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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (PS4/XB1) is 30 FPS


If the choice was made between making an old game look better to sell it again, or have an old game look only slightly better, but run at a better FR, to sell it again, well...

I think they made the right call to be honest. People want a graphical spectacle if they are going to buy again when they played it on older systems. Frame rate does not achieve that enhancement for many people, because it is not nearly as obvious. Screens and trailers do not show how fast an old game is running, but they do show fancy effects and stupid wafty hair.
I can understand how 30fps is a disappointment, even though it won't effect the game at all since I enjoyed in immensely on the PS3. Last of Us, Uncharted, all 30fps.

It's the thought that the next gen consoles can't do 60fps on 1080p. That's probably where all this salt is coming from, right?
OnT: Are we still believing these two consoles to be the leap the PS3 and Xbox360 were at launch?
I wasn't trying to start something, but I really find it disgusting by Microsoft and Sony that they settled on consoles that can't hit basically the median TV/monitor spec on a game that came out for last gen. What does that mean later on in the cycle when PCs are 3-5x more powerful than they are now?

Obviously, they chose to prioritize breaking even on their consoles in year one rather than pushing the envelope on technology. I just hope that PC gaming can keep some of the technology moving forward in their absence.
You'll be singing different tunes within the next year or two once we start seeing second gen games from SSM, Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, etc.
Weird how my 3 year old pc runs this game at 60 or close to it but it only cost me $5. I don't care that this is being made but it should be about $30

Guarantee with TressFX enabled you don't get anywhere near 60fps. In fact I bet you are sub 30fps with TressFx. Anything less than a 7000 series GPU and TressFX makes the game unplayable.


It is, most people can't tell the difference so why make the effort, beat em ups, racers etc are different because some especially fighters are dependent on frames, but a 3rd person adventure game? I don't think anybody cares as long as its stable....well some care



Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You could make the argument that no game "needs" 60 fps, or 30 for that matter. Games just feel better to play at higher framerates no matter what genre. I enjoyed my time with this game much more when I disabled TressFX and played at 60 than when I had it enabled and limited my fps to 30.
Really? I sometimes lock the framerate to 30fps on some games because they look stupid running at 60fps
The unrealistically fast movements don't feel or look better to me, especially when the game was never designed to run @60
Yep, you ever watched a Korean tv show? That stands out a mile to me and probably to you but some can't see the difference.


If the choice was made between making an old game look better to sell it again, or have an old game look only slightly better, but run at a better FR, to sell it again, well...

I think they made the right call to be honest. People want a graphical spectacle if they are going to buy again when they played it on older systems. Frame rate does not achieve that enhancement for many people, because it is not nearly as obvious. Screens and trailers do not show how fast an old game is running, but they do show fancy effects and stupid wafty hair.

Exactly. This was an economic decision, and it usually is. Graphics >framerate when it really matters.


You'll be singing different tunes within the next year or two once we start seeing second gen games from SSM, Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, etc.

I don't doubt some developers can and will optimize more, but for multi-platforms where there is less time to optimize for each platform, it is unfortunate that we may already be hitting the limits.

I mean, it's not like Tomb Raider is some small franchise or Square Enix is some tiny developer. They have the resources and the reasons, and this is what they got.


OffT: Oh geezus that is my son. That little monster.

OnT: Are we still believing these two consoles to be the leap the PS3 and Xbox360 were at launch?

I thought the sentiment was pretty darn negative out the gate with both of those consoles, within the same time frame. Oblivion and Dead Rising kind of gave an idea, but Gears felt like the first true high water mark, a year after. PS3 took even longer to get going.

- This game still embodies all the awful 30FPS on consoles it did before!
- But she's got a new hair!


Not even relevant anymore, they got gamers to accessorize their dolls all last gen.
I don't doubt some developers can and will optimize more, but for multi-platforms where there is less time to optimize for each platform, it is unfortunate that we may already be hitting the limits.

I mean, it's not like Tomb Raider is some small franchise or Square Enix is some tiny developer. They have the resources and the reasons, and this is what they got.
There's no reason to worry. Amos even said this is the first attempt at getting nice looking Tomb Raider game on the PS4/Xbox One.

Expect multiplats to continue looking better from here on out. Though if you're expecting 60fps to be the norm this genereation, as Carmack said, you'll be disappointed. 60fps will never be a priority for any console generation, never was, never will be.


Read the comments in here from PC gamers about how this game runs one their rigs with TressFX on. It's a complete hog that hasn't been optimized in the slightest.
Don't we hear all the time how locked-down console hardware allows for all sorts of crazy optimizations? It's an AMD technology, on consoles with AMD tech. Do you honestly think they did not optimize this?


An blind dancing ho
This is just sad on so many levels. the game was very bad (my worst game of 2013) but that not the only problem here. it's $60 for just a higher res game (one game not even collection..even last gen collection were usually $40/$30 for three games) and it's not even 60fps. Wind Waker HD at least have some tweaks and fixes with the res upgrade (still priced wrong) and the original was only on one system. but here it's the same game.
If TressFX is the reason they can't hit 60 they should turn it off

Well it cuts framerate almost in half so yeah its most likely the reason. Don't need 60fps for this game. I played with TressFx enabled around 45-50fps and it was perfectly fine. I'm sure a locked 30fps will be fine.


this is the only time when i will say "wait for ps+"

If it gets to that i bet it'll be the PS3 version.

I'd love to get my hands on the PS4 version but i'm not gonna pay full price. However, if PS3 version became free i'd jump on that immediately and completely forget about the PS4 version.


Maybe, but if the power was readily available, I am sure they would use it.

I wasn't trying to start something, but I really find it disgusting by Microsoft and Sony that they settled on consoles that can't hit basically the median TV/monitor spec on a game that came out for last gen. What does that mean later on in the cycle when PCs are 3-5x more powerful than they are now?

Obviously, they chose to prioritize breaking even on their consoles in year one rather than pushing the envelope on technology. I just hope that PC gaming can keep some of the technology moving forward in their absence.
I guess there's just no secret magic to stuff these consoles with fast hardware unless they jacked up the price more. I haven't played this game that much yet and my 780 handles ultra plus tressfx fairly well but I've read stories of that kind of hardware still dropping frames in later areas. Its just a performance hog and I guess it would have been better to just drop that specific effect to make 60fps more possible


So any game using TressFX will be 30fps, then? And isn't the Lara model the only one with TressFX? Bad tech can get lost.
Why do developers keep shit like this a secret for so long? I asked the developer directly in a QA they did on their forums a month ago, and he said it was still undetermined. Yeah right.

I was hoping by a miracle it ran at 60fps on PS4, but oh well.

I still plan on picking this up as long as it's 30fps without any drops.
Wasn't this expected with TressFX and everything? Unless it has been greatly improved, achieving 1080p/60fps would have been problematic (to say the least) on either console, especially on XBOne.

I would be worried about frame drops actually.


This is just sad on so many levels. the game was very bad (my worst game of 2013) but that not the only problem here. it's $60 for just a higher res game (one game not even collection..even last gen collection were usually $40/$30 for three games) and it's not even 60fps. Wind Waker HD at least have some tweaks and fixes with the res upgrade (still priced wrong) and the original was only on one system. but here it's the same game.

was also on many GOTY lists. so there's that :p


I wasn't trying to start something, but I really find it disgusting by Microsoft and Sony that they settled on consoles that can't hit basically the median TV/monitor spec on a game that came out for last gen. What does that mean later on in the cycle when PCs are 3-5x more powerful than they are now?

It means when true next gen starts in 1-2 years, with games developed for >1080p/60FPS/VR start arriving, many won't be able to experience it.
Wasn't this expected with TressFX and everything? Unless it has been greatly improved, achieving 1080p/60fps would have been problematic (to say the least) on either console, especially on XBOne.

I would be worried about frame drops actually.

I'm worried too. TressFX is the reason why I had frame drops on PC while playing it; without it, it runs at 1080p with everything else cranked up smoothly.

So add "need to see how well it runs on consoles" to the list of reasons not to buy this at $60.


This should not have come to a surprise to anyone if you've read their previous interviews or Q/A. They dodged every question asking about the FPS, only answering with "a full HD, 1080p experience."


It means when true next gen starts in 1-2 years, with games developed for >1080p/60FPS/VR start arriving, many won't be able to experience it.

That's what it means for me too. I am just worried that the bulk of the market will be stuck with less powerful consoles, and the tech won't get pushed.

This isn't a console v PC comment either. Console gamers should be the most pissed because ultimately MS and Sony decided to release lower spec consoles so that they made more money on hardware sales.


An blind dancing ho
So any game using TressFX will be 30fps, then? And isn't the Lara model the only one with TressFX? Bad tech can get lost.

if they sacrificed 60fps/better performance just to have TressFX then they screwed up big time here. after playing TRreboot I can say without hesitation that TressFX is absolute and utter crap. Lara's TressFX hair look awful it look like steel wires and move completely unrealistically like Horsehair worms or snakes dancing on her head. it's just very bad tech that look really ugly on stills or motion.


Definitive version and 30fps shouldn't be in the same sentence. No wonder pc gamers laugh at us console peasants :(
If this game was open world I would understand, but not being able to run this game at 60fps disappoints me. Why pay $60 when I can get the actual "definitive version" for $10 on pc.


Definitive version and 30fps shouldn't be in the same sentence. No wonder pc gamers laugh at us console peasants :(
If this game was open world I would understand, but not being able to run this game at 60fps disappoints me. Why pay $60 when I can get the actual "definitive version" for $10 on pc.

Well, it is the definitive console edition. Square just needs to add that to the subtitle. lol
I was hoping by a miracle it ran at 60fps on PS4, but oh well.
Releasing this at 60fps might also send the wrong signal and set the wrong expectations when it comes to next gen TR sequels, if those are going to target 30fps. Maybe that was also a concern.

But we can probably put most of the blame/justification on those hair physics.
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