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Titanfall Beta Players: Is "Revolutionary" and "Game Changer" accurate?

It's a game changer in my eyes because I can see other games mimicking this formula. And to the OP and anyone else what is the last evolutionary game in your opinion


The only gamechanger sense of things here is that the grunts provide something for newbies to shoot at and enjoy. Grunts are too stupid to be worth anything though, and after a few rounds people will likely feel frustrated that they're wasting time killing sandbags.

There's a lot of things that changed for the better, but it's an evolutionary step from CoD4. In a world where game developers are incentivized to take more risk, this would have been released as CoD: Future Warfare.

If only that were true.

Players care about leaderboards, and so far the people on top of the leaderboard are those killing tons of AI.

Really surprised at how many people are saying this is easier than CoD. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.

Is it because of the bots?

Because of bots and because there is little player versus player combat.


I don't see anything revolutionary either, but it's a great game. Quite similar to how Gears of War wasn't revolutionary either at the time, but well designed and full of ideas that influenced the genre.

Gears felt fresh as hell though and had a next gen wow factor.


Haha. Just the fact that people keep talking about it and many, many people loving the beta so far means it bodes well for being the next step in mp gaming.

hyperbole of "revolutionary" is just as silly as those who think it will flop.

it will sell gangbusters and make people happy to play...of course some people will despise it just as many despise CoD but that doesn't stop it from earning a billion dollars

Do we have a number for gangbusters? How much will it sell on 360? On PC? On XBO? What would you consider a success that warrants "next step in mp gaming" copycats? How many millions?

I think the issue amongst some is there has been no objective standard for where this game should be sales-wise to determine the scale of its success for these types of discussions.


It will be the next big AAA shooter. Next up is Destiny, I'm hoping that will also create a wedge in the monopoly COD has on the FPS genre.


Really surprised at how many people are saying this is easier than CoD. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.

Is it because of the bots?

The difficulty in a multiplayer shooter is surely going to depend on how good the opposing team are?

Also people are really not understanding the role bots play in this game. They are a tool to be used to gain quick access to a titan, nothing more.


I will. But there were multiplayer only shooters before with stories and there will be ones after. The real question is only if they will be more frequent on consoles, and I don't think it's a particularly daring bet to say "of course", because online gaming becomes more important as every year goes by. So naturally you're going to have a higher amount of instances of multiplayer only games.

Titanfall has done nothing revolutionary on this score that hasn't been done dozens of times before, so I'm not sure why Titanfall is suddenly going to be the one to set the match.
Because titanfall is the one that's going to sell gangbusters.
Not at all. It's super fun. But it kinda feels like it'll get boring quick. Unless they have something planned in the actual game that I don't know about.


Neo Member
I don't see the game as revolutionary as it doesn't turn the FPS genre upside down or something, but within the general confines of what I currently expect an FPS to be, this is the apex.


For what its worth I'm a pretty well known hater of the FPS series of games. Titanfall looks fun IMO. Its faster, it has a lot of mobility options, its setup in a manner to create exciting fight scenarios and not just campy die around a corner stuff, and its grunts are legitimate threats and Titans can be taken out with them packing rocket launchers.

You may need to watch this video. The grunts are a threat to their own team if anything.
Guy goes the whole game just running around kicking grunts.


It will be the next big AAA shooter. Next up is Destiny, I'm hoping that will also create a wedge in the monopoly COD has on the FPS genre.

I think Destiny will grab the Halo market this generation. Some of that depends on the campaign though.

Not every game is trying to be a COD killer.


I think some of it is novelty right now, and what happens when the novelty wears off? Can you see yourself still playing the game a year or two from now?
At the end if the day all that matters is if the player has a good time with it...I did

I honestly enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. I played a handful of Attrition matches and had a blast. Now it's time for me to decide on some things as far as pre-ordering.


I think Destiny will grab the Halo market this generation. Some of that depends on the campaign though.

Not every game is trying to be a COD killer.

Issue with Destiny is how unbalanced multiplayer is going to be, since that was a big part of Halo's appeal. The stuff they said and the disparaging remarks they made about gamers who care about balance suggests to me it's not a concern, and that's a big problem if they intend to have staying power in that regard. Of course these days unbalanced competitive FPS are practically the name of the day (thanks perks and challenges!), so what do I know!

I do think it'll sell quite well, but I don't think it'll grab the Halo market per say.
Halo fans will flock to Destiny as it'll likely offer a slower and more calculated FPS, while CoD fans will flock to Titanfall because it offers simplistic and fast-paced gameplay. Both are/will be fun but I see myself playing Destiny. Titanfall's parkour mechanic has TONS of potential though.


Neo Member
Since first playing the beta I have to say i'm not exactly hyped about going back to BF 4, my current go-to (since nobody plays halo 3 anymore). This makes it feel a little outdated to me, whether that makes it game changer i'm not sure.

The best thing about this game imo is the movement and fluidity of the play, god damn i love double jumps. The worst thing .. the bots drawing my attention from opposition pilots. However this is a beta, in the final build i am hopeful for some more focus towards player-on-player combat, that is where the replay-ability comes from, for me anyway.

Im having a good old time so far, this game is the shit! Here is an unused pc beta code, enjoy:


Chie is the worst waifu
I just finished playing a few rounds of the beta and it's pretty damn fun.

Makes my laptop cry though.

Wonder how the 360 version will fare....


It's a game changer in my eyes because I can see other games mimicking this formula. And to the OP and anyone else what is the last evolutionary game in your opinion

Battlefield 4: The Levolutionary Game

And I really can't answer this. I don't think this genre has improved much in years. Battlefield 2 might be the biggest jump for me just because of the stats system. Outside of that, we just reskin the same gameplay.


Neo Member
No, but it´s a nice twist on a popular formula. Solid fun game, but not game of the year material.


Well, the basis of the game seems to have been designed by combining aspects from the two really popular types of multiplayer game right now. Team-based low TTK military shooter with level grinding, and MOBAs. I don't know if I'd call it revolutionary but it's fun, accessible and reasonable to assume it'll be somewhat popular. I don't want to say they just went and said 'ok let's combine this popular shit and market the hell out of it, instant success' but it is pretty funny.

Its biggest strength IMO is that it makes badass and memorable moments happen on a regular basis. I mean it's not hard to believe that within an hour of playing the game someone could master most of the aspects of it and feel like they're kicking all kinds of ass, riding on enemy titans and dropping giant robots on top of people's heads. The traversal feels completely natural, you don't even need to think about it and the levels are designed pretty well for it. A far cry from the jankiness of, say, warframe.

I do think they went a little too far in terms of making it accessible, I don't play COD but you die fucking instantly in this game and it's off-putting at first. Also, that lockon pistol is the dumbest thing ever, the amped version is like a shotgun you don't even have to aim. It needs to be toned down a lot IMO.

Anyways, thankfully for people like me who hate low TTK there's titans. Unless I get ambushed immediately I usually live through at least two cycles of damage core before losing my mech. I'd like to see a graph of my death rates in the average game, I tend to be very aggressive with killing bots and shotgunning players early game because I REALLY want my titan ASAP but then I go the rest of the match playing it safe in my robot.

But yeah, if this game came out tomorrow and was 30-40 bucks I'd be all over it. But I don't see this holding my interest terribly long and it doesn't have a chance against Dark Souls 2 in terms of getting my attention. And as much as I'm sure people will disagree I do think this game needs a singleplayer or at least some co-op modes. This is a game where you're never standing still ever, shit's exploding and moving all the time. It'd be nice for some modes with a bit of a slower pace to wind down.

To be honest I'm not sure this game would be getting this much attention if not for the huge marketing machine behind it, but it is a lot of fun and worth a try especially if you're in its target audience. Just not sure it's worth 60 bucks day one unless you know you won't get bored of it. I mean, matches are fun and hectic, but they're already getting repetitive and I'm not sure if more maps and modes would fix that. Maybe it's just me, I haven't really gotten into a multiplayer shooter in a long time.


Halo fans will flock to Destiny as it'll likely offer a slower and more calculated FPS, while CoD fans will flock to Titanfall because it offers simplistic and fast-paced gameplay. Both are/will be fun but I see myself playing Destiny. Titanfall's parkour mechanic has TONS of potential though.

I'm not convinced that COD fans will go to titanfall. Say there is 30% of the COD market that buy the games solely for single player - those are not going to titanfall.

Then you take away half of the market because it's not on Playstation. I think in the end you'll end up with around 30% of the COD market playing Titanfall.

That's still millions of sales.


I think Destiny will grab the Halo market this generation. Some of that depends on the campaign though.

Not every game is trying to be a COD killer.

Yeah I don't think any game will kill COD, we just need more games to diversify the AAA FPS genre, less chances of having COD influence nearly multiplayer game like last gen. Right now it is just COD & Battlefield.

For me it feels a lot like CoD, which i never liked. The Titans make a little difference though, but still i dont think its a game for me.

All the E3 Hype and Previews made me think it will be a cool game for people not into CoD or any generic Shooter, but i dont really feel it :/


It is a nice game and better than the F2P-Shooters on the market, but it isn't a revolution. Personally, I won't pay 60 Euro for a multiplayer-only game.

If you miss games like Unreal Tournament and Quake, you should buy it.

If someone miss UT or Quake, that person must avoid Titanfall at any cost


People shouldn't put there faith in Destiny MP yet since Coop and campaign will be where they put time in first. Balancing it all will be rough

Edit: fucking mobile man, everything was auto correct/changed


How bad is the A.I?

Is it hilariously bad, like SW Battlefront levels?

I just finished a match where I saw a group of them come out of a pod, and I just melee killed all three of them, taking only minimum damage.

It's one of those things where it should have an asshole 0 gamer score achievement for when you get killed by a grunt.


I don't know about labels but I just played for two hours and I am not sure I've played a multiplayer for that long in one sitting in a long time. I was hoping playing the beta would satisfy my curiosity but all it did was actually make me want it more.
Its a lot of fun, I'm really enjoying it. Mainly because it caters nicely to my run around like a headless chicken tactic.

However its not a game changer IMO. I consider Half-life and its multiplayer mods at the time game changers. COD modern warfare to some extent aswell.


Solid shooter that is a ton of fun so far. Hopefully there is enough variety in maps and unlockables to keep it interesting for a while.


How bad is the A.I?

Is it hilariously bad, like SW Battlefront levels?

they don't fight back most of the time. I think you have to stand still in front of them for a good 5-6 seconds before they start to get a clue and shoot you once or twice. In 8 hours of matches I've never once died to one, and there have been many occasions where I ignored them in favor of shooting an enemy player.

Sometimes the spectres will shoot rockets at your titan, I guess? But they are incredibly obvious since their rocket launchers have little obvious 'HEY, KILL ME FIRST' laser sights on them. Not even sure they do significant damage.
To be honest I've played about 20 games and Im already starting to get bored of it. Probably a lot to do with the limited beta maps but I could see this thing getting old rather quick.
It's certainly the most unique shooter I've played in a few years, Titanfall is both a breath of fresh air in this incredibly stale genre and really goddamn fun. I wouldn't call it revolutionary or game-changing though, but I wouldn't let that take away from the enjoyment of it.


The real question is whether it's enough of a game changer for the XB1. Not sure if I see people going out in droves to buy an Xbone at $500. Not sure this is really killer app material, maybe if the price points were the same.


It is quite fun from what I've played, but think it is far from a game changer.

Reminds me of a cross between quake 3, unreal tournament 2003/4 and CoD.

Also it is far from a looker. Sometimes it looks great, but generally it looks dated.
I really do think that while the game is nowhere near the hype, it can still be a solid and active multiplayer title that can hang just below the likes of COD, Halo, and Battlefield.

That said, it's a shame that they are missing out on what makes those games so popular: a campaign (Halo, COD), and split-screen (Halo, COD). Battlefield is its own beast with the amazing variety in its gameplay.

Titanfall also needs more modes, especially infantry-only... that is, if the gunplay is strong enough. Enemies go down too fast, and it's a shame that Respawn brought over the gunplay seen in later COD games. COD4's guns were even at least more unique and required more skill, yet in this game, it seems incredibly easy to fire off these guns.

To compete with COD, they need more multiplayer modes, and some unique ones. I'm still waiting for a game to do what Killzone did and combine a bunch of modes into one game. I feel Titanfall would have been cool if they had that.

Games like COD and Halo are the complete package: Campaign, multiplayer modes, community, split-screen, personalization, theater mode, Forge, stat tracking... Games like Titanfall need to build up those staples.

I'm also a little unsure of the bots. Seems the game could get more out of its competitive play if it just did the common 9v9. Perhaps if you could guide bots to do certain things like follow you, or attack certain objectives, go down certain paths, etc, but that sounds more like a pain in the ass.

I enjoy the game, I really think it's fun, I'm just anxiously curious about the rest of the reveal
Revolutionary? No. It takes some great aspects from past games and puts them all into one. Game changer and system seller for sure! This game is going to be huge. It is simply a ton of fun and feels fresh to a genre that has been feeling stale for a while.
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