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Titanfall Beta Players: Is "Revolutionary" and "Game Changer" accurate?

I will be entirely unsurprised if they lifted that wholesale from Brink (i.e. it basically boils down to cutscenes before and after pub games).

It would be nice to see it done well for a change. Just to bring up an example, most of Brinks failings come from its half baked ideas, gameplay, and design. Not to mention its lack of any NPCs. I'm thinking back to the counter op mode in Perfect Dark and have been wishing for a more proficiently executed mixing of "AI + human VS" campaign without the lag. Seeing that the latency won't be an issue anymore it will be exciting to see what Respawn can do when setting the AI to do more designed protocols rather than: Drop to X for determinable amount of points and data collection, even if this isn't the case.

If it was just "do you want cutscenes Y/N" then thats a bit of an odd anomaly and I don't understand why that would warrant a separate mode.
Like who?

I just don't buy the OP's premise. PR and Microsoft statements are obviously biased. It's their products.

But where in the gaming press are we hearing game changer and revolutionary. I haven't read it. The only thing I've seen that it's one of the more refreshing MP FPS in years.

You should check out impressions of the game back in E3 days. The journalists were all over the game with comments like that. I wouldn't be surprised if there were comments like that floating around now since some people are in the beta.


Titanfall has caused arrogance among some gamers. Titanfall is just another good fps with wall parkour gimmicks. How can you say this will be copied by everyone if it hasn't even launched yet. lol
For mainstream media.


Thought I read or heard that from a gaming website too but I might be wrong.

And you can search around for people that have watched trailers in comments and say exactly "game changer" and "revolutionary". I'm mainly referring to various people that made those claims.

Ok with the first link, but the second isn't from the "mainstream media" but the blog of a random dude :p


it's fun but no.

also wtf at the FPS-MOBA comparison. i hope that MOBA doesn't become the next overused descriptive term like dark souls has


Junior Member
It's really fun. And it'd be interesting to see if other games follow route and go MP only. It could be a "game changer" that way.


The training missions suggest it would have been a better sp game (in the vein of Mirrors Edge) than mp IMO. Certainly its the fps that would have most benefitted from an at least equal focus on a big epic sp campaign. I don't know how many maps and shit are in retail, but it seems like it should be a f2p shooter like TF2, not a $60 box.


it is fun but i doubt it will have the same influence as something like COD4 did

doesnt live up to the hype for me, i mean everybody just went titanfuckingcrazy for a while


no but its the best FPS out there and maybe even better than cod 4

we will see after release but other fps games feel like garbage after playing this


I really like it, but I wouldn't buy an xbone for it. I am really glad have a high end pc to play it on, and having the auto aim/controller support is something I've always wanted in a PC shooter (so I don't get pummeled every time)


Like who?

I just don't buy the OP's premise. PR and Microsoft statements are obviously biased. It's their products.

But where in the gaming press are we hearing game changer and revolutionary. I haven't read it. The only thing I've seen that it's one of the more refreshing MP FPS in years.

I mean if you're stuck on those precise phrases it might be harder to dig up, but this is type of over-the-top commentary we have had to read in Titanfall previews for months:

IGN said:
This is Microsoft’s killer app. You will buy an Xbox One for Titanfall, and you should. Sure, you’d have a good time with it on PC if you’ve got a capable rig, but your couch and the Xbox Live community will be the ecosystem it’s best enjoyed in. It likely won’t decimate Call of Duty’s market share anytime soon – particularly since it’s a platform exclusive – but once Titanfall releases this spring, I guarantee you that word will spread amongst the hardcore CoD community. “Have you seen Titanfall?” they’ll say. And little by little – or maybe in droves, who knows? – they will flock to Titanfall, and they will never go back. Not after this. Titanfall is the next great evolution of the twitch-action first-person shooter. Believe the hype.

It's just over-the-top. We're going to pay $500 to play a game that is quite ugly to begin with that doesn't even do much of anything new when we have a 360 that can play it and doesn't require that investment, or a PC that does literally every aspect of the game in a superior fashion? And we SHOULD purchase the XBO for it over those alternatives? The fuck?

There's so many previews with paragraphs like this we'd go all day. It's always the tone, trying to sell the Xbox One hand in hand with the game. I don't know how anyone can play Titanfall and walk away with conclusions like this. The only conclusion I can see is "yeah it's a lot of fun", but previews across the board want to be like "YOU WILL DROP EVERYTHING AND SPEND $500 TRUST US IT'S THAT AMAZING."
nah but it is a hell of a lot of fun.

I still feel weird paying $60 for what is just a multiplayer game. It also doesn't seem to have the variety in play styles that Battlefield does.


It is a nice game and better than the F2P-Shooters on the market, but it isn't a revolution. Personally, I won't pay 60 Euro for a multiplayer-only game.

If you miss games like Unreal Tournament and Quake, you should buy it.

UT/Quake are nothing like this. At all. In speed or feel.


It's really fun, and will probably be pretty successful, but at the end of the day, it's just a fast-paced FPS, with mechs and greater agility.

Still interested to see how they do "campaign" through multiplayer. Given that they've yet to say a damn thing about it, it's either going to be really interesting, or just disappointing and nothing more than those epilogue segments you get in normal multiplayer.


It's not revolutionary, but it's definitely the game activision should have let infinity ward make before all hell broke loose. It's certainly of a much higher quality than any of the CODs after MW2. It's fun, but the asking price is far too steep.
It's hard for me to go back to playing BF4/Ghosts because of it. I tell you that much.

Revolutionary? I would say evolutionary. Competitive military type FPS games have been made to death by now and to freshen up the fast-paced FPS online game, this is a pretty good direction taken by Respawn to evolve the genre that they helped to create with MW1.
It's a buttload of fun but it definitely is in no way revolutionary. I see this taking CoD by example and hardly changing with each installment to the series.


I think the biggest influence of Titanfall is its speed.

Would not be surprised in a resurgence of fast, mobility focused shooters after Titanfalls success.
Who the hell was saying it was revolutionary? People were raving about it because it's mad fun and there's nothing on the market remotely like it.


It does more to foster teamwork than CoD4 but less than TF2. I'm happy to see the improvement in cod style shooters. The story focused multiplayer could very well be a revolution but right now it's not a revolution. The biggest change I see so far is the movement speed and ability, which is great and even in tf2 you can't do some of the acrobatics you can do in titanfall.


Its definitely not revolutionary. i might simplify it too much now but its CoD with double jump and mechs pretty much. Purely evolutionary.


It's a game changer in the FPS market. The insane flow of movement and the extreme verticality of gameplay is something that changes things up dramatically compared to the likes of CoD.

It's not a revolution in the sense that it changes the world like some games.


For what its worth I'm a pretty well known hater of the FPS series of games. Titanfall looks fun IMO. Its faster, it has a lot of mobility options, its setup in a manner to create exciting fight scenarios and not just campy die around a corner stuff, and its grunts are legitimate threats and Titans can be taken out with them packing rocket launchers.

I dont get interested in FPS genre games. I just dont...but Titanfall looks to have a lot of options to it and it looks to be mobile enough to actually feel fair and not limiting in its positioning strategies.

Take it for what it is. I hate the genre with a passion and gripe on Gaf, but this game actually looks enticing enough to draw someone like me in to give it a real shot.
Definitely not revolutionary. It's fun though. I'm bad at shooters mostly but I feel I picked this up and started doing well from my second game. It feels a bit like an F2P shooter. The only differential factor between this other fast paced shooters is the mechs which are probably my least favourite part of the game surprisingly.


This is one of the most fun shooters I've played in years. I think talks about it saying that it will change FPS's are a load of bull, but it is a great game nonetheless.


Its the details that are going to be adapted by other shooters that will make it revolutionary just like the recharging shields in Halo which lead to regenerating health or the RPG elements introduced in CoD4. I can see things like burn cards being in shooters from now on, especially since you can monetize them just like in FIFA ultimate by selling packs. I also think that stuff like the epilogues will be found in shooters more often in the future.


Its the details that are going to be adapted by other shooters that will make it revolutionary just like the recharging shields in Halo which lead to regenerating health or the RPG elements introduced in CoD4. I can see things like burn cards being in shooters from now on, especially since you can monetize them just like in FIFA ultimate by selling packs. I also think that stuff like the epilogues will be found in shooters more often in the future.

no idea what the cards are but ea gotta micro transaction every fing game.
It's a fun game and I see it selling a lot of copies. It's fresh in a way that console FPS's haven't been for a long time.

Anything beyond that seems to be getting at link bait article titles, and of course GAF doesn't take those too seriously.


Modesty becomes a woman
Judging a game from a beta are we?

Any time anyone says this about any "Beta" ever, I always want to know what beta they played where the game that was less than a month out changed revolutionarily for the better.

A more focused closed 10-20k people beta, 6-7 months out? Sure. Thats them looking for some gameplay feedback and maybe some less obvious bugs they haven't found yet.

A stress test weekend where they invite everyone to break their servers? The only thing anyone isn't right to judge is the server stability. They are putting their game out for the masses, they'd be stupid to think many people aren't judging whether they are going to buy the game or not based on what they play. They are confident in the gameplay, ergo able to be critiqued.


It's not directly a game changer, but I feel like it has a formula that will influence many games in the future. For that reason, to me it's revolutionary.


The only gamechanger sense of things here is that the grunts provide something for newbies to shoot at and enjoy. Grunts are too stupid to be worth anything though, and after a few rounds people will likely feel frustrated that they're wasting time killing sandbags.

There's a lot of things that changed for the better, but it's an evolutionary step from CoD4. In a world where game developers are incentivized to take more risk, this would have been released as CoD: Future Warfare.
It's a LOT of fun and very nice to have a fresh modern fps game that isnt the same old crap.

But I dont see it changing anything major. But I will be playing it for a while

The bots are annoying though. I'd prefer more human players in it instead


no idea what the cards are but ea gotta micro transaction every fing game.

You basically can get random one-time use cards after matches which give you a bonus such as damage boosts, faster XP or increased health. Theres a ton of cards and you can use them during matches to get an advantage. I can totally see EA selling packs of randomized cards in the future.


Haha. Just the fact that people keep talking about it and many, many people loving the beta so far means it bodes well for being the next step in mp gaming.

hyperbole of "revolutionary" is just as silly as those who think it will flop.

it will sell gangbusters and make people happy to play...of course some people will despise it just as many despise CoD but that doesn't stop it from earning a billion dollars
Really surprised at how many people are saying this is easier than CoD. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.

Is it because of the bots?


I've noticed that any little change to the CoD formula will absolutely blow the minds of many FPS fans like it's some amazing revolution. Sad genre.
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