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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens


So instead of prophesying the gloom and doom that this game will never be out or that it's a scam or that it's completely out of money, you actually maintain some semblance of balance yourself? You clearly have an agenda. You aren't fooling anyone. That's the reason people want you gone from the thread.

I think RubberJohnny does act as a counterbalance. And has probably saved some lurkers from wasting their money on a hyped, unreleased game.

This isn't a community page. Its ostensibly a thread for news and discussion. If it was a community thread I would say people could circlejerk themselves all day long.

But the development for this game has been troubled and very obscure. The latest news about reducing the solar systems is only further evidence, and I am glad RubberJohnny took the time to share it.


I think RubberJohnny does act as a counterbalance. And has probably saved some lurkers from wasting their money on a hyped, unreleased game.

This isn't a community page. Its ostensibly a thread for news and discussion. If it was a community thread I would say people could circlejerk themselves all day long.

But the development for this game has been troubled and very obscure. The latest news about reducing the solar systems is only further evidence, and I am glad RubberJohnny took the time to share it.

One can share information without being a dirtbag and peppering lies in with all the information.


90% of people in any SC thread have an agenda. The difference between Johnny and other people is that his agenda isn't the same as the majority of the thread. There are plenty of people who are on the opposite end of the spectrum than he is that also won't admit when something is wrong. I'm not really trying to specifically defend Johnny here, I'm just pointing out the fallacy in posts like this because it always happens in any OT of any game when someone is negative about it.

This really isn't true, on this forum at least. I've seen plenty of good, lively discussions on missteps made by CIG. I for one am a significant backer, but as the people here know, I do not hesitate to criticize CIG when they drop the ball. In fact, just about everyone else I know here is the same way. I have yet to meet a blind CIG follower on this forum.

Besides that, the difference between most of the people here and RJ is that we do not run to these forums whenever something good about CIG and the game comes out, to praise CIG and crown SC the best game of all time. Someone posts it, we express admiration or concern or discuss the technical aspects, or do all of these. The cool looking springy landing gear a couple of pages back was a great example. Some liked it, some thought it was too springy, and a discussion into the technical aspects of dampeners took place. No one came into this forum to state how CIG was revolutionizing space sims by implementing such a groundbreaking feature into the game, etc., even though they may indeed be breaking new ground there.

This is, of course, the opposite of Mr. RJ who, whenever any possible negative information on CIG or SC comes out, whether imagined, real or not, will surely be found on these forums attacking SC, CIG and its people--and now even the "shill" magazines who dare cover the game--and pushing his and Smart's agenda that this is all a giant scam.

So, as much as our human nature wants us to believe that "we all act the same", it simply isn't true in this case.
And your old posts, what about those? You refuse to recognise people correcting you a few posts down and you tarring somebody else for old posts?

My old posts are pretty accurate dude, look at this one!

There's no evidence they've written even a single line of code, but recently they've talked about those systems, which makes backers optimistic, because they haven't talked about adding them at all for the last four and half years, and they likely won't come out in the next half a year either

Said that back in July 2016, that they hadn't written a single line of code for mining or salvaging yet. Feb 2017 Chris admitted they couldn't show off gameplay of any of the careers because they hadn't done any work on them yet, not even a little mockup done as a test, because they hadn't done any of those either. They've been hastily scrambling to do the most barebones cargo implementation imaginable since.

And I was right, none of them launched in six months, or nine for that matter. CIG manage to outdo even my low expectations!
Given the amount of bullshit that you post on regular occasions, you know that this is a lie.

Argue the point, not the person tuxfool!

I'm not the one responsible for the game being badly managed, delayed, overbudget, and underdelivering against their own goals.

I don't see the point in you all getting angry and aggressive over a videogame that'll probably never come out anyway.
I know that it didn't start with the funding and staff has now, that's my point. With the amount of funding and people that they currently have, it shouldn't be in the situation it is in now. It is this way because of scope creep. There have been plenty of other crowd funded games that raised a good chunk of change, (nothing like SC obviously) that did not run into the problems that SC has. All crowd funded games are built on promises at the start, the difference is that SC are still promising things instead of fulfilling them after five years.

Scope creep happened because of the money faucet. And CR's... enthusiasm. Rather than keep it as simple as what the kickstarter described (like a wing commander sequel in complexity) he upped it to the stratosphere and has been puttering up ever since. And the money and staff they have now are in no way a sign that the game should be further than it is. As I said, they had to build the studios. And doing that, rebooted production twice. Resources wasted.
What you should be asking is if it was worth it to change the scope and delay the game so long. And in my opinion, since nothing even comes close to the technical wonder and complexity that is this project, it was worth the wait so far.
But I do want to shoot green alien cat lizards by the end of the year.
I think RubberJohnny does act as a counterbalance. And has probably saved some lurkers from wasting their money on a hyped, unreleased game.

This isn't a community page. Its ostensibly a thread for news and discussion. If it was a community thread I would say people could circlejerk themselves all day long.

But the development for this game has been troubled and very obscure. The latest news about reducing the solar systems is only further evidence, and I am glad RubberJohnny took the time to share it.

I for some reason have you on ignore. But since you were quoted I still see it. The development is not obscure given they have stated what they aimed for on camera, what they were able to deliver and what had to be delayed.

The sheer fact that you are trying to paint them as keeping things secret and RJ as a bastion of information is very questionable.


The latest news about reducing the solar systems is only further evidence, and I am glad RubberJohnny took the time to share it.

This is a legitimate topic of discussion. There could be many reasons for this. The magazine that reported this is a German magazine and there's a possibility we are interpreting it wrong. For example, the reduction of available solar systems at "launch" may not be the commercial launch we are expecting. Leaving that aside, the stretch goal of 100 systems at launch was made prior to the breakthrough in procedural planet technology, which now gives you the ability to land on every planet or moon. Before this breakthrough, that was not the case and even the planets and moons you could land on would be limited in the landing zones you could land on (i.e., you could not set your ship down anywhere). Also, the scaling of the planets has apparently increased, and it is estimated that it would take you 15 hours to drive the circumference of one of the moons in 3.0. It seems reasonable to me that these breakthroughs during development would work to reduce the number of solar systems available to explore.

On the flip side, I am concerned because I want to focus on exploration, and reducing the number of systems available could affect my dream of getting "lost" in the universe a la Interstellar on my Carrack ship for weeks on end. It's a worthy topic of discussion.

What is not worthy of this thread is to come in here and use that purported info--which doesn't even come from CIG directly and could be wrong--to attack CIG and drive the scam agenda.

What is most telling about Mr. RJ is that he rarely, if ever, responds to posts that correct his misrepresentations or lies, or attempt to engage him in a legitimate discussion of SC without undue praise on one end or outright attacks and accusations on the other.
The problem comes from the fact that this isn't some small team who barely scraped by to fund their game. They have hundreds of millions of dollars in funding and hundreds of employees at this point. It's been 5 years already, how long are people willing to wait for any of the core features that were promised to release? Where it stands right now, SC is a pretty big example of how not to handle scope creep. I think if SQ42 is released by the end of the year then that will go a long way to satisfy people if it turns out to be good. If it gets delayed again then you'll probably have a lot more Johnny's showing up.

Talk about bullshit central. Nice hill to die on.

Stop trying to enable RJ clear agenda and continue to sprout misinformation. Especially already explained shit aswell. Stop reading Derek Smith he's a jealous idiot with no morals or gumption. The real liar is that peice of work and his minions like RJ. Its boring at this point.
Eeehhh... just a bit of ignorance on production and development. It is fair to say that CIG futzed around a bit, despite the greatness they are achieving now.

You call it " A bit of ignorance on production and development" i'd say double standards and gross ignorance on the project itself. Even after Five years. That post makes it clear that they REALLY don't care about the facts, only the assumptions. Of what THEY believe should be the case.

Any real "screw up" or "delay" is no different from any other game in development, if only gets magnified by CIG's public outlook and general growing pains as a studio. Either way the basic jest is no different from other games behind closed doors. We just don't get to see it. Or we just hear about the hold-ups, infighting, scope change and other issues. Untill afterwards if we're lucky and if people are willing to talk to a publication/gaming news website.

Really that CIG expose by Kotaku lays it out for all to see. That 2015 was a accumulated of a lot of drama and self reflection, while dealing with the realities of their studio, so shit happens. Even more shit will happen given the crazy things that they are trying to achieve. But now we're here.

So its ridiculous why some fools keep trying to push the notion of CIG being overly "secretive" and "obscure" angle. Half the folks saying this stop aren't even backers or folks that have followed the project in-depth to state that opinion. Its extremely disengenous at this point.
Eeehhh... just a bit of ignorance on production and development. It is fair to say that CIG futzed around a bit, despite the greatness they are achieving now.

What greatness are they achieving now? It's been nine months since anything was added to the PU. SQ42 has been AWOL since 2015.

You keep reiterating this idea that Erin has fixed everything with their production, but nothing indicates he's any better than his brother. Last year they laid out four major patches they wanted to do, then he said they were aiming for "three major releases this year", given 3.0 lite now looks to be in late August / early September, they're not going to manage that. And then consider that third patch 3.2 now basically contains the full Stanton system they wanted in old 3.0, and that means they'll spend over 16 months doing less than they expected to do in 4. They've had to cut their goals so many times while also massively increasing duration.
You'd have to take me off ignore but they literally mentioned base building for the first time last month. Before that was the first mention of survival gameplay in March this year. And before that all the new outposts and stuff they have to do for all the procedural planets now.

Scopes increasing all the time brother! Chris Roberts even admits as much.

With that comment i think you've outright proved you have an agenda and are looking for anything to bring down the game. You claim that base building was mentioned for the first time last month, which i'm assuming means May/June.

They were mentioned back in January. A simple search for "Star Citizen Base Building" or something similar would have shown that.

Infact...it seems it was even mentioned in August last year. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitize...ays_that_players_will_be_able_to_build_their/

So it looks like you just saw something you haven't heard about before and immediately jumped to use that to try to make the game look bad without doing any checking or research.


Seek victory, not fairness
It's like in VR threads where any technical topic about VR became about whether or not VR will succeed. Oh, some SC news happened, that's related to my favourite topic: whether SC is doomed or not. Let's talk about that again instead of whatever boring subject was being discussed.

Its fate remains obscure because we'll never have enough info to make that call. The topic isn't that interesting for me for that reason.

The landing gear talk was interesting. I had to look some things up and learned a bit of basic control theory.
This is a legitimate topic of discussion. There could be many reasons for this. The magazine that reported this is a German magazine and there's a possibility we are interpreting it wrong. For example, the reduction of available solar systems at "launch" may not be the commercial launch we are expecting. Leaving that aside, the stretch goal of 100 systems at launch was made prior to the breakthrough in procedural planet technology, which now gives you the ability to land on every planet or moon. Before this breakthrough, that was not the case and even the planets and moons you could land on would be limited in the landing zones you could land on (i.e., you could not set your ship down anywhere). Also, the scaling of the planets has apparently increased, and it is estimated that it would take you 15 hours to drive the circumference of one of the moons in 3.0. It seems reasonable to me that these breakthroughs during development would work to reduce the number of solar systems available to explore.

On the flip side, I am concerned because I want to focus on exploration, and reducing the number of systems available could affect my dream of getting "lost" in the universe a la Interstellar on my Carrack ship for weeks on end. It's a worthy topic of discussion.

What is not worthy of this thread is to come in here and use that purported info--which doesn't even come from CIG directly and could be wrong--to attack CIG and drive the scam agenda.

What is most telling about Mr. RJ is that he rarely, if ever, responds to posts that correct his misrepresentations or lies, or attempt to engage him in a legitimate discussion of SC without undue praise on one end or outright attacks and accusations on the other.

10ftc66 (Sep 14, 2015)

Just to let you know, when it says 100 complete star systems, we don’t mean we’re delivering 100 complete star systems tomorrow or all in one day because you know, we got to a bunch of our star systems in our stretch goals, and also some of these star systems are to be explored and found. So, our focus is to get the core UEE space and the surrounding systems. The ones that you see will be on the star map, which we’ll be revealing and sharing on the web next month, you’ll have the first couple of key systems where you’ll be able to adventure in, in more detail on this star map and then the other ones will be more high level, and then as we get into them, we’ll build them up. But, that’s the plan is to start with one system and then move our way out. We’re sort of laying the groundwork for that. So that’s our plan, that’s how we’ll roll them out, but not committing to specific dates though cause I’ve learned that issue.

It has changed since KS, but during KS there wasn't funding to actually land on planets so it is without question a different beast they had in mind. But you can tell by the time they started work on proc gen planets and working on landing on planets, chris got hit with questions about the systems and this was his answer.
With that comment i think you've outright proved you have an agenda and are looking for anythig to bring down the game. You claim that base building was mentioned for the first time last month, which i'm assuming means May/June.

They were mentioned back in January, possibly before that.

A simple search for "Star Citizen Base Building" would have shown that.

Er, that's Boredgamer, a shill Youtuber who constantly misrepresents the game and its progress, using endless footage from the conventions as if it's representative of the game as it stands now. There's so many threads from people on the subreddit who bought in off the back of his videos and regretted it because they're playing something completely different from what he pretended it was.

Like did you even watch the video you quoted? It's all speculation from him, no facts.

Find an actual source from someone in CIG, not someone deluded who wants to make money from views and referrals.
With that comment i think you've outright proved you have an agenda and are looking for anythig to bring down the game. You claim that base building was mentioned for the first time last month, which i'm assuming means May/June.

They were mentioned back in January, possibly before that.

A simple search for "Star Citizen Base Building" would have shown that.
Base building was mentioned a while back. Like 2015 i believe or in passing at least as a for longed possibility. CIG gets ask so many questions and has answered so many. Its hard to keep up with it all.

Matter a fact folks that are interested, should just look for the Star Citizen Dev Q&A search tool website.
Matter a fact folks that are interested, should just look for the Star Citizen Dev Q&A search tool website.

So I did this, and it turns out I was right again, and the backers were wrong, again:


VV: Mate, you literally couldn't be bothered to go fact check what you were saying, and I went and did it, and apparently I'm the one who doesn't like fact checking and you claim you're the one who does it? I didn't realise it was opposite land in here.
any checking or research.
Those are foreign words to him and others like him. Its "Shill speak" to them. They just double down without thinking and dig that hole. Right up to the point, when they get fact checked into oblivion and dissappear.

Liked the cowards they are. Let the project speak for itself.

I'm at the point to say that RJ is DS. If it didn't sound crazy. Beacuse no one...wait no. Trump supporters have proven. That cult of personality is amazing at destorying relational thinking and common sense.
Er, that's Boredgamer, a shill Youtuber who constantly misrepresents the game and its progress, using endless footage from the conventions as if it's representative of the game as it stands now. There's so many threads from people on the subreddit who bought in off the back of his videos and regretted it because they're playing something completely different from what he said.

Like did you even watch the video you quoted? It's all speculation from him, no facts.

Find an actual source from someone in CIG, not someone deluded who wants to make money from views and referrals.

Once again, you're completely avoiding addressing the actual point to try to make it seem like you've done nothing wrong.

Instead of deflecting the issue here, why don't you address the problem that you made a false claim (yet again) just to try to make the game look bad after doing absolutely no research into your own claim first?
Once again, you're completely avoiding addressing the actual point to try to make it seem like you've done nothing wrong.


I did address the point - I pointed out your source was literally a comment written by a random backer on his own profile page! I then watched the video and saw it was all speculation by that backer, and not based on anything CIG had said (which seems to be more than you did). I then did some research and pointed out that CIG didn't appear to have ever talked about base building, by consulting an archive on the subject. That's not deflecting, that's literally responding to what you're talking about and evaluating it exhaustively.

Then you deflected and didn't engage with my point, by refusing to acknowledging that or finding a different source! I didn't realise everyone here operated on opposite logic.


The main problem with discussing whether the game is doomed or not is that we will always run in circles and the only thing that sheds some light is just waiting on new development or information, which costs time. Therefore having this same discussion over and over again always distracts from the core aspects of the topic and just feels tiresome over time, because we've had this discussion 500 times already. It's like these emulators topics were there's always this one guy that comes in and says "emulators are piracy you know!". I learned nothing the last two pages whereas I usually pick up something good out of every GAF thread.

And I'm not even really invested in this game. I just like following everything that happens and all these AtV peeks and will just follow along. Put in as much as I'd spent on a normal special edition of a game and the argument that because everybody spent his last money on this game and therefore don't want to believe that the game is failing is a wearisome one. I just want this game to be good, because I want a good game like every other sane person wants. I'll just follow along whatever it takes to get the game made and I've already had enough enjoyment out of my money by following the discussions the past years. What made me really angry and sad is that I spent €700 for a vacation this year I loathed going to due to circumstances and I really could have used the money for something else. But this, I'll just bury the dream of a cool space game in my heart forever in case the game would fail and go play some more Zelda.

That said, personally inflaming other people using verbal language is a no-go, even how hard you may disagree with them.
Once again, you're completely avoiding addressing the actual point to try to make it seem like you've done nothing wrong.

He literally calling someone that has been to a shit ton of CIG events and has hade plenty of studio tours. A person with information and facts presented. That is somehow "misrepresenting" the game...like what? a person that lives in the UK and lives close by to Foundry 42, along with many others taht are in his postion. The guy is also very critical of CIG like many others. Its stupid.

Facts, sourced information and research = Shilling and misrepresenting the game? Lmao. A project he thinks is a scam and CIG is not really making.

Baseless assumptions, misinformation, gross accusations and ignorance does not equal thy above. That is being purposefully done. This is RJ and co cricle of nonlogic. As they dispurtly try to gleam on to any possible negative nugget and blow it out of proportion, regardless of context.
You need to stop reading Derek Smith and you need to tell your goon buddies to stop jerking him around for laughs. He's mentality unstable and is still holding a grudge from 30 years ago.
Base building was mentioned a while back. Like 2015 i believe or in passing at least as a for longed possibility. CIG gets ask so many questions and has answered so many. Its hard to keep up with it all.

Matter a fact folks that are interested, should just look for the Star Citizen Dev Q&A search tool website.

I do recall, modular bases and talks about wildlife flora/fauna and universe persistence being discussed. Owning or building bases, I do not recall. Given the tech they have in place, I am not sure if this is a big deal or change for them.

EDIT: I take that back


(Aug 23, 2016)
Brian Chambers said:
"There is some lose discussion about that and I know there is documentation of what that would take. The possibility is absolutely out there. I know this is an incredibly soft answer, but technically there wouldn't be a reason why we can't do that. We wouldn't focus attention on that specifically though until obviously we have everything else completed."

In response to a direct question by viewer about building bases.
You need to stop reading Derek Smith and you need to tell your goon buddies to stop jerking him around for laughs. He's mentality unstable and is still holding a grudge from 30 years ago.

I've literally never mentioned the guy.

Anyone who has followed the project can see it is in trouble, it's not like this is secret knowledge you can only pick up from a single source.

I do recall, modular bases and talks about wildlife flora/fauna and universe persistence being discussed. Owning or building bases, I do not recall. Given the tech they have in place, I am not sure if this is a big deal or change for them.

Surely it should be in the Q&A archive then?
Been looking at the game, how much can you actually play right now?

A tiny fraction of one Star System with three space stations, no landable planets/moons and a bunch of fetch quests. Combat only, no trading, salvage, mining, other careers. No buying ships in game yet, real money only.

There's also a couple of separate dogfighting and FPS modes, but they're super dead at the moment, like peak players: 22.


A tiny fraction of one Star System with three space stations, no landable planets/moons and a bunch of fetch quests. Combat only, no trading, salvage, mining, other careers. No buying ships in game yet, real money only.

There's also a couple of separate dogfighting and FPS modes, but they're super dead at the moment, like peak players: 22.

Will there be an advantage to buying now oppose to later? Thinking of saving my pennies for one of the cool packages.

Hot take: The Exploration type ships look cooler to me then the fighter types.
Been looking at the game, how much can you actually play right now? What is the suggested control scheme?

Here is a new player guide
----> New Player Guide

Some people prefer KBM, some have joysticks, we have a few that use steam controllers and track IR. It is all up to you. I suggest trying KBM first unless you already own a Joystiq.

Directly from the man himself.

Stop being such a SHILL!!


Sorry cant help it!!!


A tiny fraction of one Star System with three space stations, no landable planets/moons and a bunch of fetch quests. Combat only, no trading, salvage, mining, other careers. No buying ships in game yet, real money only.

There's also a couple of separate dogfighting and FPS modes, but they're super dead at the moment, like peak players: 22.

You can get ships with ingame credits through the rec system. It's more like renting them but it's really easy to get rec and try out ships, weapons and other loadouts.

Very basic but there is at least a tiny bit of progression through this system.


Seek victory, not fairness
You can get ships with ingame credits through the rec system. It's more like renting them but it's really easy to get rec and try out ships, weapons and other loadouts.

Very basic but there is at least a tiny bit of progression through this system.

Yeah, it is a fun little gameplay loop working up through REC. I wonder why he keeps leaving it out 🤔



Glad to see you're taking an interest into Star Citizen.

Best piece of advice i can give though. Completely ignore anything and everything that RubberJohnny says, he's a fucking troll and will only fill your head with FUD.

Any other of the fine people in here will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.


I mean, they are - CIG go to them before their conferences because they know they'll get uncritical hypemongering. Where are the hard questions asked? They just reported the game will have one-twentieth to one-tenth of the content at launch, why not follow that up?



Why not ask why they've misjudged their development so much that they're so late and still having to cut stuff down massively? Why not ask why people should believe that SQ42 is another year away when they said that in 2014, 2015, 2016, etc?

Anyway, more bad news, orbiting planets and moons are out, rotating planets and moons are out, and Nyx is also dropped from 3.0 (which might be why Eckhart is gone, because he was supposed to be there).


Nyx was "coming soon" in July 2015, if you remember.

That was before they decided to have fully landable planets.

It's like your intentionally either being ignorant or just flat out lying. Landing zones were changed from RAILS to being inserted on full planets.

I prefer the latter. With every post you prove you're either intentionally misleading or just lying.


I usually don't, but when he posts blatant misrepresentations and lies, it's hard to leave that out there in the official 2.0 thread and risk having new players asking about the game be misled.

You guys are making it worse by drawing more attention to it and filling up pages with his posts and quotes.

As someone who doesn't follow this thread too closely, I opened it up to a page full of shitposting. If I was a new player, I'd nope the fuck outta here and never look back.


You guys are making it worse by drawing more attention to it and filling up pages with his posts and quotes.

As someone who doesn't follow this thread too closely, I opened it up to a page full of shitposting. If I was a new player, I'd nope the fuck outta here and never look back.

Are there ways to ban trolls from threads?


Here is a new player guide
----> New Player Guide

Some people prefer KBM, some have joysticks, we have a few that use steam controllers and track IR. It is all up to you. I suggest trying KBM first unless you already own a Joystiq.

Directly from the man himself.

Sorry cant help it!!!

Check these out:

What's in the game:

Getting started video:

For input, pretty much anything works. KB+M is fine. If you use a controller, just make sure it's a current gen one to avoid deadzone problems.
Thanks for the link, their development videos are oddly enjoyable even thought i only understand a quarter of it. Nice to see the process even the more mundane stuff


Glad to see you're taking an interest into Star Citizen.

Best piece of advice i can give though. Completely ignore anything and everything that RubberJohnny says, he's a fucking troll and will only fill your head with FUD.

Any other of the fine people in here will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Shy buy me that capital ship and i will name it after you. Maybe


Will there be an advantage to buying now oppose to later? Thinking of saving my pennies for one of the cool packages.

Hot take: The Exploration type ships look cooler to me then the fighter types.
Get the Constellation. Best looking ship for me. Will be my main when the game launch.
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