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Street Fighter 5 for PS4 & PC teaser trailer


I do think they needed to completely change the art style. Id be a lot more excited honestly.

Also leads me to think this isn't a true sequel somehow, but like a stepping stone to the true sequel. With the exclusivity and all.

why don't you compare Ryu? the models are clearly based off IV; look at his musculuature. both characters are slightly slimmer but it definitely registers way too much like IV. the differences aren't palpable at all, which makes this a visually disappointing first showing. it's not much to go by since its a tiny little teaser so I'm not gonna worry too much, but right now I'm underwhelmed.

I agree with both of these statements. I'm also a bit underwhelmed going by the art style alone.

Statements like these, however, cheer me up a bit again:

They did show the daigo parry so that may be a hint that the parry system is coming back. But yeah details are to limited as of right now.

This is exceptionally reaching, but the clip of Chun's air combo makes me wonder if air juggles are back in the game.

Ono stated back during vanilla SF4's promotion that mastering SF4 would graduate you to 3S.

Perhaps SF5 is an evolution of 3S?

Let's hope so!

Edit: sheesh, this thread is moving fast!


I can't believe how much of a fuss people kick up about exclusives. They've been a part of the industry since day one. Every console needs exclusive games otherwise what's the point in having more than one on the market?
Amazes me people still post the "Sony is too poor" garbage. They can invest billions in R&D for consoles and many other projects but cannot pay for exclusives??? Logic.


As in "Heathcliff"
It was a quite nice trailer, so I'm definitely looking forward to see more from SFV.

I have been planning to buy PS4 but if it come out before other games that I want to buy then I might buy PS4 sooner than I would imagine to.


Nah you can't tell me with a straight face that if SF5 was XB1 exclusive with PC this thread would be the same.

It would be exactly the same, just with different faces behind the stances on the matter. As it has always been and will always be on such things on a gaming forum.

Can you honestly say your feelings on the matter would be the same in said hypothetical scenario?

I mean I understand PC is the most popular console and thus the most popular console here, but lets not get crazy now.



Monster Hunter 3 and 4, Ace Attorney series, Dead Rising 1 and 3 etc.

They always have been fucking Sony this generation, being them the only ones who never had a Capcom exclusive. So it's justice to give Sony SFV.

People who doesn't want to buy one at least have PC, or may wait until the next SFV iteration that I assume would be multi.

I assume it may be a case like Dead Rising 3: Capcom was going to cancel it or didn't have enough budget to develop it. So in this case Sony came to fund it (like MS on DR3 or Nintendo localizing and marketing MH3 in the west)

What the fuck is this?
You act like the xb1 is dead or something, it just outsold ps4 in the month of november and is looking pretty good for the holiday.

Besides, how could putting the game on xb1 hurt capcom?

You might want to clarify were that took place, otherwise people might get confused and think you are talking global numbers that at the end of the day it's what matters.
Lol, you think anyone in Japan has an Xbox One. How deluded are you? Look, I get, you're angry, but come on... you know why this happened. Both the PS4 and PC have bigger markets right now and people want exclusives for those. Sony surely paid a lot of money to get this exclusive and probably helped during development. Xbox One is also probably getting the Ultra Edition treatment later so calm down and be patient.

EDIT: After considering what I just wrote I realised you were just trolling. I fell for it.

He's joking...

I hope you are too!


Great news, but i'm pretty disappointed by the look of it.
No visible generational leap IMHO, i expected something way more massive graphics-wise.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I must say it is kind of interesting to see the general reaction (having read the first 10 pages) to this compared to the Tomb Raider exclusivity announcement. Now, I can't say if it's the same people posting, of course, but the general atmosphere of the thread seems markedly different. People still really love to hate the Xbone, it appears.

I guess I can't blame them. The future we would've got if Microsoft had gotten their way would've been a pretty bad one. Partially because of that, I've got next to zero interest in supporting the system, either, but just thought it was interesting to note the reaction here.


The exclusivity is a bummer I'm sure but I wouldn't be surprised if there were funding issue for Ono.

He had a hell of a time trying to convince Capcom to make SF4 and his recent comments definitely made it sound like Capcom was reluctant when it came to fighting games. I don't think Sony would have the money (or desire) to outright money hat the game.

So yeah, I'm glad that Ono did whatever it took to get the game made.


People who are saying Sony moneyhatted this, do you really think Sony would have allowed a PC version if they moneyhatted it?

Well the only other options are

  • Gabe asks to be in on the party
  • Sony asks and Capcom says yes, with nothing changing hands

It is more likely that there was a monetary deal made between Sony and Capcom, but not for very much compared to what I'll describe as top moneyhat. The PC as a platform now does fairly decently; to actually cut it out as well would likely add to how much would need to be paid or involved in the deal


Guys, how about we wait for the official reveal and press release before jumping at each other's throats? For all we know this might be console exclusive only in Japan or a timed exclusive. Maybe Capcom wouldn't have started developing SF V as soon as they did had Sony not stepped in? Let's wait for more news and then discuss, we are not gonna get anywhere right now because it's just speculation.
They may be genuine questions but people can only give you speculative answers based on little to no information, considering how fresh and hot this news is. I would say no on the KI season-style, but you know Capcom gonna make a ton of costume DLC for purchase again.

I'm just trying to figure out what the markets appetite is for a full retail priced fighting game. What was the last massively successful one?

Didn't SF4 sell 3.5M units across 360, PC, PS3 and mobile back in 2009? Is the market still willing to drop $60 on a fighter?

I'm not referring to the die hard fans, just everyone else. I'm not a big fighter guy, but I messed around in KI for a bit because it was essentially F2P.


I also think its hilarious that Capcom, one of the companies that have been in some serious financial woes, decide to cut off part of their potential target market by making it an exclusive... Sony must have hooked them up with some serious money.

Sony has no money. This is a pure Japanese honor hookup.
Well, how much do you think a deal like this cost? Keep in mind it's also releasing on PC. Not saying you're wrong but if Sony can't pay for a Street Fighter game to stay console exclusive then they must be really poor.

I really believe they are. All they can moneyhat is indies.

Dat goalpost shifting.

Before this trailer, it was "Sony can't afford third party exclusives!" full stop.

What goalpost shifting? I never said nor believed that Sony can't fund third party exclusives.


Is Capcom going to wait 3 months before patching online in SFV for PC?

Because it's been longer than 3 months for USF the way it works right now.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
What? Not it isn't.

It's an American narrator, speaking english, over scenes primarily featuring the American FGC, probably scheduled to debut at an American event this weekend.
Yeah the timing could not be more obvious. That said, this is not Soul Calibur, where an installment would be "one and done" on consoles. There are probably going to be at least two more revisions with retail releases. It probably ends up on Xbox One at some point. The return on keeping Hyper Alpha Edition exclusive would be too small.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Yeah, it's hard to believe that Capcom could not have made a new Street Fighter on their own. Exclusivity is only a good thing if the game would not have been made otherwise.


Saint Titanfall
It would be exactly the same, just with different faces behind the stances on the matter. As it has always been and will always be on such things on a gaming forum.

Can you honestly say your feelings on the matter would be the same in said hypothetical scenario?


I'm sure that face is straight. I'm not even a fan of XB1 but I can see the clear difference. I'm not condemning it but it certainly does exist.
God damn it. I was hoping they'd get away from that weird look from the last gen. At least it looks like they're trying to push the calligraphy motif a little more, though.

Yeah, popped in to see the new style.. Doh! It's the same big meaty claws thing from SF4! Lame!


Don't worry guys Super Street Fighter 5 Will be out 4 months later with more characters and costumes on all consoles.

Pretty much this,

and people disputing that Capcom didn't have the money to make a new Street Fighter without investment, you're probably right they almost certainly would have still made a multi(console)-platform Street Fighter 5 without Sony money, It may have taken longer to come out and ended up being F2P though.

or not, it's all pointless speculation everyones getting angry about.


Your opinion on the quality TR 2013 is irrelevant. It was 8th in GAF GotY voting so the fact is tons of people on here really liked it and were hyped for the sequel.


Youre right, I just kind of meant that as a series, TR is not even anywhere near the same level as Street Fighter. There are far less fans of TR than SF. So this exclusive deal has far more damaging effects, IMO.

Either way, I think exclusivity is fucking shitty and PS4 guys need to step up and say that too. I understand that you all are super hype about getting one for your console, but in the grand scheme of things, dont settle for this shit.
Capcom is DNA timed exclusive but I'm curious if there's any proven record of Street Fighter preforming strongly so early in a generation. Will the fanbase follow given the stubborn lifespan of the ten year plan consoles? Or will they keep playing 4 and Mahvel like Melee purists?.


The FGC still plays old-school SSFT2 and MvC2. The majority moves on when the new game comes out, but a lot of the older games are still played.

SF is not Smash Bros.

I'm OK with this Xbox has killer instinct we have Street fighter, both consoles now have a fighter

We both share mortal Kombat

You couldn't have written a better custody battle

KI is not comparable to SF. I totally get why people would be upset.


Yep, but doesn't seem too disappointed in this one!

In the first deal one game is exclusive to the console with the lowest install base, in the other the game is exclusive to the console with the highest install base, PC and arcade machines. Sure it sucks but financially the second business deal is way better than the first one. Sure it's not as good as going fully multipats, but Capcom still made a way better decision than SE.
People are getting this wrong

its not like Titanfall and Tomb Raider where they where announced on BOTH and THEN later changed
especially when TR was a full story sequel (lol do not attempt to use SFs story )

This is more like what MS did with Killer Instinct

a well known FG franchises ip is now exclusive to Sony being FIRST revealed!
"Not Its on Xbox1 too, actually never mind its not" they didn't build up XBox fans excitement and then take it away

is it a Dick move to an extent yes, both its not the same argument as Tomb Raider
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