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The Nerd Crew: A Pop Culture Podcast by Red Letter Media

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So not worth it
They're heelin it up and I think a lot of us love it.

I believe its a dig at lootcrate who seems from the podcasts I listen to are like predatory about getting every "Nerd" show. also its a bit about the commercialization of nerd or geek culture

Geek crate, Nerd box, I've never gotten a lootcrate but I assume its big appeal is like with trading cards, where you don't know what your going to get and if it will even be good or worth it.

A year or so ago, everyone on YouTube and Podcasts was shilling Audible. This past year everyone's shilling Lootbox. It's a cheap, yet very effective marketing tool that is way underused. The latter also being the cause of the same sponsor seemingly partnering with everyone.
If you made a parody of RLM like this, would it just be drunk Mike making fun of other corporate reviewers instead of discussing the movie & Rich Evans saying absolutely nothing just to make self-deprecative jokes once every 10 minutes?


If you made a parody of RLM like this, would it just be drunk Mike making fun of other corporate reviewers instead of discussing the movie & Rich Evans saying absolutely nothing just to make self-deprecative jokes once every 10 minutes?

No, because when Mike discusses a movie he discusses a movie and he never seems to be actually drunk. Parody of Rich Evans is the same as he is now except no-one humours him.




Yes. Yes.
Wonder what will happen when episode 8 is out.

If it ticks two or more boxes from the Plinkett Rogue One review (those boxes being Story, Characters, and Emotion), most people will like/love it while a vocal minority will despise it. Like with TFA.

Then a subpar stand-alone will come out and be loved by those same people. Cuz it's dark. And asplosions. And vistas.


If it ticks two or more boxes from the Plinkett Rogue One review (those boxes being Story, Characters, and Emotion), most people will like/love it while a vocal minority will despise it. Like with TFA.

Then a subpar stand-alone will come out and be loved by those same people. Cuz it's dark. And asplosions. And vistas.

I strongly disagree with the idea that Rogue One doesn't tick any of those boxes, though.
Are you 12 years old or am I just not understanding your point? What's the matter with calling films "film"? Serious question.

Did no one else notice how they put an emphasis on the word "film" every time they said it and only said the word "movie" like, two or three times?

"Film" implies a level of sophisticated art and scholarship that these movies don't deserve. You're not Fellini, and you're not Godard. Get over it.


No bald cap? Lies!
I have to say, me personally, I loved this Podcast.

9/10, but I'd have to say Rich Evans was a little flat and I didn't really think we got to know Jay as a character, he didn't really seem to have motivation. But that intro's graphics were amazing.


That was hilarious. I see nothing wrong with hitting back at their critics if it gives the rest of us a good laugh.

Exactly. I thought those two Plinkett videos were pretty poor, especially the one where he reacts to all the comments. It felt really out of character somehow. But this? This is perfect and what they should have done from the beginning.
Did no one else notice how they put an emphasis on the word "film" every time they said it and only said the word "movie" like, two or three times?

"Film" implies a level of sophisticated art and scholarship that these movies don't deserve. You're not Fellini, and you're not Godard. Get over it.

Going back to your first post about that, the word film is just a lot more common than movie outside of the US. It has nothing to do with "internet nerd-dom" nor does it have any implication of sophistication. It's just a word people use.
And Godard is overrated anyway, hasn't made a decent film in decades.
I strongly disagree with the idea that Rogue One doesn't tick any of those boxes, though.

I'd argue it comes closest to ticking the Story box, but being so reliant on other movies without being a direct sequel or prequel (it's kind of a prequel but as Disney has made very clear, it's a side story) while simultaneously not doing much to fill in key plot points for those who aren't up on everything Star Wars is what damages it in that area. As many have said since release (and I thought in the theater), if this weren't Star Wars related, would anyone know what's going on? Would they care?

As for the other two boxes, it tries to tick the Emotion box
(mostly by killing everyone)
, but fails IMO because it doesn't put in the leg work of making you care about the characters in any real way. Motivations are either absent or muddy, and the characters' interactions are mostly flat. I took it as a bad sign when the best and most interesting character in the film was a quipping robot.

But I'm off topic here. The film was fine but missed a lot of what makes a really good Star Wars movie (or even a really good movie, period) good (again, IMO). RLM just continues to poke the beehive by pointing that out.
If you made a parody of RLM like this, would it just be drunk Mike making fun of other corporate reviewers instead of discussing the movie & Rich Evans saying absolutely nothing just to make self-deprecative jokes once every 10 minutes?
It wouldn't be funny. They're already self deprecating to the Nth degree and poke fun of themselves constantly.

Anyone trying to parody Rich would more likely than not come off as mean-spirited.
Going back to your first post about that, the word film is just a lot more common than movie outside of the US. It has nothing to do with "internet nerd-dom" nor does it have any implication of sophistication. It's just a word people use.
And Godard is overrated anyway, hasn't made a decent film in decades.

Sure I don't begrudge that. But the vast vast vast majority of these American fanboy podcasters don't have that excuse, do they?

The fact that it's called Film School, not Movie School says something about the subtle difference between these two words
Did no one else notice how they put an emphasis on the word "film" every time they said it and only said the word "movie" like, two or three times?

"Film" implies a level of sophisticated art and scholarship that these movies don't deserve. You're not Fellini, and you're not Godard. Get over it.
I disagree a bit with the "not deserving" claim.

I think blockbuster movies and the cultural phenomena around them absolutely deserve scholarship and attention even if they're not "sophisticated" art. The problem is that the people with these mediocre fan-geek podcasts putting on airs talking about "film" are rarely if ever people who can actually synthesize that adult scholarship.


Maybe there's a side I'm missing but what's wrong with having a sponsor as a YouTube channel?

Overall though, I've really enjoyed all of these Rogue One videos.

You can make fun of something without necessarily thinking it's wrong. But they were just making fun of the fact that they were "shilling for a crappy product" within a video about "shilling for a crappy product".
calling movies "film" is definitely the most annoying thing that's happened in internet nerd-dom

I wanted to quote this because of all the other posters giving you shit, because I agree with you.

What RLM was critiquing by saying "film" over and over was the tendency for the geek fandom to use that word to give more importance, maturity, and credibility as opposed to calling them "movies". it's like when people say comic books are "graphic novels" or "animation" or "anime" aren't cartoons.


I wanted to quote this because of all the other posters giving you shit, because I agree with you.

What RLM was critiquing by saying "film" over and over was the tendency for the geek fandom to use that word to give more importance, maturity, and credibility as opposed to calling them "movies". it's like when people say comic books are "graphic novels" or "animation" or "anime" aren't cartoons.

yeah I agree this rubs me the wrong way too

not really comics vs. graphic novels because I see those as distinct things that are definable. a comic book run doesn't suddenly become a graphic novel when it's collected so I feel that distinction is pretty objective.
yeah I agree this rubs me the wrong way too

not really comics vs. graphic novels because I see those as distinct things that are definable. a comic book run doesn't suddenly become a graphic novel when it's collected so I feel that distinction is pretty objective.

oh I get that there is a distinction, it's moreso that a lot of the fandom actually get offended if you dare call things the *wrong* name.


Subete no aware
It wouldn't be funny. They're already self deprecating to the Nth degree and poke fun of themselves constantly.

Anyone trying to parody Rich would more likely than not come off as mean-spirited.
There was already the RLM porn parody, so they already went there. lol

It's too late now, but if they were clever, they would have shot an episode of Half in the Bag with female actors acting as their counterparts during the Ghostbusters fiasco. They could have the actresses make jokes about how they're not as funny because they're women or something.

It could also work if they had an all black version of RLM, to address the fact that they keep saying how minority representation doesn't matter, but I don't think they'd ever go there since they're pretty iffy on race issues these days.
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