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The Darkness II |OT| Mike Patton will eat your heart OUT!


Hmmm. Cool story, didn't like the very end though. Graphics are very inconsistent with the "painted" look. Powers are cool, but the game is pretty easy throughout (played the hardest difficulty). Solid, but average in all.

The game seems to encouraging you to do executions far more than anything else.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I love how unabashedly violent this game is. Even as an old fart, desensitized gamer my job dropped a little when
his dead aunt goes flying out of the casket when you get jumped at the funeral.


Played through it over the weekend. Absolutely fantastic. Has to be Digital Extremes' best game.

Bring on DIII.
Such a shame this thread is so dead...
Come, people, this is such a fun, well-realized game.

Yeah, seems like a lot of people overlooked it. Shame indeed, because it's a hell of a game. I hope we get Darkness III.

But anyway, the only reason I stopped playing it is because they promised an FOV patch for the PC version over a month ago, but we haven't heard a word about it since. Blah.
The FOV patch is now up, but for those of us with GTX 680's, be warned that the game now has some visual glitches. -_-
Back to waiting I go..


Glad I waited for the FoV patch, so much better. It's dope so far, really digging it. Well done DE! Anyhoo, is there a way to force proper AA on AMD cards?


So I just finished the game and I loved it. You wouldn't expect a game about a gangster possessed by darkness to have a deep meaningful story but it does and its great because of it.


Did you guys listen to all the developer podcasts hosted on the official site? They're pretty good. More developers should do this.
My god, as a massive fan of the story in The Darkness, 2's story is hit all the right spots.

The gun play is fantastic too.

I dare say it's way better then the first one (the gun play).

Just platinumed it yesterday. Vendettas is a well thought out co-op mode. Shame there isn't much to it when you've played all the missions. Only higher difficulty.
Hey all,

Just wanted to let you all know that we're (Amazon Game Downloads) having a pretty big spring sale right now and this game (Darkness II) is only $12.49 for those of you who haven't picked it up yet.

Yes, it does activate on Steam :) we'll give you a Steam key and then you can either download from us or pop the key in Steam and get it from them.


Thanks guys, let me know if you have any questions!



Hey all,

Just wanted to let you all know that we're (Amazon Game Downloads) having a pretty big spring sale right now and this game (Darkness II) is only $12.49 for those of you who haven't picked it up yet.

Yes, it does activate on Steam :) we'll give you a Steam key and then you can either download from us or pop the key in Steam and get it from them.


Thanks guys, let me know if you have any questions!


Just picked it up, thanks for the great deal.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I don't know how Digital Extremes did it, but they somehow made a better sequel to The Darkness than current Starbreeze ever could. It was fucking brilliant.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
If you are running out of ammo then you aren't mixing up your combat styles enough. If you do prefer shooting there is an execution upgrade that nets you a fair amount of ammo and the shooting upgrade that gives you unlimited ammo for a couple seconds. That upgrade maxed can clean out a room without wasting a single bullet of yours.

The demon arms can't take out lights as they disappear when they get to close... which is honestly a lot more consistent with the concept behind them.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
well, I figured it out a bit. I forgot about melee moves.

The game is good. I wish Vampires Masquerade Bloodlines 2 was done in that style.


The demon arms can't take out lights as they disappear when they get to close... which is honestly a lot more consistent with the concept behind them.

There is a tiny window by which you can slash nearby lights occasionally but yeah, it's not practical at all.

Only thing about this game that bothered me was that sometimes you couldn't really tell the "dark" and "light" areas apart.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
damn, this game is annoying. How am I supposed to fight these motherfuckers with shields?

mr stroke

Can't believe I passed this game up in Feb. Grabbed it off of Amazon's PC sale for $12. Game is pretty awesome.


Bought this during the Amazon sale and I gotta say, pretty great. I like the changes to the combat and the story has been pretty interesting so far. I do miss the open world though.

Question, how far am I into the game?
Jackie just got put into a iron maiden.


Just finished this, what a great game. The gunplay/arms really made for extremely fun and satisfying combat. Excellent story, and all the lore behind it was really cool. Loved picking up the relics and the upgrades. Yeah, it was short, but I only paid $12.50 so I'm fine with it.

Hope we get a sequel...but I doubt it. Seems like it didn't do so great.

Are the co-op missions worth doing?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Are the co-op missions worth doing?

I enjoyed the gunplay and the Vendetta campaign ties into the main game story-wise which is pretty neat. The powers that each character has are just powers taken from Jackie, but they are still fun to use.

I'd say that it's worth the 1.5-2 hours of play time.
Anyone have a solution for flickering textures during the game on a GTX 680. I read that others had this problem. Just wait for new drivers?

Just started the game and it's is very cool. I want to wait till I get that flickering gone before I run through it. Got it for $12 on Amazon, glad I picked it up. Seems like the game you can finish in 1-4 sittings.
Anyone have a solution for flickering textures during the game on a GTX 680. I read that others had this problem. Just wait for new drivers?

Just started the game and it's is very cool. I want to wait till I get that flickering gone before I run through it. Got it for $12 on Amazon, glad I picked it up. Seems like the game you can finish in 1-4 sittings.

The drivers that fix this have been up for a few weeks now. 301.24 beta drivers


Have the patched the FOV on the PC version yet? This was one of the first games i've ever played that didn't sit well on my eyes.
Nearing the end of the game. I'll probably write a mini review when I'm done but right now I'll just say that as a standalone game it's quite good. As a sequel to a game I'd been waiting 5 years for, it's an absolute failure.


Picked this up with the Best Buy sale, just want to know is there anyway to change the AA and AF for the PC version?


Just started playing the 360 version and the FOV is killing me... I've played a crap load of fps in my day and never has one bothered me before.. I wish it could be changed in the console version


Wow, good game. I didn't realize the game offered more to do after the main story. These Vendetta missions are just as cool as the story ones. And multiplayer co-op? I've got to buy my friends a copy of this!

Also, is Jenny the best romantic love interest in any game ever? Yes, yes she is.

Edit: So this game really got under my skin. The Jenny stuff, in particular. So fucking poignant and wrenching. Really an amazing end to the main game. I went to bed thinking about it and it's been on my mind all day.

Playing through the Vendettas missions and I am really enjoying the change of pace. You know, sometimes you have to spend a while with a game before you realize just how good it is. For me, this is one of those games. It's earning a special place in my heart and I'm going to remember it fondly for years and years to come.

When I finish it, of course. Which may be a while longer as this game has more to offer than many people realize.


Gaf, I am stuck at the very beginning after ambush. I'm at the part where you have to break open the electrical box with the LB and X button. Well, it's been five minutes and I can't get that damn thing to open. What the hell am I doing wrong? I watched a quick youtube video of the same section and the guy broke it open in less than a second. What gives.


^Don't you have to do a motion instead of just a button press to destroy environments? It should be slash across from what I remember but I played the game six months ago.
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