look at Arc Rise Fantasia and tell me that's not going to be a big deal, in Japan or elsewhere. And as far as I was aware, you didn't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to be excited about Oboro Muramasa Youtouden.
And as for "overselling significance", PS3 fanboys will always take that crown, especially in Sales-Age threads. Didn't they champion a Ninja Gaiden port as being of great significance at one point?

I don't think Arc Rise Fantasia will be a big deal. And no, you don't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to like the look of Oboro Muramasa Youtouden. But you probably are a Nintendo fanboy if you suggest that Marvelous publishing these games, will somehow turn them into a success that will make the likes of SE feel shamed for ignoring the Wii.

Eteric Rice

Askia47 said:
yay more support for the 360 and ps3. Keep it coming SE!

I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait.

*rocks back and forth*


Die Squirrel Die said:
I don't think Arc Rise Fantasia will be a big deal. And no, you don't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to like the look of Oboro Muramasa Youtouden. But you probably are a Nintendo fanboy if you suggest that Marvelous publishing these games, will somehow turn them into a success that will make the likes of SE feel shamed for ignoring the Wii.
I'm not delusional to think things like that happen overnight or anything, but when you are completely left with an empty playing field, you've got an empty net to score a lot of easy points. If Marvelous properly takes advantage of that, they will continue strong upward growth. The company isn't going to stop publishing games suddenly, if you're in an upward turn and are going nearly unopposed, it only makes sense that it will continue in an upward way with more money to put towards bigger and more ambitious projects. It'll take them a while, I won't lie, but the fact that they're even being given an opportunity because no one else is taking it is only going to mean that big-name publishers have to end up trying harder to distract attention from the new faces in gaming further down the road, and for the most part, this is one of the first generations where such a scenario has occurred, so we have very little to base it on historically.
You'd think that GAF would be EXCITED about the market allowing for a new face, not laughing it off as inconsequential. Oh well, shows what I know.


Eteric Rice said:
I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait.

*rocks back and forth*

No 360 or PS3? Well its not like Wii support wont come, it just will come later in some shape or form.
Shame about DQIX. Not playable guarantees it won't be out before March, which really leaves a question about S-E's plan for it. FFXIII won't be out before late 2009, so either they'll have to release both in the same FY (a lousy plan for their financials) or push one of them back to April 2010 or beyond. Not a choice I envy them, certainly.

I think the TLR thing must be a mistake? I can't imagine they don't have a video of it there, even if it's only an old trailer.

FF:CC:TCB isn't cancelled, although I kind of wish it was so that Eteric Rice would suffer.

Eteric Rice

charlequin said:
Shame about DQIX. Not playable guarantees it won't be out before March, which really leaves a question about S-E's plan for it. FFXIII won't be out before late 2009, so either they'll have to release both in the same FY (a lousy plan for their financials) or push one of them back to April 2010 or beyond. Not a choice I envy them, certainly.

I think the TLR thing must be a mistake? I can't imagine they don't have a video of it there, even if it's only an old trailer.

FF:CC:TCB isn't cancelled, although I kind of wish it was so that Eteric Rice would suffer.

Why do you want me to suffer? :<



Die Squirrel Die said:
What, realistically, would Nintendo do though?
I don't think they have to do anything, actually:

January 2008:
The lion-share of the developers and our infrastructure as well as our capital is for NDS, Wii and PS3, and this is not going to change... We are astonished by Wii's success and the Nintendo dominance. We thought that the PS3 and the Wii will coexist due to the difference between both strategies, but in the end the users will decide which platform we develop on. The SCE platforms at this point are a bit of a challenge... We think we can do much on the Wii. I talked to Iwata to exploit many possibilities and cheer him on.

February 2008:
'Crystal Tools' is the new name of Square Enix's company-wide 3-D game development engine, and it'll support Wii.

July 2008:
gamesindustry.biz: Do you have specific plans for [the Wii]?

Yoichi Wada: Actually with the Wii, we also appreciate the core gamers - fans of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. But we have various types of games, with content to satisfy the various types of consumers - not only casual games, but something like learning titles, for travelling, for wine.

So we're ready to offer various types of content to various types of users.

So they have a few things in the works, for casuals as well as their typical fanbase, they accept Wiis status as the dominant system, and they even ported their top of the line "next-gen" engine to Wii - we have yet to see a Wii title using the Crystal Tools.
vareon said:
Why does no one want to Bear the Crystal? Whyyyyyy

Because CC is the mediocre FF series spinoff that everyone forgot about. Kind of like the Neanderthals being killed off by the smarter early humans, and becoming a dead-end evolutionary branch.
Hopefully they start treating their games like pieces of entertainment and not the hidden lost chapters of the bible ffs. Show us what you have or don't.

At least they've got the lid off of the basket and have shown some gameplay for FFXIII/Versus.


According to this list, Last Remnant and Star Ocean 4 will be at TGS in the form of neither a playable demo nor a trailer..... but it will be there. How does that work? :lol

Usually for all events that S-E has a page up for, it gets updated with more titles and more info as the event draws closer. This isn't the final list.


Eteric Rice said:
I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait.

*rocks back and forth*
God, everyone fucking gets it already. You're disappointed about the lack of Square-Enix support for the Wii. Jesus fucking Christ.
Not that I put any serious thought to the suggestion that Nintendo would consider preventing S-E from releasing DS games, but it would be a blow. If we consider, say, the time since PS3's release, DS games have accounted for twice as many sales as Wii, PS2, PS3, PSP, and X360 games combined.

darkhunger said:
Delayed five years... So the delay for DQ9 ain't nothing yet. :lol
That's a slight exaggeration, unless VII was originally scheduled to be released 4 months before VI.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
The lack of Wii games is pretty jarring. Why the snub?
It just can't handle S-E's demanding presentation needs like PSP can, apparently. Nor has it proven to be a successful place to release crossover fighters or spinoffs of major RPG brands.
beef3483 said:
Maybe not Marvelous, but what about somebody like EA. IGN has already speculated that they got thier WM+ dev kits before everybody else and they are uncoincidentally one of the Wiis best third parties thus far.
Thats more fact than speculation. EA already stated that Nintendo gave them the heads up about M+ before E3 (they didn't want to stated how long before E3 cause "they don't like telling does things") and that they have lots of M+ games "coming soon".

Where as. . . .Lucas Arts is rumored to be throwing a pissy fit over Nintendo not telling them about M+ and now they have to do yet ANOTHER SW game. (Nintendo already said that they told SOME 3rd parties about M+ before E3. . . we see one that was told and one that wasn't)

I think Nintendo did the main thing you all are refering to with M+. The ones who supported them got the heads up well everyone else gets to find out at E3 well Nintendo yells "Come-on guys! Make those "rapid revisions" of SW:The clone wars with 1:1 controls oKKK!".

And to be on topic. . .don't know how much S-E likes the Wii or Nintendo now but I KNOW they couldn't have been too in-love with the GC with their amount of support of that console. Yet, even with it's sells they tossed it FFCC to take on some of the RPG space for it. . . given the Wii number's I see no reason to think that FFCC is canned. If anything they said "holy fucken shit! Back to the drawing boad you bastards! We have to try to make this something more than what we planed!" (resulting in the completely new art direction we have for it's latest trailer compared to the first vid of it that we saw in 06).

Not going to say much more about them and Wii. . .could be a shocking reveal there of FFCC or w/e.
Not a single playable console game eh? Says tons about their commitment. And yeah, moore whiining as usual, lets hope for a FFCC total absence until there's a month to the release and Nintendo steps up to market it. It'd be quite funny.


duckroll said:
According to this list, Last Remnant and Star Ocean 4 will be at TGS in the form of neither a playable demo nor a trailer..... but it will be there. How does that work? :lol

Usually for all events that S-E has a page up for, it gets updated with more titles and more info as the event draws closer. This isn't the final list.
Actually, as well as that, this is for Square Enix's stand, I believe, and they will only have handhelds there. If there is playable 360 / PS3 software, it will probably be at MS/Sony stands. But I wouldn't bet on too much being available to play anyway. Last year Project Sylpheed was at the MS stand. I guess this year will just be Last Remnant & IU.


Jonnyram said:
Not playable though... what a load of bollocks. This game is gonna be get the FFXII treatment, I'm sure :(

Oh and FFXIII not playable? MassiveAttack am in tears total.

No surprise on FFXIII not being playable. They are going to make damn sure the first chance the general public will have to play the game will be AC pack-in demo.


kpop100 said:
No surprise on FFXIII not being playable. They are going to make damn sure the first chance the general public will have to play the game will be AC pack-in demo.

But what if it turns out to be utter crap :/
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