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Star Citizen Alpha 2.0 | The 'Verse Awakens

You mean ... by going safe? Which is very much what Star Citizen isn't, for better or for worse.

I mean not really, there's console games like Beyond Good and Evil that look every match for SC's scope and scale, while looking graphically better and further along. And that's by Ubisoft, who have a bit of a reputation for being safe iterators.


Plus no one loses thousands if it doesn't work out.


Yeah, I don't really see where all this negative naysaying is coming from. I have zero attachment to Star Citizen, but from what I know, most people who backed the project are happy with the game's progress and what has been shown off.

There has been plenty of criticism from backers about how the project has gone in some ways, but we're all not flying off the handle at literally every drop of sweat like fucking crazy people.

Again, there are certain people that continue to stay and post in this thread not because they're interested in the game, but they're here just waiting for the game to fail. They don't actually care about Star Citizen, they just have this deluded idea that they have to tell everyone how much of a scam it is while ignoring everything else.


I mean not really, there's console games like Beyond Good and Evil that look every match for SC's scope and scale, while looking graphically better and further along. And that's by Ubisoft, who have a bit of a reputation for being safe iterators.


Plus no one loses thousands if it doesn't work out.

It doesn't look better than SC. It won't match SC's scope and scale (I'm not saying it couldn't, it's just not trying to be that kind of all-encompassing game). We have no idea how far along they are, no release date. If anything, the story of BGaE's development is exactly what one would hope to avoid. It is literally the worst example / comparison you could make.
We have no idea how far along they are, no release date.

Did you mean to post stuff that proves how alike they are, and proves my point in the process? Haha!

Anyway, we've already established backers have a huge chip on their shoulder about competitors (KKRT00 bashing Elite endlessly in here, but then going in that thread and saying "is this really necessary" when anything vaguely negative was said in the other direction being a brilliant hypocritical example), but I can feel a multi-page tangent coming on and pulling us away from the original point, which is SC's frequent delays compared to publishers not particularly frequent ones.
This post is even embarrassing for you.
Posting BG&E 2 as an example lol

It doesn't look better than SC. It won't match SC's scope and scale (I'm not saying it couldn't, it's just not trying to be that kind of all-encompassing game). We have no idea how far along they are, no release date. If anything, the story of BGaE's development is exactly what one would hope to avoid. It is literally the worst example / comparison you could make.

You know since you quoted it i could help but see it. But BG&E2? The game that started prepro in 2007, announced in 2008, used funds from multiple rayman games to help them continue that has one video with a single player character, no npcs, flying around on the planet at E3. Further along? Local Physics grid? MP? Playable Alpha? Even an estimated release date or window? No?

Well, such solid examples show how doomed SC is after all. /s

Personally I love most sci fi games and genre's so i hope it does get released and Vivendi doesn't cancel it.
I don't even, I truly don't.

Let's hope tomorrow's AtV gives us something other to talk about. Thread's been insufferable for a while now.


Well, A for effort I guess. I am more curious to see the next Bugsmashers. I am curious if Mark can crash the entire game again.


KKRT00 bashing Elite endlessly in here, but then going in that thread and saying "is this really necessary" when anything vaguely negative was said in the other direction being a brilliant hypocritical example

I'm not a hypocrite, i have also not bashed Elite in the past (if you claim otherwise prove it), let alone endlessly as i have not played it till like less than two weeks ago. I maybe commented on way they handled procedural planets as this was a functionality i was waiting for all those years.
I could bash it now, as i played it for 30h already, but i would not say bash, just criticize as it deserves and i have not done it yet here or in Elite's thread.
I'm also negative on a lot of aspects of SC, which in contrary of you (the hypocrite), as you were never positive.
And there is no post of yours that is 'vaguely negative' in this thread.

Leave this thread already, you wasted enough yours and our time.
You dont have anything else better to do? You probably invested in posting regarding this game, which you have no interest playing anyway, most time than few of our top posters combined.


I thought your post after this one was reasonable -- about subjective trades and some being disappointed.

But I guess I'm still confused because in the post I quoted you were the one to mention precision. But now you are saying you thought they had no internal schedule at all, prior to publicly releasing the schedules?

In particular the part you mention about something expected to take 4 months ending up taking 1 year. There are two basic interpretations:

1. They had no internal schedule and mostly took a shot in the dark

2. They had an internal schedule similar to the one now but grossly misestimated the time it takes.

It sounds like you feel the first is true?
Personally the second one seems far more likely to me. As an implication, it suggests we should not think that much of their current schedules and that SC may be poorly managed.

They most certainly do have internal estimates and deadlines. A previous developer mentioned that they were working with a 2015 deadline, then Chris Roberts played Order 1886 and it went down the drain when he came to the team and told them to start over to match that level of visuals.

In 2016 Erin mentioned that they had just finished developing their roadmap. It sounded to me that they had pressed the reset button after the change in quality level and concentrated on SC 2.0 to get that finished, then restarted after they finished that.

Now how you can try to finish a title after a reset in just one year is insanity and they probably knew from the start that it was impossible.
The original stuff they did looked really good for the time - 360 and PS3 were really long in the tooth, and so it wasn't hard for a PC game to look a lot better. But then the PS4/XBO launched and all the other devs took a massive graphical leap and suddenly SC looked left behind.

Then they redid everything to look better, and they got it looking pretty comparable to current-gen games, but it took so long that Neo/Scorpio launched, and once again they now look behind the current bleeding edge like Anthem. They skated to where the puck was rather than where it's heading.

Now the fear is CR will want to redo everything again to make it look the best out there at the moment, but Sony are starting to mention PS5 for 2020, and they could end up in the same situation where it takes so long that they get eclipsed again.

It's very reminiscent of Duke Nukem Forever - where they were trying to keep up with the industry with 18 devs while everyone else had 80, except now they have like 300 and everyone else has 1,000. Personally, I think they should accept that graphics aren't everything, but Chris seems to have different ideas.




Someone made a nice infographic - summing up progress in its fifth year, with $154 million pledged



The funny thing about this is all the bad news is coming directly from Chris Roberts, so backers can't yell it's fake or moan about Derek Smart being behind it.
This game is never coming out is it?
This game is never coming out is it?

Don't buy the bullshit RJ is selling. That thing is full of half-truths, its not even the full picture and it ignores even the recent add-ons from 3.1. To be honest it's really funny that it comes from where you'd expect this type of misinformation to come from.

I visited the CIG recently (Regardless of any flux bias info-graphic or article/interview that was done a month or two ago) and got the low down. We good with 3.0.

But if you want to believe that "The game will never come out" then bugger off.


I visited the CIG recently (Regardless of any flux bias info-graphic or article/interview that was done a month or two ago) and got the low down. We good with 3.0.

But if you want to believe that "The game will never come out" then bugger off.

You don't think that maybe you're a little close to the game to see it properly? Being given the factory tour actually lowers the value of your opinion. It's like when an amateur youtuber is invited to a preview event and immediately starts shilling for the company out of the mistaken belief that they're an insider and have a personal relationship with the dev. You act like CIG's your bestest friend and hurl rage-filled invective at anyone who levels a criticism at them.
You don't think that maybe you're a little close to the game to see it properly? Being given the factory tour actually lowers the value of your opinion. It's like when an amateur youtuber is invited to a preview event and immediately starts shilling for the company out of the mistaken belief that they're an insider and have a personal relationship with the dev. You act like CIG's your bestest friend and hurl rage-filled invective at anyone who levels a criticism at them.

I'm been away from the game for a one year at the most. Even then, when i came back, i knew what i'm seeing and hearing. Despite some set backs and hold ups. The fact of the matter is, is that no one in the community is all rainbow and sunshine about the thing. Like i said many times before.

So me being around the game for this long. Doesn't blind me. I have my concerns and my doubts. But i don't place those before facts or feasible explanations. Most of the folks that pop in to shit on the project. They either don't care about that perceptive or just want to label it. So i don't care. Because i know that it doesn't come from a place hope for the project but a place of malice.

From the individuals in question.

Nothing to do with CIG being my "Bestest Friend" or whatever else. So keep that obtuse bullshit on the sideline, thank you. Also learn the difference between criticism that comes from a place of real concern, with something to back up those concerns and a straight up agenda to spread bullshit. Who only seem to ever react to negative things regardless of them being true or made up. Just so you know you're one of them. If i'm not mistaken.

Always around when it's presumable bad news or a stink is afoot like it's the end for the project. Correct me if i'm wrong. Because it's always the same folks spewing the same garbage. Under the veil of "Skepticism" and "Criticism". It's similar to the treatment of Horizon: Zero Dawn before it was released. I guess some people still haven't learned.
Don't buy the bullshit RJ is selling. That thing is full of half-truths, its not even the full picture and it ignores even the recent add-ons from 3.1. To be honest it's really funny that it comes from where you'd expect this type of misinformation to come from.

I visited the CIG recently (Regardless of any flux bias info-graphic or article/interview that was done a month or two ago) and got the low down. We good with 3.0.

But if you want to believe that "The game will never come out" then bugger off.

I'm not entirely sure what it's going to contain after the changes, is there a more accurate list or explanation for what it'll have now somewhere?

You don't think that maybe you're a little close to the game to see it properly? Being given the factory tour actually lowers the value of your opinion. It's like when an amateur youtuber is invited to a preview event and immediately starts shilling for the company out of the mistaken belief that they're an insider and have a personal relationship with the dev. You act like CIG's your bestest friend and hurl rage-filled invective at anyone who levels a criticism at them.

It's absolutely nothing to do with people who just "levels a criticism" at the game. It's the same few people who keep coming into this thread just to post whatever misinformed opinion they can to try to make the game look bad, all the while pushing their agenda of bringing the game down to the they ignore when they're outright proved wrong and just disappear until they can come up with some new 'criticism' of the game and start it all over again...and it keeps happening.

If people came in here with valid arguments that were based on a legit concern for the project, that would be perfectly fine. That isn't what happens. All these "criticisms" are coming from the same few people all focusing on trying to make the game be seen in a bad light, even going as far as trying to get people to get refunds, and never saying anything even slightly good about the project. All while hiding behind claims of "Criticism/you're just against criticism!" despite seemingly not actually caring about anything other than bringing the game and project down in whatever way they can, only appearing when anything bad is mentioned or anything they can use to try to make the game look bad, even if they're utterly wrong.


Nothing to do with CIG being my "Bestest Friend" or whatever else. So keep that obtuse bullshit on the sideline, thank you. Also learn the difference between criticism that comes from a place of real concern, with something to back up those concerns and a straight agenda to spread bullshit and only react to negative things regardless of them being partly true or made up. Just so you know you're one of them. If i'm not mistaken.

Always around when it's presumable bad news or a stink is afoot like it's the end for the project. Correct me if i'm wrong. Because it's always the same folk spewing the same garbage. Under the veil of "Skepticism" and "Criticism". It's similar to the treatment of Horzion: Zero Dawn before it was released. I guess some people still haven't learned.

Hark at Mr Purity Test. You got any evidence to back that up? Because on the recent loans furore I posted this in the initial thread:

  • Star Citizen's status is questionable at best
  • Star Citizen fanboys are rabidly defensive and will respond the same way whether it's nothing or a precursor to Chapter 11
  • Derek Smart is a 1000 times worse and literally the worst developer in all of gaming history. Just him having put this out first is enough to taint it.
Will wait for someone who's dealt with similar loans in a professional capacity rather than relying on reading wikipedia entries on the subject.

which turned out to be right on the money. And after the CIG clarification statement I posted

Seems like a good accounting thing to do, and collateral is only limited to the UK studios

Why are there so many people that seem to want this game to fail and never see the light of day?

I don't get it.

A lot of it is pushback against the messianic zeal of defenders. Like it's goddamned scary how whipped up SC subscribers get.

showing I recognised it as a good thing.

I've made threads actively promoting the game:


I was active in the Kotaku investigations thread which was chock full with "something to back up those concerns" and summed up my view of the project as:

The closest it comes to scam territory are the convenient lies of omission and the prioritising of new spaceships for people to buy to rake in some extra dough to sustain the bloated development process.

which is hardly the mark of a some anti-CIG vendetta. And on one of the free weekends I described my experience as:

I played it. I found it highly unoptimised and some of the zero-G interiors very impressive, albeit devoid of any gamification, which is pretty much what I'd expect from an alpha.

which sounds like a fair assessment of any game's alpha.

So why don't you explain to me what show of sycophancy I've failed to display that allows you to attack me as a poster but never, ever the content of my posts because that would actually require you to engage in a debate and come up with reasoning rather than ad hominems.

Because right now you seem to have a 100% fail rate of posters who have made skeptical/criticial comments yet are judged to not have the "correct" intentions behind making said comments. It is literally non-stop personal attacks.

bait... edgelords... hive-mind... armchair developers... butt hurt... hate boner... suck it up...


Hark at Mr Purity Test. You got any evidence to back that up? Because on the recent loans furore I posted this in the initial thread:

which turned out to be right on the money. And after the CIG clarification statement I posted

showing I recognised it as a good thing.

I've made threads actively promoting the game:


I was active in the Kotaku investigations thread which was chock full with "something to back up those concerns" and summed up my view of the project as:

which is hardly the mark of a some anti-CIG vendetta. And on one of the free weekends I described my experience as:

which sounds like a fair assessment of any game's alpha.

So why don't you explain to me what show of sycophancy I've failed to display that allows you to attack me as a poster but never, ever the content of my posts because that would actually require you to engage in a debate and come up with reasoning rather than ad hominems.

Because right now you seem to have a 100% fail rate of posters who have made skeptical/criticial comments yet are judged to not have the "correct" intentions behind making said comments. It is literally non-stop personal attacks.

Well said. I think CabbageHead seems to post about as often as RJ. Which is fine in itself, but taking any criticism as an indication of Derek Smart or whatever, is extreme.

Also whatever RJ's posting history, for the past few pages he has been bringing in new information for discussion, whereas CabbageHead seems to trade in personal attacks and riddles. I'm not sure why this sort of optimistic extremism is more acceptable than the cynical extremism.


Grow the fuck up dude.

You might say the same to the four posters previous to his own, making personal attacks.

Hell we're all on a video game forum talking about an unreleased game, we could probably all stand to grow up a bit by many measures.


Seek victory, not fairness
Well said. I think CabbageHead seems to post about as often as RJ. Which is fine in itself, but taking any criticism as an indication of Derek Smart or whatever, is extreme.

Also whatever RJ's posting history, for the past few pages he has been bringing in new information for discussion, whereas CabbageHead seems to trade in personal attacks and riddles. I'm not sure why this sort of optimistic extremism is more acceptable than the cynical extremism.

Cabbagehead and I actually butted heads a while back about this kind of thing - I thought it would be better to cool it a bit, he thought I was being too easygoing about things. Not one to pull punches. There was a temp ban a while back, so I wouldn't really say it's special treatment.


Cabbagehead and I actually butted heads a while back about this kind of thing - I thought it would be better to cool it a bit, he thought I was being too easygoing about things. Not one to pull punches. There was a temp ban a while back, so I wouldn't really say it's special treatment.

Ah I see. Thank you for the context.

To be fair I suppose it might not be easy to divorce a lot of past posts made by RJ that may have been caustic from the recent 2-3 pages. I am pretty new to the thread so it may be easier for me.
I'm not entirely sure what it's going to contain after the changes, is there a more accurate list or explanation for what it'll have now somewhere?

It's all on the 3.0 schedule page and or this 3.0 Wiki

In either case that whole graphic is under the assumption that CIG can't ever change anything about 3.0. When they have ever right to do so and just goes back to the notion of everything being subject to change. Because it's not like all these things are unchangeable or set in stone features, especially if they aren't finished or are found to be broken, or has to wait on something else in order for it to work.

Something that can be observed in the schedule currently.`Like with Bind culling and them pushing up other network features that would support and be supported by Culling. So they don't have to back-track.

He (RJ) doesn't bring in new information or discussions. Fact is, i've seen half the stuff he's been spewing from Derek Smart, trolls on Star Citizen Reddit and other places where they reside. That regurgitate similar stuff and just spread/pass it around. So it doesn't deserve anything less than scorn and "riddles". Since i know the source of his "concerns".

It's pattern at this point and RJ exposed himself with him gleefully coming into the thread more than a few weeks ago and beating his chest about that bank loan non-starter, that was made to look like a problem it wasn't. But he was SO happy at the beginning. So regardless if it's true or false, he loves the bad news and only shows up for it as well, there is no balance. So don't try to paint me in some caustic light. As for myself? like Raticus said i'm just a blunt person, sugarcoating isn't my thing. My aunty taught me that.

(So please point to me where, i was super nasty with a personal attacks towards someone in here, within the last two pages. )

We're all big boys and girls. In reality at least i hope.


Seek victory, not fairness
Finally got around to reworking the OP and taking out the obsolete stuff. Hopefully it's a bit more useful for people new to the topic. Also added Zalusithix's logo render in the org section because I love that thing.

I was thinking of taking out the armada image (or converting it to a link), but it makes sense to keep in there in light of the new comment about us having a ton of extra ships with seats to fill. Will generate a new one though, we're missing the new ships.

Edit: Latest fleet:
Full size: http://i.imgur.com/liWp2qS.png

Someone is going to try and blow up though or camp there if they find it. Might have to clear out some squatters from time to time. Since salvaging won't be in 3.0. I believe.

It is said it will take 12 and half days to circumvent the moon of Cellin on foot. And Daymar is larger than Cellin. It is possible that it will be a quick find since the ship is so large the crash site can be seen from space but there is no telling what that means. It could look like a crater for all we know.
It is said it will take 12 and half days to circumvent the moon of Cellin on foot. And Daymar is larger than Cellin. It is possible that it will be a quick find since the ship is so large the crash site can be seen from space but there is no telling what that means. It could look like a crater for all we know.

True, given the sizes of Daymar and some of the moons themselves. It's really going to depend on where this thing is located and how it's situated into or onto the surface. Regardless of the size of the wreck itself. It could look like a giant rock for all we know, after that 5th day. If you're on foot especially.


I think I might have been confused by some videos by RSI and having not kept up until now, but are there plans to have player ran modular stations? Kind of ala Star Wars Galaxies where you set up shop somewhere on a planet of your choice? I saw some quick clips of what looked like buildings that would be used in that way but I'm not sure.

Also, can't wait for 3.0 to come out. I am excited about the idea of cargo being physical and you having to transport it in some way.


Seek victory, not fairness
I think I might have been confused by some videos by RSI and having not kept up until now, but are there plans to have player ran modular stations? Kind of ala Star Wars Galaxies where you set up shop somewhere on a planet of your choice? I saw some quick clips of what looked like buildings that would be used in that way but I'm not sure.

Also, can't wait for 3.0 to come out. I am excited about the idea of cargo being physical and you having to transport it in some way.

I'd put it in "someday maybe" post-launch territory. It was put out there as something they'd like to do, but it's not targeted for a specific future patch.
I'd put it in "someday maybe" post-launch territory. It was put out there as something they'd like to do, but it's not targeted for a specific future patch.

I'd say it's in the same place that player's being able to "build" their own bases is. So sometime in the near future. Especially if what they can do now under their control works out and is interesting enough. To explore and interact with.

So i think we agree overall.


Grow the fuck up dude.

Best possible response comment to a poster snarkily remarking that their points are countered by personal attacks.

As for what you said, would you mind leading by example?

Also, can't wait for 3.0 to come out. I am excited about the idea of cargo being physical and you having to transport it in some way.

Personally, I'm very wary of the idea:

It'll be one of the first times CIG actually introduces a basic mechanic that diverges from the bog standard Cryengine shooter template. Vehicles, albeit no spaceships, walking and shooting are mechanically nothing new. Manually having to haul around cargo? Mhhh. Remember Trespasser? Not everything that sounds über-cool when you say it works out like that when you put it in a game while forgetting intelligent game design. Edit: And while being bogged down by horrific performance issues.



Finally got around to reworking the OP and taking out the obsolete stuff. Hopefully it's a bit more useful for people new to the topic. Also added Zalusithix's logo render in the org section because I love that thing.

I was thinking of taking out the armada image (or converting it to a link), but it makes sense to keep in there in light of the new comment about us having a ton of extra ships with seats to fill. Will generate a new one though, we're missing the new ships.

Edit: Latest fleet:
Full size: GAF Mighty Fleet

Completely forgot to update. It's probably missing a few ships like one Gladius and one Eclipse, and I'm probably not the only one :x
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