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The Evil Within: Every Last Bullet Trailer

I'm not 'telling' you anything, other than TLoU and this game look extremely similar in design, so of course people are going to compare them.

Well that figures but yeah...and sorry didn't mean to sound harsh or something, but it seems people always take that as a reference.
So, I have a feeling that this game is going to be the latest victim of the Clover curse and bomba. Sure there is hype for it here but I just do not feel that hype is shared by the general populace. I get the feeling that the common plebeian gamer is not even aware of the game's existence.

Will it even be able to outperform Vanquish I wonder.

Bethesda is a competent publisher that knows how to market games. Just look at Dishonored where they managed to turn a new IP into a success. Vanquish was a Sega game, which got much less marketing and hype. I hope this does well.


I just want this game to sell well. At least well enough to warrant a sequel, or more games in the same vein. If it sells well enough it can prove that there's a real thirst for the genre and it makes a comeback on the AAA sphere. Don't get me wrong, there havê been a lot of horror games lately,and many of them are really good, bit I'm getting a little tired of first person horror games where you have no means to fight back. Indie devs have been doing their part (bless them for that) but many of those games fall in that bracket. On a AAA lvl, I loved P.T (last time a game left me unsettled was SH1) but that's not what I want from Silent Hills. I want third person exploration with a bit of combat and resource management involved, and TEW is exactly that. TLoU scratched some of that itch but it's not quite the same even though it might help to pave the way for more survival horror oriented AAA games.

Here's hoping the game is good, reviews well and sells good enough. Mikami and his team deserve our support and trust, and the genre needs him too. Can't wait for the game. Gonna buy a t shirt too, the one with the brain. Looked pretty cool, shame I couldn't find it in black (only white).


benevolent sexism
Who does this? Stockholme syndrom-ish? I will gladly admit the faults it has in my eyes. I don't expect a perfect game, but I expect a severly well paced, varied, intense combat, and horrific settings out of all this. The load times and the texture load in I full expect to have issues still, but hoping for the best. If it turns into a janky experience but one that is still super well done, I'll comment on it. At this point if I start backing out of my postiive thoughts on it, I'd be lying to myself because with each new video, I find myself seeing more and more stuff I absolutely love about it.

It's called cognitive dissonance, and human beings do it, often.


The combat mechanics look very solid and potentially tense (it's largely what's selling me on the game), but I really hope the game is actually creepy and unnerving. Most of what's been shown have been very B-movie-ish and surface-level "scary looking stuff".
is there a rewind mechanic?

kind of lame if so



Looks good.....but so much for it being a survival horror though

Also they have incorporated the Crimson Head torching mechanic, nice


Unlimited Capacity
A lot of the things in the trailer just looked like The Last of Us rehash mechanics. Not particularly impressed by anything here, and the game doesn't look great visually. The horror aspect is nice, though.

Is the last of us the first game to do crouch walking right?
I think I am sold, this looks excellent. Will wait for tech comparisons between PC and PS4. This feels like a console title to me.

fart town usa

Gold Member

So for the people who are saying this game looks bad, specify please.

Because all it seems like to me is that certain people are trolling for the sake of giving others a hard time.

I understand that not everyone will enjoy the aesthetics of this type of gameplay but really, it looks far from uninspired and it doesn't look like it plays janky.

So what is it?


Neo Member
I was pretty skeptical about this game when there was a lack of coverage a few months ago but now that they've been rolling out trailers and some gameplay, it's looking better and better.

I can't wait for October to get my Horror fix!
I'm not 'telling' you anything, other than TLoU and this game look extremely similar in design, so of course people are going to compare them.

I only seen the debut footage of TEW, but I kind of hope you are right. In concept, TLOU sounded fantastic to me, but the game itself was extremely boring for me due to bland level design, barebones stealth mechanics, a very mild sense of tension, and miniscule enemy variety. If Tango has looked to TLOU as inspiration and improved upon it's shortcomings this could very well be one of the best games ever.
Mikami was the 1st who invented those "TLoU" mechanics with RE4, and now you want to tell me The Evil Within copied the TLoU mechanics? Not this game specifically, I wrote all TPS esque horror games.

While I think that tonally and in terms of structure/design TLoU had definite resemblances to Resi 4, it didn't actually share that many gameplay mechanics besides being a third person shooter. TLoU was very heavy on scavenging and stealth, while Resi 4 was about playing through incredible set-pieces and using money to upgrade weapons and generally kick arse. Looking at this footage, I'd say Tango have definitely lifted ideas from TLoU as well as Resi 4.
I only seen the debut footage of TEW, but I kind of hope you are right. In concept, TLOU sounded fantastic to me, but the game itself was extremely boring for me due to bland level design, barebones stealth mechanics, a very mild sense of tension, and miniscule enemy variety. If Tango has looked to TLOU as inspiration and improved upon it's shortcomings this could very well be one of the best games ever.

I don't know if we played the same game, or if you even understood the game before you bought decided to play it. especially the enemy variety thing, it hurts my brain to read that part.


Oh my look's good and it's out on a week I have off work, I know what ill be doing that week
shiting myself.


I would say RE4 over TLoU any day of the week.
trip lines for bombs, chainsaw, traps, etc
I think even the ladders are more of a RE4 aspect. I'm not going to complain over a simple ladder, but I wouldn't take anything away just because you see a similar 3rd person technique. That's heavy objective criticism.

I haven't played RE4, but I have played TLoU, which is a recent gaming using the same mechanics. Mentioning RE4 really only highlights that the mechanics are rehashes, but if that works for some people that's good for them.

The game has been in development since 2010 so it's had a ways to go, also whats wrong with some of the last of us mechanics being present? I've never understood this mentality. Games have mechanics that other games have. Go figure!

There is nothing wrong with the mechanics, however, after experiencing them I don't feel they are selling points for me.

The dude who makes this came up with those "The Last of Us' mechanics, you know that right?

In fact, TLoU wouldn't have been what it is if it wasn't for Mikami's previous work.

I didn't know that, and it doesn't necessarily change the point.

I always read TLoU is better than everything, like it is a holy grail or something...it is tiresome to read this everyday, TLoU created nothing new or nothing evolving, it just used gameplay mechanics from other well known games. Stop comparing all TPS horror games to TLoU, this game hasn't created anything new or overwhelming, sorry about my rant, but it annoys me to read TLoU every where.

I don't disagree with you... in fact, I found TLoU to be an overrated experience that ended up being mostly the glorification of torturing women. Don't confuse me with its fanatics.


Watching the impressions change over the last few months has been interesting. I was always in it for Mikami but it looks like Bethesda has changed a lot of minds with their marketing so far. There was a period of time where I thought this was going to flop real hard (Shadows of The Damned hard) but I think it's going to do well.
I haven't played RE4, but I have played TLoU, which is a recent gaming using the same mechanics. Mentioning RE4 really only highlights that the mechanics are rehashes, but if that works for some people that's good for them.

There is nothing wrong with the mechanics, however, after experiencing them I don't feel they are selling points for me.

I didn't know that, and it doesn't necessarily change the point.

I don't disagree with you... in fact, I found TLoU to be an overrated experience that ended up being mostly the glorification of torturing women. Don't confuse me with its fanatics.

It's cool, you couldn't know because you've only played TLoU and not RE4. What to you mean with the glorification of women torturing? I do not remember any torture scenes in TLoU? Or I do not get the reference...?
Who does this? Stockholme syndrom-ish? I will gladly admit the faults it has in my eyes. I don't expect a perfect game, but I expect a severly well paced, varied, intense combat, and horrific settings out of all this. The load times and the texture load in I full expect to have issues still, but hoping for the best. If it turns into a janky experience but one that is still super well done, I'll comment on it. At this point if I start backing out of my postiive thoughts on it, I'd be lying to myself because with each new video, I find myself seeing more and more stuff I absolutely love about it.


You've been the head of the hype train for half a year now, proclaimed it your GOTY before you played it, busted out "I told you so"/eating crow talk over a basic gameplay overview trailer, and have assembled a small Los Iluminados cult (complete with red eyes) over various hype/free marketing threads.

There's no way in pluperfect hell you would ever admit this game was less than great, no matter what the metacritic is, or what the GAF impressions were. You have already anointed this thing, and more and more people on this website have noticed it. You wouldn't "eat crow" if they force fed it to you.


What did they show new? It's the exact same sequences we've seen since the reveal, I don't understand why there's a hype bandwagon now when every other news before the gaffer impression thread the game was getting panned here. Me I believed and preordered in it since the reveal so meh

Well, pardon me for not seeing everything in the trailer before. I thought it was a great trailer.


Gold Member
I haven't played RE4, but I have played TLoU, which is a recent gaming using the same mechanics. Mentioning RE4 really only highlights that the mechanics are rehashes, but if that works for some people that's good for them.

There is nothing wrong with the mechanics, however, after experiencing them I don't feel they are selling points for me.

I didn't know that, and it doesn't necessarily change the point.

I don't disagree with you... in fact, I found TLoU to be an overrated experience that ended up being mostly the glorification of torturing women. Don't confuse me with its fanatics.
My god you haven't? I met a few guys who gave me their perspective on this and that and when we had finally had the chance to talk about RE I noticed that neither one of them had played it (boils my blood!) :) I think a lot of people should. It was a staple in horror games. I remember watching a few good horror movies then being introduced to B horror films and the slug of stuff that a dog wouldn't touch. IMO RE4 sets itself apart. The only thing time has done to it has been the people not getting a copy. It's been on multiple platforms for years. I thought a large majority had played it rather than live under their own pretense. With horror, it feels like what's good will always stand out. You should definitely try it out. Even though TLoU did its thing, RE4 is completely different. I wouldn't replace one with the other. There seems to be more criticism now than a long time ago with RE4. I got that on GC at launch. It sure did something to the medium. Just look at all the remarks directed at other games.

Granted I don't have an opportunity to discuss this with a lot of people.

I never took RE for being sexist. Claire was one of my first favorite female leads. Same with Jill. Jill represented a strong sexy role in a good way.
I don't know if we played the same game, or if you even understood the game before you bought decided to play it. especially the enemy variety thing, it hurts my brain to read that part.

Uncharted was one of my favorite new IP of last generation and I was highly anticipating it. It hurts MY brain that out of everything I critiqued you point out the one that isn't really debatable.

You have runners, stalkers (who are barely different from runners), clickers, and bloaters (of which there are what... three encounters with them?). And then you have melee and ranged humans. And one deer.

If the game was half the length it wouldn't be an issue, but over the course of 20 hrs the enemy encounters became less and less exciting. Good level/encounter design might have mixed things up a bit, but those situations were rare, outside of Ellie's chapter. But that whole chapter had it's own issues anyway. But alas, I don't want to derail the thread any further. So... Back to TEW haha.



You've been the head of the hype train for half a year now, proclaimed it your GOTY before you played it, busted out "I told you so"/eating crow talk over a basic gameplay overview trailer, and have assembled a small Los Iluminados cult (complete with red eyes) over various hype/free marketing threads.

There's no way in pluperfect hell you would ever admit this game was less than great, no matter what the metacritic is, or what the GAF impressions were. You have already anointed this thing, and more and more people on this website have noticed it. You wouldn't "eat crow" if they force fed it to you.

Eh, what's wrong with you?

You've been the head of the hype train for half a year now, proclaimed it your GOTY before you played it, busted out "I told you so"/eating crow talk over a basic gameplay overview trailer, and have assembled a small Los Iluminados cult (complete with red eyes) over various hype/free marketing threads.

There's no way in pluperfect hell you would ever admit this game was less than great, no matter what the metacritic is, or what the GAF impressions were. You have already anointed this thing, and more and more people on this website have noticed it. You wouldn't "eat crow" if they force fed it to you.
This is a completely pointless argument because it hinges on something which is a complete hypothetical at this moment.

No one can defend themselves from such an accusation until the game comes out and they play it. Might it be true? Sure. It might. But we'll only get to know how things are going to play out should X happen, if indeed X comes to pass.

Conversely, it's too early to serve crow.

But I do honestly think the crow is just about ready to come out of the oven.

At this point before both Colonial Marines and Resident Evil 6 shipped, I didn't even want them anymore after personally being very hyped about both titles initially. I haven't bought them. I probably never will. Not even that recent Steam sale price on RE6 got me to bite.

At this point The Evil Within is looking about as promising as it's looked, and a couple of weeks before launch is a great time to be looking as good as this does look.

Yes I am aware of the limitations of the engine they're using. Yes I've seen the run cycle.

I can't speak for Slasher, but I don't get hyped baselessly and I don't stay hyped baselessly.

And I'm pretty goddamn hyped. More than I've been for anything in the last two years or so.

You want to doubt Mikami? Good luck with that.


The more I see of this game, the more I'm liking the look of it, although the narrator felt a bit out of place :p.

You've been the head of the hype train for half a year now, proclaimed it your GOTY before you played it, busted out "I told you so"/eating crow talk over a basic gameplay overview trailer, and have assembled a small Los Iluminados cult (complete with red eyes) over various hype/free marketing threads.

There's no way in pluperfect hell you would ever admit this game was less than great, no matter what the metacritic is, or what the GAF impressions were. You have already anointed this thing, and more and more people on this website have noticed it. You wouldn't "eat crow" if they force fed it to you.

Say what you will. I disagree.

I can't speak for Slasher, but I don't get hyped baselessly and I don't stay hyped baselessly.

And I'm pretty goddamn hyped. More than I've been for anything in the last two years or so.

I've spoken up on this before and have said that there has only ever been a few other games I've been THIS hyped for. RE4, Alan Wake, and now TEW. The other two games are two of some of the MOST played games in my collection and were absolutely amazing to me. TEW is giving me these same feels and yes I won't know till I play it, but if history repeats itself, I don't get THIS hyped for just any game. So sure to some folks it might seem a bit crazy, but I have no doubts that when the game is released... people will have no problem understanding why I have the feelings I do. As for it sucking or having dissapointing elements, I'll be sure to admit to them. Why people on here seem to think that because I'm THIS hyped means I won't point our the flaws or say it has bad elements is beyond me. Just because I'm super hyped does't mean I won't critique it accordingly. Sorry for having this much excitment for a game I think is going to do wonder for horror games. I guess I should just shut my mouth at this point. Otherwise be villified, so to speak.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Who does this? Stockholme syndrom-ish? I will gladly admit the faults it has in my eyes. I don't expect a perfect game, but I expect a severly well paced, varied, intense combat, and horrific settings out of all this. The load times and the texture load in I full expect to have issues still, but hoping for the best. If it turns into a janky experience but one that is still super well done, I'll comment on it. At this point if I start backing out of my postiive thoughts on it, I'd be lying to myself because with each new video, I find myself seeing more and more stuff I absolutely love about it.


You've been the head of the hype train for half a year now, proclaimed it your GOTY before you played it, busted out "I told you so"/eating crow talk over a basic gameplay overview trailer, and have assembled a small Los Iluminados cult (complete with red eyes) over various hype/free marketing threads.

There's no way in pluperfect hell you would ever admit this game was less than great, no matter what the metacritic is, or what the GAF impressions were. You have already anointed this thing, and more and more people on this website have noticed it. You wouldn't "eat crow" if they force fed it to you.

And you, Sir, have been in all TEW threads, more or less trying to derail them or discredit an individuals excitement for the game.

Survival Horror fans get a few games every couple years that are usually disappointing and mediocre. Where's the harm in getting excited over a niche title from the man who basically invented/perfected Survival Horror.

Also, what makes you any more of an oracle by poo-pooing the game compared to those who are excited for it, why are you so quick to discredit their excitement? I haven't seen anyone telling naysayers overly negative things. The game isn't out yet, so whether it's good or bad is all based on personal preferences at the moment.

We're all videogame enthusiasts and TEW is something that I've been excited about for a long time. I don't understand why that warrants nay-saying when there are dozens of other threads for games in which people are just as easily amped for.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Very much looking forward to it, and what the game manages. I'm resolved that I really like the game mechanically and the small bit I played, but to see how it does in an overall sense, pacing, and the like. But at the very least I know I am invested in this game's mechanics, which this trailer and Bethesda article touch more on.

I've actually bought four copies of the game off Steam now, one for myself, two for StemaGAF, one for a friend. Wallet hefty, but my support and love to spread things I enjoy. I am very interested to see how response to this game will go, from myself, to others, to critics, to sales. This and Alien Isolation are both big toss-em-ups for some certain elements, but at least with TEW I think it'll be very enjoyable for me myself.
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